(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

lovelytulips, my gynae never mention anything about OSCAR test yet...my next appt with him, i should be around week 10/11....and the nurse booked in advance for me another appt end of Dec (should be around week 15/16 then)for blood test...

hello mummies

Long time haven't check, just went overseas for a week.. clearing up my leave for the year, it's okay to fly, the only thing is that the nausea's ten times worse..

Actually although with MS, I don't vomit as much, just mostly liquid and belching.. anyone also in the same state? --dats y I dun lose weight I guess.. all food still stays in.. some more, I found that when I'm hungry, the gagging and belching r worse, so I kept eating and eating.. my mum has been complaining that I put on weight too much.. she said on her first pregnancy, she puts on weight about 12kg, which brought her to 56kg before delivery... she told me if I grow too fat, the baby would be BiG.. how..? *cry*

hey Claire, great, same gynae.. which clinic do u go to, cck or sgkang ? I'm planning to make an appointment Friday next week, I'll be on my 10th week.. hoping to see bb's heartbeat

Yukiee, better arrange to see gynae.. it's good to see gynae in early pregnancy, they can help to detect any symptoms and the preventive measures if necessary.. can see them once, and if everything's ok from the 1st visit, no need to go so often, next one can arrange like another 4-6 weeks.. also, sometimes u may not comfy with the first gynae, I visited a two gynaes before deciding on dr Woodworth..

Ethan_mum, I also love choc, specially dark ones, but my friend told me her gynae doesn't allow choc.. got caffein..

Shelisa, haha.. for the bb gender, what if eat both veggies and meat.. got twins?
my mil said that if eat spicy stuff means girl, eat sour stuff means boy.. if eat tom yum soup how, both sour n spicy leh.. hahaha..
morning, i manage to purchase e jean. ended up the price is
2008/10/30 4000810112604 *俏媽咪*孕婦娃娃裝 to…新加坡客戶【B021褲子M號】 $700 信用卡 授權成功. in this case, convert by the UOB bank, in spore $$ how much we need to pay?? do bank still charge us other thing?? or nett $700 taiwan $$?

where did u go for holiday?? so funny lor, i crave for tomyan soup lor. especially damn spicy 1.. like that twin liao.. haha
Shelisa, I went nearby lor.. Indonesia (shorter flight ma..) just went to Malaysia & Thailand last August, wanted to go Japan or Sydney next year, but have to postpone liao.. even shorter flight also not recommended when we're still gagging like this.. got everything with me liao, sweets, sea-band, tiger-balm, vomit-bag..

Woh.. u crave for tom yum.. better not too much.. my mum told me not to have spicy food too much, and no seafood in the first trimester, after that, moderately still ok..
before pregnant i already love spicky food and most impt is seafood. i love seafood. but i already try to avoid to eat seafood. at least to satified my crave.
Shelisa, I love sashimi & steak.. now can't eat both.. wan to vomit with the smell of home-cooked food.. things that still works quite ok with me is subway, but.. is the sauce safe to take ? somewhere in the thread say cannot take mayo leh..

I'm coming to 9th week now.. a few more weeks of gagging I hope..
Im from Mar08 thread. Im selling off my Combi stroller TJT-450 as i intend to buy a new one.
Anyone interested pls pm me.

Shelisa, i'm nt sure how much the conversion is. u will see on ur UOB bill dat the NT$700 is converted to SGD. nt sure if they will show the exchange rate. but u can juz use the SGD amt UOB bill u n divide by NT$700, u will get the bank exchange rate. u buy oni 1 item?
hi ladies,

I'm new here... just find out that i m pregnant for abt 6wks ... hope u guys can give me a few recommendations for gynae that is gd & near Hougang.
Ling, actually i also see someone say mayo cannot eat is because mayo contain raw egg. but i think the egg amount not much so shld be ok.

bluberi,yup yup. i am only buying 1 item. wanna see hoq the quality then see whether wanna buy more. so now the deal is confirm. what will they do next? will they call me or??

cheery, welcome. im staying at lor ah soo but im visiting gynae at mount A.
my son's last feed b4 sleep is 9pm+, then he will wakes up abt 3-4am, crying for milk, i tried to feed him water but it is not work for him, ever since he is born till todate, he wakes up 3-4am for milk without FAILED! then morning feed is 7.30am.....

ur gal same age same month as my boy le! my boy is oct '07 baby too!

welcome onboard, cherry!

happy SAHM,
ur gynae at yishun which part? which doc again pls, am staying at yishun, if the gynae is good, i dont mind to change... let me know more abt ur gynae pls..

let me ask my gynae next wk whtr can eat? u know i am coffee lover, 1 still drink coffee, but drink few sips only :p

re boy or gal, during my last pregnancy, i eat spicy food till delivery, no chilli not hapi, and i dont take any sour thing at all...
Shelisa, i was told they will send the item within 2 days of payment, shd received ard 7days aft item posted. how much is ur shipping?
my gynae is Dr Chen Lin Han at blk 103 yishun ring road, Got to know him by my GP cos I encounter bleeding and lost my first foetus and I need second opinion that time, he gave me quite good explanation and he help to conceive my girl (ops now remember actually this should be my third pregnancy ;P) . So far I find he is good, very fatherly.
just came back from lunch, got a bit crazy frenzy, bought fries, cheeseburger, bagel and soda
got pretty bad MS this morning.. kinda taking revenge I guess.. :p

Shelisa, mayo got egg meh ? I'm going to my gynae end of next week, will check with him.. so far he only said no caffein (i.e. coffee, coke, tea), and no raw stuff.. that's all lor..

Woh.. Ethan_mum, no no no... some gynae said, light tea still ok, but coffee is big no no.. caffein content too high.. dunno if u try decaf coffee.. won't be as tasteful tho..

Cheery, welcome
Hougang is not so far from Sengkang, just 2 stops away, my gynae is dr Woodworth at TMC, Sengkang MRT, if you're not concern abt budget, also have dr Watt at Compass Point Raffles Clinic, aside from dr Woodworth, there's dr Woo Bit Hwa, I never met this gynae before, but one of my colleague is with dr Woo..

Gals, any of you start buying bird nest liao ? I'm still looking around.. they said, it's good to take it from 10th or 12th week onwards..
i read a book that says, if it's homemade mayo, then it will should not be eaten. but it's from supermarket in those bottles, it is ok.

i cant take not taking tea these days, so i normally drink half a cup once every few days.
happy SAHM,
ic, u mean your gal is delivery by him, u go back to ur previous gynae? do u know how much is his package? then u can select which hospital for delivery right? how is the waiting time? BLK103 is pretty near to my house!

Ling & happySAHM,
alamak, don scare me, i better stop completely now. but can i drink in 2nd trimester? :p
Hmmm I only see him nia, the first one I see is KK A&E one so not count ba.
Think his package is $600 now, you can sign package from 12weeks onwards (usually is 16weeks), you can choose either Mt A or TMC.
Waiting time har, not sure cos everytime go early, usually first or second in Q so quite fast.
Which block you stay?
the 直接購買價 is $480. but dunno how they charge then ended up i pay $700. u noe Y?

Ling, im not too sure too. that time i read in this thread. but lovelytulips say is ok so shld be ok.

so cheap?? package $600?? till give birth? the package include how many time of visit?
hi lovelytulips, same here.. I also cannot not taking tea.. the taste of plain water makes me want to puke more.. I still take tea, but only dip the teabag a few times, means very light tea.. not so thick.. aside from that, I took chrysanthemum too.. not the instant one.. and some fruit juice too..

Ethan_mum, not scaring la..
I a bit confused too.. my mum's time, she drinks tea almost everyday, had prawns & sambal.. my grandma's time, she still have coffee.. even my MIL said she had coke daily when she was expecting my hb.. ate rojak & mee goreng.. they din have any tests, deliver without epi.. and we all turn out ok and healthy.. but again.. it was long time ago.. they were in their early twenties, a full time housewive.. I guess just to be safe lor.. altho doctor said can't drink tea, I still drink, just lesser and not so thick.. if want to be very sure, at least can try not to have them in the 1st trimester..
Hi Shelisa, if 直接購買價 is NT$480, den u r paying $NT220 (abt S$11) for shipping. she did advice u in the mail that the breakdown rite?

Ladies in my qiao mami spree, payment have been made during lunchtime today and supplier have informed dat the shipment was sent out an hour ago. fast service!! our shipping cost is $3.50/pc, so i will refund $1.50/pc to those who are self collecting the clothes.
sometimes i really wonder, during our grandma times and even some for our parents, they have like more than 5 kids.... and they do manual work, no maid to help, no automation, and they still have healthy kids. why is the world like this now?

u drink teabag ah? i drink those coffeeshop teh-o. haha... duno what tea they use somemore. i used to be a heavy drinker of coke, but now trying very hard to abstain fr it cos of the caffeine and sugar content. nowadays go out eat, i keep looking at the drinks store, thinking very hard wat to drink. haha

i have friends who eat pineapple (in fact they eat more pineapple when they are preg) and drink coconut. some even took sashimi. guess it all depends on how comfortable each individual is. for me, think i dare not eat pineapple, sashimi.
Happy SAHM, i cannot go without cofffee and i continue to drink my booster every morning. Gynae says is ok so long as dun exceed 1 cup per day.
neeciel, u signed up for FBI right? Dr Yvonne Chan's clinic does not participate in this programme, so still worth it for the discount on the hospital stay and other tests? doing my calculation now... ahha
they only write 總計:700 (含運費 $80 ). like that only. so usually how they deliver?? weekday or weekend? office house or??
Shelisa, u nv email the seller? coz i email my orders to qiao mami first den she sent me the link to PChome to make payment. both the mail n link showed the breakdown of shipping charge and order.
lovelytulips, haa.. coffeeshop teh-o.. aiyo.. that one beri thick leh.. some more they put sugar like sugar is free.. so much.. :p I'm drinking sprite now.. sometimes I had 100Plus oso.. helps with the nausea..

my friend in aust told me that her gynae told her not to eat sashimi, and all sushi.. I asked her why, other sushi not raw mah.. she said, because the preparation of the food is in the same place.. raw food has more risk of bacteria infection, but if cooked food prepared by the same hands at the same place, the bacteria can transfer mah..

coconut.. hey.. my mum said can drink in the 2nd trimester.. she had it when pregnant with my brother, bb hair would be glowing and very nice, again.. not too much tho.. pineapple, everyone told me not to eat.. so better dun eat hor.. other sushi, cooked one I still eat sometimes.. can't resist.. oh, no oranges.. might causes respiratory prob with bb.. I dun take anyway, due to gastric pain..

oh.. can try bird nest too.. read in the forum that bb skin can be nice
lovelytulips, i think is still worth it cos parentcraft lesson, hospital bed and PD for baby entitled to discount as well as oscar test unless u r not taking the test in TMC.

Upon signing up, you will get a diaper bag and a tin of milk powder with 3 books. I think still worth investing haha
i so blur now. they wrote to…新加坡客戶【B021褲子M號】 --- 1 NT$620 運費 ( 全店購物滿 1000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿 1000 元者,需自付 80 元運費 ) NT$80 then total $700. like that lor. i also same qiao mami first den she sent me the link to PChome to make payment.
Ling, bird nest will make bb skin fair and smooth i think. some say soy milk also.

actually, i think the same as your friend's gynae in aust. cos i feel if those cooked sushi are handled by same pair of hands n in the same room or same knife etc, then i think bacteria can trf. but if it's those cooked in pots like noodles, then shld be ok since the heat will have killed the bacteria. think those problematic ones are the tamago/egg sushi, handrolls.....

th coffeeshop teh-o, i always call less sugar, so it's not really sweet. but i also drink half cup, dare not drink too much. apparently, i feel they taste better than the ownself make tea. hahaha....

neeciel, i also think it's worth it.. probably get it when i go down the next time. when's ur next appt?
lovelytulips, parentcraft got 10% confirmed liao. my next appt is 15 Nov, 3 weeks later from last appt, wat a long wait. Dunno if can see baby's gender during next check up kekeke...

soy milk dun drink so much, make ur baby boy sissy then.
Shelisa, tink is ur item less than NT$1000, so additional NT$80 for shipping. coz my spree purchase was NT$4k odd, so no additional NT$80 to pay.
bluberi,wow u all share share ended up spend so much.. i tink next week if wanna buy again, i sure to buy more to avoid all this unwanted costs.

neeciel, what do u means by sissy?

Ling,did your mum say drink coconut is like 1 week 1 time or daily? i heard before malay frenz say before ard 7mth drink coconut, when give birth will be much more easy.
cheery, there are pple who swear by palmers, some use clarins tonic oil. personally, i have not use any yet.

neeciel, issit? baby boy will sissy ah? i tought will be very fair complexion only.

i longer than u... i got to wait like 4 weeks, on 26 nov. 3 weeks later, means u in 11 weeks?? maybe cannot la... unless is boy and it's very prominent?
Shelisa & lovelytulips, i copy and paste the article from Chinese confinement food website:-

The food to avoid when pregnant is soy products. Yet, many pregnant moms go out of their way to consume more soya bean drink, eat soya bean cakes and totally adore soy products because they were told that soy will give their babies fair and beautiful complexion.

As with everything, one shouldn’t consume too much of anything. Therefore, soya bean is not good for pregnant mothers if they consume too much. If you are expecting a baby boy, you may even work against his favour. You may bring up a boy with a lot of female features.

The humble soya bean may play a role in the problem of male infertility, a team of researchers in Belfast has found.

Soya contains the female hormone oestrogen and too much of it is being linked to poor quality sperm.

Dr Lorraine Anderson says she found the link in research carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

“What many men do not realise is that soya is not just consumed by vegetarians, it is contained in a lot of everyday processed foods.

The director of reproductive medicine at Queen’s University, Belfast, Dr Sheena Lewis, said the findings were clear.

lovelytulips, how come urs is 4 weeks so long?
Blueberi, ya i guess we wont be drinking so excessively. I wanted to drink soy milk as well cos i dun drink milk, hope to get some calcium by drinking it.
yup, dun drink too excessively can liao.. my sis also drank soya bean milk n choco milk when preggie. coz she cannot tahan vanilla flavoured milk.
called the Finance, she is on her way back, at raffles place liao.. she better walk back by 6pm coz i got TCM appt at 7pm.
neeciel, cos i'm going for my oscar test that day, then gynae says she will see me after that with the results lor.... that's why it's about 4 weeks.

i also cannot tahn the milk now. drinks milo sometimes. now, i cant drink alot of water also. find it weird.... how how...

hi neeciel, may I know, the oscar test usually recommended after how many weeks ? whoa.. soy milk makes boy sissy..? really..? so.. must stick with .. milk..? *fainted*.. I think I better take supplement for the calcium

lovelytulips, yeah yeah.. that's what I read too.. some of the mummies start taking bird nest as early as their 10th week.. some say better not too early and wait until the 1st trimester.. some also say not too much.. I think we just estimate lor.. they said not to take the bottled one, low quality.. but for me think I'll take one bottle a week, starting next week (mark my 10th week..)

sushi wise.. how ah.. before pregnant I always eat jap food at least once a week, with lots of sashimi, kajiki, etc.. now totally cannot eat.. cannot tahan lor.. so I take california roll.. and throw away the cucumber (too 'liang' & 'slippery' they said).. you're right, those cooked in soup should be safer..

ooy.. I also big fan of coffee shop teh-o.. sooo much better than lipton.. stronger taste.. because they put a lot of tea leaves for a small cup
and a lot of sugar too
haven't had that for a month (during my first 5 weeks I didn't know I was pregnant, so still took everything under the sun..)

cheery, I'll send you the details from home later
can't access personal mails from work.. dr Watt (Wing Foong), is under Raffles Women Center, female gynae, very patient and very good, but only delivers at Raffles, package quite ex, last time I checked at least more than 2K.. I'm using Clarins stretch mark cream, so far ok (tummy not showing yet, only pot belly).. thinking of Cocoa Butter at first.. but my friend used it last year and told me that it causes her rash and itchy.. but again, diff people has diff reactions..

Shelisa, my mum said can drink coconut.. but not everyday.. too 'cooling'.. she drank around 5-7th month.. interval of 2-3 weeks.. not too often.. not sure about easier give birth.. my mum deliver premature by 1-2 weeks from due date usually, and her labor about 2-3 hours, normal delivery without assistance or epi..
