(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

I din count how many times lei, if I din remember wrongly, once a month till abt 30 over week then bi-weekly and weekly after 34weeks.

Ha, first thing my gynae told me is “DUN DRNK COFFEE”

Ethan mum,
ya we got same timing for our babies! hehe.. did u plan the gap of ur 2nd one? For me, it is as my 1st would turn 18mths already n can go full day care by the time i give birth.
as for the night feeds, my daughter also! she wakes up at ard 5am for milk.. like an alarm clock. last time was twice, 2am n 5am. if i nv give her more milk to drink, she will wake up more offen.

i use trove stretch mark cream from OIO. its a brand from usa with aloe vera extract. i bought 3 tubs as they have discount for 2nd n 3rd tubs if u buy more. 3 tubs enough throughout pregnancy n i did have any stretch marks for my 1st preg. Now i just bought another 3 tubs for my 2nd preg, total cost abt $155. u can try other creams like Palmer but some pple might be sensitive to it and have rashes
hi ladies,

talking about food, from what i know/ heard, cooling stuff should be avoided. soya bean milk from commercial shops/ markets are also cooling as most are not purely made from soya bean... tat plaster thing.. my mum took soya bean milk very often when she was having my elder sister and my elder sister always fall sick after she was born.. so do watch it...

i have heard about taking more cooling stuff nearer to delivery.. else the baby will be very red and have a lot of discharge from the eyes (greenish) and the eyelids will stick together cos of it.. too heaty..

yesterday my colleague said she take bird's nest once a month from 5th month, then twice from 7th month.. last time i know of someone who take one big spoonful (from the very expensive and very concentrated one) EVERYDAY. she was only 4 months pregnant and she looked like 6 months!! think her baby was huge, but heard baby's skin was nice and smooth.. and good lungs.. seldom get cough and cold..

i think i'll start taking bird's nest when appropriate. will check out from TCM doc when i visit her again.
celia_p, try drink some apple juice slowly.. it helps with my nausea quite a lot. else can try just a bit of lemon juice dilute with water... helps for me too..
good morning mommies.

yup, i think next time i shld purchase more to save the shpping cost. can give me 艾琳媽咪屋 website? thanks. how ur checkup ytd? any good news?

neeciel, can i assume if we pregnant a bb ger, is it best that we drink soya milk everyday as it contain female hormone oestrogen??

amk gal, i think u are right. i rem i have a frenz also when pregnant she also drink soya milk almost everyday. now her son seem to fever n flu very easily. i still feel food shld consume moderate not overeat it. i also heard alot of old ppl say after 7mths pregnant we shld start to eat some cooling stuff weekly to avoid bb too heaty and easily for us to deliver.

Happy SAHM, it seem to be ur gynae package and my gynae package is the same. but mine is $880 before gst. package contain 12/13 times, scan, urine & consultantion. medication, vitamin,blood test are all excluded.

Ling, same with u i will start having bird nest ard starting week 10-12 but i will be having those bottle type but better type. some bottle bird nest is 6 bottles per pack but i will buy those per bottle type. they say bird nest more inside. hope as wat amk gal said (heard baby's skin was nice and smooth.. and good lungs.. seldom get cough and cold..)
hi ling,

To u is Dr Adrian package consider exp? I haven't rx ur email yet ...

U shld start looking ard for stretch mark cream as it is always good to apply early ...

hi styliciously,
where u buy this trove stretch mark cream? where is OIO ? this product not sticky or greasy aft apply ?
thanks AMK gal..... today is worst for me .. on the meter its about 8.5 / 10 sigh
,,,,,, when will this end?
can anyone tell me...

anyway .... can I check can I still use the hair removal cream on my arms and legs?
Morning ladies,
went gynae yterday, couldn't wait so juz went..haha
but ended up cant see baby yet..
doc say dunno wat lining thicken...go back another 2weeks, too early to see..only 5weeks..alamak, so long le..but MS starts liao..sianz...

same as Ling, im with Dr Adrian since 1st preg..SK clinic too...he is nt bad la..but doesnt tok much..heehee..
package $550(if no change)+7%GST...last time no GST one..only include consultation n u/s and medi..detailed scanning all these hav to pay seperately at TMC..
and same as Ling again, im using clarins tonic oil too..1st preg i used, now no stretchmark..but i havent started yet..lazy..heehe
i cant rem le..but i tink ard $60+..ard there...
next wkend metro got 20% storewide discount..go buy..cheaper..heehee
i tink retail price is $70+..hehee
no morning sickness???i wish!!!!
yterday couldnt go to work..bad nausea..n giddy..
dragging myself to work everyday now..
very sad..still cannot see baby but ms starts liao..very sianz...
Hi Yukiee,
Do we need to apply the cream for stretchmark now? We apply on the whole tummy?

Hi Starluster,
Thanks for adding me to the chart. The other details:
Gynae: Dr Ho
Hosp: Mt A
Expecting No.: 1
Current Child:-
mth/yr: -
yukiee, u means we can start applying stretchmark now??

yukiee/celia, actually pass 3 weeks i also have bad bad nausea, even imagine food or drink a sip of water also wanna make me vomit. but i keep forcing myself to eat a few mouth and tell myself nthing big deal. we are noble, we are mother, this is wat we shld endure. after 3 weeks later which is this week onward, my ms is getting better.only when wake up, taking bus. so endure and dun keep rem it and nagging abt the ms. it will gone easily.
Yukie...can see one.. just need to be patient ....
bb is playing hide and seek with you......

Shelisa - same here... i will put food in my mouth although i know it will be very icky .. and force myself to swallow.. but i duno how long can this go.....
i havent started applying it..lazy..
intend to start after 1st tri...
ya..whole tummy...

actually i know when im busy wif work..i tend to forget abt the ms thg...but i got phobia fr 1st preg..then i feel myself very useless..little bit aso cannot endure..but when i tink of last time..i panic again..everyday counting down..
celia, as my mommy also tell me now we are not alone, we are 2 ppls so more or less also must eat. she say even 1 mouth also better then nthing.

yukiee, u muust againt the phobia. that time i also scare to pregnant as i have a auntie nearly dead last yr end when she give birth to my cousin. that time ard 6 mth she have serious swollen over her whole body but doc keep saying she is ok, it is normal. ended up 1 night she cant breath my uncle quickly send her to hospital. that time she was ard 7 mth she was force to operate to take out the bb which is premature. and doc try to save my auntie back. but doc say that night was the most impt night if she cannot make it then .... when i rush to hospital i saw her whole body with so so much of tube, so so tube of thing ard her whole body. then a huge tube inserted to her throat, all huge tube that inserted still bleeding.doc say it is bcos serious 水肿 then the water stuck at the lung there that y cause her cannot breath. im so so heartpain, i cried so bittering i told myself i dun 1 2 pregnant. i rather my hubby acc me till my last breath. but after that my auntie manage to survive and my whole family keep console and brain wash me say my auntie is a sepcial case not all ppl like her. so i can cure my phobia, i believe u can too.
thanks Shelisa.......
altho my Nauseousness is getting worse by the min. i feel the gilmer of light at the end of the tunnel....
when we get to bring our bb back home ... safe and sound...
Cheery, so sorry, got some probs with my internet @home, left it on when I was away, maybe have to reset the IP or something.. as yukiee said only for the maternity package is $550, no limit --you can use it immediately-- some gynae only allow package to be used from certain week onwards, usually after the 1st trimester, but dr Adrian's package you can use it even from your first visit.. it excludes the delivery charges for the gynae, he'll be there when you deliver, the charges will depend if you're having natural delivery or C-sect

Shelisa, yeah better not too often either, just moderately.. you mean the concentrated/premium ones ah..? Saw some of them in Eu Yan Sang the other day.. btw.. any idea how clean are the bird nest sold in bottles..? If traditional way, we still have to soak and clean it from the feathers mah..

yukiee, hahaha.. very excited hor.. on mty 5th week I can only see a tiny water bag.. the doctor zoomed also can't see anything yet.. pointed to a small little dot and said that it's the bb.. I can't wait for next week.. hopefully can see bigger and more.. would u be visiting him anytime soon ? oh, I forgot to check, if the package includes urine & blood test too ?

celia_p, hair removal on arms and leg.. you mean with cream, or shaving gel? um.. not so sure leh.. I just went for lower leg wax a few days ago.. the lady told me it's should be okay, unless it's brazilian, then it may pose some risk concerns.

for stretch mark, they said it's genetic and natural, can't be stopped, but no harm trying lor.. I'm using Clarin's cream (http://sg.clarins.com/main.cfm?prodID=919), got a bottle of the oil too, but dunno how to use, thot it should be used before shower ?

As parents and the elderly said, 1st pregnancy is the one with the most MS, but whoever invented the name must be a guy, because it is not Morning sickness, it's all day sickness.. celia_p dun worry, a few more weeks should be better, my gagging started just after the 5th week too, try to eat something, when you're hungry, the nausea will get worse.. everyday is a revelation, you'll find things that you used to like, but now your tummy can't take.. they said, it shd be better after 12th week, looking forward to that.. *cross-finger*.. yeah.. very hard to wake up and go to work..

Anyone would be going for this events http://www.thomsonmedical.com/events.htm ? I have not registered, but seems like they have a few sessions there, going to give them a call this afternoon..
morning mummies, today i feel much better, not so much bloatedness but last evening was so bad i got to take cab home from office, scare i puke in the train =(

lovelytulips, how many weeks u go for the oscar test?? i tot Dr Chan supposed to share with me more info on oscar scan during my last visit cos she gave me some brochure to read up, but didnt. I am seeing her at week 11. I cant drink water oso, now i alw drop a few slices of 'pao sheng' into the plain water and drink.

Ling, i read the brochure is from 11-13 weeks day 6 for the scan but i think some mummies are doing it later depending on ur gynae.

Happy SAHM, ya some gynae advised coffee is a no no, but heng my gynae says ok, else i will have to suffer headache everyday.

Shelisa, ya ya i tot so too haha, can drink more soy milk if we expecting gal, now maybe ok lah since what we eat or drink do not pass to baby yet since placenta havent grow =)
Shelisa, u wan to order nw or wait till ard end nov, i shd be organising spree for 艾琳媽咪屋 as i've already reserved some items thru the m'sia agent.

my tcm check-up was ok.. was told to go gynea 1mth later.
Morning ladies,
Seem like alot of mummies here had peaked their MS. Hang it there, 12 weeks coming and everything will be fine

As for stretch mark hor, gynae mention it genetic. All the so call stretch mark cream r just marketing tools. But i still apply tonnes of moisturiser on the tummy, backside n breast
Jackie, i oso heard from some mummies gynae told them is genetic and sad to hear from my mummy, she had stretch mark too...

But i still apply hoping some miracle will happen or at least the stretch mark wont be so serious
neeciel.. u mean as long as placenta has not grow, anything we eat or drink will not affect the bb ? been trying to abstain from tea these few weeks.. very hard.. I used to have at least 2-3 teh-o a day.. is pokka tea range caffein free ?

BluBeri & Shelisa, just share a few tips on the maternity clothings, if you like skirt, baby-doll dress should be quite suitable too.. I'm going to get a few from metro or robinson, larger size, I checked at Kiddy Palace, those maternity pants are around $59..

Jackie, should apply the cream on breast too ? I only apply tummy & hip area leh.. trying not to think and feel this MS.. but whenever I drink, it went back up.. MS period varies from one to another, true lah, they said about 3 mths.. but I know those who had it all the times, until the bb's born
me too very lazy to apply...so now i've stretchmark all over my butt & stomach..

still early...be patient

glad to hear tat everything is fine..

now i'm having dizziness now & off.. it is due to low pressure??
Ling, i'm not so sure leh i know now wont pass much but there must be a reason why gynae stopping us from drinking tea and coffee. I think tea is more like 'cooling' so not advisable.

I dun drink tea cos i cant take tea even b4 i was pregnant. So i totally avoid it now until probably after 1st trim.
me too everyday will drink green tea, lemon tea, apple tea.. according to elderly they say tea is 'liang' dunno whether fruit tea is also consder 'liang'??
thanks ladies! really hope my bb is fine.

Ling, maternity pants prob getting in SG. but for tops n dress getting fm taiwan coz cheaper n much nicer than SG.
from what i understand, coffee and tea are not advisable due to the caffeine... large amount of caffein consumption increases the risk of miscarriage... Other drinks or food tat contains caffeine also includes colas (coke, pepsi), hot chocolate, chocolate and various of nut... so consume all these in moderation, if cannot do cut it off totally...
i tink include urine n blood test..i dun rem paying anythg extra...but need to buy fish oil supplement ourselves..nt included...
ohh..the tonic oil i used after shower then rinse off wif water abit..if nt too oily..hehee
i cant see bb le..so he say look out for spotting lor..if nthg then no need to be alarmed..gng back in 2weeks time..

my mum's tummy full of stretchmark..i tink old ppl nvr take care one la..tho genetic..we shld still take care, at least we tried..hahahaha

im always feeling dizzy aso..light-headed..tats y no mood for anythg..at hm i juz lie down on my bed watch tv..but my gal always cm and disturb me..jump n play on the bed and i hav to protect my tummy wif a pillow..hahaha

glad ur baby is fine...and thanks for helping us to order leh..waiting for my stuff to cm..heheee..i will self collect fr u as i stay in SK too..heehee
oh ya...juz nw my bro in law told me..high chance im expecting a gal again coz i hav morning sickness!!..hmmm, expecting boy no morning sickness one huh??
Bluberi, i think i will buy ard middle of nov or end of nov. but if we order together, can they deliver mine to my house??

Ling, i find spore maternity clothes very very ex. so i rather purchase in taiwan but if spore have very pretty clothes i dun mind buying 1-2 pieces.

neeciel, u means now what we eat dun go to out bb yet?? then when start to go to bb?
Shelisa, from wat i understand baby will start absorbing once the placenta has developed, but i din we still cant take things for granted.

ladies, be careful when you buy fish oil or DHA yourselves, gynae says cannot take DHA that contains high EPA, EPA content should be less than 10% of DHA. i bought mine, DHA 1000mg and EPA 250mg so gynae wants me to stop my DHA.
Dear all lovely mommies to be, I'm new here too!
Juz found out that I'm abt 6wks preggy.. my first time thus lots of anxiety and dunno wat to expect!!! Hope to get to know more mums-to-be and able to share one anothe's joy and woes during pregnancy..
My EDD is 28 Jun..still looking for a gynae thou..
i used to take neurogain fish oil, any problem?my gynae recommended one..i read fr forum aso..
but now i dunno wats good, i took mine 2yrs ago..

share mre of ur experiences with us..ok?
yukiee, if from gynae one should be safe. I bought mine from GNC, cannot take during pregnancy, gynae tells me to keep it after birth.
bluberri> good to know that everything is ok...

my MS is getting quite bad too... yday night, i vomitted most of my dinner, but had a big bowl of rice and fish soup for lunch an hour ago, now feeling hungry liao...

congrats serene! welcome to the forum...
I KS mah...cause not only tummy expand. Buttok and breast also expand mah

Can only hope for miracle lor

Of course must take care. That y even tot gynae say gentic i also apply tonnes of moisturiser.

Happy SAHM,
Me staying at Blk296, tks for info! Since his clinic is near to my house, convenient for check up, good!

Correct, actually I don’t really restrict my intake during my 1st pregnancy, everything I eat moderate.

Good, I wil join your next spree 艾琳媽咪屋., tks for all efforts
Great to know everything is fine with u J

I wish to have closer gap children, the main reason is I can handle as in teaching/playing etc them together, 2nd is, factory is closing down…

Is abbot fish oil safe to consume?

Welcome on board!
