(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

bbmarilyn, yea.. let's keep our fingers doubly crossed dat our girls will not have any negative development milestones dat cause us sleepness nite again.. hee. Btw, thks for the PG email on the disc

Ecmon, yes my girl also 8th June!! So is u, me, MaryG and Poko twins so far!

Sam Sam, u can actually use the fingerbrush on them. My girl enjoy the brushing during her bathe time..

Ahnetsan, tofu very easy to go with anything cos its not much of a taste. Last weekend, i smashed the tofu to the porridge with broccoli, fish, carrot, potato and ikan bilis powder, Genieve slurp it all up! Tofu with pumpkim or sweet potato will be nice. Think tubbymummy add with avocado.

Re: Mass Birthday Bash
I think 3rd or 4th July will be the better date for all mummies to confirm the attendance for this bday bash. As mummies have finish all their busy preparation for their babies and can even contribute the reuse birthdy decos for the mass celebration deco.. =) hehe

I have been searching around for party deco, venue and cakes or cupcakes since 2mths back, but till now haven make order yet.. hmm.. think now april liao, can cfm the orders cos now not consider too far away fm our baby birthday month!

June Babies Birth Dates: (sorted accordingly to ascending order for easy viewing)

1) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
2) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
3) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
4) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
5) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
6) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June

Saw these birh dates let me think of Cassey!! Help us do a spreadsheet on when babies delivering and all nec info.. haha.. Think pass on to Tubbymummy to update when she gone on delivery??! Haha.. Those were about almost a year back.. Mayb can dig out this spreadsheet again to see babies born date :p
Creamer, do we need to put toothpaste on the finger brush? where can i find the finger brush? any supermarket?

i have yet try tofu in the porridge. another recipe for me. will try it next week. hope my bb will like it.
Sam Sam, u can buy the fingerbrush at any nursery dept stores like robinson, kiddy palace.. easily available. Those transparent type. Only a few bucks only. I havent use toothpaste yet, maybe wait my girl is older ba.

Serene22, got similiac 900g bo huh?
congrats BUBU!
Rest well and u be in time for sophie bday celebrations!

btw ladies my #2 will be another gal..in 19++weeks.
June Babies Birth Dates:

1) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
2) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
3) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
4) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
5) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
6) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
Tinybubu - CONGRATULATIONS on the arrival of Baby Oliver! Thanks for letting us know!

{Dovey} - got your PM, and forwarded the PG mail to you.

{ecmom} - haha funny you! hahah you true blue singaporean!
It really would be so lovely if you can bake something for your baby Cayden!

kikismom - hi kikismom, now you reminded me .. ya, that was what my friend said .. she ordered the cake, it was very pretty (everyone loved it)but was a tad too sweet. Wonder if can ask them not to make it so sweet ...

My baby is sick today. Same old prob. Runny nose and cough and phlemgy. Need to be on the nebuliser again.

Createjoy - so sorry to hear about Jayden. Hope he gets well really soon! And poor you, husband not around somemore. I hope you are ok where work is concerned (so one less thing to think about).
Ohh hope you get some time alone with the hb soon. Take care.
Hi Creamer, for Similac 2, they only cum in the 400g ones. Currently left 10 tins exp date are at dec 2011. Let me noe if you are keen k!
Tinu Bubu, oops missed out yr 2 liner post. Congrats to your baby Oliver arrival!! =)

1) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
2) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
3) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
4) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
5) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
6) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
7) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June

Hi Serene, let me see how much is ntuc selling for 400g cos usually buy 900g and let u know..
Tinu Bubu, oops missed out yr 2 liner post. Congrats to your baby Oliver arrival!! =)

1) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
2) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
3) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
4) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
5) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
6) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
7) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June

Hi Serene, let me see how much is ntuc selling for 400g cos usually buy 900g and let u know..
wow!! congrats!!! welcome little Oliver!

ahnetsan, i just add the tofu to porridge or macaroni with my veg & meat.
hehehe... before i forget the prices, i thought i had better post to everyone so that they can do some comparison, etc... guess it's occupational hazard, need to remember so many numbers..hahaha!!

Annabel website,
thanks Gina for posting the website so that we can check out the many recipes there. Great to know you too, u hv been helpful!

congrats! u must rest well and recover fast! and welcome bb Oliver!

1) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
2) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
3) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
4) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
5) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
6) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
7) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
8) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June

yeah, same as creamer, my girl is also taking Similac (900g). if the 400g price is good, i will most likely take it from u... will PM to u.

New Mom,
i hope yr bb will get well soon.. it's tough when they are sick.

it must have been tough for u, balancing work and family and hving Jayden still not fully recovered yet. U must rest whenever u can- how about catching up with yr sleep whenever Jayden takes his nap in the weekend afternoon?

Alternatively, u can get ur hubby to babysit and u take a nap? A well-recharged mummy will be a happy mummy..

take care ok!

do update us pix of baby Oliver ok?

big thanks and muacks to ur tofu suggestion. thanks alot!!

thanks gina 4 e annabelle recipes!
CONGRATS TINYBubu! Oliver is such a nice name!
Rest Well... Update us with your birth story

Samsam - hello there
wow! you must have been so relieved for the 3 hr break when your little one slept...hehehe

Wow you girls are making me panic abt the birthday celebration! Especially TubbyM! hehehhe... Pretty cake pics! Have to get my hb motivated all over again! hiaz...

I have been pushing back about planning the party then now suddenly feeling panic attack! whahah no cake, no venue, no theme, no idea.. .faint! Must quickly come up with something hehee

Glad that the thread is coming alive again with all the excitement abt the birthday bash and party planning!

bbMarilyn- wah! thnks for the update abt the prices and what's available at the party store. Hv not been there but maybe should plan an outing there to snoop around too keekke...

Newmom -
How is Abi? Hope she is better. Did she catch the flu or isit an allergy?

Have you started your part time working from home arrangement?
Congrats, bubu! Have a good rest and share some pics of Oliver with us later.

Wow.. everyone is busy preparing for the first birthday! I am so busy with work of late that I have not really started planning. Good thing is that it will just be a small family affair. Am starting to get a little bit of rest today as Dylan is finally recovering from another bout of diarrhea... suspected to be linked to teething. Will have to start looking at cake and pressie for him.

Quickly skimmed thru the archives and noticed quite a few babies have not been well. Hope they are all recovering well by now. Mothers, do take care too!
Chidori -

If you haven't ordered the Healthy Times yet... u may want to consider watching for Carrefour less 10% days... I think the price wld be abt the same or even less actually.

When are your exams going to be over?

Fatmom - hope you are feeling better and resting well.. Decided to order some HB cereal to try out on Noah too after your feedback that it is so good hehehe.. haven't collected though... hope my dear lil one will like it

beemom - Whahaha! A worm in HT cereal! oops!

Superbee - hehehe Noah has become the most recent proud owner of a Mag Mag straw top after so many mummies backing it! kekeke hvnt tried it out on Noah though. The Nuby sippy that I got though cute looking was simply too heavy (even for me) once filled up with water... Dono if I was too ambitious but i skipped the mag mag Spout cos figured if it doesn't work, i can always get the spout again anyway..kakaka crossing my fingers!
bbjun! Long time no see on fb or here too
Do catch up on rest. hope lil Dylan is better... hmm did he hv diarrhoea as in really watery poo? actually, i think teething poo is not like diarrhoea.. just that the poo has some mucus or slim like substance only but not the same as diarrhoea... Did u see the PD abt it? maybe some Lacteforte powder will help...
wow everyone is talking abt our darlings' 1st birthday now!I have booked a venue for Augustine' birthday party but i havent bought any party deco or ordered the cake yet. I will prob email Pine Garden for the cake pix and prices. I am looking at a Sesame Street theme actually. I wanted to buy the metallic balloons at SKP but was wondering where i can get them inflated with helium! I thought it will be nice to fill the ceiling with helium inflated balloons but i think it will be really expensive rite? I would like to join for the mass birthday party if its early July cos end May will be too close to the party im planning for Aug.

Congrats Tinybubu on delivery of your baby boy. Time flies! It seemed like such a short time ago you told us you were preggie again and now you have popped! Enjoy your bundle of joy...

Today Aug decided that he wanted to play at ard 3 plus am in the morning. I was so so tired. He only went back to sleep at abt 5am. When I woke up in the morning for work, i felt like a zombie. It seems like Aug is needing less sleep nowadays. He has abt 3hrs of naptime in the day and can usually sleep by 8pm at nite in the past but now he is dragging till 9pm at nite for bedtime. He refuses to sleep at 8 plus. He wants to play and roll around. Anyone has the same experience with their babies?
Thanks, Sweethalo. Well, poo was not really watery. He just pooed A LOT... and quite a few times a day as opposed to his regular once a day routine. If it goes beyond the 3rd or 4th time of the day, the poo ends up watery in the end. Did not see a PD since he doesn't have any other symptoms like fever. Yup, put him on Lactefort and Smecta and he is almost well today... just a lil crankier than usual.

dylan can manage the mag mag sprout but not the straw yet. Am gg to get some Yakult straw to let him try out this weekend.

bbaug, dylan did that on Sunday morning.. woke up at 3am to play n sleep at 5am. To think he was having diarrhea n still in the mood to play at 3am.
Hi Sweethalo,
ya. 3 hrs nap is long.
he is getting more n more active. normally when he is sleep, i will try to sleep at the same times or play on the pc. Not easy to take care baby alone at home. So
My hb also lazy to organise party. I guess all the man are the same...ha

thanks bbMarilyn N Gina for the PG cake lobang.

Congrats to Tinybubu on the birth of Oliver. Sophie will have a playmate now.
bbjun - o good that the Lactefort/ Smacta worked for him

SamSam - hehehe yeah 3hrs break to relax and surf on the laptop is a luxury! I remember 1 year ago, lots of the June mummies had that luxury then kekeke... we stayed on the forum and chatted away faster than any MSN chat! it was SO fun hahah and the forum was so so active then! hahaha now everyone is so bz and seldom can logon and post...

And YES! hubbies are so disinterested in this party thingy... arrghh!

bbAug - I think our babes are definitely more alert now and need less sleep especially in the day and if Aug sleeps early like 8pm, he will most prob wake early too no? I tend to drag Noah's night sleep till abit later so that he wouldn't be up for the day when everyone still wants to sleep hehehe

Ahnet- Whoa! U so fast already booked venue! hehe Dovey also! hiayo hiayo... cracking my head liaoz heheh
Look like lot of mummies prefer first week of July, maybe we can put down our name and state prefer date next to it, will finalise date maybe end of april:

<font size="+2">June 09 Baby First Birthday Party:</font>

a) 28th May(vesak day-PH)
b) 29th May
c) 30th May
Time: open for sugg
Venue: open for sugg

1. ecmom + baby Cayden (first week of July)
2. serene22 + hb + Sofie
3. superbee + hb + danelle
4. createjoy + hb + Jayden (vote 29 may)
my hb also disinterested in any celebration, I have to do all the thing myself, he only help to book the chalet. worth he will nag nag and nag
RE: Pine Gardens

Thanks for all the lovely info and pics for Pine Gardens' cakes...

Pardon my ignorance but are they really good? Where are they located? Erh.. I hv not eaten their cakes before nor heard abt them until this baby birthday thingy leh...
they find it women things ba.

pine garden cake, my personel ex, it nice if you buy the slice from the shop. it taste diff for my girl actual bday cake, not nice at all. think lots of ppl go to them coz once the chanel 8 program call HDB taitai do intro their cake's. i'm one of them. off cause there is some know them very long time.

they located at AMK
ecmom - hahahah women's things! cheh!kekekke

ooo so you don't hv a very gd impression of Pine Garden's cake then... hmm heheh i was actually thinking they were part of Pine Tree Club or what... oops! my bad... hehehe

Re: June Baby Birthday Bash
I wld be in favour of early July too.

For venue- why don't we just do what we usually do and just gather at a restaurant, order a big cake (that we all share) and then order food at that place to eat? For eg. BakerzInn? or any other baby friendly place?

Just a suggestion.
heehee yes, had very bad experience with them, in fact I rejected their cake ;P but cant denial their cake deco is nice for the price we paid.
no, when I collect time. I only tasted the cake after all my guess left.
The cake they made not according to what I draw for them, later then realise they not good in doing fondant/icing deco, they accept my idea and order without telling me. Hope they do improve now.
Morning Mommies,

Congrate Tiny bubu on Oliver, great to hear he is in great weight of 3kg! clap clap

Thanks those mommies on advise on cheese n bread, she love the cheese i brought but not the bread.

Reg: Cake, most PG or Polar

Reg: Party, mostly BBQ behind my house got a small park. Theme will be HK, mommy fav!! but mostly no deco, at most a birthday banner.
yeah i missed those times! where we stayed on forum n chatting away faster than MSN chat. haha. so fun!! and stayed up real late at night still chatting away. and there cld be 2 archives in one day!

i thk u asked abt the gap in between teeth.. J's front 2 teeth also has like 2mm or so gap lkdat. very ugly lor. haha. i guess its' normal ba. dunno leh.

YES, I AGREE DAT HUSBANDS ARE SO SO SO SO SO SO BO CHAP ABT PLANNING BB'S PARTY THING! my hb tell me i can choose the cake and cake design myself, if i wan any theme, he say u decide lor, but bo liao lor. faint. even if frens and his sister and I keep telling him dat nd to book chalet early cos its june hols, he wldnt be bothered too.
so in the end,i told him mayb we cld do a 'blue theme, he say anything , asked him do bear theme, also anything. argh....

YES, my hb also say it's women things!! he even say all this are considered small matters, no need to haf his suggestion one.

i love their lychee martini... we ordered one for J's full mth. it tasted the same.
wah i din knw its on the programme.
sweethalo, mayb u try first?

wat's HK theme? hongkong?

yeah booked chalet le. but most prob doing BBQ.
<font color="cc3399"> <blink><font size="+1">CONGRATS, TINY-BUBU!!!!</font></blink>
I was just lying in bed last night thinking "wonder if tinybubu's popped already? Gotta be pretty close by now.."
and today I see your post! Oliver is such a big little fella!! I hope Sophie dotes on him and adjusts well.

SamSam, Oopss... sorry. Skyla is Tubbym's girl

creamer, HAHAHA!! I'm the spreadsheet woman ah? Tubbymum took over from me, passed to Blurmom for a few days, passed to sweethalo - who popped so early and suddenly. Then it was game over. HAHA!!! Sorry ah, cannot really be bothered anymore now la. No one remembers these anyway, except for some around their own kid's bday or good friends. Maybe eventually, my OCD will kick into place and I'll do one up once I can't stand that the list is not alphabetically or chronologically ordered. Who knows?!

Speaking of which, I'm gonna add in those I can remember, so here goes:

1) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
2) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
3) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
4) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
5) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
6) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
7) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
8) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
9) Noah (sweethalo) - 19 June
10) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3 June
11) Kayley (kikismom) - 3 June
12) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3 June
13) Kyle (Cassey) - 18 May (is he the 'korkor' of June forum?!)

June Bday Bash
Time: open for sugg
Venue: open for sugg

1. ecmom + baby Cayden (first week of July)
2. serene22 + hb + Sofie
3. superbee + hb + danelle
4. createjoy + hb + Jayden (1st weekend of jul)
yeah man, my hb also bo chup about the 1st bday.. up to me also. i tried the yakult straw on jayden haha he cry! see the water cannot drk. he always very gen cheong wn he sees water , milk, food! my mum yday complain he finish a heinz egg custard less than 5min, she dont even have time to slowly scoop.
Ahnet - yeah those times were fun... i guess now everyone is hving their own kind of 'fun' with their babes ba...kakakkkaa... miss it though... ooo to slp without guilt so shiok!

Cassey/ Creamer - yeah I was the last one holding the baton for the spreadsheet cos was supposed to pop on 30June so was supposedly the last mtb hehehe but who knows, dear Noah kicked hard on 17th and the rest is history lo...whahaha... then nobody else to pass it to liaoz... and everyone got bz with their nb and coping I guess.. oops

ecmom - OIC, I thought u called them after u tasted the cake...so when u reject their cake what they do?

createjoy- ahhaha good that he gancheong wana eat or drink lah... when don't wanna eat or drink more headache... heheh
ya that is good that baby wanna eat.

initially the SA told me "you got no choice to take the cake." I very bui song how can they tell customer like that, lucky my party is next day (can sense something wil goes wrong, I arrange to collect the cake one day in advance), I stay at their cashier counter, refuse to take wanna talk to the lady in charge. some of their walk-in customer keep staring at us, they got no choice to call the lady from upstair to come down. After the PIC saw the cake she agreed is their false, she take back and redo the cake, she quite good, I told her I will have notime to go down and collect she agreed to deliver to my place the next morning.
aiyah my niece last time also very keen eater now fussy liao wor.. so dun happy too fast haha but at least now working hope he give me little trouble, think like that teacher also like him. no need waste too much time on him. they say he cute like to smile at them but also cry baby want ppl sit near him watch him play haha. btw he used to like bathinglike playing water recently he always scream during bath time.. i wonder is it they very rough in school now he scare liao...
Congrats Tinybubu!

June Bday Bash
Time: open for sugg
Venue: open for sugg

1. ecmom + baby Cayden (first week of July)
2. serene22 + hb + Sofie
3. superbee + hb + danelle (4th July)
4. createjoy + hb + Jayden (1st weekend of jul)

1) Kyle (Cassey) - 18 May
2) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3 June
3) Kayley (kikismom) - 3 June
4) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3 June
5) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
6) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
7) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
8) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
9) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
10) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
11) Noah (sweethalo) - 19 June
12) Danelle (superbee) - 21st June
13) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
14) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June

birthday party
i think i will look for condo function room and order buffet. we did a bbq bday party for my #1 in jan &amp; my poor hb was so busy bbq-ing food so we concluded that that no more bbq bday party in future. it's better to get cooked food and hang around to eat + chit chat with guests. :0
sweethalo-welcome to the magmag cult as tubbymum said! hahaa.. :p btw, not necessary need to start on sprout then move on to straw leh. cos my #1 promoted from the magmag with teat to magmag straw directly.
all the best in trying out with noah and update us if noah loves it! ha...
01) Kyle (Cassey) - 18 May
02) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3 June
03) Kayley (kikismom) - 3 June
04) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3 June
05) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
06) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
07) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
08) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
09) Cayden (ecmom) - 8th June
10) KaiQi (innocentwar) - 8th June
11) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
12) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
13) Noah (sweethalo) - 19 June
14) Danelle (superbee) - 21st June
15) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
16) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
thanks to ur post, i suddenly remb i still haf 2 heinz egg custard from baby fair goodies bag. haha. jayden likes the egg custard? maybe later i shall try on jarius.

wah, ur experience wif PG nt good sia. did they do a refund for you as well? u very steady pong pi pi hor, can stay at the cashier and demand to speak to the in-charge instead. salute u.

re: magmag straw / yakult straw
haha i also bot mag mag straw top for J. havent changed yet for him... but the colour is totally off, his cup is orange yet i bot the blue straw top! simply mis-match, but no other choice liao leh...din wan to buy the whole thing again... also bot yakult last night, jus for the straws..den my PIL say i bo liao... havent tried out the yakult straw too! lazy mummy me.
ahnet is Hello Kitty

01) Kyle (Cassey) - 18 May
02) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3 June
03) Kayley (kikismom) - 3 June
04) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3 June
05) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
06) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
07) Sermaine (Shelisa) - 6th June
08) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
09) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
10) Cayden (ecmom) - 8th June
11) KaiQi (innocentwar) - 8th June
12) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
13) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
14) Noah (sweethalo) - 19 June
15) Danelle (superbee) - 21st June
16) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
17) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
no did not ask for refund, I took the cake mah.
must make them redo, I paid additional $25 for design which done by myself. the cake they done is very very ugly. they try to ignore me but coz too many walk-in customer and I stand right in front of the casher counter, they got no choice lo. wahahaha

here's mine:

01) Kyle (Cassey) - 18 May
02) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3 June
03) Kayley (kikismom) - 3 June
04) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3 June
05) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
06) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
07) Sermaine (Shelisa) - 6th June
08) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
09) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
10) Cayden (ecmom) - 8th June
11) KaiQi (innocentwar) - 8th June
12) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
13) Amelia (Fatmom) - 9 June
14) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
15) Noah (sweethalo) - 19 June
16) Danelle (superbee) - 21st June
17) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
18) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
