(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Kikismom- sure
as long as it a weekends i be avaliable

thanks for the map. Eco garden is juz @ the Eco
Lake. We are set our mats aound the area to overlook the lake while having our picnic...nice view ...kekeee

Happy birthday to Adel!!!She'll be 2..
We've changed the date to 23rd..hope to see u ya..if u r able to make it.

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)
Kikismom- oh goody will ask hubby tonite to take back his car on 23rd jan so can drive nesher & i ther
c u all cuties babies ther
on 23rd jan
Hi Jamie,

Can i add for the healthy products-

a)1 bottle of Honeysuckle Baby Bath
b)1 Jar of baby sweet Peas
c)1 jar of sweet potatoes
d)1 Barley Cereal
<font color="ff0000">BONTANICAL GARDEN PICNIC CUM GATHERING – 23rd JAN SAT 10AM</font>

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= <font color="0000ff">sandwich</font>

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order

6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 12 responses!! I am hoping to get 18 more in the next week so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education.

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete. To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.

Robyn Maley
thanks for the early birthday greetings &amp; yes Adelle will be 2! It is also the stage of notti 2 nitemare begins for me... :p
thanks for changing the date &amp; my whole village will go! ha.. oh ya i will let danelle wear the moo moo cow clothes that day &amp; kaley wear the moo moo cow clothes k?

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
yeah!! 23rd i wanna go!! 16 jayden go jab. so happy u gals changed dates :p

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
paiseh i MIA gatheirng change to 29 Jan so superbee can join. ok? u gals very cute lor. nobody put down names lor &amp; preference?? so i decide ah?? suit north dont suit west, suit west dont suit north.. hw?? i westies leh hahaha.. put ur names in the following that u willing to go then majority win lor

29 jan northpoint
1. createjoy + bb jayden


29 jan Jurpt
1. createjoy + bb jayden
Count us in...

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb (Lay's potato chips and nachos)
i will check wif HB tonite if we can go. pls include me tentatively.

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
the photo contest is cheat one i dont go &amp; see already. they ownself key one. where got 1000+ vote for no.1, the pic really poor resolution. . one of the 1st 3 more funny, log on the facebk ownself type comment say her photo v nice in other's pple's name then the ID show it's the photo owner haha win already lor. betta go for those who are by internal judge.

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb (Lay's potato chips and nachos)
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. jling + bb jack - curry puffs

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)= sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC)= potato salad + tomato appetiser
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) = (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb (Lay's potato chips and nachos)
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. jling + bb jack - curry puffs
<font color="ff0000">BONTANICAL GARDEN PICNIC CUM GATHERING – 23rd JAN SAT 10AM</font>

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB <font color="0000ff">(ecclairs)</font>
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren <font color="0000ff">(soon kueh)</font>
3. blurmom + bb Daylon <font color="0000ff">(paper plate/forks)</font>
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) <font color="0000ff">(pandan cake)</font>
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)<font color="0000ff">(Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance)</font>. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)<font color="0000ff">(sandwich)</font>
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) <font color="0000ff">(potato salad + tomato appetizer)</font>
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB <font color="0000ff"> (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)</font>
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) <font color="0000ff"> (drinks or fruits-will confirm)</font>
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb <font color="0000ff"> ( marble cake)</font>
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb<font color="0000ff">(potato chips &amp; nachos)</font>
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb -<font color="0000ff">(1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)</font>
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack <font color="0000ff">(curry puffs)</font>

Hi ladies,

Been a long time since i login. Not going to miss this gathering.


Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB (ecclairs)
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren (soon kueh)
3. blurmom + bb Daylon (paper plate/forks)
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) (pandan cake)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)(Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance). Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)(sandwich)
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer)
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb(potato chips &amp; nachos)
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb -(1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack (curry puffs)
15. Jackie + Jovey (gorgor) + bb Josef (TBC cause i need to figure out how to bring 1 tod n 1 bb without help)
kikismom do u know is blurmom buying paper plate &amp; fork or she has it? cos i have, last xmas gathering also didnt use much. if she's buying then can get something else , i'll brg along the plate &amp; cutlery. n since fifi &amp; cash bringing pandan cake i might brg steam carrot cake if i mgn to buy those tray ones.

Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....
1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB (ecclairs)
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren (soon kueh)
3. blurmom + bb Daylon (paper plate/forks)
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) (pandan cake)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)(Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance). Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)(sandwich)
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer)
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake or steam carrot cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb(potato chips &amp; nachos)
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb -(1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack (curry puffs)
15. Jackie + Jovey (gorgor) + bb Josef (TBC cause i need to figure out how to bring 1 tod n 1 bb without help)

i just did stocktk, have 24 big plate, 50 spoon,30 fork,30 chinese spoon.. enough?? maybe some couples share plates or blurmom just need to buy 1 more pkt of plate. let me know if want me to brg or u prefer to buy ya.
i think the carrot cake is not steaming hot already. i saw it like those soon kueh in alumin tray &amp; cling film at the cake shop opp my house.
dolly, augustine wasn't pooing regularly when he was on solids and i noticed he seems to be getting a rash on his body so i have decided to stop solids for a while. I tried giving peach puree to help him poo but didn't really work. i think the diluted prune juice helped a bit though. Furthermore Aug prefers his milk over solids!!!Its always such a struggle to get him to eat.

Dovey, You can try getting butternut squash to feed baby as well. It is sweet and is rather similar to the pumpkin. Augustine liked it and he doesnt like most veges so it was great for us to feed him that.

Deerdeer/bbpotato, Augustine doesnt have much hair too and eyebrows are hardly visible. My sis in law even thought we shaved his hair off....=(


Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB (ecclairs)
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren (soon kueh)
3. blurmom + bb Daylon (paper plate/forks)
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) (pandan cake)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)(Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance). Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:)
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC)(sandwich)
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) (potato salad + tomato appetizer)
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs or Bee Hoon)
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) (drinks or fruits-will confirm)
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb ( marble cake)
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb(potato chips &amp; nachos)
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb -(1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack (curry puffs)
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) (fried noodles)

By the way, is any baby waking frequently at nite? My Aug was waking every 2 hrs last nite to drink milk. I feel like a walking zombie...so tired.
Cayden wake few time a night since he discharge, he ever wake every hour for milk, I'm like a milk machine to him.
He only getting better recently, abt 2-3time a night, hmmmm hope I dun jinx myself by saying this here ;P
hi girls, pls check ur orders frm the list. u can transfer the $$ to me at posb savings acct 052-29161-5. do email/pm me after tt! thx!! =) <center><table border=1><tr><td>
HT orders
Healthy Times.xls (29.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<font color="3D6EB3"> hey guys, i'll b going for the gathering. hubby says he may hv to wrk but if he isnt, he's coming along too!

<font color="2B4D7D">@bbaug</font>
my baby wakes frequently @ nite, 2 hourly on average. i try nt to feed her @ every waking. in stead i try n pat her to slp again. i read tt sleep may be disrupted in the few weeks before a major developmental leap. maybe aug is learning a new skill nw!

<font color="2B4D7D">@ecmom</font>
speaking of jinxing, i earlier posted tt my ger cld wipe out a HT cereal meal within 15 mins. who noes, yday lunch went haywire. she only finished half the bowl in more than half an hour, until the cereal turn soupy lor.. i wonder if it cld be due to me mixing the avocado into the cereal.

by the way, my ger is crawling! though i wldnt exactly say tt she's proficient @ it yet. i'm so thrilled.. its rewarding to c them learn another new skill.
I chk with hubby see can join u gals for botanic garden or not.. Anyone knows when is John little member preview ending ? It's this wk right?
Hi ladies,

anyone with Shelisa's mobile number? I am trying to collect my rice. So overdue, my bad. And I think I accidentally deleted her contact. Can PM me? Thanks so much.
Hi gals..

I am selling off my Hwa Xia swimming package..

15 swimming session + 3 massage.

Selling at $180 only.

Interested, please PM me. Thanks!
my boy is waking up at night too... at least 2x from 12am to 7am.
at least you nt wrking, nt so shiong... average i think it's 2 hrs too!! wonder why...it's been like dat since he was 2mths old!!!
Hi all,

thanks Ahnetsan, received shelisa's number. Muack!

Baby waking up
My boy also wakes up regularly. But honestly, he seldom sleep thru so we cannot complaint.

My boy is only interested in Frisco. Anything other than that, he has been rejecting. Sigh, wasted all my money and effort. Will try the bottle ones today. Hopefully he is eating.
