(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

not really pain when walking but when im having those false contraction i usually feel the pain kick in also..come and goes when im having the bh..yesterday evening was quite painful my hubby nearly tot im giving birth soon but it goes away after abt 30mins

<font color="ff0099"> <font size="+2">LFB, P
UR HEAD AH!!</font>

<font color="cc0099"> LFB, ahnetsan, sorry for false alarm.
Caramelle, thanks for dropping a msg.
Was busy over long weekend. Caught up with thread briefly on Monday but didn't have anything to contribute.
Was out all day yesterday... obgyn visit, then coffee &amp; waffles, then prayer meeting, then caught up with Aussie friends. Only got back past midnight.

I was starting to think they wouldn't make it until after I pop. I'll go try them on and send you sms'es abt the fit!

Obgyn Update: Weekly apptmt yest. Queue for temp taking wasn't too long but they skipped me and took hubby's only. Hmm...

- Baby is about 2.7kg now and still head down... but facing up during scan. *not good!*
- He's been kicking, punching and squirming like crazy. Dr says I should easily be able to detect 20 kicks/hour by now.

- Another 1kg weight gain. That brings the total to abt 5.5kg. *PHEW* Only 1.5kg to go before I pass my target maximum gain.
- Thank God no medical issues arising thus far and I wasn't violated! There was NO VAGINAL EXAM!!! *YAY!!*

- Baby's growth rate seems to be slowing (or maybe just cos it's weekly visit now)
- Dr predicts 2 more weeks before he makes an appearance.

I'm in 'panic' mode. Trying to make plans to make full use of my freedom before my life, as I know it, changes forever.
Must have been too long a day yesterday... I've come down with some flu symptoms.
Supposed to be out for lunch and coffee but now must 'quarantine' myself. Sian. All made up and sitting in front of laptop.

Split: Yes, back pain is also one symptom of labour!

Cassey: Finally see you! Wow, what a busy day, looks like busier than when you were working. Anyway, rest well, hopefully the flu will be gone with ample rest.
<font color="cc0099"> qi, *oops...* Heehee! I thought you were responding to someone else... if not, that you were tempted by me to have coffee *chuckle* Had coffee and waffles yest too. I'm a firm believer in all things in moderation so I've been having my sashimi &amp; coffee. Sometimes decaff, sometimes not.

General guideline is not more than 2-3 cups a day (NOT MUGS). I limit myself to 4-5 portions a week. In fact, I was supposed to meet another preggie friend today! She has decaff too.

dolly, I HAVE been out more often than when I was workg! Must make the most out of remaing weeks ma. *grin* Silly huh?

I can't remember who has been repeatedly asking who has started drinking coconut... I must post again (I think 4th or 5th time now). I've have been drinking coconut since wk 32. Mum served it so I drink lor. I'm now wk 36 &amp; 3 days and still drinking abt 2 a week. Not that I really believe it works to "clean" baby but since mum serve, drink lor. It's nice and refreshing when chilled anyway.
I went for my gynae visit yesterday as well. Gynae says baby should be about 2.5kg now hee. The last time gynae estimated that baby might come out around end May so I just wait...I asked if baby engaged his head yet. He said not yet. But his head is down already. hmmm so i got about 3 weeks more before baby is estimated to arrive. Trying to sleep more and eat well. Nowadays baby likes to stick his leg into the area around my ribs. Can be uncomfortable sometimes.

So far my weight gain is about 12 kg. Thats like double Cassey's weight gain! End of next week I will be full term so looking forward to that!
Nowadays walk too long feel very tired and heavy headed. Think its one of the woes of pregnancy right.
I find it so hard to get young coconuts!I went To NTUC and Shop and save. They don't have it. I only bought my one and only young coconut at the wet market over the weekend. After that no sign of it anywhere. Anyone knows where to get it easily?
bbaugustine: Got the one ane only 1 at NTUC yesterday too... looks like a lot of people are snapping up the young coconut, maybe weather simply too hot!

Cassey: your mum so nice, go and find all these coconut for you!
Go out while you still can tahan lah! Nowadays get tired so easily
Ok can I cut your post and show it to my hubby? he refuse to let me have bubble tea even once a week!

Sashimi he didn't stop me. But coffee and tea he did!
my hubby was a bit more strict in my 1st trimester. But after that everything in moderation lor.

Dolly, I thought i saw some young coconuts one time at NTUC but after that don't have already.
<font color="cc0099"> bbAug, Sheng Siong always has it in abundance. Are you looking in the right places at the supermarkets? Mum's never had probs getting any - even long before any of us fell preg cos dad and other sister likes coconut.

dolly, as above, mum's always gotten coconuts. Just that now she either gets more, else I get 'rights' over what she buys above my dad or sis. Haha!

qi, I posted here ages ago.. that research has shown that there is barely any real tea component in the cheap bubble teas sold here. So if you're concerned abt the caffeine in the tea, I say JUST DRINK AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, WOMAN! My sis and I drink it almost every alternate day and her baby is perfectly fine. BUT if hubby is paranoid about cold drinks, then ok lor, ban you.

> As for caffeine, it exists in cola and green tea and some medications as well. Also chocolate and chocolate flavoured stuff. Does he ban you from all those?</font>
yep always looking for the coconuts in the fruit/vege section. Thats where its supposed to be right. i dont have sheng siong near my place though. next time I find it I better buy more of it...
haha cassey, had a busy day yeah? wah waffles and coffee, sounds so nice.
wow, another 2 wks before ur bb makes an appearance? cool. exciting, yet nervous right?
ur mum is so nice, to find those coconut for u. mine doesnt even bother.

been feeling sleepy and tired these days, hate the water retention too, alrdy 33wks den kenna such things... damn irritating.

i cldnt find at supermarkets, so i alrdy gave up. will drink it whenever im outside, jus order from the drinks stall. haha. so far only had once.
<font color="cc0099"> bbAug, just make sure hubby is with you when you go stock up on coconuts, my dear. They are SO HEAVY!! Just went grocery shopping with hubby over the weekend. Thank God for my macho man! He carried the following in just ONE strong manly hand!!!!!
- 3L liquid clothes detergent
- 2L toilet cleaner
- 2L fresh milk
- 2L floor detergent
- 1L shower foam
- 2 coconuts

In the other hand he was carrying fruits and stuff. I was commenting I'm so thankful for him cos even if it had only been the 3L clothes detergent, I'd already be taxed holding it with both hands lor!

ahnetsan, I promised myself I'd have waffles every Tues from the time I stopped work until the time baby arrives... so I actually went to Suntec ON MY OWN!! Hubby went back to work after obgyn visit. And YUP! My hot sexy mama is a great mama. COCONUTS ARE SO OVERPRICED AT DRINK STALLS! Sheng Siong only sells them for 1.20 each neh!

> Finally saw my ILs over the weekend. Mum-IL said I haven't put on any weight and no water retention at all. She actually said (&amp; I don't mean to scare you ok. Cos I don't believe in that old wives' tale at all) that once water retention sets in, I'll pop within 2 weeks. I thought, WHAT?! Then those who kenah retention in 2nd tri leh? Pop in beginning of 3rd tri meh? Chey.

dolly, agreed. Get tired very easily. Can't walk around for more than 4-5 hours. So now I have a drink/food/snack every 1.5-2 hrs. Yesterday I sat at Spinelli and Gelare for abt an hour each with a nice novel. It was quite relaxing, esp. cos I got a nice couch seat at Spinelli. And when the staff came to clear my cup, he asked if he could bring me a glass of water. *BLISS!*
Cassey: Yeah, your hubby really not bad, but are not worse off either, I've been telling people that I'm now constantly carrying 2 package of rice with me, cos I gained almost 20kg liao! haha

The Spinelli guy really nice, I like the muffins there
<font color="cc0099"> dolly, I just baked a batch of Betty Crocker blueberry muffins on Mon. Been having them daily. So nice! Betty Crocker's da best!
Yeah, the Spinelli guy was SO SO kind. I was impressed. Beamed up at him. Kekeke...
Anyway, huh? Like that also can? Then I'm also quite strong lor. Carrying around an extra 20kg or so even before preggie.

ahnetsan, I'm having CQYD sesame flavour again... with spinach and egg. YUM!
Hello Cassey,
wahahaha! Thought you snatch the ribbon and dclare popped! Good for you! Anyway, do enjoy the last few weeks! I am getting breathless, tired and sick! But looking fwd to seeing BB!

Re:Young coconut
Ok, I saw alot in NTUC AMK Hub. My qn. What does it says on the label? I know there is a kind that is heaty, those thailand kind. They are basically like a round ball, only need to crack the head. What I saw in NTUC are exactly like the Thai kind, round, with pointed top. But the label wrote "young coconut". So we can buy that? The ones I saw got thai wordings, so I dunno to get or not leh! I am going bishan later, will check Bishan out later!

Cassey, Yami low sugar or not? Later I doing blood test, don't want sugar to shoot up! Thinking of getting one from J8.
<font color="cc0099"> LFB, I have no idea abt Yami's sugar content hey. Just checked their website and it only says:
Relatively high in protein, vitamins and minerals. Low in fat, cholesteral and calories. Good for dieting...
By taste alone, they don't seem THAT sweet... but taste not reliable right?

Re: Coconut
I think they label every coconut young coconut. Haha.. the ones at Sheng Siong are just packaged in plastic. Don't recall a label. But I'll pop over to check them out in my fridge.</font>
Cassey, you only gained 5.5kg so little ah??? Envy man!!!!!!!!! Me too, believed in eating anything in moderation, oso continue drinking coffee and taking sashimi...

dolly, i started to have backache these few nights, does that indicate i can be due anytime now?
neecial: If it can last for a few nights, and you still can be typing here, then I dun think so lah!

LFB: Refrain! Eat only those that says suitable for diabetes! Last time the ice-cream store at Tangs basement used to sell those sugar free ice-cream, now that it's moved, I can't find it anymore! So my mum got no ice-cream to eat again
<font color="cc0099"> neeciel, hey, I was a chubby flabby thingy to start off with.
So if I gain as much as the rest of you, I'll prob kenah gestational diabetes, pre eclampsia and a whole host of other problems.
Not to mention, develop a bum the size of Russia.

Re: Backache
A dull lower backache is a symptom of labour, but doesn't necessary mean labour if it isn't combined with other labour symptoms. I've been contending with backaches for quite long now, as have some others. It's just going to get worse as baby settles lower on our nerves and our pelvic ligaments loosen in prep for labour.</font>
Chey! That means I must give it a miss later!So fedup! I also bake a batch of wholemeal chocolate muffins on Sat. Contain honey, applesauce, cereal and semi sweet cho chips. Sigh, so poor thing!Can't even get from store!
Your coconut round or with semi husk?
dolly haha...i dun wish to deliver so early oso cos now i am only week 35.

Cassey, mine nt that low in fact... slightly below the wing probably due to wrong posture hee...aiyo u scare me leh, i cant realli tahan with the big and tight belly now, and sometimes pelvic bone aches cos bb is lying low...if is going to get worse then i rather deliver earlier.
<font color="cc0099"> Quote from Baby centre
Staying Fit: Exercise to reduce back pain
Low back pain known as lumbar pain is common in late pregnancy. You feel it around your spine approximately at the level of, or a little above, your waist. Sitting or standing for long periods of time and lifting usually make it worse, and it tends to be more intense at the end of the day. To ease this kind of pain, try doing pelvic tilts, which stretch your muscles and, over time, strengthen them as well. Here's how:

• Get down on your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart, keeping your arms straight.
• Tighten your abdominal muscles, tuck your buttocks under, and round your back, breathing in.
• Relax your back into a neutral position and breathe out.
• Repeat at your own pace. </font>
I've not read through the posts, but I saw the words "BUBBLE TEA"! I'm so gonna have one tonight. Shall place my order now hehe. Then catch up on posts
<font color="cc0099"> neeciel, huh? what wing? Chicken wing? Heehee... do you mean the shoulder blades?
I used to always get my backaches there! Even before preggers. The drs and masseurs all say it's from extended sitting or standing.
So if lotsa sitting at work, walk around every now and then or stand up and stretch.
If lotsa standing at work, try to sit more often or walk around.
I used to resort to kneeling at my desk just to "trick" my back into thinking I'm standing. Heehee...

*wags a finger at Tubbym~* Trust you to zoom in on the only words that "truly matter".
And yay! I notice that this time round, I wasn't the one who brought it up first! It's qi!</font>
Cassey, ya lah, can call blades oso hee...i think due to sleeping posture...

anyone got water retention on feet and hands??
ahnetsan, I tried ordering coconut at hawker centre once. I ask the guy for young coconut, he said ya, the one they have is fresh one, so I said ok good, I want fresh one, but the green type. He said theirs are green, just that the outside is chopped off, so can't see the green. So I said ok lor. When it arrived, it's the sweet THAI one. -_-

I still drank it lah, cos I was thirsty, and I like coconuts anyway. But I think next time, I need to go to the stall to inspect the coconut first. Hai.

Cassey, my bubble tea order has been taken in, and shall arrive this evening hehe... Yes, noticed it was qi7 who brought it up first, that's where my eyes flew open big big hehe... I think my last one was a week ago, so timing just nice

Coconut question:
People say drink coconut is to cool the body down before delivery right? In this case, can just drink chin chow drink or not? It's also cooling... Or barley, or chrys?
neeciel, yup, I've taken off my wedding band since months ago. My fingers were starting to swell cos of water retention, and it was causing a ring of mad itch on my finger. Took ring off, and don't dare to put back on since. Doctor also said that the numbness in my hands is partially caused by water retention. My feet sometimes look like potatoes with stubs for toes, but lately, since all I do is sit around or lie down at home, I don't get water retention in my legs/feet anymore.
TubbyMummy, i only removed my rings days back, usually when i raised my legs up, the water tends to drain off soon but these few days, they just refused to go away...now feet oso like potatoes...fat and numb =(
<font color="cc0099"> Tubbym~, I've been having almost 1 bubble tea a day the last fortnight staying at my mum's. It's been SO SO WARM, it's hard to do without. My breastfeeding sister had 2 on some days!!!

> Anyway, re: Coconut. Many ppl have told me it's not just for cooling properties. Coconut water is believed to help rinse vernix off baby so that baby arrives with nice smooth skin. Apparently it is also touted to "reduce milk spots and other stuff on the skin".

neeciel, if you're not a water drinker, that could be part of the problem so guzzle lots of water so that your body can flush out the stuff. Apparently if you don't take enough water, your body will try to retain whatever you do take and it just exacerbates the problem. My rings are still nice and loose. But I have noticed little red veins on my feet though, especially around the ankle bone area.

Just MagicClean'd the apartment. Right hand feels numb from gripping and twisting the mop. But floor feels so clean!
Head flu making me feel miserable. Sneezing and sniffling away. Hope baby'll be ok thru it all.</font>
Cassey, i drank a lot leh, during office hour i drank more than 1L of water, that does not include coffee or milo intake leh.
<font color="cc0099"> neeciel, good girl! At least that could be 1 contributing factor out of the way.
I try to drink at least 2L of water a day, excluding other beverages and soups and milk and stuff too.

How about lowering sodium intake to see if that helps?
I think that'll be a hard one for me if I get water retention. Don't like salty things, but don't like tasteless things either.</font>
Thks for comforting me, was moody yday...i just washed bb clothes today not very sunny day but been tempted to wash the clothes since 1st may cos to me it signify the joy that bb is coming soon and i love the bb detergent smell! but very ks lah i rinse 5 times to mk sure dont leave too much detergent on the clothe cos newborn qt sensitive. my sis says those new one actually dont need use detergent what. think i will wash the pass down next week cos i wanted to keep the clothes i wash today after sunning tomorrow mk sure they are really dry if not keep in cupboard for a mth no good then fri &amp; wk end not free. i complain to hb tedious to wash 5 bamboos clothes he say i lazy! hmp! i scold him never help me do housewk and i gotta handwash bb clothes w big tummy.then he no reply my msg...

i'm reaching 34wk end of this week. so ntuc coconut is the right one or not? i havent start drinking, i also saw it labelled as young coconut but it qt big one not thise small one at pasar malam so shd be the right one right? my kopishop here dont sell coconut, he nearer hawker was at far away , i happen to pass by yday but the stall not open!

i not so much of backpain unless i do alot house wk that day but tailbone pain. been popping pillow to help me lie on all four like a cat to relieve the pain n do some pelvis rocking. guilty of not doing pelvis floor exercise oftn. feel like full bladder not long after pee again then never do haha always give excuse...
<font color="cc0099"> neeciel, what do you mean? Too little water contributes to water retention.
I don't think there's such a thing as too much water unless you're drinking 8L a day!

createjoy, I guess our hubbies go through their set of struggles as well, even while we go through ours. I just popped baby's clothes into washer and put in baby detergent. Also abt 5-6 bamboo poles worth. For tailbone pain, try sitting on cushions to keep pressure off the area. Thank God my tailbone pain was worst in 5-6th months but now not too bad anymore. I've been skiving on the Kegels too. Can't seem to be bothered to remember. Hope you feel better soon!</font>
hope ure feeling better today. i also left my job more than a yr ago to become SHM, so money's always been a concern. but i try not to think too much abt it, u gain some u lose some. at least now i can watch my kid everyday. trust me, its worth it if u can afford it

talking abt bb laundry, i remembrd i was quite depressed when i did it the last round. cos it wasnt very sunny that day and i had many many racks of NB clothes and they wouldnt dry. i did it single-handedly too, and gave my hubby hell haha.
Suddenly the thread is so active. No wonder becos Cassey is back! LOL

Re: swelling/water retention
It's true that when the swelling and water retention peaks, it's a signal that u are in the last two weeks of ur pregnancy. I hear this from almost every preggie fren/colleague. Even if u have swelling since 2nd trimester, the swelling will be even more in the last two weeks... at least that's what I was told.

Am experiencing some water retention, usually at the end of the day and will go away after a nite sleep. Still can wear my ring but chose not to wear now as it gets tighter at the end of the day.

bbaugustine, I think u can stop exploring the NTUCs n Shop &amp; Save in TPY. I have been checking on them since 2nd trimester and never once see any coconut. My mum buys for me from Sheng Shiong as well n I will just go her place to drink. Maybe u wanna get ur hb to go AMK to buy instead.
<font color="cc0099"> qi, I think unless it says No Caffeine, there'd be a small amount in there.
Seriously, I wouldn't be concerned, but if you are, I'm trying to google it to see if there's any info.

bbjun, WHOA! Shen mo yi si ma?! (What meaneth you?!)

My colleague had zero swelling thru entire pregnancy. Except the bump.

Oops... realised I said I was going to, but haven't checked my coconut labels yet.
Ended up MagicClean'ing instead of opening fridge to look at coconuts. *go now*

> *Back* Okie, "my" coconut label says Young Coconut, Product of Thailand.
I guess just keep in mind we want the big Haiwaiian coconuts served with little umbrellas.
Not those spherical ones you drink on the river in Thailand.

<font color="cc0099"> qi, Acording to The American Beverage Asscoiation, caffeine in these beverages:

Coffee, 8oz drip 104-192 mg
Tea, 8oz brewed 20-90
Iced Tea, 8 oz 9-50
Soft Drinks, 8 oz 20-40
Cocoa Beverage, 8oz 3-32
Milk Chocolate, 1 oz 1-15
Dark Chocolate, 1 oz 5-35

Taken from http://www.coffeefaq.com/site/node/22</font>
