(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Adv, juju if bring thermal flask and used up, still gota use tap water n refill rite? But as u all mentioned, not advisable le then how??

if u worried & dun wanna use normal room temp water to make milk, see if u can get the water heating coil frm me. we used it when we go ulu places in m'sia to make instant noodles.
jus bring along a decent size metal container, pour in required amount of bottled water, put in the coil (washed with bottled water), plug in, u get clean hot water in a while
Juju, thx for the offer. Dun think i can go over tonite. As adv suggest, buy more mineral water n boil in hotel for milk preparation.
Yes yes will chk the kettle there. I be bringing one luggage. Hopefully can store my mini one.

U all hv a great week n keep the thread alive ok haha!
Good morning mummies, on the way to tuas checkpoint n got stuck with the morning traffic jam haha!! Not so bad still moving.
Hey Mummies, advice needed please...

My gal was sleeping through the night for a few months with occasional screams at night. However 1 week before Christmas and until now, she has been waking up (crying louldy and almost hysterically if we take longer than 5 mins to respond) at least 2 times (230am and 5am) EVERY NIGHT. Each time will take at least an hour to 2 hours to put her back to sleep.

Helper and I are getting really tired and really cannot take it now. Any advice what is happening and how to overcome this?

Done many research online but cannot find much info. Thought its teething but don't think so.. Worried that it has become a habit that she will sit up and cry and we have to go in and lie her down and put our hands on her bum for hours....

change them to sleep in another room? You are a SAHM right? Does she laugh and play to much in the day?
Hi JasC,
No I am a full time working mom which is why i am so so tired now.

I don't have another room for my gal. The other one is a study room cum helper room. Also too small to fit in baby cot. My baby cot (I think) seems to be the biggest.. LOL.

She does laugh and play alot as this is what my MIL and helper told me. When she wake up from nap, shes always smiling, laughing or even played for a while before call for someone. But at night, its totally the opposite.

She usually will be fully awake at 630am and will always start off with crying out loud.
hailey does that too. i hv no idea why but to stop her frm crying n waking herself even more, i sing chinese kid songs. she stop n listen n calm down. i try to gif her milk to mk her slpy enuf to slp bt sometimes she still eyes big big for 2-2.5hrs. @_@
ilovesahimi and jamie, how frequent and how long does ur girl nap?

nowadays, yuan2 only take a 2-hour nap in cc and zz before 10pm... sometimes she will doze off in the car on the way home -- then she will sleep ard 10.30-11pm...

re: milk
how much milk r ur big babies drinking now?
lately, yuan2 is drinking less -- barely can finish 200ml per feed... she used to be able to drink 200-250ml for morning and nite feed + 200ml twice in the day...
Claire drinks 2 cups a day each cup is around 250 ml. So in total only 500 ml. Sometimes she even skips her tea time milk feed if she has a late lunch.
I find that if they are taking enough solid food should be ok.
bean, wah, claire is drinking from cup! yuan2 is still drinking from bottle and i had to hold her bottle for me -- i m spoiling her!

does claire kuai kuai sit down and finish her cup of milk? how long does she take to finish the cup of milk?

i always thinks she dun hv enough solids as she ate little for dinner.. in cc, she normally had 2 servings of lunch n teabreak -- but not sure of the portion... haiz, she seems to eat well in cc but not so at home
maybe it is the company of friends...
Bean: Yes, she sleeps in dark room. I thought of having a light on but worried that she will be so "fascinated" with the lights cos she will see everything that she may ended up playing. Wonder any mummies have recommendation for small tiny light?

Adv_sports: Myra takes about 130 - 2 hr nap from 1-3pm and we start her bedtime at 8pm with bathing, sing song drink milk etc and by then off the lights, it would be around 845pm and by then she fall asleep, it would be around 930ish.

Re milk: Myra drinks about 240ml morning and night. Another 260ml in late afternoon.

Re solid: her solid has reduced too. From 2.5 milks scoop of rice to 1.5 milk scoop.

Re company @ eating: I totally agree that. Myra eats more when with friends becuase she love to "show off".. faint.
Adv sports,
Yes claire will sit down to drink from a cup. But she uses a straw though. She finish the whole cup within 5 mins.
I think children tend to eat better in CC too! Partly because CC food more tasty? hahaah More sugar and salt added I would think.

Sashimi: she might be scared of dark because my girl told me she is scared of dark. So now I have a little light on when she sleeps. Sometimes I can hear her talking to herself in the middle of the night then she will fall back to sleep.
i try to use the straw n cup just 2 night ago..since recently my boy can down 200ml plus ml...so i tot since he want to drink..i can trying change apparatus..

he suck abit dont wan liao..then i trf back to milk bottle he continue drinking...sigh..
how to wean not at the expense of the milk...

my boy i dont have to hold the bottle for him..but his other hand need to fiddle wiht the bottle cap lor..if not he will fidget /kick leg etc n not concentrating on drinking it lor..
Lately Isaac prefer to drink water from the cup but I haven't try him for milk. I would prefer to wait for another month or two so that he'll continue to drink enough milk. Isaac has lost all his baby fat, not chubby at all
Hi Sashimi

My daughter went thru the phase of screaming at night some months back. We gave her Jinfengshan for a few weeks and she was able to sleep thru the night again. I was also wondering then why this was happening. I thought something might have happened in her infant care or she was getting scared cos I kept telling her she would be going to a new childcare centre.

When I surfed the forum here, some mothers said they go thru this phase sometimes. You might like to buy the jingfengshan to try. Interestingly, my daughter's milk intake increased tremendously after we added the jingfengshan. Or it could coincidentally be a growth spurt.

Looks like many of your toddlers drink alot of milk yah? Mine drinks only 120 ml in the morning and afternoon.

Would like to ask you mummies, if you dont have a helper or parents at home, what do you give your toddlers for dinner? Do you come back home and cook for them?
hw abt getting a small dim night light?
we use dat whn slping, jodie still can slp wif the lights on but wun be scared if she wakes up. but, she does co-slp wif us, so perhaps it's an extra assurance
my gal latches once in morning, once evening, then another 1 or 2 times before bedtime. usu another latch in the middle of the nite. in cc, she drinks abt 180ml of ebm before nap time.
when i was still working full time in office, i usu give jar food. else, cook mee sua or macaroni then add meat or vegs, a simple & quick meal for them which we can also eat
adv, my boy still drink 240-280ml each feed..cc only feed once then when fetch home i will gv him another feed, night time before slp he will tk 280-300ml till the next morning

bean, cc teacher feedback my boy is eating a lot in sch..but how come he still needs so much milk ?

jaime, i also trying to let him drink milk from straw cup..but he seems like dont interested at all..when chg back to milk bottle, he can down all within 5mins..sign..how to wean off like dat. btw same like ur boy, he needs to hold his pillow in1 hand and the other hand hold the bottle
good morning mummies

yuan2 wore uniform to school today -- so cute to see her all "grown up" :p but my chor lor girl messed up her unifrom while having breakfast -- need to insist her teachers to wear her bib...

ilovesashimi, that's a short nap... during weekends, yuan2 will nap for 3 hours from 1-4pm and zz by 10pm after her last feed.

is myra very active? if we finish dinner early, we will bring yuan2 for a walk and let her run abit. she sleeps very well after exercise

lush, we cook dinner abt 3-4 times a week... usually is rice with 1 soup(fishball, green veg, carrot, corn, etc) and 2 dishes(steam fish, egg, chicken/pork meat)... weekends i will cook noodle/mee sua/macaroni... strangely, yuan2 dun like outside food -- think the seasoning is too much... she prefers bland food

porky, wow, jaeden drinks and eat alot!

jaime n porky, yah, yuan2 not interest in drinking from cup -- so i juz let her drink from bottle...

jasc, yuan2 also like to drink water from cup -- she sees me n hubby doing that so wanna copy :p but she drinks more from her water bottle...
Good Afternoon Mummies
i am back!!!! had a fun and relax trip!

You all will be surprised that i did not get anything for myself, not even a pair of sandals whahaha. all are spent on my darling clothes and toys!

the only place i did not go is the straits settlement bbq seafood which jaime suggest. the peranankan food which we had @ Banya is v v spicy. feels that sg one suits my taste bud. oohh i super love the jonker88 baba laksa, though spicy and i finish the whole bowl of cos w orange juice. and back to hotel still told hb i want to eat agn, Yummy!

our 1st lunch when we reach is the jap rest which poohwei mentioned. not bad and spent ard RM189+. we did not take any breakfast nor take meals along the way, thats why v hungry haha!!!

our fave fast food is no doubt A&W!!!! rootbeer float rocks!!!

my gal is super cooperative on the road. sleep and wake up and did not fuss. wat surprise us is she willingly sit on the carseat throughout the journey. take some bread and biscuit along the way and dats it. no vcds for her so scenery is her only enjoyment. weird is we did not mention to her dat we are gg holiday. only when reach, told her dat we gona stay in hotel. and i ask her is this ur hse, she say no! clever gal!

as usual once step in hotel, quickly 'attack ' the phone and blah blah happily away while we are bz unpacking.

adv, yes we heed ur advice and boil the mineral water and shes fine. Thank U!

ju, we brought our mini electric thermos pot, can fit into luggage phew!

poohwei, with ur recommendation, we went bei zhan for dinner. v nice and cheap! we even got the red packet frm them. will upload pics soon and show u all.

we managed to hv some couple time and watch the tourist @ pahlawan plaza(v near to hotel equatorial).
on top of that, i hv combed all the shopping malls, hatten sq, makhota parade, pahlawan malls though did not get anything for myself but Great Satisfaction whahaaaa!!!!
the only place we did not complete is the jonker street. cos v v hot. buay tahan the heat! we gave up the chk rice q and went to jonker88 laksa. super yummy!

my gal had slight flu due to aircon. 1st nite sleeep in hotel fuss a bit here and there. 2nd nite has improved and we had a great rest
jean, they are on growing up stage, thats why can eat/drink a lot. so i think its ok

adv, jaime: my gal still drinking milk frm bottle. shows no interest in straw cup unless plain water. funny gal haha!!!!
my gal is drinking milk from bottle too but i know in childcare they give their own milk but i always forget to ask them if they make our children drink from a cup. according to my friend whose boy is 2, he drinks from a cup in school.

'peifu' those of you who can still cook dinner when you reach home. by the time you cook and feed your child, wouldnt you be so hungry and tired by then? so far, my gal is still taking cereal at night. need to give her solids soon but night time is always so busy. hubby always needs a shower first and if i prepare dinner, no one to entertain our gal? then still gotta feed her, so by the time we eat is about 8.30pm? we reach home abt 7pm.

anyone can share your evening schedule?
saw ur fb foto. very nice. ur cc also dun wear bibs for them? so not only mine la... i was like, why so lazy to put on bib. when they dirty their clothes & hv to change, even more ma fan mah...

can see u enjoyed ur trip. think we r gg malacca in june, not confirmed yet. anyway, still so far away. i'm dreaming of malacca & root beer float now. i like to hv my float at A&W ayer keroh overhead bridge restaurant, got good view!
Hi Lush,

I am a May 09 mummy but seldom post. Maybe you can try cook some soup stock for a week portion and freeze it. Every night, cut the vege & meat for next day dinner. Then when reach home, just throw everything together and cook it, that saves some preparation time. You can also check out petite bowl, they have cooked frozen toddler meal, taste delicious too! You can also alternate the petite bowl meal with home cooked meal and some evenings, just baby oats. That you won't feel so troublesome and tired!

I also have your same qn lately that's why thought of the aboved! Now my mum cooks for my boy so saves the trouble! Phew!
win, welcome back ! u really enjoy the trip ya ! haha

juju, same here..my boy's cc also lazy to put on bib for him..end up his top always stained...

re : bathe time fuss !
mummies help !!! my boy is refusing to get out from the bathroom aft bathe...he will scream n wail if i pull him out..and its getting worst each time ! anyone mummies facing the same problem ?
when jodie does dat, i jus make sure she is sitting safely, then i say bye bye, step out & close the door. she will scream to come out within 5 seconds
porky..i tot kids who like the milk..no matter what form it comes in also drink..my boy never really like milk..so by taking away the bottle..its like taking away the little bit of milk he drinks..

bath time...my boy whine a bit when i bring him out from his bubble bath..i just tell him "say bye bye..see u all tomorow ie his bath toys"..whine abit..but its not that bad lar...but i have heard of kids who refuse to come out..

win...didnt know melaka got so many shopping centre...so u didnt go tourist places? got so much time meh..
i wanna see ur food pix
juju/bean, NO !!! i even off the lights and its totally darkness in the bathroom, but my boy still stay inside n play with the water ! always hv to carry him out then he will wail n struggle so hard..now he v heavy liao..so stressful for me to carry him out if he refused to walk out by himself

jaime, i dunno where go wrong..started 19mths he refused to come out...i kept all the bathe toys but he is still happy to jus play with the shower head n water..negotiate with him many many times but still failed, thats why im asking for help now, mummies !
Whr is hatten sq? I nvr go thr leh


Dun work ah? Hw abt ask him to say bye bye to bath toys & bathroom?
good morning mummies

i burst out laughing when i came out from shower and saw yuan2 drinking milk handsfree -- she was lying down on the playmat and watching mickey mouse clubhouse... i gave her the bottle and asked her to hold it so that mummy can take a shower... normally, she will hold it herself after a while... but today, she managed to drink it handsfree *haha* wanna take a pic but she sat up when she saw the camera...

ju, yuan2's cc will use the bib for lunch only... coz they wash it once a day... wonder if it is ok if i give them 3 bibs (breakfast, lunch and tea)... last week, i observed that she came back with stained clothes on thursday and friday... so i only intend to let her wear uniform on mon-wed

win, wow, u "accomplish" a lot for your short trip! yah, i went to malacca twice and always remember the super hot weather!

porky, gosh, that's tough! can ur hubby help?

lush, here's my evening schedule :-
6pm : my hubby reached home -- he will cook dinner
7pm : i will fetch yuan2 and reached home... by 8pm : finish dinner and have fruits -- at the same time, hubby and me will run ard to sterlise her bottles, prepare yuan2's bag for cc, wash her clothes..
9pm : wipe down for yuan2 at 9pm
9.30pm : yuan2 will hv her last milk feed
10pm : yuan2 zzz by then...

everyday is rush rush rush
i work late now -- hopefully after my project ends, i can leave office at 5.30pm and have dinner early...
wow! yuan2 is very creative wor
mine refuse to use bib totally. i dunno wats the problem wif them. i even told them to use bib during meal time, esp lunch, but the bib came back in the clean bag. buay tahan!
Good Morning Mummies

V bz with work.

juju/jaime, hatten sq is actually inside pahlawan mall. it is one big megamall comprise of a few ones inside. The mall is v big but there are some shops not in operation yet. somehow the clothes there dun suit me so i only aimed for my gal's stuff, dats why shop v fast and hv time to go movies.

jaime, u mean christ church? yes went there and walk along their street stalls...will try to upload pics soon
lush, though i hv a helper but we dun cook everyday. occasionally will still dine out. but she will still cook porridge for my gal. helper will be ending contract this jun so gota think of alternatives.

pastries, wat is petite bowl?
jean, usually i will allow her 15 mins to play in the bathrm before shower begins. she will bring along a small pail and put her rubber ducky, fish and play. unless weather cold, then quickly bathe and go!
adv, ur hb can cook, Great! what dishes did he whip up for u and yuan2. helper leaving soon so trying to find a way out. more concern is to prepare food for them. i dun mind cooking but really hate to wash. hb can help but cleaning not up to my standard le haha!!!
morning mummies !

bean, i dont use bathtub..he just stand and bathe. but my bathroom hv a big pail to fill up water...so he likes to play with the water in the pail and he will snatch the showerhead from me !

adv, my hb will help to distract him then quickly ask him to walk out of bathroom himself then i dress him. but most of the time hb is not in...thats when bathe time will delayed..but also cant bathe him too late right

win, ya sometimes weather is cold..must quickly bathe n bring them out..but he jus refused to come out ! i wonder is this a passing phrase ???
jean, generally kids love to play water. if she doesnt get out, then she will not get to watch dora vcd during her mealtime.
