(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Wow...so many mummies oreli popped! So happy for them.

Congrats to Jamie and Bean! Hope for a smooth delivery for chocolate, mikojade and cheekz!

Cheekz...I think Dr Chan is more kan cheong than u...haha. u r a good mummy, still think of your #1 while you are oreli 3-4 diluted!

Audrey, I think I am having the same problem as you...am having finger numbness these few days...cannot bend my right hand at all. It can be painful at times. btw, how is your crampy feeling?

Adv_sports, you can get kippo at Robinson centrepoint.

btw...any mummy whose hubby is going to stay with you in hospital? After packing my hospital bag, I realised that my bag is not big enough for two persons thingy....wonder if anyone use a luggage to pack your things?? :p
Jamie - Congrats!
Bean - Congrats!

xue - i'm awake. are you still around?

Qn: Epi vs GA for c-sect
any advice for using epi or ga for c-sect?
ak, i had epi wen i delivered my #1. my hub n me want to witness bb's 1st cry. there might be some side effects for tt. vomit and shiver. i shivered tremedously after im out of OT... it's all worth it!
xue / ak / J&M,
I'm still awake too...but will try to sleep soon as need to wake up later at 5 plus am and admit myself by 6.30am.

Congrats to Jamie & Bean!!
I was also suffering fm shivering and nausea fm the after effects of epi...hopefully tmrw will be better and I can enjoy bb and latch on @ delivery suite
actually I wrote the ctc # after the address....haha so sorry I realise it looks like postal code...was in a rush this mornin din take note..hee

YouLongZi address
393 Guillimard Rd
Ctc No : 67440148
my gynae said he had no preference and told me to work with the anthaesthist. i've high BP and am worried that i will panick and my BP will raise as they perform the operation. but i want to be able to hold my baby asap at the same time.
Thanks for the nursing shawl push cart location and thanks oki for updating me.
I got the shawl today I must say the material is really nice n comfy..not too warm..
Mikojade and Cheekz,
May u both has a smooth n fast delivery later too! And yes, cheekz, hopefully we can meet each other at 5th floor later and prolly same room..haha we shall see..
Xue...my hubby is snoring loudly in the bedroom now....haha.

Chocolat...you are stil awake...must be feeling excited right.

ak...you got high BP now? What did your gynae say abt your high BP? I had high BP during my #1 pregnancy and my gynae immediately asked me to admit hospital. He said baby will feel distress if mummy has high BP. I was put on CTG to monitor bb's heartbeat at that time and was given a lot of medicine to lower my BP. So worry for you.
xue /ak / J&M
yeah!! me very excited and at the same time treasuring every moments bb inside me now....but I need to force myself to go lie down and rest...
I'll be able to cuddle and embrace my bb in my arms hours later...not sure if he'll look like my #1...haha I can still remember vividly the scene when he's juz delivered.

Alright goodnite mummies....may u have a good rest!!
Thanks for all the well wishes mummies!

Congrats to all the mummies who have popped:)

All the best chocolat and cheekz!

Reporting live frm Mt A.....

Jus finish the admission procedures and am upset that the room I've booked has been taken... Have to stay in a double room til 12pm before they can give me a single room.... Am now counting down alone and poor hubby is sleeping in the lounge.... another 4 hrs to go!!!
Good night and good luck, chocolat!

J&M - i was warded for high BP 3 Fridays ago for 1 day, and have been on hospitalisation leave for the past 2 weeks. the BP remains high so gynae wants to bring baby out once he reaches 37 weeks, which is next Tue. so these 6 days are crucial to us. i don't know what i can do to bring down the pressure too. but 37 weeks is good enough for me. this baby really has a difficult time. he has to deal with the fibroids earlier on and now the blood pressure. sigh.
i didn't know that we can choose the delivery time. i thought if it can be scheduled then it would be office hours.
Wow...mikojade, you are stil awake and typing in your ward! Pls dun get upset..you will be seeing your little one really soon!

ak...so sorry to hear your case. Pls stay strong. I am sure both you and your little one will make it thru. Just remember that you will be seeing your little one by next tue. I wil pray for you.
Morning Ladies ...

Congrats to Bean N Jamie , hope both of u n baby doing well

Chocolat, mikojade n cheekz
wish u all smooth delivery n hug ur lil soon

u fix the date already? Me still no sign dunno when baby want to pop.

Tm will go check up do CTG n scan hope after that will know when she want to pop. Also hope her weight got gain
good morning ladies

baby_may, thanks... will check my weight at gynae later... afraid my waterbag is leaking -- sometimes felt something trickle down but thot it is discharge.. panty liner not wet...

star & J&M, thanks 4 the lead on snuzzler

ak, listen to music and relax -- hope ur BP will go down this week

oki, enjoying ur time with #1?
Mummies, just wondering, how soon will we pass out blood if we are going for C-sec? Immediate also? I understand that if going by V birth, the passing out of blood will be very soon after the delivery. Can anyone advise?
Mummies, today i got the brown discharge! contraction interval till now is 10-15min.. must time how long to determine if it is the real thing?
ling, sorry, i dun hv experience leh... from antenatal class, time the interval(start of each contraction) over 1 hour...

any experienced mummies can help?
good morning ladies!

Congrats Bean and Jamie
I got bean's sms last evening too....wah, din expect her to be the 4th mummy to join the Popped group...hehe...

Adv_sports, good luck for ur appt later
Ling - 4-1-1 rule I read:
4: comes evry 4 mins
1: Each contarction lasts for 1 min
1: Non-stop for 1 hour

So excited!! I was just talking to you last nite!

Jia you!
bean's birth story as follows:

1030am - VE at Gynae
after that feel so uncomfortable
11plus - contractions started
130pm - admitted into hospital
during this time, tried not to have epi. only 3cm diluted
4pm - gave up. asked for epi
5pm - fully diluted
5plus - bb bean was POPPED!!!
ak, #1, i opt for c-sect GA. This time also the same. I have seen and heard abt side effects of c-sect epi so i dare not try. also my hb and me arent ready to witness the bloody scenes.. hehehe..

lily, my gynae fixed date for me already.. will be next week.

yr EDD is mid of May right?? dont be anxious.. still long way to go.. i think let bb reaches week 38 where lung is fully developed will be better..
