(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

You long zi is located along Guillemard Road, it can be seen along the right side stretch of road if u are coming in from Katong side.

Ling lim,
Is it jellylike and colourless ? Sometime it can be just normal discharge.

okipoki > I dunno also. I was overly engrossed in looking at some diapers on promo then she came along making that statement. Some ppl just want to pick on something bah I think..just like the SP lecturer" at Chai Chee. Luckily she din hurl any bad words else sure kick big fuss with her. She got hormonal imbalance prob siah. Crazy old hag.
Irene - congrats to your chubby chubby baby.

chocolat - wish you a smooth delivery.

SK - it's amazing that such ppl exist. ignore them, not worth getting angry over them.
Good morning mummies ! last night cant post again....

congrats to Irene & Andrina !

Chocolat, wow ! looking forward to tmr ya ?

ling, did u check with ur gynae ?

sk, wat an old hag !!! spoilt your shopping mood...
okipoki, thanks for the infor!!
mornin mummies..

yday night till now.. feel so uncomfortable.. no pain but feel tummy so tight... izzit so call BH contraction?? false labor sign??

anyone experince tis
congrats to those who gave birth! wish mikojade n choclat smooth delivery. this is getting so so exciting!!!!!!

started my leave today wen to toilet just now and when i wipe myself, notice tt there's strands of blood with vry thick mucus discharge. tummy abit crampy. means the Big day is coming?? or false alarm?? gng see how ltr. excited.!!!
this lil one always give me false alarm one leh... lol! shall see how ltr. btw I notice tt my rectum area also abit painful. bb is pressing it?
Haha really ar, then u shld tell him to give a more obvious sign like waterbag burst then u wont be guessing here and there liao
Hmm might be the pressure...
Oh caning kids can make bag burst ar? :p hahaha then likely when i am mad at my girl, my bag will burst also hahaha.. coz sometimes my veins feel like bursting when I am angry with her haha!

Congrats anyway!

It might be show! update us
haha. if waterbag burst i'll definitely know it's time!! mayb it's another prank of his! lol!!

sure! will definitely update u all.
Ling Lin,
It shld be a one time thing - thats happen to me previously.

Thats what I preferred rather than making guesses mah right
good morning mummies

irene, wah, scold/cane son till waterbag burst! envious of ur short labour! take care and enjoy breastfeeding #3

andrina, congrads and wish baby K will be discharged soon! hope ur condition improves, too!

adrienne, maybe ur dizziness spell due to house moving? do rest well!

chocolat, here's wishing u a smooth delivery 2molo!

xue, u r almost there! jia you!

ling, my mucus plug dislodged over a few days -- with increasing amt each time...
the push cart at vivo doesn't sell the obuba nursing shawl. its another brand. i'm not sure where it is located.. u have to ask shers ok? the obuba one is from www.ninemonthslater.com.sg

my cramps were whole day and got worse at 9pm..

i'm so frustrated. it got really bad at 9pm and i told hb we wait until midnite (cos i called KKH and their service is tremendously lousy. they said sorry we cannot contact ur gynae unless u come down)..

some of u have ur gynae's contact rite? it was so frustrating last nite cos the forum was down and i was in pain. so we monitored til midnite..

stil so painful. went online to read about BH contractions.. the website says if u change position, it will go away. so i tried everything from sitting down to lying down to bathing to watever position i could think of.. it didn't go away.

so i waited til 2am, so painful i cannot slp. den i went into kkh in the end cos my mum never experienced contractions (i was epi baby, my brothers were both c section) so she said better just go down n check.

so mum, brother, hb n i went down. i walked up to delivery ward slowly n the nurses said "ok we are going to admit u". so they did. they brought me to the delivery ward. gave me a room, strapped me up for the CTG and monitored bb's heart beat..

by the time my gynae reached about 345am, she looked at the graph and said that the contractions were real and it was much more intense before she came.. and it went away.. still there, but not as intense as the 2am one.

checked for dilation (so uncomfortable but not painful). she said not really dilated yet and came to the conclusion that the pain is not strong enough to dilate the cervix. she said she can discharge me or keep me in, because she said it can go either way. either it gets worse or it totally subsides.

i was very frustrated. i told her i want to go home. so she said ok but if continue to be painful or gets worse pls come back because bb can come out already. the moment she left the hospital, the pain got worse. den i was asking bb, why are u so cheeky? when gynae is here, the contractions eased.. the moment she go home, the intensity increased by so much.

but i didn't bother to call her back cos i wanted to go home. i also don't know what she means by UNBEARABLE PAIN. it was unbearable in my point of view. cannot walk properly, each step i take i have to clutch my tummy, wait til the pain goes away then i walk again.

last nite i reached home about 5am.. couldn't slp cos it was so painful.. until now. very painful. my actual appt with her is tmr nite. now i dunno if i should wait until tmr or if i really cannot tahan, go down again later. but i dont understand her context of unbearable pain.

i told her my threshold is very high.. but she insists that i have to be wincing in pain, cannot walk properly.. i told her yah im' like that.. den she say nononono it must be more unbearable. so ok lor.

anyway KKH hotline really lousy. and my gynae is totally uncontactable by me. and she took very long to come down. i feel very discouraged already. sian.
Thanks ladies for the well wishes!!

pls take care prolly u din have enuf rest

YouLongZi address
393 Guillimard Rd 67440148

Ok gals...I'm off to shopping!!
U mean u were really admitted last nite?
hm.. a lot of you all are experiencing painful cramps already, i think better to time it, when it is consistent,ie once in 15 mins and lasted for abot 30-60 secs then it could be real, if it is irregular, it could be false alarm..

Before the real big day, normally u will experience painful cramps that comes and goes but they are inconsistent, that was my experienced.. quite unbearable.. but it's not regular.. oh i am so hungry!

My milk finishes, i am lazy to walk downstairs to cold storage to buy milk how.. should i just take milo.. hm..

Experiencing painful stomachache when tummy tightens.. but ignore it.. coz dun bother to time it, and dun think it's regular
audrey..it doesnt hv to be unbearable or wincing pain for u to be in labour. for my 1st baby, i was still able to walk, given that when the contraction happened, i had to stop to catch my breathe. but it was not unbearable or wincing. when i reached mt.e, the nurse told me i was already 4cm dilated. and i had no waterbag or show or anything..it was just the contractions very close together, abt 2mins apart.

if you're not sure, go in for a check. it's safer that way. dun be discourage, ur baby is abt to come. wait till u see the smile on that adorable face, it'll be all worth it. good luck, girl!!
i m kkh patient...fared up with 2 gynae also.
i unable to contact my gynae..they dun give their mobile...only paging services.
sometimes wondering why we pay so much...the amt we paid is compared to TMC and pte gynae.
but wat services are we getting?
so mad.
yah i was admitted after the contractions came n went off within 5-10 mins and never go away since 9pm..

gynae said "yah this is the real thing but its not painful enough to dilate".. i don't know what she means by real pain la. so i just say let me go home i dont want to waste time here waiting for REAL PAIN.

the gynae did VE and told me that cervix is soft, but not dilated and i might have to wait a few more hours before it starts. so i chose to go home la. since the pain is bearable to me. so now i'm at home, waiting for the unbearable pain den go back in again.

the pain is making me very frustrated. i cannnot slp, cannot sit, cannot lie down. so painful.

thanks for ur advice.. now i just have to wait.. wait until i cannot tahan the pain..
chocolat, no sharing room with me?? hehehe... okok..

the only chance now is cheekz.. whahaha...

audrey, take care wor.. maybe just take notice of the signs some mums mentioned.. might help..

anyway just went for gynae check up in the morning.. i will be joining the popcorn group next week..

RE: pupsik nursing poncho
the pushcart is located outside GAP.
Hi Audrey
My gynae advised me to go to delivery suite when the contraction is about 5min or when the waterbag burst.

These 2 days coughing badly, I'm afraid the waterbag will burst if my cough is too bad! I'm working from home these 2 days, tomorrow go back to office to handover. I told bb just another day then mummy is ready to receive him anytime, but if he can't wait, he just need to signal mummy!
i went kkh for my checkup before too. their service is damn lousy. decided to change after 2 visits there.. just monitor and see how. take care!

woah!! wish u smooth delivery as well.!! which date u choose?
thank u.. i will take care..

yah i'm also damn fedup with kkh.. they didn't want to page for my gynae to contact me unless i admit myself.. so stupid. wat if its a false alarm but i need to double check with gynae? no cannot give contact.. everything admit first talk later. waste money.

my gynae also told me every 5 mins and last for 1 hour den admit. i told her mine every 5 mins since 9pm and now 2am i decide to come in.. den she said maybe bb cheeky, let the contractions ease off when i come.. i was like ok this is not funny im' in pain now.

now getting worse. i also cannot be bothered calling up cos sure ask me to admit AGAIN. i'm just going to stay at home until something drastic happens.
i didnt really choose date.. the date is given by my gynae.. i just tell him what time i prefer.. i'm not particular in this.. will be 30th april..

how abt u?? signs came already??

maybe u just see whether got last min packing to be done or whatever.. dont get angry.. no use de..

maybe its just false alarm.. wait till waterbag burst also in time right?? just like Irene.. her waterbag burst and can wait till after midnite then admit.. dont worry huh..
Just continue to monitor, if really very painful, go KK rightaway. At least there is other doctor to check on you first. Day time sure you gynae should be on duty too. Are you lying down on the bed? Talk to baby as well. Ask her to give you a stronger signal.
audrey..ya, kk services is lacking. i was also frustrated with them during my 1st preggy so decided to go private. glad i did, feels very safe and happy with current gynae.

shers is right, dun get angry. u'll need all ur energy during the actual process. for most ppl, 1st kid will be a slower process, dun fret.
can i just check with experienced mummies

did you switch on air-con during nite time or nap time??

then day time, r the windows open?? fans??
thks mummies for ur concern. went to the gynae this morning.. then was referred to ear and throat specialist instead. zz.. in the end, he suspects tt i'm anemic... mm.. will eat more stuff with more iron ba.. anyway, wad food's good tts rich in iron ah?

oh.. and bb not a good size.. gynae told me to monitor for two more weeks.. sigh... if no good size gotta take bb out earlier.. i almost died at doc's desk when i hear tt.. sigh...

me also lack of iron when was in week 32.. so other than iron tables which i hate to take, i opt for more beef (red meat).

u can try to eat more red meat..
shers..u mean now or confinement? now i'm hot all the time!! even with air-con on, i'm still hot. cant be help with all those extra amt of blood tat we're carrying at this stage. if u're asking abt confinement, they say no fan. open window would be the best, but also quite intolerable in these heat. last round, i couldnt care less and had the air-con on most of the time. only drawback was the PUB bill afterwards. :s

adrienne..i was told to boost baby weight, the fast way could be eating lots of ice cream. my coll took 1 magnum bar a day when she was carrying her girl and was told baby was underweight. in the end, baby was 1mth premature but did hit the 2kg mark.
liewb, i mean confinement period.

last round, i switched on air-con at nite time and nap time (CL nagged abit and insisted that i covered with blanket!) but windows cannot open and fans r nono...

since i'm closing factory, i tot of doing a proper confinement.. want to go strict on myself whether is it taboo..

adrienne, to cure giddy is to take in red meat.

to boost up bb weight, best is drink lots of FM for mums!! i managed to boost up my bb's weigh - 300g within 1 week with full cream milk and FM for mums.. u can try that!

i'm still trying to boost up till next week.. hope my bb will be at least 3kg when birth..
shers..same here. if air-con on, hv to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks..u name it. but i really cant bear the heat, plus my aunt took the no wash hair & shower thingy rather seriously. i almost went mad. but i thot window is ok, my aunt din hv problem with me opening the window. fan is definitely a no.
shers- really ah???? wad FM for mums is good? i dread drinking those... but again.. i'll do anything for my little one.. sigh...

liewb- did ur friend's bb get to discharge with mummy? i think i'll be traumatised if bb gotta stay in hospital... zzz
