(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs


the nurse did ask me to let bb suck even got no milk, i press no liquid le.. cause i dun eat fish nor drink milk so thats y i got no milk lor.. then when i am back hm, my mum keep forcing me to eat fish lor.. then after 1week then got milk but my milk not that milky very watery.. my nipple kana suck till bleed..

yuki, so now u got milk already. ur bb will be happy...i just got fm from the nursery again..so heartpain when see my bb no milk to drink...and he seems so hungry, when the fm send to me, he suck so fast...
Porky, hang in there... the milk will come. remember to latch baby on even tho there is no milk. Baby's suckling is the best pump available

Firefly, how can you get 90ml on each side with 30min? thats a lot? I am using medela freestyle dual pump. At the moment only about 45 ml with 20 min... Heard ameda pumps are good as well.

Sore nipples - must dab some breastmilk after latching and pumping. it helps.
Happy Mothers' Day ladies !!

My milk came in on Day 6 so hang in and latch as much as possible

90ml per B for 30mins is very good
Keep it up & I am using ameda too.
After giving birth, the next morning I latched on my baby, got colostrum come out. By 3-5 days my milk supply came in.

Since Arielle came home I didn't express breastmilk but she's been suckling alot. Some times for comfort.

When she has hiccups, she would want to suckle. It seems to stop her hiccups almost instantly!

Seems like these 2 days, Baby Arielle doesn't sleep in the afternoon. She sleeps from 7pm plus.
Keep trying even tho there is no milk, they will survive with the colestrum for the time being..

dun rely on fm/teats as bb at this young age will get lazy & not work for bm later..hence, it's better if you could use cup feed.

Take care!
Hi GraceofGod,

Ya, but that means 1hr gone to get 180ml. I seem to get more on my left side. Highest record reach 150ml on left but right side sometimes 90ml when super engorged. Wonder is it due to CL cook a lot of fish for me. Now looking for solution to store BM. Milkbags seems exp as each can only store up to 180ml. TMC refused to gimme more glass bottles when i discharged... only got 2.

Any idea if i go to other hospital like KKH nursery, will thy gimme me glass bottles?

How is your freestyle? is it quiet ? Was tinking if I Medela can express faster, I will get 1 when i back to work to leave it at office.

Realli tired everynight have to wake up and pump... like moo moo liao...panda eyes.
Keep up the spirits! my MS also only come in Day 4 or 5. Baby can survive on colestrum de.

now how u store the EBM? cos my gal is small drinker, so supply is more than demand a this moment.
i ran out of glass bottles as i have limited glass bottles.
Yes, I do store the EBM and I am running out of glass bottles too. I hv ard 10 plus bottles from previous and Mt A gave me another 10 plus all are used up. Currently I am using the milk bag given by my friend - Avent. Have ordered the blue egg milk bag

Moreover, my boy hv breastmilk jaundice & I am going to stop feeding him BM with FM instead till his jaundice level drop. Meaning to say, I will hv more EBM.
happy mother's day!!

150ml is alot. i've really bcom panda alrdy... esp wen i need more then 8 hrs of slp each day. now like sleep less then that..
Delivered my boy at Mt A, I shared the same room with one of the mummies here whose boy delivered on the same day as you

Am on TBF this round, my previous was a failure that I am so determine that I must succeed this time. I realised u must keep on latching & dont stress yourself of cos must hv a good rest.
Those glass bottles can store only the most 90 to 120 ml..

you can however, get cheap plastic bottles that sold in the neighbourhood, brand is Kidsper, cost abt $3 - 4plus each, wif cap & can store 240ml.

Congrates to Andrea & welcome to aboard!
u can try blue egg milk bag... each can store up to 250ml (provided not in freezer compartment).. quite good...

i'm using that currently.. at least no need to sterilise the bottles.. good for those who lots of supply..
Dear Mummies,

Can someone share with me at wat point shd i call my gynae or admit myself to the hospital?? my gynae says i can call him if i encounter any of the following
Contractions, waterbag burst or bleeding.
I am just scare i might encounter the above in the middle of the nite and i dun wanna to trouble my gynae unnecessarily....
Dun worry, when any of those happens, just concentrate on timing the contractions..

once contractions become consistant and duration is longer, interval is shorter, you are there.. admit yourself to hospital, the nurse will call ur gynae & do all the neccessary.

If waterbag burst, it will take sometime for contractions to happen. take a good shower/meal while waiting for the 1st contractions! if you admit urself early, you may ended up having to induce the bb.

Bleeding can happen few days before the active labour starts!



BM Jaundice:
Hi Joyce,

Thanks again for coming to my rescue... i dun wanna come across as kan cheong and kanna from the gynae.. especially calling him in the middle of nite...
i didnt know got types of jaundice..

my bb doesnt has jaundice during hosp stay. when 1 week check has minor. but pd says its ok. cl showered her with herbs n suntan her.. pd says once bb's skin finished with peeling, will b fine..

tot its norm esp my bb doesnt follow my blood grp. she follows daddy
PD said can continue but I google said is good to stop for 1 or 2 days inorder for the jaundice level to drop dramatically. My neighbour also shared that she stops for 1 day & her ger eventually recovered.

Read the link u have sent & PD has choosen option 2. Will be seeing PD end of the week

That's good!

I think we are really blessed to be able to access to internet & search for best option/solutions!

I was broken down with #1, when doc 'ordered' me to stop bfg! I was like 'huh'? Being 1st time mom then, I was really helpless.. din do my homework...
Icic, this round alot of ppl delieverd at TMC

U are right
Well, my #1 also has jaundice but it wasnt that "serious" as compared.
oki,joyce,firefly, i still let my bb suck...but my nipples very dry and pain now...i dont even have colostrum leh...the mother beside my bed, her supply so good...milk keep flowing out when she show me her b...so envy...
Thanks. If the Blue Egg Bags I wanna put in freezer, wats the capacity i can fill up to?

Perhaps u can try to take more fish n papaya soup when u go home. I feel it does increase MS.
hey mums and mums to be, happy mothers day! Its really a humbling experience to b a mother and I salute all mummies and mtbs here!

Today is day 2 for me

Here is my birth story.
- Due 3 may, bb not ready. Scheduled for induction on 9 may
- tried all methods to naturally induce, including climbing 14 storeys, walk for 2 hrs, breast pump for nipple stimulation, talk to bb and finally bot the raspberry tea with 915.
- had show on 5 may. Very excited, see doc, Ctg shows irregular contraction and cervix still not open, advised to wait
- 7 may, have contractions throughout the night, 15 mins apart, see doc and Ctg shows contraction still considered irregular. Doc advised to wait, tho if wan to induce, labour ,might b long. So wait
- 8 may, contractions at night again, thought this must b it! But still irregular through the day
- 9 may, checked in early at 1 am since have contraction. But Ctg shows irregular and to induce as planned at 7 am. Was 2:5 cm dilated when checked in.
- 640 am induced with drip, contraction 3 mins apart,. Cannot tahan the pain, took gas
- 7 plus, dr burst water bag, 5 cm dilated
- 9 plus, fully dilated, started pushing, which was the hardest part
- 10 plus, dr, midwives and nurse helped me with the push, after 2 contractions of pushes, bb Raphael was out at 1022a,m
Totally exhausted! Sorry for the long post, but want to encourage any mummies who are waiting or past due date, its ok and most importantly bb is safe and healthy and labour is bearable. Your body is the best gauge.

Now want to tbf. Also sore nipples and bleeding. Boy sucks hard and today realised he is too thirsty. Allowed the nurse to feed water. I was insistent no fm and water. Guess was wrong. Bb can suckles for one hr and dun wan to stop.

If supply comes in 4-5 days time, can still dun feed fm? Any tbf mums have advice?
firefly, ya i have been taking this soup in TMC..hope supply comes in soon

btw, anyone bb's PD is Dr Allyson Tan ?

muffintop, well done ! another mummy without epi !
muffintop- i think prob joyce can help u in tt area ba. as in tbf...

for me, i feel tt it would still be achievable..even though bb has been fed FM.. i've seen a few examples... i guess the most important thing is for mummy to recover and stay relaxed.. (as in mentality) dun keep pushing or blaming urself if u can't go tbf (just yet)... nurse ur body first... good luck in bf k?!!
Apply nipples cream to moisture your nipples.. dun let them sore!

Sore nipples/bleeding may due to incorrect latching!

Thanks for sharing ur boy's birth story.

I was TBF my #2, totally no supplement to FM/water. Once, your milk comes, you can stop FM/water. At this point, ask nurse to cup feed instead of bottle feed, this will reduce the chance of nipple confusion.

Sore nipples can be cured within 1 day by applying nipple cream (Purelan/Linson are good)

As 1st time mom, our body is adjusting to changes.. as long as you know you are latching correctly, u are doing fine.

just nid to keep them moisturise, minimise abressive against clothing.. ie, nid to wear bra, try all ways not to worsen it.
Firefly, thanks for sharing. Medela freestyle is relatively quiet compared to the mini electric I used to use. this one allows for handsfree so I can do quite a bit while pumping. I got it from forum mummy so it's cheaper, about $500 plus (market is 800 plus i heard). For manual ones, I like Avent. Used that when I went back to work after my no. 1

Eh, where to get blue egg milk bags?

Joyce, where to get the plastic bottles for storing milk as you mentioned?
This is so frustrating. I'm tired but I cant sleep. Dunno wat's wrong with me, keeps yawning but the min I try to sleep, a million things will go thru my mind. Ideally, a glass of wine would be great but off course, at this stage of preggy, it's out of question.. *sigh.
