(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

hi porky,
dr adrian mentioned she is a bit small. so i'm not sure how much smaller than the average baby weight.
initially he measured about 2.5kg. after the second measurement, he confirmed is 2.4kg plus instead.
i felt that my appetite is not as good as in 2nd trimester. wanted to beef her up, but stomach always quite full. seems that she is occupying my space, but my belly stopped expanding. make me quite breathless...
twinkle - dun worie too much abt bb wt. as long as bb is growing, it's fine. i rem my #1 was 40th percentile all the way until the last tri when she went thru a growth spurt. she was 3.09kg at birth, not too bad for a petite mum like me. try eating many small meals if your appetite is no good.


Yuki - all the best to your delivery... Jia you jis you... we are all waiting to see your cute baby pix

Firefly/Xue - I am seeing my gynae at ACJ on Thurs too - what time are you appmts?
gd morning ladies!

Wah, Shers u woke up so early?

Muffintop, u tried asking ur bb come out last week and din work? maybe u shld entice him with something
for my #1, daddy told her that he would get her a mac donald happy meal if she comes out the next day, my waterbag burst that nite and she came out the next day...drawback is her first word was "Mac Mac" not mummy...

re: cendol/ice-kachang
Icyen, eat while u can now else u can only THINK about it during confinement. hhehee

Re: Mat
Liewb, i also agree with feb_mum on the mat. ABC mat is very dusty when it comes to cleaning but it's much cheaper, i got it at home too but got my maid to clean them every week and it is a hassle coz the pieces dropped all over.
i am also using the one that feb_mum showed u. I din buy it from the BP, coz i wanted to see the actual thing myself.
U can go to Tiny Toons to see the sizes and material.It may be much more expensive than the ABC mat but it's worth it and last a long long time
tinklesp, dr adrian say my bb weight is ok leh...this sat i will be seeing him again..anyway i dont care much of bb weight..since it wont be accurate until u see your bb...as long bb moving and kicking actively, i am happy liao

yuki, u gg to admit to TMC soon ! so excited for u ! relax ok...remember to bring your chix essence...hehe
firefly, xue, twinkles - all the acj mummies hv appt on thu? mine's always on mon coz hb's off day.

915 - you are so funny. i can't imagine my gal calling mac mac 1st. haha.
Yuki - counting down eh.. 4 hrs to seeing baby - YEAH! i think TMC got wireless leh.

feb_mum - i usually scheduled mine later in the week, easier to get time off - new job mah :p
yuki, all the best!

915, i am hoping he comes this thursday, then fri public holiday. but his dad wants to have the weekend then ask him to come out after that. confusing lah, this sun my edd liaoz. anyway, that was a very cute way to entice,.. we should try something like that. haha.

i am getting back ache sitting in front of the computer. started yesterday, not like the usual back ache cos my chair is very comfortable.. and super sleep.. keep waking up in the middle of the night to see if i wet my bed. haha
Muffintop, me too...every nite i wake up to see if i wet my bed....the weather has been so hot, i dunno if i am sweating or wat...

U still working?
lcyen, tinkles - i see. looks like we are unlikely to cross path at the clinic then. i always wonder when i'm at the clinic who's a may thread mum, haha. tink i've only met xue before.
915 - dat's wat i do too! keep waking up to chk myself, maybe dat's why i wasn't sleeping well last week. tis week, i decide to juz 'heck care' and can zz better. hee. but the suspense is really killing me. my mum who's my gal's caregiver is gg away from thu-sun. if #2 chooses to come then, tink we will go into panic mode coz my mil has nvr taken care of my gal. and my T2 gal sure knows who to bully loh.
915, i am working from home now.

i put the sheet protector (blue) and i think it's causing me to sweat at night. haha.

Feb mum, agree with the suspense. when is ur edd? wonder how we can enjoy this period without the suspense
To all mummies who have popped, CONGRATULATIONS

Yuki, all the best! Soon soon... It's gonna exxxtremmmly exciting

I am going to be 38 weeks this Thursday but still prancing around in school... everyone is gan jiong for me... last day is Thursday so hope to take a good rest after that... so hope baby is willing to give me that

Sleeping problems? Yes, yes, I have that as well... don't know which nerve baby is pressing onto, back is aching and painful like mad... now ankles also...

These days, weather has been bad so let's take good care of ourselves
good afternoon ladies

juz cooked prawn udon soup for lunch *yum yum*
buay tahan the hot weather and on air-con to cool down after the "hot" lunch...

yuki, jia you n all the best!

915, so funny abt ur #1 first word was "mac mac" *haha*

muffintop, yup, think the blue underpads make it even hotter!

yah, me also will check whether i wet the bed when i wake up to pee at nite
adv, is raining heavily at my side liao...so strange weather...rain but still feeling hot..

i am waiting for my lunch...ask my colic to pack for me...
porky, enjoy ur lunch later
rain over @ my side (jurong west) but no wind n super HOT!

jamie, thanks
hv added a link to ur blog, too...

congrads to the mummy who popped
who else gt blog huh? since im at it might as well kp adding!! =)

Congrats to AK!

adv sports: i'm waiting for the rain to come too!! the cloudiness giving me high hopes!! ahhaha!! but i still nd to take my daily walk to jp!
adv_sports- hot mah? been raining for hours.. and for once.. i actually find tt the weather's fantastic... shiok..

915- u ok or not? how come gotta change gynae? hope its nothing serious...

muffintop- i just realized tt u did pm me ur no! hahhaha.. tts how bad it is i'm with... personal mail.. haha.. ur turn's coming soon! hang in there!!

shers- good for u to wake up so early! got a longer day to bond with no.1
ak, many congrads

jamie, ur daily walk to JP for lunch?

adrienne, maybe it's the hot soup from lunch + my place is like an oven(need to close all window when it rained)... rain juz over -- hv open the window to let in some breeze

time to go for nap -- chat later
tinklesmum: okie! bt my comp is v v v laggy now!!! i go for my walk come back then do again. i think cuz i trying to add this slide show thingy and the pix uploading is taking forever!!
adv sports: yea nowadays i try to walk daily to jp or pioneer mall at least. dun mind having lunch thr sometimes too la. must c mood.. haha.. today weather gd. cannot waste!!
just finish my lunch ! so shiok ! but super hot again...

wow, congrats to AK ! share ur bb pixs soon

adelyee, long time never see u online ah...
