(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Porky, i do come in and read...very busy these days..got to do handover in office last week.. i can't wait to pop too...hopefully bb can come out this weekend...

915, oh..u shd be due already right ? i also cant wait...seeing so many of them pop liao...now gg to work every morning is like dragging my feet to walk...

melody, i still bend down to wash toilet...then difficult to climb up...must use the toilet bowl as support...haiz..think i shd get a long brush to scrub instead now...
Muffintop, yeah, got contractions, but mine is BH contraction aka practice contractions only, not the real thing yet.

I am also waiting and waiting. I asked my baby to faster come out so that I don't have to explore other option. Then my hubby says maybe baby is not ready, let him come out when he is ready. Then I say ok, baby, take your time. Then my hubby say don't confuse baby, sometimes ask him to come out faster, sometimes ask him to take his time. So we have been telling baby to ask him to come out when he is ready. Hopefully soon.
I went to see GP today cause I was sweating like mad even though I slept in aircon room with temperature 18 degree without blanket. My hubby was wrapped in blanket. GP says I have a cold and gave me MC. No wonder I feel so tired these few days. But I am still sweating alot even after taking medicine (but my hubby forbid me to on aircon upon learning that I have cold). Is it normal to keep on perspiring?
Hi Porky - I still do housework too - vacuum, mop, wash laundry, toliet, cook....gd to know i am not the only one... seems like all mummies here very hardworking neh
Porky, i shld be due soon
hey, u take care when u bend down...sometimes when i bathe my gal, i find very hard to stand up from sitting on the stool...

Baby_may, i also sweating like mad...i can on the aircon @ 20 degrees with celining fan on, but still sweating! i can imagine during confinement will be worse!
915, so it is normal. Tonight will persuade my hubby to on the aircon.

You changed gynae and hospital already? So we are now just waiting to pop.
babymay, i also sweating a lot even inside aircon room leh...normal or not ??? i never see GP..my hb wrap up like ba zhang last nite then i kick away the blanket..eh, i also thot c-sec is admit next day and immediate wor..must ask ak to reply...hehe

tinkles, ya i do a lot of housework also...hubby very relax one...but i dont cook lah..only simple porridge or noodles loh

915, haha...i try to stand up very slowly and holding my tummy at the same time...
jamie, same same...i worried dunno the green veins will pop out or not with all those weight!

baby_may, yeah i changed liao. waiting to pop nia...

weather very hot now...buay tahan. i think i going to take a shower, on the aircon and take a nap now....
915, the varicose veins? dun stand too long ba... yes weather is nuts.. i sit at comp for 30mins with fan, n still sweat. i feel like a pig. =p
Hi 915 and Jamie,

I slept with the fan and aircon on too.. i seriously have no idea how to cope with the weather like tat during confinement.. my mum already warn me about no shower, no water and no aircon.. sure die wan..
tinke mum,
i'll try to send u the list tonight. quite diff using mobile to update...

alrdy amended mikojade's info..

will be bring #1 to bugis shopping ltr in e afternoon...

wish u smooth delivery!!
Hi Xue,

I am missing from the list..

Pls add me in again

Name:Yvette Tan
Gender of baby: Boy
EDD: 15 May
Gynae: Dr Tan Hang Yang
Hospital" Gleneagles
yvette, hahaha...wont die lah...since we sweat so much, hopefully tat 1 month can lose more weight...hahaha

xue, u very energetic leh..go shopping again today !
Hi all mummies, thanks for your wishes!

backed home yest.. but v bz with BF.. now bb kayden is sleepg.. got to faster update my birth story plus my mum dont like me to surf net.. got to lie on bed.

2.24am waterbag burst n my bed got wet! panic!
took a quite bath and rushed to Mt A
3.24am checked for dilation.. only 1.5cm! clear bowel system n put on CTG
8am ate breakfast
9.30am Gynae checked for dilation. Only 2cm!!! contractions only 5min interval n not intense
he decided to induce the contraction with drip.
11am super intense contractions and bb is distressed by it! Midwife suggested to drop the drip coz i will need to go for C sect if bb too distressed
11.15am on laughing gas to cope with the contractions. dilated only 5cm!
12pm decided to put me back on drip tog with laughing gas..
1pm too goggy to concentrate anymore n can feel the push effect but not fully dilated yet.. cant bear.. screaming for epi.. nurses said ok.. but bluff me coz bb already at the position.
1.30pm gynae came...
1.39pm 3 push n bb Kayden is out! I was so goggy that i cant even open eyes to see him when they put him in front of me... :p

xue, can update for me..? Kayden is 3.05kg. Natural w/o Epi..

btw, i was with okipoki on my 2nd nite stay.. we are same ward.. hehee..

have posted some pics on fb.

I would love too but my mum will never allow it...she is very traditional... already complainting about me drinking too much cold water now..
gosh, m dripping in sweat juz sitting n listening to music *faint*

915, haha, ur hubby may feel better that this new gynae is not as handsome :p yah, maybe we will pop together on wed

erhmm, remember ak has hypertension... maybe she admit one day earlier to monitor before c-sect 2molo?

porky, wah, u still have to bent down to wash toilet? ask hubby/mil to help?... take care leh...
yvette: tell ur mom nwadays aircon also can!! my mom also gt same mentality until i convinced her!! jus told her that alot of my frens all the moms n CL allow them to on air con! slowly psycho her until she ok. n tell her as long as nt directly blow at ur skin can le!
icyen: no window open nt stuffy ma? i think open window also nvr mind. sg weather like !@#%, pretty sure no wind will come in. lol!
yvette: talking about cold drinks... what is the side effects of taking cold drinks? coz my colleagues also complain me that i take too much cold drinks too. but i really cannot stand the heat liao.
no choice leh.. old ppl not allow leh... so i on air-con loh..
i stay @30 storey... sometime quite strong wind..
ya spore weather superb hot.. the wind oso hot one
twinkle_sp: i've heard things like bb wont hv much hair, bb will hv alot of phelgm till hv to go hospital to take out. bt i think it's individual one la... i also drink alot of cold drinks.. really is too hot alr. n i dun dun like to drink plain water.. only if it's w ice, or else i dun drink so imagine hw heaty i am. hahhaha!
yvette, u start yr ML already?? last wed i was at yr place.. but they said u r out of workplace..

i start my ML today.. today weather still ok compared to last few days..

RE: air-con
my mama also ok with me switch on air-con during confinement. she also pities me on doing confinement during this period of time. but just dont directly blow. fan and windows also can on except no direct.. just for circulation can..
yvette: ya, my hb also told his dad "siao ah, hw can no fan no aircon, aircon is ok one la!!" the father jus kp quiet. haha. mothers are hard nuts. may take some time to convince but DUN GIVE UP!! hahaha!!

icyen: oh ya true true.. sometimes i feel like putting ice on the fan so it feels like air con. cuz my living room no aircon n i dun like to hide in my room all day tho it's air conditioned.
i also will on aircon during confinement...sp services bill sure very high one..

adv, i need to bend down scrub my toilet floor..cos my toilet space very limited only...if use the long brush, the water splash until outside...now i cant bend down much, hubby offer to wash for me...but he wash not clean lah...
haiz no choice.. old ppl not allow use computer said no gd for eyes.. cant stand too long no gd for womb.. so i better hide in my own room to avoid arguement
congrats Ling! so was natural w/o epi bearable? luckily u didn't take the epo cos another 39mins bb kayden arrived ya.

915, good to see u here. will u be doing csection?

re hot weather,
i am sitting under the aircon directly now and when i sleep, it's aircon plus fan.. my husband tried to persuade me when it was a bit more cooling last night to just sleep under fan. i was emmitting so much heat that i just use my hot palms and leave it on his arms. he buay tahan the heat and have to switch on the aircon for me. haha.

confinement can have aircon, i heard, just no fan. but i dun wan bb to sleep in aircon if possible, cos dun want that to be a habit for him.. how ah?
Thanks for sharing ur birth story.. sounds like mine.. esp where cervic didn't dilate!! Mine was 20hr in labour for #1..

Tearing during birth:
Tearing can be either a natural tear or some gynae would do episiotomy (cut for you).
If you take a pc of paper, u tear it (natural tear) and u cut it using scissors. Try to 'glue' it using water. U see which one 'glue' better. The resuld is natural tear will 'glue' better, hence, meaning that natural tear will heal faster than episiotomy.

btw, I dreamt tt I was admitted last nite! So funny..
muffintop, i think the contractions is really hard to bear... lucky my tolerance level is high.. but hor when the contractions came, it was so diff from the usual ones that we got! haha.. so much painful!

Joyce, wah... u in for 20hr..? the midwife said dont be too long coz wait bb will be too distressed.. was so worried that time!. I think mine is natural tear.. coz i can only rem the doc came in n said ok.. u can push now.. then i just pushed liao.. :p
ling: i dun think epi wld've made a diff.. cuz epi is jus to numb the pain ma.. congrats anyway!!! =)

icyen: my hb's colleague was nagging at me when she saw me drink ice milk tea w/pearl. she say cannot drink tea and cold drinks!! i understand the cold drinks. but tea?? y ah?? do u knw? computer is really nt gd for eyes la, bt so boring otherwise, wat else is thr to do? bt jus listen lor. no pt to quarrel cuz "old ppl are always right". haha.

muffintop: my palms also v warm all the time. then i play "ru lai shen zhang" with my hb. lol
Greeting ladies !!

I am home.. but will udpate my birth story later cos very tired. Thinking to login and thanks all for the well wishes.

Talking about sharing the same room during delivery. Hahahah Ling Lin and I both shared the same room. We didnt know till the day she discharged
Anyway, hope those who havent deliver hava a smooth delivery...

Check out !!
there was like 5hr stagnant for the dilation..even tho was on induction..
Nect birth u can try without drugs liao! (what I did for #2)

If the dosage is too high, you will not be able to feel it when contractions kick in when u ready to push.. so midwives or gynae will have to tell you when to push!

Tea contains Caffine.. hence, too much is no good... however, how to explain when pple in china drink tea like plain water loh??

I also start sleeping in air-con arnd 24degree with fan on.. Will see weather when during confinement loh..

Swallon feet:
I had very bad swell last wkend.. till the 10 toes can't even tough the floor! I tried sleeping on my back wif bloster lifting my foot, but, very painful for me to lay on my back! This morning the swell comes back when reach office.. think I will stop sleeping on back le..
adv, cos hubby just anyhow wash...end up the whole toilet so messy...hehe...mil will wash the common toilet only..masterbedroom toilet, i wash my own..

oki, welcome back ! so how u knw is Ling when discharge ?
