(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

miss83 & sung
I heard that appletree is not bad, can try out. For me i intend to put my #2 with his elder bro at a new childcare next year. Heard from my friend is quite good but abit far at further down serangoon central.


I just transferred u the $$ under asura for the hi-tea. Paiseh for being so late. Almost forgot about it!
hi kome,

thanks. hee i'm planning try out talentplus first. then if no good, 2011 enrol my boy in appletree when he's 3yrs.

seems like there's a lot of new cc around SK too, i saw a few opening near buangkok mrt area.
Queenie,wah thks didint knw yogurt can cause wind,will try limit this
Glad that T bowel movements hv improve alot!

oh yes, i need to buy supplements for my gal this weekend as finally her daddy is free on weekend liao

i hv nt start any suypplements yet but she has been getting flu n cough once a month so i better start giving her now since she is at ifc full day

blurjen, i manage to bk my same CL frm the agency i use last time, if u cant find freelance one can go for agency n tell them ur requirement
Hi Mummies,
Any of u experiencing your lil tot not wanting to eat or eating very little compared to the past?? My boy has been behaving this way for the past few wks and its driving me nuts each meal time. I tried a variety of food and even food that he used to like alot in the past he is not very interested now. Its not like the food is bland or tasteless. I also tried feeding him or letting him self-feed, but each feeding session ends up with me feeling super frustrated. He likes it when OTHERS (e.g. grandpa or grandma) feeds him or just sit beside and ask him to eat, so am sure its not a matter of poor appetite or food not to his liking. But I can't be doing this all the time. He is still drinking milk though. I read up and found that supposedly during this period of time, a lot of toddlers' food issues are actually just power struggles becos 1 of the few things kids can control now is what they eat, and they're not shy about making demands.

Wonder any other mar babies behaving like this?
yes Im staying at SK.
I'm eyeing for appletree as well..but they say 2009 babies can only enroll in 2012. I'm also looking at 2-3hours program..
so talentplus is good? will do research on them..

hmm..the other one I found is tumbletots in punggol plaza..u can try check it out..
My boy has been behaving like this ever since after his 1st year birthday. Can totally understand your woes. His meals can be quite a struggle for me as it can take him almost 2hours to finish only half of his food. So it has been nightmare for me ever since March. I tried reasoning, bribes, distraction and many more methods just to make him eat but nothing seems to work. Somehow lately, his appetite suddenly improve after the molars are out. He finished his meal alot faster than before and am willing to chew his food and swallow. So I presume the previous struggles maybe due to teething and also to show their independence.

maybe you try to see whether is it because he is teething and attention seeking ? Been seeking help everywhere and sad to say the answer to these symptoms is jus patience although after all these months of feeding woes, my patience had been used up already. I know bribing is a wrong behaviour but I totally understand the woes of feeding a difficult toddler. Hence u can try bribing him with his favourite snack or drink or dessert , that works pretty well for my boy though. Hang in there.. I am sure this phase will pass soon and your boy will appreciate the beauty of his food in no time.
My boy has been behaving like this for about 1 month back. At first, he just wanted our food instead of his so I fed him with our food but now, he doesn't even want our food anymore after 2-3 spoonfuls.

I've been trying to "trick" him into eating but it doesn't seem to work anymore too. Not to mention that his milk intake is only 150ml x 3

I'm also losing patience in feeding him as he also wants to be self-fed these days but stil not eating much.
Mummy bean,
I don't think its due to teething...e.g. today when feeding him, he only took a few mouthful, then my MIL took over also same. And then when my part time cleaner comes and talk to him asking him to eat, he finished almost the whole bowl of food in less than 10mins what we took in half hr just to eat that few mouthful! He makes me feel like an incompetent mum at times who can't even feed her own kid, gosh! My hubby told me maybe the TERRIBLE TWO started early for us, haha

I realise my boy is drinking slightly more now that he is eating less. I'm not sure if I shld increase his milk intake further to compensate for less solid or maintain the same becos there are readings that say if we increase his milk intake, it will prevent him from eating more solid, but am worried if he doesn't drink more to compensate, he is not getting enough nutrients...its a chicken n egg situation
<font color="119911">Hi mummies, guess what i did today, well, in order to "wean" off porridge to more "normal" rice, here's what i thought of today to also encourage him to eat independently :p</font>


<font color="119911">Of course, this took me almost 1.5hr (but including cooking adult dinner 3dish1soup also), but it was all worth it when he eagerly ate up everything by himself :p</font>
<font color="119911">menu: fish&amp; pumpkin rice for "A" on a fried egg. 3 extra beetroot rice with heaps of veggies. Overall he took longer than porridge coz he ate by himself and had to use his fingers (naturally) most of the time, but can see, he enjoyed all of the 40mins sitting at the dinner table with us, so proud of him hehee :p</font>
oh my starflower, your food looks so tasty! wow you must be a great cook! can't imagine cooking like this, tink will take me forever. yummy!

could you share your fish and pumpkin rice recipe? i still dun dare to switch to "adult" food for my boy, porridge cooking all i can do. worried next time dun know what and how to cook for him.

thanks in advance!

hee i'm not sure if talentplus is considered good or not. juz that it's really near me and since i dun drive, i figure somewhere that's nearer would be easier to send my boy to everyday, esp if it rains. i know talentplus program is more like prep for academic with drawing, writing, etc.

i surf around and tumble tots is more like gymboree type? more physical play and exercise? i want to let my boy learn to sit down more haha :p

p/s which part of sk are you staying? hee can pm me
Wow starflower ! that is very nice !! Ya can you share the recipe with us ? running out of ideas to cook for my picky eater.

I get what u mean. My boy also did that to me as in my MIL manage to feed him in 10 mins and I need 1 hr at home. So my MIL was saying my technique of feeding him is wrong
I also presume my boy is an early bird for terrible twos. haha. I felt better blaming on terrible twos. ha..
oh nothing much of a recipe, its just boiling rice w pumpkin and fish. the rest are all steamed vegs. oh the same goes for the beetroot rice, just boil with rice will give the rice its red colour. After kee messed up with it, i made a snowman, the beetroot rice on top of the pumpkin rice. He loved it and i showed him to make eyes and mouth w peas and carrots
hee thanks starflower. can check, you just boil the pumpkin and fish with rice in the rice cooker? you are one creative mummy, with the food creations for your boy, so nice!
Starflower, your boy finished everything all by himself?! That's a lot of food for a 18mth! wow... I'm amazed!! But really, the presentation looks really appetizing! I'm hungry now looking at it.
Sung &amp; miss83
Its best if can find a nearby playgroup. Really not sure if i can handle by sending by boys to a childcare so far. Now think of it really tiring....
Wow Starflower, great job! I see on the web some mummies also doing very yummy bento set for their tods and I also wonder if it takes alot of time and effort. Did u cook the fish n pumpkin n rice together in rice cooker?
Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. prosper &amp; kayle (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
4. sunshinebaby &amp; bryan &amp; hb - 2A0C
5. idlecat, elva, hb - 2A0C
6. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
7. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
9. Kome, Aven, Anver (KIV Hb) - (1A2C)
10. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
11. Piggysg, Ryker &amp; hb - 2A0C
12. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C
Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 9:04 pm:       
Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. prosper &amp; kayle (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
4. sunshinebaby &amp; bryan &amp; hb - 2A0C
5. idlecat, elva, hb - 2A0C
6. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
7. Kome, Aven, Anver (KIV Hb) - (1A2C)
8. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
9. Piggysg, Ryker &amp; hb - 2A0C
10. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C

thanks for organising but please dun get the tickets for me because i am trying to get corporate pass from my HR

also, i will probably join in the waterplay only because i have my part-time cleaner on saturday morning, so need to wait till she finish then i can go out.

Had included u in the confirmed list as 0 tickets to be purchased. Just to give a guage on who is coming. hee.
any of ur bb still taking 2 naps/ a day?
I find it difficult to put him for 1 nap...he is always cranky and yawning alot around 10 am. but I always struggle to put him to sleep on afternoon nap. I wish he can go down on 1 nap only.

my boy still taking 2naps/day for Mon-Fri, but only 1 nap for weekends. Total nap time is 2-2.5hours and last nap wake up at latest 2.30pm. He will want to sleep at 8.30pm or latest 9pm.
jo's mummy
so glad to hear that..i thought my boy is the only one still taking 2 naps. yes same here..total naps 2-2.5 hours and bedtime is 8.30-9pm. he takes nap at 9.30 or 10 am and 2.30 or 3 pm. afternoon nap is always a struggle nowadays..i think he's not sleepy yet despite there's a 3-3.5 hours lap since he wakes up from morning nap.

if he's taking 1 nap..how long does he sleep?
what time he wakes up in morning and what time is his nap?
my boy wakes up between 6.30am to latest 7.30am. Weekdays he usually wakes up at 6.30am, then his am nap is after bathtime ard 9.30am, then pm nap is ard 1pm. If he is taking only 1nap, usually is abt 2hrs or sometimes only 1-1.5hrs.

i also tried to drag his am nap to later time so tat he take only 1 nap which is longer..sometimes it works that he can sleep for 2hours..but sometimes he will wake up after 1hr. then he will very sleepy ard 7pm.

I did ask my MIL to drag his nap till ard 12pm so that he can take only 1nap. But sometimes my boy wakes up too early like 6.30am so cant drag him till 12pm.
my boy still taking 2 naps. TOtal nap time abt 2-3 hrs. Earlier on, there was a period of time he only nap 30mins in morning and i tot he is going to stop a.m nap soon, but then recently his pattern change back and a.m nap ard 1-1.5hrs. My boy naps ard 10.30am and pm naps ard 3plus4
Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. prosper &amp; kayle (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
4. sunshinebaby &amp; bryan &amp; hb - 2A0C
5. idlecat, elva, hb - 2A0C
6. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
7. Kome, Aven, Anver (KIV Hb) - (1A2C)
8. Piggysg, Ryker &amp; hb - 2A0C
9. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C

Thanks, Asura!!
Anyone keen to go for Baby Prom By SSO(Singapore Symphony Orchestra) On 17th Nov 1030am or 18th Nov 1030am ? i have some spare tickets. Its not free, $21 per ticket... Please dont come and ask me for discount -_-"

You can check out Sistic website for more info. Its 1 hr session


Can I confirm with you tomorrow on the no, of tix for me? Also can I bring bb's godma along (so that she can help me around as hubby cant go) for this Zoo's gathering?

jo's mummy
same..sometimes wake up 6.30 and cant drag til 12.
but ur boy ok lah..aft nap is 1pm so not really close to bedtime. my boy wakes up at 4pm and sleeps at 9pm..sometimes takes a bit long also during to fall asleep at night..can drag til 9.20
Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
13. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan - 0A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. idlecat, elva, hb - 2A0C
4. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
5. Kome, Aven, Anver (KIV Hb) - (1A2C)
6. Piggysg, Ryker &amp; hb - 2A0C
7. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C
Hi Asura,

So sorry, unable to join the Zoo gathering, I've to work that Saturday... have to pull out. Hope to join in the next gathering.
when ur bb got fever due to MMRV jab...were they cranky? my boy is down with fever now..2 days after the jab, and he's cranky n refusing milk

this is the first time he got fever due to jab..
last time even he got fever due to teething, he's not cranky..
My boi also very cranky. Like this cannot like that also cannot, don't know what he want. No choice but do let him cried till he stop.

he seems weak too..when i carry him, he will lay his head on my shoulder..and it's not his nap time yet but seems sleepy so i put him to sleep.
really heartpain to see him weak like this...
is it normal that fever due to jab can cause like this?
ur boy also taking MMR-V?
