(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Wah Sassybaby, u so super looooong never post here liao!
How is everything?

Missycandy & Sportyger, ya better closely watch ur gals when they are outside.

Pink, I see...dun worry, u will see heartbeat on ur next appt

mango - All fine...both my kids grown up fast... I dun hv a baby anymore... hahahaha... i miss the baby baby feeling... but I dun think i wan to do it again... Congrate ya... U n Hb must be overjoy... but think little c will be jealous soon...
Sassy, u gt a boy & gal liao, so already close shop la

Haa my C ah still blur blur....but nw I put all my attention to her cos she is so fun to play with now, tend to neglect the one in tummy :p
jtho.. yes he was my wedding videographer too! hmm which reminds me, i don't remember where i put the disc!! argh!

how do you do baked fries?

mandy.. welcome welcome! we are all mummies wat... ya below 1 yrs old no salt no sugar no added stuff cos their kidneys may not be mature enough to handle.

lizy.. same experience for me. it is usually the grandparents that pamper the kids. if it is out own parents easier to voice out but with in laws it is not as easy =/

sportger.. oh my hope your gal is happily playing again. my boy also cut his lips a few times cos he feel down. also got blood but no so serious that need stitches. accidents do happen we just need to watch them as much as possible.
to bake fries, either u make fresh from potatoes or buy frozen ones, then put in a tray and bake in oven lor... can put a bit of olive oil, or butter...
Hello mummies, sorry to interrupt.

I'm from Dec09 thread, have 2 tins of NAN Pro1 to let go (900g). Bought locally from NTUC. Expiry Sep2011.

Pls PM me if interested!
Got this from Cookyn with Mervyn ... sounds yummy and healthy heehee

Pre-heat the oven at 220 degree. Cut 5 baby potatoes into strips. Heat 2 tbsp of oil and fry 3 cloves of crushed garlic. Pour the hot oil and garlic over potato strips. Add 4 stalks of fresh thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Make sure the potato are well coated. Bake it for 30 minutes at 220 degree.

The nice thing about this recipe is the garlic will come out all crispy and you can eat it as a chip as well.
Thanks seabreeze =) and yes! i want princess bb dust...*grabs dust and keeps* thanks alot!

speaking of blood, that day brought my boy to MMR jab. He bit himself on the lip when the jab went into his arm! cos it was painful, he cried and bit himself...
hi mummies,
Congrats to all preggy mummies!
Must be tiring with a small one inside and running after the other one now.

Re feeding, i also experience the same as u. My boy needs to be entertained and sometime even with that, he is hard to feed. He will eat using his hands and mess the food, at the end of feeding, gotta clean up the floor, table etc. Very frustrating indeed. I too sometimes lose my temper and beat his hands. But he will just continue or even smile at me! BUT things got alot better when I let him self feed. I think our little bubs want to learn many things now and one of them is self feed. He now can self feed abt 75% of the food in the bowl, with me holding the bowl so its less messy. IMpt to get a gd bib that can "catch" the food. Less mess plus it can get quite alot in there which I will finish feeding him. i think this is part of their growing and learning process. U can try to see if it works
Thanks mummies regarding the info on adding salt/soy sauce in their meal. Currently I am trying to be as healthy as possible when at home will brew soup for him to make porridge tastier and tried rice to let him have more texture since he is teething now. But in laws are main concern. Ever since I become SAHM, my boy been rejecting solids so they are commenting I do not know how to take care, boy become underweight since he is only 9.5 at 15 month. Sigh. So trying to turn a deaf ear to them but it is hard to ignore since they had been commenting weekly and my mother join in the gang too.
But after reading jtho's post, feel more comfortable and relax with his food. I guess so long he is willing to eat, anything would be fine.

hugs to your gal. Can understand how u feel. I brought my boy to A & E when he had a cut on his head and saw a toddler in the treatment room with parents crying becos she needs stitching and they are trying to put her for awake sedation. My tears flow out too leh. Cos I really feel for the parents. More traumatic for the parents than the toddler. Hope your girl gets well soon.

^5 !! Ya it has been a traumatising feeding experience at every meal for him and me. The clearing part is a killer. Not only I need to clear up the mess on the floor and my boy too. And I spent alot of effort preparing and thought that the porridge taste good to me. I can spend 2 hr feeding him at every meal. I had just began to let him 'self feed' these two days. Would give him a spoon and bowl to occupy him while I try to stuff food in his mouth. So far he is busily engrossing in playing with the bowl and spoon hence less mess as in digging out and smearing the food all over. Thanks for the suggestion.
pinksorbet - hmmm no le.. i feed the rice n meat in one spoon... mix n eat together... sumtimes separately... but okie... just like how we adults eat lor.. unless u eat separately... =P aiyo poor boy!!! *sayang*

i dont wan baby girl dust! i want baby boy de!!! lolx!!!

the bake fries sounds soooooo yuuummmmm mehhhh! lolx... maybe il try it over the weekend...

anyway, im going to experience the SAHM feeling for 1wk+ ... my mum is going up to penang with my dad for short holiday... so im left with kirs alone in the day til hb comes back frm work at night... !!!!!!!!!! hb asked me to bring kirs to penang too but best part is, we havent done her passport!!! becos last time hb didnt wana do it... then now ask me to bring her... i said no passport how to go ? he can ask me.. need passport meh? *BISHBISHBISH* its soooo difficult to take her photo now... sigh... plus needs a few days to do it... *sad* sigh... in a way im glad my mum can have a break la... but .. with my back like that... i have no idea how im gonna cope... im not supposed to carry kirs at all for 2-3 months!!! but past week shes been teething cranky.. so no choice.. then now no one ard.. lagi worse... looks like il be going out often too... LOL!!!!!! too bad i dont drive la... if not cn go picnics n stuff... oh well.. ranting ending now.. lolxx
Hi mommies...

How's everyone! Long time no login. Read that alot of u having "hot buns in the oven"!! Congrats to all!

Oh dear, must be traumatic for u! I totally understand how u feels.. Andrique too fell on his face and bit his lower lips a couple of times, Lots of blood although no stitches required. He just cried and then move on to play... Dun worry, pretty MA is growing well!

Fries, Minced meat, Salt
I just gave Andrique as it is... McD fries (minus salt), western food fries... He super loves them, He's a Junk food lover like his momee..kekeke.. Thanks mommies for the baked potatoes idea, will try sometime...
Meat ~ I just gave him small chewable chunks. He can chew them well since he already got 3 molars.
Salt - Try not to put in his daily diet. But fed him outside food sometimes so cant avoid. Fed him breads, biscuits, etc which I believe have some sodium content.

how do u teach ur boy to self-feed? Andrique just loves to play with his food when I gave him the food in a bowl with a spoon...Drive me crazy, coz need to clean him up and clean the chair & floor..

Princess Baby Dust
*Catch and keep* Loves to have a lil' princess!! But now dun think I have the energy to have another lil' one..Andrique's draining me out. Let nature takes its course... ;p

jiayou jiayou jiayou ! ha..totally understand the SAHM feeling esp you r having a back prob. Can bring to my place to take care ! ha..or go gai gai together..
U r really patient! The most I feed is over an hr and I really couldn't take it anymore and stopped though he still has some remaining food. Pek chek and back ache. Like u did, I started off giving him a spoon and bowl and some chunky food like carrot dice, peas etc to occupy him while I try to feed him. Then progressively, these days, he is more interested in really feeding himself. U might wanna get those curved spoon for kids learning self feeding. I got one for my boy.

Hope the above helps. I never really teach, but just let him explore and get dirty while learning to eat on his own. Ya i understand the cleaning part as well. Sometimes, I even have to clean my own shirt.
ha.. was really patient initially becos he was barely half way after one hour.
And can't bear to stop since I know he hasn't really eat much. So no choice but to endure another hr. But I gave up after sometime & supplement with milk on days he eats less. My back & neck hurts badly at that time guess must be due to the battling. Ha. I attended the parenting congress and they say we should not extend the feeding time more than 30 mins. The child will get bore & tire.Literally impossible for me. He is getting bored with playing bowl & spoon at dinner jus now. I guess I will go scout for the spoon tomorrow & let him try. Hopefully it will hasten the meal time. Thanks !!
thks for the dust!!! i want more n more!!! lolx

take care... me oso recovered fr flu n cough not long ago...

congras!!! really hope is a christmas baby!!! ho! ho! ho!
take care n give me more bb dust so i can be next!!! hahahaha

congras!! take care n i oso wan yr bb dust!!! so greedy of me... lolx

oh dear, how's bb M now? is the cut deep? hope her wound is healing well... dun worry, she'll be fine *hugz*

how r u?? miss u lei... ^_^

so far i only gave bread to my boy n he'll self feed... those food that will get really messy, i dun dare to try... hur hur hur

my mum oso hv the same tots as u... i oso gave moderate... hope he'll not be tat fussy over food... eat anything we give... ^_^
wahh finally got 3 molars..the last molar no more fever like the previous 2?
I cross finger next teething will not cause fever..I'm still trauma here..
Waiting here at RH for his chicken pox jab, oh jus update on his immunisation package; chic pox + MMR + 5in1 booster = $280. Think quite a good deal.
Sharing receipe; my mum stewed beef with chopped beetroot. Then freeze into small tupperwares. It's Super Fragrant!! When need, just open 1 box & put into slow cooker cook w porridge, smells super duper nice! Try it ;)))
Waiting here at RH for his chicken pox jab, oh jus update on his immunisation package; chic pox + MMR + 5in1 booster = $280. Think quite a good deal.
Sharing receipe; my mum stewed beef with chopped beetroot. Then freeze into small tupperwares. It's Super Fragrant!! When need, just open 1 box & put into slow cooker cook w porridge, smells super duper nice! Try it ;)))
yah, I let Andrique self feed finger food and veggies (Eg brocoli, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin cut in long cubes). But not rice/porridge. Super Messy!

yup, 3 molars. The last one with slight fever 37.5°C~37.8°C.. The last one hopefully come out with the MMRV jab this week.. kindda swollen already.

Hope Caleb's teething a breeze! Yup, me has phobia of Andrique's fever due to the toopid teething process...

yum yum... makes me want to eat too... Another recipe to try! thanks!
seabreeze - thanks. wil try but no choice. no one ard cept me during the day. lolx.

minnie - wahseh.... yeah... learnt the last time round the 1st molar erupted... now 2nd one... still have few more to go...

starflower - wa... yuummmmehhhh! *slurps*
Starflower, wah so yummy!

Caroline's molar nt out yet leh..she refuse to let my finger put inside her mouth, how ah?

I dragged the teething period to come cos I am very drained now for this 2nd pregnancy:p Now enjoy the sleep thru nites
last molar with slight fever last for how many days?
was andrique cranky and clingy again? if not accompanied by his cranky n clinginess actually still ok lah..last time fever really drained all of us!
oh my sportyger, i can feel yr pain...few weeks ago, elixir got up and his face was smeared with blood too...i got a fright n jump up n carried him out to the kitchen n also clean him off the blood stains...then only to realised that he scratched his nose until it bleed and he just smeared all over his face...i was sleeping then until i heard him crying..i understand yr pain...hope marissa get well soon...
So today he had his chic pox jab, weigh 11.2 kg, 86.5cm PD say to look out in 2-3 weeks time for fever signs that shud pass in 1-2 days. He squealed a bit & got cranky at home, think the jab in the bum is rather painful. PD say actually the Mmrv still new, the chix pox + mmr jab separate more effective coz dosage is stronger. Somthng to consider....
sunshinebb - haha thanks...sure sure u can have as muh bb dust as u want =)

for mummies considering the MMR jab, can let yr tods take in polyclinic cos its FOC ^-^
starflower, i also took seperately...chix pox last mth but no fever...then actually mmr tdy but elixir down with slight flu...so i postpone to 2 weeks later...elixir took his chix pox on the arm..

Wow been such a long time since I last log in and read up.. Missed all of you ladies...

The thread still active wow!! Great...
As I have nit been too well myself.. Physical and mentally drained... So drop by to see to feel closeness.. Indeed.. Feels like old times..
But this time is about our tods teething.. It's driving me crazy too...... Ugin is already not a milk baby to start off with. Recently..... He refuse his usual milk feeds.. Driving me nuts.
So i reduced volumes from 180ml to sometimes 120 or 150ml that also will leave some behind uurrrggghhhh!!
Nowadays I will feed him yogurt and snack after his nap.. Skip one milk feed. No choice..
Suspect he is teething as appetite also dip

Yes I do add salt in his food when I cook each meal unless eg I add seaweed or ikan Billis powder I will not...fed ugin outside food too... Quite often...like jap is the easiest chawamusi, ramen, rice blah.. Pasta, soup hehehe.. He kinda like them. That's why I give in to salt since he has tasted outside food...

I have only given the Chix pox jab when ugin was 12mths old... Then his next jab which I think is MMR be 18mths.
That's according to my PD. she wants to wait tilligi is able to speak more.
Anyway I trust her and let her decide for ugin's jab.

I have placed ugin in playnest since last term.. So far I like the pace not too rush.. It's in Evans road.. Prefer w outdoor activities. They have weekly activities like swim, waterplay, sandplay, playground... Ugin will cont w the playclub at 18mths.
ouch must have hurt....both you and baby.... Hope she is doing well now....recovering well..

wow nanny brought oli for a swim..she is good to keep!!! Oli must have a blast!!! Not easy to find one that willing to go that extra mile... Lucky you!!!

actually for sore bum from the soft pooing session.. You can use lanolin gel those used as nipple cream.. Medela or avent is quite good. Heals almost instantly.
Ugin had it bad last trip to bkk... He was so sore. Every poo was a cry session. I was so desperate..applied anything everything i can think of..read online about lanolin.. It heals cracked nips so I think why not( thoughts from a desperate mom)so bought it and applied.. Ugin didn't squirm . So must be quite comfortable.. And viola the next day the reddness was down and the wound was not as sensitive. By the 2nd day it was healed..
So now I will have one in my diaper bag!!

To all suffering mummies still waking up to feed, pacify and Whatso ever for babies...In the middle of the night... 加油!!!
To all wonderful mummies,

It's TGIF!!!!


Have been missing in action for some time... Jus came back from Korea..... and congrats to those mummies who are expecting!
horrible friday for me. my boy's fever hit 39.4 at 4am and he vomited. went to KK, told the doc the whole history, draw blood, given meds to suppress vomiting (he vomited 2nd time at KK) and still doc say not conclusive (aka don't know wat is wrong). we got home at 7am because we had to wait (again!) before we can feed him just to see if he pukes. now is 8am, supposed to go back to KK. but boy is sleeping, we haven't fed him and i dun even know if i should go back to KK just to hear another "maybe it is this or that, not conclusive". grrrr
yup, crankiness n clingy. Terrible.

MMRV vs MMR + Chix pox

Still contemplating whether to take MMRV or MMR + chix pox... Coz will be bringing Andrique for the jab on sat.
morning mummies
yes, it's TGIF! but a wet one and how i wish i am home still warm in my bed

good to see u back in the forum!
yes, nanny brought oli for a swim with her children... her 2nd daughter is a basketball coach, a very sporty gal, so she was the one looking after oli when i the pool...

i dun really like to go bring my son to KKH due to the waiting time... had 1 bad experience, so since then, the few times that oli had to be sent to hospital, i sent him to NUH, which is so much better!

u take care and i hope your boy will be better soon!
Thanks mummies, yesterday bought baby M to have her stitches removed at kk. She screamed so loud! The nurse told me to apply aloe vera gel on the scar, hope the scar goes away. But thank God the scar is under the lips so not really obvious.

don, oh no, hope your boy is better now! Its always so draining on the parents when our little ones fall sick. Take care!
Hi all,

Didn't come in here for quite a long while becos been feeling quite ill during first trimester.

Im currently 18 weeks preggie with #2 (companion for Baby HY)
Baby HY will be having a little baby brother in late november. :D
Though we had initally hoped for a bb gal, but now we are just as pleased that we will be having another child in the family.

We had also just worked out baby #2 caregiver arrangement and will be getting a helper to help by september. recently Im feeling the strain of carrying HY even though he's only 8.57kg at 15mths so the carrying/ferrying of HY to nanny's place is left to my hb.

This will be the last pregnancy for me cos we planned to stop at 2.
Strawberry, hey congrats!
Mw too stopping at 2 kids also, so u due in Oct/Nov?

Mummies, finally friday, cant wait for the weekend to rest n njoy our lovely tods!

Daphy, u take care...teething period is very draining

Sportyger, hee..heng ah no scar, just keep an eye closely to M

Don, hope ur boy will recover soon, hiaz..u must been frustrated with KKH staff...just hope the vommiting will stop soon!
Update us!
Dear mummies, long time never come in here..

Just wish to congrats all beautiful preggy mummies on the 2nd addition to the family. CONGRATS!
strawberry - CONGRATS!!! wooo another one!! boy or girl nvm la. heh. as long as healthy.

daph - ya... star told me abt it... heh...

dear preggies... faster pass all yr baby dust ard... hahaha! =P

Congrats! and welcome to the 2nd/3rd time mummy bandwagon.

We preggy mummies are passing on our baby dust, that's why more and more joining the line.
