(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi fellow mummies!

i disappeared for 4 days n now back! was on course and busy studying for the exam. so tired and missed my boy so much. so glad to be able to read posts again.

Lenny.. have fun at the zoo! is there any food that you can prep n heat up before going? the last time i went to the zoo, one friend brought cereal for her 13 month old's lunch, the other brought macroni soup for her 18months old and i brought re-heated petit bowl for my 13month old.

re motherhood fair.
saw them setting up yesterday and seems like the same vendors? cordlife, mendela, etc.

not sure if i will go cos been there from mon to wed, dun really want to go there again so soon haha.

My tots also fall sick for the past 2 weeks. Started with 3 days of fever, followed by cough and running nose. Think I spread the virus to her and now I start to have running nose again. Haiz...

RE: milk bottle
I heard normal bottle should be changed every 6mth but how often do you change "BPA-free" milk bottle? should be able to last longer right?
piggysg - thanks!
hmmm look after kirs how to get better? lolx. running after her. sigh. bathing her. no joke la.

motherhood fair - i went today. lolx. the usual stuff. the magazine. ntuc income. prudential. pigeon. huggies. heinz. bumwearz. scholastic booths. babyplus. puku. farlin. karihome. avent. poney. booths selling maternity wear, baby clothes, strollers, cots, playpens... pureen... confinement food... babybellies...

there was one booth that caught my interest... they r selling gold bars... lolx... very interesting... u buy 100g gold bar.. in 6mths time, sell it back to them, they give u back the initial capital plus 9% interest. you can choose to keep the gold bar but if u keep it then u prolly wun be able to get as much as they offer... its like an investment... just buy sell buy sell buy sell... the thing is, gold seldom depreciates... but 100g gold bar is 6k plus... lolx... some ppl buy 1kg.. so its like 60k+ ... then the 9% interest is paid to u in 3 stages... upon buying, they offset 3%... the 3mths time another 3% then at the 6th mth another 3% ... am really interested... quite cool.. but have to discuss with hb.. heh heh heh...
oh yes. expo also having john little sale... wa... a lot of bb toys... lolxxx! my dad bought for Kirs this wooden doll house... comes with wooden dolls... very cool!!! and super cheap! the doll house comes with 3 dolls.. only 19.90... then also got the horse n carriage which costs only 9.90.. it comes with a doll as well... then also bought additional dolls... the dolls come as a set... 1 pair... we got police & bandit... snow white & wicked witch... a girl n a dog... lolx!!! the the doll pairs only cost $1!!!! the dolls shape r like "higgly town heroes" if u watch the cartoon on playhouse disney... =P wahahax very niceeee!!! the brand is playtown if im nt wrong... soooo coool! ... now only worried Kirs wil gnaw on the wood... which will sharpen her teeth...
Thanks fireangel and all I will monitor him for awhile before bringing to pd really bad mom here work n sch is taking up alot of my time and I not muchtime to bring him to pd

Lately I think many pple falling sick including myself now a lil sore throat le.. pls tk care everyone..

Lenny keep Bree well hydrated at Zoo ya It will be very fun for them but definitely tired for u but I guess is all worth it !

Think now our kids are in toddlerhood go expo fair also not much to buy.. I realised now that he is a Tod I start spending on myself more then him haha.. Donno issit only me ?

meeting a gf early at evans road to have breakfast there with our bb then we da pao food for our bb.. cheese toast etc..

For lunch, i also standby cereal, hot water and my boobies for BM .. hehe..
Hi Piggy, thanks for ur advise..bb Jo has recovered from his diarrhea but I got the virus from him !

Wednesday started feeling giddy and nausea(feeling of wan to vomit but only yellowish water come out), went to c doc but doc say is gastric..went home, take my lunch, my medicine and went to sleep..wake up 4pm with high fever of 38.7degree, search ard the house but to realized no Panadol at home!! started to vomit and diarrhea...feel very cold and heavy head..keep on sleeping..and no energy at all..

call husband to inform i gotta go c doc but he was stuck with work n not able to come back..will need to work late...luckily SIL family came (celebrate my MIL's birthday) they brought me to clinic..take medicine n sleep all the way till morning..dunno wat virus is that..very very tiring and headache...yesterday whole day sleeping also..only wake up eat some plain porridge, took medicine n continue to sleep again..

today is better..only feel headache and giddy, no more fever, vomit and diarrhea...
hi mummies! how's everybody!

Petit bowl- Kee's fav is the beef casserole , it smells so good and tastes yummy too i luv it myself hehee..secretly wish he cant finish so i can gobble up the food but he always finished 2 cups so none left for me :p and er, the salmon crumble not so much of a big fan...

GUG class: kee enjoys the singing & i enjoyed the chinese drama part but Kee kept running around and i had to keep dragging him back from the table, so kinda distracting, maybe i'll try another class and see.....

Vacinations: the last jab was the 2nd pneumo jab, next is the chicken pox, and mayeb another month later, i'll bring him for the MMR...tho i heard some MMR will cause late speech problems...duno but i think its ok for Kee, he's yabbling too much hehee....

TV: Gosh, Kee is a BIG TV addict. He loves the adverts too. Duno how to stop letting him watch tv coz it does help to slow him down from running around and i can t least do some cooking & housework in between instead of having to keep my eyes on him all the time...*sigh* bo pian...
Halo mummies, hope all babies hv recover well and all mummies take good care of urself

Starflower, where can I buy the petite bowl or u cook by urself?

TV addict: I would rather say advertisement addict! Caroline loves the silkbath advertisement, the song is so cute n she will smile and dance to njoy,hehe!
Oh yes, She loves adverts too. Whenever adverts came, she will watch till it finished.

Would want to know where to get Petit bowl too.
Hi Mummies,

anyone has the Friso Baby Bonus Vouchers? I'm keen to get either the whole set of 5 vouchers or any of them. I will send self-addressed envelope. Pls PM me. Thanks in advance.
question - any of ur bubs wake up at night to play? past few days, Kirs has been waking up ard 10pm to play... refuses to go back to sleep... in the past, she wld slp btwn 8-930pm all the way til next morning...
if we dont carry her out of her pen, she wil gag n vomit. $#!@
no leh. in fact her pm naps seem to be getting shorter ... she sleeps only once frm 1145/12+ to ard 2+/3 ... usually ard 2.5-3hrs.. but past few days... ard 2hrs or less... then stil wake up at night...
Hi Jo,
Hope you r getting better. I'm similiar to but not that serious. Remember I mentioned, Ryker had been sick for 2 weekends, & he spread to me on last Monday... when I came to office, my whole body was soooo aching with slight fever, I can't bear the pain anymore went to see co. doctor & told MC. Sleep the whole day, dared not to be close by Ryker since he was recovering. So sad, he kept wanting me to carry but i didn't
I think if all of us sleeping the same room, the tendancy spreading around is high. Pls take care.
haizz my boy these days really difficult to put him to sleep..sometimes can take 1 hour.. put him on bed, he try to sit or stand..i put him down again, he sit again haizzz...he used to fall asleep quite fast..why now so difficult..if i extend his bedtime, he will overtired..
wah.. our thread is really quiet these days..

hmm.. went to Jurong point yesterday and today,..
yesterday to reserve a munchkin rubber duckie tub and today went to collect cos forgot my voucher..

had an arguement with one mom.. kinda really pissed when moms are using the very limited nursing room to bottle feed.

Bree was crying for milk while we queued for our turn for the nursing room at the new extension..

when one of the door opened, a mainland mom held a milk bottle.. i was pissed and asked her if she is feeding bb with bottle in the room.. she said she bf first then continue with bottle.. she asked me what's the diff with feeding bottle in the nursing room and out of nursing room?

wah.. i don't know why.. i kinda blew.. we had 3 bb queuing waiting to nurse..

she actually told me off.. do u expect me to come out and give my bb the bottle?

I told her YES!! if there is no one waiting for the room.. by all means.. if there are 3 hungry bbs outside.. its social courtesy to come out once she finished nursing and let others have the room or ask her hubby to come out and offer to share the room.

she even asked me if i would do the same if i am in her situation.. bf in the room then come out give bb bottle.. i told her Yes!! cos there are hungry babies out there waiting to be fed!

she said "ya .. ni Hen wei da!! wo ke mei you ni zhe me wei da"

Translate: ya.. you are very great.. i am not that great..

i answered her back and stared at her hubby. " Shi! wo hen wei da.. ying wei wo zho le ren jia de Ma Ma!"

kinda answered her.. ya.. i am very great cos i am someone's mom!

her hubby paiseh.. dare not look at me.. think hubby Singaporean la, he knows what i meant.

then i heard her mumbling while i was nursing in the room. If i know this will happen, i won't breast feed here. Maybe she didn't expect me to talk back when she yelled at me.

I was thinking to myself.. "ya ya.. please dun come here anymore" really feel like talking back again..

Damn sian when we encounter ppl like that..

not all mainland china moms are like that.. ever met nice ones and i do offer them wipes or diaper cream if they forgot or ran out.

just my luck today..

good for you to tell her off. people like that really are too stupid to know that they should be embarrassed. not to be judgemental, but seems like her hb seems pretty henpecked too.

damn those prc ladies sure know how to choose *lol*
Is anybody facing a "everything goes into the ears problem? Kee seriously piuts everything into his ears, its like middle of the night 4am ask for "nen nen", eyes closed and he can dig the bolster string and stuff into his ears....*aiyoh* i should haf seen it coming, he started putting his fingers into his ears since he was 5 months...
omg! lolx. kirs used to put her fingers in the ears but stopped... shes in the everything in the mouth stage. esp paper. plastic. dirt on the ground... she wld even spit out her food, rub it on the floor n then put it back into her mouth... *faints* luckily this happens at home... grrr.... i also feel sad for the books... be it board book, hardcover... she will chew n bite... then tear into bits... i dont knw how she does it... sigh.. i guess she has razor sharp teeth...

The week before wesak holiday, while in the NTUC Fairprice (AMK), my pram almost being stollen by a china mum!

My husband go away to look for his things & ask me to wait for him with baby in the trolley, & the pram. I was attracted by the Mamy Poko promotion ($19.90/pk) & comparing de price with other diapers..then decided to buy 1pkt Mamy Poko. Then I was looking at the baby biscuits & talking with bb Jo, asking which 1 he wants, etc etc..and came a mummy carring a baby with sarong.

She squad down & seems like searching 4 the Nestle millet. She took out many tins of the millet & seems like it was falling out from the shelf. I saw her squading n picking up de tins while carring a baby in a sarong seems not convenient for her, so i squad down & help her to put the Nestle tins back to the shelf. Am happy tat she say thanks.

After that I get up and continue looking at the different types of baby cookies/food. Suddenly the promoter of Mamy Poko came to me & telling me to get another pack of Mamy Poko saying cheap bla bla bla, then i say ok & get another pk. My husband returned with his things n only at this time i realized the pram is not around. I asked if the pram was with hubby but hubby said he asked me to take care of it..both of us was shocked & realized that our pram has been stollen.

We quickly tip our toe & look ard, from far we can see our Blue Capella just near the cashier counter. My hubby quickly run over to the pram. I saw him asking back for the stroller from a women. The women turned & to my surprise it was the mum carrying de baby in sarong which I help her just now!!

My hubby returned & told me "she" is a China women and she say the pram is hers! My bag(which contain wallet, Canon camera & hp) was in the basket under de seat.My hubby said it was ours cos tat is our bag. The china women say, "oh I tot its mine!". How can she mistook other ppl's pram & tot its hers? Our pram even got a very huge toy tied in front of de pram, how can she cant see de difference??
Jo's mummy,

Did u alert the the security guard at the NTUC? It's obviously theft.... Goodness!

Thank god everything is taken back from that lady..
Re: Digging
Starflower, I'm also not sure why Shayna often likes to dig her belly button, especially when she's lying down, bored or about to go to sleep. Maybe it's just a bad habit that makes her feel shiok. Now, I put her back in rompers when she sleeps. She also likes to scratch her mosquito bites till the skin tears and pick the scabs over and over. *shakes head*
room hogging seems pretty common. once i waited 40mins for the bf room at vivocity. i could hear new born cries so i thot give the new mum a break n not knock. when the door finally opened, i almost flipped. 2 grown men and 1 lady with baby walked out. what were they doing that needed 45mins? and i do not know of any mums who will breastfeed with 2 grown men in the room! but i didn't question them cos i was already so harassed by an unhappy baby. on hindsight should have told them off.

pram stealing .. wow that woman thinks all singaporeans easy to "eat" is it? so horrible. it's people like her that makes others wary of china folks.
I also have problems finding a nursing room so I usually just use my nursing bib, find somewhere to sit and feed anywhere. Unless they stipulate a feeding time limit and the house rules for the rooms, it's hard to debate how they go about using the rooms unless it has nothing to do with babies.

My hubby said, he let the woman off bcos seeing she is carrying a baby.

Don, yes from now onwards, I must not have the mindset that "Singapore is a very safe country. No ppl dare to steal my things in the day!"

I think its really an irony or these men who marry PRC really deserves it.

They had the impression that Singaporean women want equality and wanted more "submissive" women so they venture elsewhere to get a wife..

Ya.. many PRC women are submissive before marriage.. then after that... show their true colours.. Good for him!!! made a really good choice!!

Ya.. These PRC women Really know how to choose...
the one i met that pissed me off is those like the auntie type not the younger generation ones.

I have met many younger PRC moms who married SG man.. they are much, much nicer
Re: Digging

Ryker also used to dig his ear when itchy, most likely because when washing his hair the water got into his ear, which caused itchy. I usually will smell whether his ear is smelly or not, if yes, which means water got in. I will use cotton stick to clean for him.
Jo's Mommy,

when she came near you.. is she pushing a stroller?
If not.. you could have challenged her and called for security
make sure ppl like that get sent back to their country man!!

What kind of a mom is she.. using her bb as a PROP to get away..
Re: Digging

My boy does that too. But I dun dare to use cotton stick le. The PD once comment that is not advisable to use on baby because the dirt will been push deeper. The dirt will come out by itself. But I duuno now that he is 1 yo, can use or not.

Sometime I will help him to ease his itchyness. Very cute seeing him digging his ear. hehe...

My personal experience with the PRC woman especially, they are very daring! They will do anything to get it. This woman just snatch my clothes when I was paying at the counter. The sales boy told her I am buying it, she still dun want to return and keep touching and wanting to try. The sales boy have to tell her a few times before she "convince" that it is mine.

Everything happened very unexpectedly..and I didnt really see her or noticed her until she make the nestle tins drop from the display shelf. after i helped her, I continue with choosing de baby cookies as well as take care of bb..

My husband say im too concentrate in choosing the things..lucky its the pram tat almost being stolen but not BB!

Yalor, never left your baby in the pram unattended. Not only if BB been stolen but also BB might fall out of pram. My hubby sometime does that. Sigh~~ guys do not have sense of dangerous one.. Maybe we always think that SG is safe.
agree that (some) men dun seem to have a sense of danger. hubby will let little boy run around in a crowded place or sit him high on his shoulders when he was 4 months old. even the teachers at little gym got a shock n hinted it was dangerous loh.

sg is not as safe as we tink. the recent case of pple being hacked at kallang made me very worried as i travel through that area almost everyday.
re GuG (old topic..)

i finally understand why so many mummies, even my best friend, said it was chaotic. last friday i brought my boy for make-up class and it was the worst class ever. there was a mum who is oblivious to others - putting herself and her girl in the middle n blocking the rest, a few babies actively disrupting the class n parents dun restrain them and poor teachers who keep saying "parent please hold on to your kids". and babies being babies, it is monkey see, monkey do. even my boy who was initially very zen, stoned out n can't be bothered decided to be a naughty boy. class was noisy, over crowded and totally chaotic. if that was my trial class, i would have wrote GuG off!

that being said, i'm glad my boy's regular class is not so crazy so we're still continuing with them. phew!
jo - waseh. i wld have called the police. if it happened to me, hb wil kpkb me too... esp since ur wallet was in yr bag under the pram basket.. OMG, my hb wld flip! he always tells me to keep my wallet with me no matter what... no hanging over the pram or leaving in the pram... very irritating... but now this has happened to you, i guess i have to keep it with me... later when i tell hb the story he will sure give me a look... haha... anyway, gd to knw all is fine... stroller stolen nvm,, its ur wallet thats more impt... that woman really had the nerve.. wahlao.. bth!
Sharlene & Missy,

Yes, I've learnt the lesson! I will b more careful of my belongings now.

Missy, I just cant imagine that ppl would dare to steal a pram, a pram ler in the supermarket! I always told my husband "Don't worry, nobody would dare to steal in the daytime. Sg is not same as Msia" But after this incident, I've change my mindset.
don - thx for the info on GUG. stil contemplating if wana go trial this sat or not. lolx. went for bibinogs trial. so many things happening in that 1.5hrs.. not sure if they learn or not.. the good thing is, the class was super small! 3 of us were on trial. 2 were regulars. thats it. lolx. started with playing toys. then sing song. dancing. painting. more singing n running ard n zoophonics. snacks. then chinese session. by that time, the kids were restless n all over the plc. lolx! but the chinese teacher (PRC) was very passionate and loud. not sure if kirs understood becos we dont speak chinese to her.. think she only understood the "zai jian" becos they were waving.. lolxxx...

i wonder if other classes are like that... everything is like 10-15mins... hmmm to suit the short attention span of the kids?
jo mummy - yalo i also tell me hb no one wil take one la. but he stil insists. i guess ppl getting very daring nowadays

lenny - lol. JG is like that as well?
