(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

re: ear digging

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE ANY COTTON BUDS INSIDE EARS. The no. of people whom I have seen in my experience with babies/todds/kids and WORST of all - ADULTS - with cotton buds stuck, bleeding ear canals, YEARS worth of impacted earwax because a cotton bud just pushes it in further, repeated infections is unbelievable. If a baby or a todd is digging their ears all the time, the possibilites to think about are:

1) Is something irritating him? If so, could it be:
a) earwax stuck
b) generally dry, itchy skin in the ear canal
c) glue ear http://www.ent4kids.co.uk/Glue_Ear (watch for a reduction in hearing if this is the case)
d) impending/brewing ear infection

2) If all the above is excluded - ie it's just behavioural, then PLEASE KEEP AWAY THINGS THAT THEY CAN INSERT INTO THEIR EARS eg. breakable stuff, sponges that they can rip off, beads, peas, etc etc ESPECIALLY small batteries that can leak and cause a chemical burn. It's very traumatising for them to have a foreign body removed from their ear if its well stuck inside - they may end up having a general anaesthetic for it to be done if it's difficult to get it out while they are struggling.


our babies do learn.. from 0 mths to 6yrs if memory serves me right.. their photographic memory is really good.

although they cannot tell us what they learn but they do absorb what they see, hear, smell, touch and taste..
missy.. ya each segment of class is short cos our kids do not have long attention span yet. i think small class size is good for the kids but i often wonder how they earn money if class size is always small?

as for learning, the toy play in the beginning i believe is for warm up and to wait for late comers. my boy is learning well even thou lesson is short. seems the repetative songs n phonics is helping him remember stuff. he can point out stuff, repeat actions, vocalize phonics n words etc.

agree with Lenny they have photographic memory. our babies are all sponges ready to absorb what the world has to offer.
Donroxx & Missy..

The free-play session is for babies to settled down after the trip from home to class and let them socialize while waiting for the rest before it all starts

I have not decided yet but i have signed up for PlayClub in Term 4.

I am going for the 9.00am session or the 11.30am session. thinking its better cos Bree starts her day at 7.00am anyway. Its only fair to her to start her day early since her bedtime is 7.00pm.

might as well get her used to this cos when she goes to Pre-school, they will start the day early as well.
We thot of bringing bb overseas. Where is a good place. We haf not let her eat outside food. Do u bring e whole tin of milk out? I m worried once I expose her to outside food, she won't like home cooked no salt no sugar food.
wow just came in thread to read..

so happening,

lenny: good job. i would do the same if i meet the PRC lady.. heh heh

jo's mummy: ur experience at ntuc is so scary.. reminded me not to leave my belongings all over my stroller too. i always leave my wallet at the stroller pocket. :| i will sure get it from hb if its stolen bcoz i left it there. i better remind myself not to leave it there anymore.

thanks for sharing!!

oh ya, tristan also loves to dig.. dig his navel, mine and hb.. so painful. i try all means not to let him dig coz when i was young i did the same thing as him and i had a pretty bad infection navel.(abt 5yrs old) so now i also have phobia abt him digging my navel. haha. he also like to touch his birdie when changing diaper. i will smack his hands ... any sharing abt touching birdie?

oh yaya , tristan dad changed his FM to enfalac thinking his constipation is due to FM. so now still in the midst of transition. will update again on the constipation thingy.
Re: Childcare
do u know if the childcare centres expose kids to watching TV program? coz the childcare that tristan most probably will go to, does that. and im not quite ok to the idea. in fact im those i hate myself for exposing him to tv. but distance is another crucial factor for me coz i have to send him sch before i go to wrk and i wrk at 830am.. and also worrying about heavy rains in the morning.. now this centre he is going is only 2 blocks away from my place.
hi mummies..

Lenny-> just cannot understand why the PRC mummy so bu zhi lian ci one..when I was at ICON waiting for the nursing/baby room. I head laughter and talking inside. To my surprise, 3 little girls inside doig their make up. *faint* but they did apologise after that.

Jo-> at times I will also forget and left bb aside and look at other things
but once i left bb's drinking bottle outside and hubby scolded me very jialat until I was so pissed I told him off...hahah cos it's me who bot the bottle leh he didn't even buy it.

hmm my boy do that too but because his eyes are itching..my mum do dig it in circular motion and could see the cotton is yellowish lor.

u gg GUG at suntec for the trial? suntec side also call me for this Sat but I can't make it
Queenie, same here! My boy in recent weeks has been touching his birdie when changing diaper! I usually distract him by giving him a toy or something to play with. Also don't know what to do.. Something new to them I guess.

i went for GUG trial last sat at united square branch. Exactly like u said, i was kinda put off after the class. It was quite crowded n I find that the teachers didn't bother to rapport with the kids. Think I was the only one on trial. No one explained to me what was going on n I jus followed them from one room to another haha. The teachers gave me a feeling like they were just doing their job n not interested in interacting with the kids at all.

I really felt lost after everything was over. Kinda like a whirlwind session then it was all over. I tot the teachers would have at least asked if I was interested in continuing or if I had any questions n offered some more info etc but they just waved bye to everyone walking out of the class.

Was disappointed maybe cuz I was expecting abit more out of a place that seems so popular with long waitlist n all.

Just to share my experience la.

About her pre-school.. yep.. more or less decided but still looking.. only if i can find one that Bree likes.. will let her choose cos ultimately she is the one who is going to attend the school.. not us..

Thanks for advise. But if don't use cotton buds then what shall I use to clean his ear after swimming, afraid there is water inside his ear may cause infection
Hi Missy,

Feel like sending Ryker for bibinogs trial class at UE Square, but afraid that he don't understand English as we purely speak chinese to him.

Hi Queenie,

Ryker also like to pull his birdie whenever changing his diaper... I always try to pull away his hand but he is very angry. I think he must be itchy.

yes i heard about childcare centers putting our kids in front of the tv in the morning while waiting for the rest to come and in the afternoon while waiting for their parents to pick them up

just make sure that the one u are sending tristan to does not have TV if you are uncomfortable with the idea
Caroline is currently taking Enfa stage 3, u start Tris with Stage 2 or 3?
Cos initially she also hv constipation problem due to high iron content, so we give her prune juice (60ml) everyday.
I will ask the childcare to give her prune juice everyday with the 3 meals.
Hmm..her childcare no tv so I cant comment, maybe u instruct to the teacher dont let him watch TV, u got to be firm when you tell the teacher u dont like the idea of expose him toTV..

Touching bellybutton & private part:
Caroline also like to touch hers too when I change her diaper n after bath, so usually I will give her toys to play to reduce touching it.
oh really? +_+ so sick about the idea of letting them just sit down do nothing but watch tv while waiting for their parents/guardian to fetch them home. and the best thing is the teacher also sit down and watch when i went over the childcare to pick my niece up..

initally im quite fine with him touching his birdie until my mom told me not to allow him. haha.. maybe scare he grow up in sch keep touching his birdie whereever he goes. then pple will stare at him as if he is pervert? LOL!

ya same experience when i bought tristan there for a trial lesson. i think maybe the teacher is trying to treat us as regulars thus not so much of introduction or special treatment which we subconsciously expect from? is just my opinions. at least they are not pushy to parents for signing kids. the distance is a lil far for me. imagine im here 5 days a week at UE sq, is a lil sian to come back on sunday or saturday. haha.

hes on stage 3.. do u make ur own prune or those bottled drinks? my mom gave him alot of fruits and water but still.. he gets constipation. but so far the past few days during the transition his poos is not that hard as before so i will monitor again. before i bring to PD. coz pd waiting hours is real long. and maybe im lazy. haha..

oh i will try give him toys during diaper changing!

yes few more hours to go.. jia u..
Queenie, I bought the Heinz brand prune juice with apple, diulted and unsweeten from NTUC/Kiddypalace.
Hiaz...actually Caroline poo poo also will be hard once a week, and I realise her stool will be hard after eating carrot
Then I read up actually carrot will cause constipation but if childcare include in porridge, I cant ask them not to give her
But with prune juice and water 150ml everyday, it is better liao.
Weekend I will made apple juice for her, I try to give her papaya, she dun like leh...
Did you give Tris papaya? Cos it is very good to soften the poo poo..
gug trial - hmmm kinda apprehensive abt attending this sat liao. lolx! shall see how. going kinder trial on friday =P

st - i opted for united sq at 4pm. easier for me. if not must rush after she wakes up frm her nap. heh.

kirs too likes to touch her pipi but i jus give her stuff to distract...

chocolate - if u prefer something small n cosy... u might wana try bibinogs.. they have 2 branches.. serene centre(bukit timah) or ue square (near liang court) the trial i went was at serene centre. lively. small class. the staff also nice. not pushy but did ask hw we found the class n keen to continue. we said wil think abt it. they were all smiles n very nice to the kids.
queenie, i reduce elixir's FM to 1 scoop less than e stipulated quantity and also give him bananas once every 2 days..he drinks alot of water and tat solves his constipated problem..so far he only suffered once or twice in his entire infant-hood till nw(touchwood)...in past i also gave him prune juice but now i replaced it with fruits...occasionally i give him yakult...he is doing fine...poo once a day and constant everyday...

digging: Elixir also touches himself during diaper change esp after bath...likewise i also give him toys or distract him cos he not scared i smack his hand for tat...but he knows where is bird bird now...hehe
Queenie and mangogal..

i don't really trust the childcare teachers even if we instruct.. meaning if all the rest of the kids are watching tv while waiting .. i don't think they will not let our child watch as in taking care of him and her while the rest watch.

safest bet is to ensure that there are no TV in the centre
I've enrolled my boy into the childcare for next Jan and the principal has told us that the centre has no TV as they do not encourage TV watching too.

My boy do pull/play with his birdie at times but so far, only happened 2 times. I think he's just curious.

Any toddlers here on Pediasure? My boy is on the smaller built and weighs 10kg at 15mths. He's only taking 3 times of 150ml milk each time. But his solids are quite ok, he can finish a chinese bowl of soft rice with fish & vege for lunch & dinner.

When I brought him to GP for MMR last sat, GP told us to try giving him Pediasure, will help him put on some weight. I've 3 sachets and has been mixing his Friso with Pediasure, dunno should buy a tin & let him continue with it.
mangogal: i give the big ones lor...those delmonte type..i also tot will liang but he seems ok(touchwood)..hehe..he can finish 1/2 to 3/4 of that...tummy no wind, no cough or phlegm after taking so i continued..if u worry, then maybe buy those shorter ones...i think its call 'kek leng' banana...

backside itchy.. see if i can get my lazy bum out of the house..

Orchard is madness on Friday though.

Might have to go vivo on friday cos my mom will be back from our home town transiting through Batam. will see how it goes..
anyone using nan pro 3?
why do they suddenly change the scoop to a purple color and it's bigger? and i noticed milk become so bubbling after shaking it.

any comments on friso/mamil gold/enfalac?
would like to try..

mommies who said enfalac caused constipation..
before u switch to enfalac, what milk brand u used before?

thanks for the info
My boy also like to touch his birdie. My mum want to apply cream to ease the itchyness. Seem like is not the itchyness but the curiousity! Thanks for sharing mummuies. I think this is the best place to find the answer as all our babies are having the same growing stage.
lenny - lol. okie. im goin with vicky. how abt this. if ur butt reli itchy. u cn mit us after kinder. lolx. our trial is at 3pm. wil end by 345-4pm. after that we might check gymboree out we may not. then maybe do some light shopping. lolx. if we skip gymboree n do the light shopping. might be going back to vicky's for a swim... if u keen on the above let us knw? hee hee.

that's kinda late.. if i do go out, i normally get home before 5.00pm to prepare for Bree's dinner.

She supposed to "eat" at 5.15 - 5.30pm.. cos she is still rejecting solids.

bathe at 6.00pm, milk at 6.30pm and goes to bed by 7.00pm

if i miss her bedtime.. god know what time she is going to sleep.. then i will go haywire.. hahaha
envy u all who can go playdates or outing..
right now i'm very discouraged to go out with my boy.
he is one active baby..always want to explore and walk around... he refused to sit on his stroller..
on mrt, he will scream n cry..definetely make a scene! because I dont let him walk. and once we reach to the mall..he will cry if we dont let him walk..or if we carry him, he will fight with me to go down..my hand really aching now..
then some more..at restaurant..he will make a mess..throwing chopsticks and tissue on the floor..then also cannot sit too long..will want to walk around..haizz..
i think i need to be consistent n firm when disciplining him..
so far this behaviour only appears when we're out.
anyone experience the same?
bree still zzz so early ah... alyssa used to zzz at 7pm for the first 6 months. daddy always wants to delay her zzz. now she zzz abt 8-9 and wake up as early as 645 cos daddy alarm goes off! irritating. daddy alarm is to wake me and bb not himself... i hate that moment everyday.
same here. so wherever i go, i bring the maid. my wrist already aching and back too cos i bjorn her sometimes when going out...she is 25% of my weight.
lenny - by the time we rch hor. duno bree wil be goin to slp or not leh. lol! i check with vicky. im ok with anything. hee
i duno if she is driving if she is then great! time saved on travelling somehow. hmm. we end by 4pm. then we prolly wil get some food then go ovr to yr plc lor. do u wan us to get dinner for u? or some groceries frm tanglin?

if friday too rush, next week la.. as long as before wednesday.. cos my ah lau come back on wednesday night then we are preparing for our trip to Philippines liao..

can also ask Fatfish to join us.. hehe..
miss83... same thing with my boy. he will either want to be carried or walk on his own. at resturant we will not let him self-feed and pick up what he throw after we are done. my hubby is more soft hearted n will carry him if he fusses. for me i will let him cry in the pram (no too long la). very pai seh when pushing a crying kid in a shopping center but i feel he needs to learn loh.

hi everyone, long time no see!

anyone giving karihome milk to bb? I have one tin opened but used a few scoops only, wanted to switch milk poweder but trishelle totally refused. So let me know if you want it, else it's very wasteful neh.
