(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Piggy, we also purely speak Chinese to bb Jo..he can understand a lot wat we saying & asking him to do...my parents always ask me to speak Eng to bb but I don wan him to only understand & speak Eng..its very irritating when he grows up & ignore to speak/answer ppl when they speak Chinese to him! I wan him to learn English in his school & im sure he will as I trust de playgroup/pre-school in Singapore!

Jasmin, what is the normal weight for our bb of 15mths? last week when bb was sick of diarhea, he was only 10.5kg. Is this consider small build? But after recovered, he can really eat a lot (non-stop!)and I found that his head is quite big!

don, same as u I don let bb self-feed in a restn/ at home. im not prepared to clear de mess!

miss83, bb Jo is the same as ur boy..whenever we go out, he will wan to walk on his own & refused to hold our hands. he don care whether he is blocking other ppl's way, he just walk very fast to wherever he wants. he also don wan to sit in de stroller.in de restn, after he finished his food, he will wan to got down & walk unless we hav food to keep him sit still. he will ask for our fork, spoon, chopsticks, wet tissue & watever he saw n he is interested to take...

don feel paiseh or feel bad when bringing them out. its normal for them to behave like this as they r just TOO CURIOUS & ACTIVE!! i think the ppl ard us will understand us..Slowly talk to ur boy to discipline him. actually we should b happy & glad that they r active & curious rather than they so quiet & sit in de stroller all de time without wanting to walk.
u not alone leh. mine also like that take mrt also a bit pai say one leh..he will want to come down and walk and want to hold the bar too. so at times i will pay a bit more to take cab. but cab also headache leh..cos he will want to go to the front seat and talk to the uncle haha

i think its understandable for them wanting to walk.. cos its their new found skills to be mobile without relying on us..

they have been watching us walk since they are born and not knowing how to do it.. now that they can.. i can understand why they enjoy doing it.. and they are practicing their walking and balancing skills..

the next step is when they will run..
my son was on gain iq and constipated for a long while so now i switch to enfalac. not the other way round..

thanks for ur tips..

i gave him all kind of fruits everyday.. but the down thing is he is not so much into drinking water as compared to elixir..

my mom told me to fetch tristan home before their TV time. haha. but to my horror, my bro told me in the morning while waiting for all to come in they also on TV de.. @W#$#*%#@.. but he tell me all is sing songs program, barney no ben 10. but to me is all the same. TV programs = TV programs.. haha

woa enjoy life !!!can go meet vicky i miss her so much + ziv mama haha

re: gng out with tods
I think all tods now behave the same (example touchy birdie/pipi/meimei..
my son also randomely let me hold his hand.. but whenever he wan walk else where i will say bye bye to indicate he's on his own and he will teh and i ask him hurry up and he will follow me..

re: milk intake
any idea whats the minimum milk intake our 15 mth old tod should be drinking? TIA
My boy also likes to touch/ pull his birdie when changing diapers or bathing. Now I know its quite common, haha

Re watching tv in childcare:
Many of the CCs that I enquired have TV to the kids to watch if they are there early or while waiting for parents to pick up. I also don like the idea, cos at home I never let my boy watch tv at all, except for My baby can read dvds, which I will watch together with him.

Re LO running around:
Mummies, I so envy those whose kiddos are runnning or walking ard on their own. I wish my boy is like that. My boy still wants to hold on to my little finger or any other thing else when he walks. He has taken a few steps on his own, with much prompting, but most of the time, he will hold on to walls, funitures etc when walking at home. Sigh, not sure why he is like that even though he can walk so steadily.
phew..phew..so relieved mine is not the only one like that..hahaha.. but really he needs training..so these weeks will bring him out to nearby mall n will put him on stroller n let him cry til he gets the idea that he needs to sit..will give him reward he behaves well..ohh but need a firm heart n consistency to do this..but it's for future benefits lah..then my hubby n me can enjoy our outing and meal time
Hi mummies,
If your kiddos are very active and need space to crawl/exercise away, U may want to try My Gym. http://www.mygym.com.sg/programs.html

The shop name is call Grace Kids though.

I just went for a trial on Monday and my son was crawling all over the place enjoying himself chasing after gym balls, bubbles etc. They had welcome song, warming up exercises etc. On Monday, we did monkey swing, jumping on spring board and got turned upside down by the teacher after 'jumping' up from the spring board. My boy cried at each of these stunts but once we put him down, he was fine and started playing again.

While walking out of the gym, my son was smiling..

I signed up for 10 weeks and as members, we can walk in during some weekdays to use the gym.

BTW, just to share, i stumbled on this website called http://www.kiasuparents.com
Hi Jo,
Same thinking as you. We solely speak Chinese to him so that he can build up his chinese foundation first. When he goes to playgroup/school, I let the teacher there to teach him English, they're more professional than me in gd pronounciation.

Ah yoh ! Same here... Bring Ryker out is like a BIG project.... especially feeding him in the public... so tired, he can't sit still to finish the porridge for me, everything on the tables he wants to touch. Lately he don't like us to hold his hands, he wants to walk by himself like little adult

So, Miss83, no worries, I think our child at this age is very curious on everythings around them especially outings... their eyes open soooo wide & we've to chase after them everywhere.

M is same like many of the bbs here .. too active to bring her out.
Walking/Runnig around is still ok, as she is too busy with the new thing around. Having meal in the restaurant is really a challenge. I can nvr feed her the main meal (porridge/rice/noodle) outside the house(too distracted), i usually only go out after her meal time and give her some snacks/biscuit/cake when we having our meal. But most case, that will only last for short and she will start her throat engine even before our food are served.

Feeding her is a challenge nowsaday. She prefer her snacks more than porridge/rice/noodle. She won't eat even she is hungry(no milk/snack few hours b4 meal). I have to tell her to finish her meal, then i will bring her downstair. cannot tahan.

M used to have constipation problem during the similac, till i switch her milk to Friso. I heard the nutrient for friso is not as good as others, but it really solves her constipation problem. The poo poo is soft and now she at least do 1 big business everyday (sometimes 2). Now, i am giving her the Pediasure(more nutritient, but sweet) in daytime & Friso at night. So far her poo poo still good(touchwood)

my boy also can't sit through an entire dinner that's for sure.. normally hb will eat when i'm feeding Zac then when done, hb will bring him out to walk walk then its my turn to eat.

no choice la.. nowadays the kids really active so can't sit for long! Zac is willing to sit in his stroller but sometimes insists on being carried or if he's walking, he refuses for anyone to hold his hand... same case like Piggysg's boy.

Re: milk powder
Zac has been on the enfa range since birth (gave him enfalac for night feeds and bmilk in day) and now also on stage 3 enfagrow. his bowels are ok considering he doesn't actually like to eat fruits (sigh) and takes brown rice for his meals which is considered to be heaty. So i guess it depends on the child's digestive system also.
reverie - ok

teddy - i wish Kirs wld hold my hand when she walks!!! lolx! she refuses to hold n will walk really fast or run... -_-" jus now brought her dwnstairs to the playground to play with 2 other kids... omg! 3 of them running ard the playgrd.. so 3 of us mummies running ard too... i think this is good for burning fat! lolX! literally sweating away... plus Kirs is a daredevil n SAMSENG!!! she ran one big round... i looked at her from afar la... tired liao... lolxxx.. make sure she comes back.. n she did la... she went one big round lor... ahahahaha ... just nice la... after our exercise, came back, gave her shower... milk n she KO ... LOL!!!

so cute.. i can imagine 3 mummies running chasing 3 little ones.
me too, brought M to sembawang park yesterday and she really went over stimulated and cannot stop running. She was curious about the green grass & wanted to walk on it .. she run and jump on the grass and laugh .. guess she is wonder y the grass is soft to walk on.. she loves the sea and said 'bom bom' when she saw a couple playing by the water with a dog. Gosh, she wan to 'shower' in it ... I think it's a good exercise for her, coz after we came back from dinner, she shower, milk & straight away KO liao .. this morning cannot wake up too.. haha
sinmey - lol!!! so fun! hee kirs likes dogs big or small.. she will go near them to observe them... heh heh heh...

miss83 n other mummies who worry abt their babies being active when outside.. how abt bringing them to places like gymboree(tanglin / hbf) or royce gym(liang court) or other gyms where u can have free play and pay by the hour... or vicky suggested rochester park... u can let them walk n run ard those places... just an idea
thanks all for the sharing and missycandy thanks for the tips

anyway, just wondering if all bb here sleep through the night already?
mine has not!! sigh...
roughly around 45 mins after sleep..he will cry with eyes closed..so i need to pat pat him..then around 3.30am will ask for milk and pat him again to go back to sleep..then around 1 hour before waking up..he will cry also with eyes closed and have to pat him again then he go back to sleep..
everytime I pat him..it takes 5mins-30mins!! so it's really annoying that it happens every night.
even during nap..sometimes he can sleep the whole 1.5 hour by himself..sometimes also cry or stir alot..
Im not sure whether he's teething..but there were days when he really naps well and sleeps well at night too..although now it feels like those old days seem like very long time ago already..
I hope I'm also not the only one on this..
hmmm kirs does cry sometimes with eyes closed but cn see n feel the tears...
i jus give her pacifier n pat her... i link it to overstimulation in the day plus teething. heh... can you try increase his last milk feed for the night? anyway you are not along... starflower's boy also wakes up for milk feed ard 4am i think... heh heh heh...
miss83, my boy sleeps he too will "wah wah wah" every few hours with his eyes still close. he will only go back to sleep if he is nursed. so we suspect he wakes up because he is hungry. hubby found a way to stop his "wah wah wah" - either give him a big bottle of milk and let him drink til sleep. if he sleeps before the big bottle, hubby will give him a bottle while he sleeps. after the bottle he can still 6hrs without waking.
dont really mind for the night feeding..coz his solids not so good so I want him to drink milk more.
but the cry 1 hour after sleep and 1 hour before waking up are the ones that bother me..
wahh if it's overstimulation..that means he is overstimulated everyday now

or it's really teething..some gums are swollen though..I hate teething!!! :D
give him teething tablets or the gel ?

anyway. to share some links.

http://www.babycenter.com/0_first-aid-for-choking-and-cpr-an-illustrated-guide-for-age-1_11241.bc?scid=mbtw_post15m:785&pe=2UvTySe - this is for cpr if ur kid is choking.

http://www.babycenter.com/0_poisoning_11266.bc?scid=mbtw_post15m:785&pe=2UvTySe - this is if ur kid consumes poison

http://www.babycenter.com/0_stay-at-home-parents-overview_5959.bc?scid=mbtw_post15m:785&pe=2UvTySe - overview of stay at home parents

http://www.babycenter.com/404_when-will-i-know-whether-my-toddler-is-a-righty-or-a-lefty_11927.bc - how will i know if my child is a lefty or righty

its just sharing some links la. i think some of you might have read it if subscribe to babycentre =P
last night it's even worse..he woke up at 2 something til 5.30am!!! giving teething tablet also no use if he's already awake..
last month also like this..the whole week keep waking up in the middle of the night..then the next week he slept well..and then the next next wk his molar cut through.. dunno if the week he kept waking up related to this teething..because it was 2 weeks before the molar cut through.
now the cuspid is really swollen with withish color
miss83 ...

For me when its the teething period ... I will just pop in the teething tablet when he is stirring and making noise. Cos once they wake up ... agree that its difficult to put him back to zzz
U prolly have to trial n error on wad works for him n u when he's teething... Or u just wanna let him b ... Hee when kirs molar cut thru, she had fluctuating fever frm 40 ovr degrees to afebrile... And I didn't realize it til I saw it.. Ended up giving antibiotics for nth sigh n it's only one lol! Darn. But she did slp more hee
missy same lah..he also had up n down fever when molar cut thru..which I dont hope to happen again!

ya i think tonight i will give
coz sometimes im not sure whether it's teething..so I didnt give the tablet..last time i used to give whenever he stirs..now I only left with 1/4 bottle..and i still have so many teeth to bear..that's why if im not sure its teething, i didnt give..
but thinking about what happened last night..I think i better give straightaway..
miss83 - u go see overseas spree to see if anyone organising spree for the tablets ba... or see if u wana org then ask ard see who wants =P
do u mommies use alot of tablets for teething?
how much left u have? hee..i thought 1 bottle should be enough to last for the whole set of teeth ^^
envy those bb who cut tooth without bothering them at all..

same here bb Jo recently keep waking up in de middle of night every 2-3hrs..my MIL will say he is hungry n give him a bottle...he will then sleep back...but these few days wake up at 3am n only sleep back at 4am althou already give him a bottle..

this morning i try to check(with my fingers) if his molar teeth is out..i found 1 behind at the upper right gums..sharp sharp..think some r coming out soon..tats y they cant sleep well..

may i know wher to get the teething tablet?? how to consume & any side effects o not ar??
jo's mummy
hyland teething tablet..bought it from drugstore.
no side effect..usually i put 2 tablets on my boy's mouth..they dissolve very quickly
usually after taking it,bb will directly go back to sleep

anyway..mummies can I put these tablets into milk?
coz sometimes difficult to put in my boy's mouth
thanks miss83, hmm dunno wat to give bb o not..but really wan him to hav a good sleep as well as me!

actually i read from somewhere that baby who can sleep a straight of 5hrs means sleep through..so many of us assumed that sleep thru means a straight of 8-10hrs..
jo's mummy
during non teething days..my boy can sleep thru for 11 hours..even if he stirs abit, just pat him a few secs then he will settle down again..ohh how i miss those days!!!
Wed bb has fever. Went dwn. But got cough n flu. Juz brought her to doc cos I thot there is phlegm in her throat. Doc said got phlegm in e lung!!! So sad. Hubby told me to bring her to see doc on wed but I refused n think it is juz fever. Doc oso can't b sure it is fever or cough comes 1st.
oh..reverie..phlegm go into the lung? is bb ok now? poor her..then how to remove the phlegm from de lung? by medication?

don worry n sad ya..bb should be ok..
miss83 ...

I still have some boxes of the teething tablet left cos some mummies never collect from me. You wan?? $12.50 per box.

You need to feed him direct cos when it dissolve in the mouth then it will relief the pain. Dun think putting in the milk helps
ya..i remember last time i also joined u to buy at drugstore..
anw i still have 1/4 bottle..is it really not enough for another 6 teeth coming? hee..
and is it ok to give about 2-3x per night (means 6 tablets)
jo mummy
thx for your concern... doc gave med to drink to remove the phlegm. for bronchitis / asthma...
a frd told me it could be viral infection...

lesson learnt, dont take kid's health lightly...

I wanted to bring bb for chiropratic with me but $ is a concern. but the way the clinic i m with is having free check up for bb. Not sure can i list the clinic name here. anyone interested can pm or email me.

phlegm into lung = pneumonia, which if the case will make bb pretty seriously unwell and usually needs hospitalisation. therefore, either the dr doesn't know what he is talking about, or doesn't know what he is doing.

make sure bb gets lots of fluid and make sure he coughs it all up. don't give anything to stop him coughing, cos if he doesn't cough, then it WILL end up going downwards into the lungs and cause worse problems.

if at any point in time his fever becomes out of control, he starts shivering/sweating really bad, becomes very tired, and above all, becomes more and more breathless, then he needs to go straight to the hospital.

take care and hope he gets better soon!

Phelgm in lungs, he prob meant in the lower airway. Usually shld clear very fast with help of neuberlizer( bb breathe in medicated vapour with a machine) n another med call singulaire. My elder son had it twice, need abt 1 week to recover.

the only remotely useful thing about a neb is that it helps to loosen and thin out phlegm so that it can be more easily coughed up, and this is just the function of the water vapour - the meds in it and in inhalers only serve to widen the airways for those where they have been constricted eg in asthma and very severe airway inflammation. In fact, if a baby/small kid is truly bad enough to need medicated nebs, they shd be in hospital. if a dr anyhow prescribes medicated nebs and inhalers just for "phlegm", it's again overmedicating, and just creates a dependence of the body on it so that next time it just gets more and more difficult to even fight off a simple cold.

will give an eg, my boy had a very bad cold/cough as well. whether or not he had nebs didn't make an iota of difference.
Did a bibinogs trial today at Serene Centre and both hubby and I like what we saw. Gracie looked like she had fun as well, so we signed up on the spot. It was the bubbly babe class at serene centre. 1.5 hrs long.

there was time for free play, snack time, art and craft time (gracie completed her first artwork! It is now proudly displayed at our house), sing along time, story telling time, phonics and also a final 15mins of mandarin sing-a-long before the class ended.

There were 2 teachers leading the class so that really helped to drum up the atmosphere. They were very professional i.e. good enuciation & good play acting skills.

It's only our first class so I'll be interested to know if they are consistent. Nevertheless, we decided to sign up for a term anyway. $40 one time registration, $100 refundable deposit. One term is equivalent to 10 weeks, works out to $43 per week, for the weekend class. It is cheaper for weekdays.

Hope this helps.
Re Coughs

i think it is best to trust our own motherly gut instinct and work with a PD that you are comfortable with when it comes to our kids well being.

my boy's on singulair, asumalife and zyrtec for the last 5 days. his PD didn't say he was asthmatic or had phlegm in lungs. but the meds are working beautifully for him.

it all started last friday with fever (took progesic), then cough, then vomit in sleep til i saw his eyes rolling up, then running nose, then another super major vomit in sleep. i had to replace my mattress due to the smell. at first i gave him Prospan from GP which did nothing at all and poor boy was suffering til he took singulair+asumalife from PD.
zytec no effect on her. she was really sick for the whole of mar and took 3x medication... she was on actifed then now is ploaramine.
for the phlegm she is having salbutamol and fluimucil.

same. she started w fever and nxt day started coughing. she was having flu and cough on vesak day and we brought her to see doc and so fast she gone to doc again.
