(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

How much drops per feed?
My boy since yesterday only takes 40-60ml

so quiet...

we wanted to bring bb to zoo today but when we reached there abt 1015... it was carpark full and illegal parking outside was also full... there are hundreds / thousand of cars parking illegally outside the zoo.. in the end we went to the bird park... also crowded...
Agnes.. ya i got this free trial thing at forum. but will probably pursue it when my boy hits 18 months as my girlfriend's girl is already in that class.

Reverie.. the zoo is crazy during PH. i wanted to go today too but canceled as my specs broke the night before. now i will be "blind bat" til the new pair arrives.
thanks! coz my mom told me to put cold cabbage and i gave the huh reaction haha.. so i shdnt go sqeeuze or pump the milk out right?

haha tk good care hor.. after ur HL then we meet up at ue sq!

now u still have?? i see sag i v gek xim leh.. i rather small then sag. :x btw i miss ziv !

tv addict: i trained tristan not to watch tv that often. i dont like to see him stuck with the tv programme naturally.. haha but i am a 100% tv addict loh

petit bowl: tristan had his meal there once. and he finished up the whole bowl of beef with pumpkin and asking for more. i think is defintely worth it.. how i wish there is petit bowl in most shopping malls so i nv have to worry whats for his meals ..

JG: any idea whats the timing like during weekends? can just walk in or call for a trial class session?

GUG: i went.. but neither like nor dislike.. tristan was running ard thru out the lesson. but can feel that the teachers are v passion w their teachings. but gng back ue sq during weekends abit sian! like im gng back to wrk on weekends like that.. but again good coz petit bowl is there! :p

toys: he just rec'ed a doreamon plushie and he loves it like bits. hug it to slp too.. pat the doraemon orh orh too..
oh 1 question to ask !

does any of your darlings have hard stools often?
tristan oftens have hard stools despite taking fruits daily his anus also may bleed while pushing
...i think he also doesnt poo everyday when he was on total BM..
he is on gain iq now.. do u all think he is

1) heaty type of body?
2) gain iq too heaty?
3) any other reasons? or suggestions?


plenty of water. babies/tods get very sweaty in the heat, and people often overlook how much fluid they lose cumulatively. no point taking a lot of fibre in diet without the fluid to keep it soft, otherwise stool will be even less pliable.
Yes, looking forward to JG with all the mums and todds.

Re: Hard Stools
Shayna still poos big ones once or alternate days. It is relatively hard but we make sure she drinks plenty of water throughout the day. Think it just depends on each individual toddler. Last time, my PD gave me some probiotic drops. She said that maybe Shayna needs more good bacteria in her system to help pass motion. I'm not sure if that means I'm keeping her system too clean?!!
Anyway, she eats yogurt, cheese and apple & prune juice, etc hope all these helps her in a way.
I give bb fr 1 fruit session to 2. Giving her golden kiwi, pear & apple. She poo fr once every 2 days to a bax of twice a day. No constipation. Can try.
Queenie.. please talk to the PD. the blood is worrying and he is only so young. hard stools can be anything in his diet - too much of something or too little of something or just something not suitable. for example, my boy cannot take earth best products as it makes him constipate. PD and I do not know why but PD helped me sort out what was wrong.
kirs is taking gain IQ... no probs with poo... u must also see wad solids he is taking? kirs usually poos once a day.. n its usually after her lunch... super stinkieee! worse than my poop smell lor!!! lolxxx... her food at home at the mo is very standard.. porridge with pork or beef and 1 veggie... heh... once in awhile il give her beehoon soup... or like today i gave her what i cooked for dinner... butter herbed rice... =P
Thanks, her breakfast is always a few fruits mixed with cereal and fresh milk or yogurt. Afternoon and night time, she takes soft rice, porridge, meat and lots of veggies. Her tummy has always been big even during ultrasound scans!! We suspect she has huge expandable intestines.

Wendy's is not bb friendly
I tried bring Favian to buy lunch and I have problem pushing my stroller in. And lil seats available. So think going on weekends would be quite frustrating.
alamak. ok wil go wkday lunch. hee.

btw does anyone knw if GUG does trials?

oh yes lenny! jus nw i went giant. i saw they sell the herbs for making si shen tang! nt sure if u wana try though. i read it. it says for improving appetite. esp in kids. hmmm... i didnt buy becos im nt keen in improving kirs's appetite... lolx!

mummybean - aiyo. then in the end did u eat there? nice?
so sad that bb Jo is sick again...had a bad Wesak Day holiday...

bring bb Jo back to Msia on Thursday night by relative's car without husband. bb started vomiting on Friday 10am everytime after drink milk or within half an hour. see doc and given him medicine..midnite getting worst, vomit halfway b4 he could finish his milk, and started diarhea 2times & mild fever...

next day morning, no more vomitting & diarhea but high fever (39degree), bring him see doc again..put the fever medicine into his butt, given some wind & paracetamol medicine...midnite, fever no more but starting serious watery diarhea..

bb has been so cranky during the midnite, giddy and sleepy at the day time and very very sticky to me..

back to singapore at 10pm and bring him see doc again to stop the diarhea...being scolded 1st by hubby then by doctor bcos they say dunno wat food i've given to bb jo which cause this problem to him..bb Jo's butt is now very red and swollen due to his diarhea..cry very seriously when diarhean & when we try to clean him with warm water..cry for me to carry him...

last night i cried when i see him in this pain..i put all the blames on myself for causing the pain to him..i hope his diarhea will stop today & he will get well asap!
wintertime,am guilty to say im working today as not able to take leave..

cannot let him go diaperless as his diarhea is really watery n yellowish..it will dirty his toys and mattress in de playpen as my MIL usually don let him walk ard de house as she not able to run after him..
Yes, GUG does trial classes but at a charge of $40 per trial.

Jo's mummy
Oh dear, sayang little Jo! Keep the butt airy with loose diapers and just clean with water and use butt cream as required. Don't blame yourself since you didn't intentionally do anything. Take care.
jo mummy *hugs to u n bb* maybe ask ur mum to air his butt for at least 15mins after diaper change.. it wil help... it is super duper painful... kirs has sore butt n private area twice... everytime pee or lao sai, she will cry.. thru the night.. very heartwrenching when she cried... sigh... have to change diapers very frequently.. then use water to wash... dont use the baby wipes... then apply either desitin, very thick layer or aloe vera... thats what i did lor... sigh...
thanks babe & missy, will do watever u all advise! hopefully my MIL will follow wat i request her to do...

just now called back to ask how's bb Jo, heard him crying..really heart wrenching..he still lao sai..already 3rd times since last night..hopefully will stop by tonight...

learnt some tips for baby when they diarhea, DO NOT feed them FM/ cow's milk but give SOY MILK. doc say if don wish to buy a tin of the soy milk, can give tau huey zui..then give them half bottle of yakult 3times a day(cold is ok).
wintertime, ya no more fever & lucky he drinks a lot of water..i gave him the blackcurrant drinks too..

i very sleepy now..think tonite i will sleep after i put him to sleep at 8pm..thanks..
Jo's mummy:
hugs.. hopefully bb Jo gets well soon...and u rest well too.. has been a draining long weekend for u...

I tried the beef burger and I think its quite nice can be comparable to carl's. And the milk shake is also quite yummy. Worth a trip down to try.
yo wana ask i knw its bveen mentioned before... but im deciding as well...

those who have tried bibinogs, any feedback? am thinking of GUG or bibinogs...
thanks riverie & mummybean..now i have phobia bringing bb Jo back to msia..

wanna ask for advise, this Friday bb Jo need to go for MMR injection. would like to postponed this injection till another 2-3weeks later...as now he is still sick..wanna give him a rest for a few weeks b4 this injection.. Is it OK? TIA
Jo's mummy
same here, my boy also fell sick over the Vesak day holidays. High fever. Especially on Friday, he was so cranky and drowsy. But his temperature went down aftertaking brufen (not sure how to spell the name) given by KK. Then worse thing is, I think I also ganna virus from him, I started coughing and having sorethroat today, whole body aching but like you, so much work to do, cannot take MC.
jo's mummy:
ya its ok. Should wait for bb Jo to get well first. Make some liang teh for him before the jab. It works for my boy as his fever only reach 37.8 at most.

when ? I bringing Favian to class on tues and thurs. the rest of the days I m ok
alyssa is sick since 14/5. took med for 5 days and stopped 3 days. then brought her to see doc last sat as she started developing cough too.

we sending her to gug and shichida. There is a child who is constantly on flu / running nose both both classes. It is really irritating.

for gug, they offer make up if produce mc. for shichida they dont. i wrote to them before bef and they said they will consider my suggestion of producing mc and give credit refund. they claim that the class is small lah, parent can attend lah blah blah. curriculum is good but mgt is super lousy. the schedule coordinator at springleaf is terrible too. u can talk to her till vomit blood and she push my qn to another person or nvr ans my qn!

alyssa missed her sun class. hubby said better dont bring. dun spread to others.

regarding bb faling sick n the caregiver oso falling sick. I have been on chiropractic care since dec. Touch wood. I seldom fall sick and even if i do and get spread fr bb, i recover fast wo medication. I m not sure is it due to the chiropractic adjm i have. However, i do know that my spine is aligned to better health.
jo mummy ...

You can feed him rice water i.e those whitish water that we get when we cook porridge for them. Its very good for bb with diarrhoea.

No jab for bb when they are unwell and in fact better to wait for 1-2 weeks aft they recover then bring for jab.
THANKS to all mummies for your advise. I will call the clinic to postpone the MMR jab till next month.

Scrumpee, oh dear! you take care ya..drink plenty of water k?

mummybean, liang teh is it those we can get from ZTP or HockHua? with sugar ok?

seabreeze, ya i heard of this rice water before. my mum told me its very effective. i already ask my MIL to cook watery porridge for bb..

Dear mummies, if by tonight bb Jo still have diarhea, should I go back to the same clinic(which de doc advise me to go back) or change another clinic. Yesterday he has diarhea for 6times(5am,7.30am,11.30am,5pm,7pm,9pm). This morning already 2times(5am, 7.30am). But since yesterday 5pm, the diarhea is not so worse as in not so watery & not too much which wet his pants.
Jo mummy ...

If you brought him to see a PD then go back to the same clinic ... if you brough him to GP ... then I suggest to bring him to see a PD instead.

I am q KS when the kids fall sick ... even now for my 5yr old ... I still bring him to PD =p
Seabreeze, thanks for ur advise. I've made appointment with PD to go down tonight. But just now called my MIL, so far after I left house till now bb only ls 1 X ..later when return home will check with MIL on the condition..if condition is better, think he is recovering..hopefully..

Just wanted to tell u.. at JG.. if bb or the accompanying adult is unwell and still show up at class.. Be prepared to be asked to go home, they are very strict about this cos we don't want our babies to be infected.

even us..moms.. we will raise up the issue and ask the teacher to talk to the Mom/accompanying adult who is unwell to go home.

If the person "buay zi dong" we ignore that person.. muahahaha
Hi All mommies

Sorry to disrupt,im 2009 mummy, have a few brandnew items to let go
Interested mummies pls do contact me at [email protected] or hp 82884133

<font color="ff0000">Item1:</font>
BrandNew Philips Newborn Starter Set[Price$36,Original Price:$45.90]

Contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs)

<font color="ff0000">Item2:</font>
Munchkin Drying Rack[Price:$10, Original Price:$15]

<font color="ff0000">Item3:</font>
Cradler gotten from Taka BabyFair
[Price:$15,Original Price:$21.90]
[PriceTag intact]

<font color="ff0000">Item4: </font>
MyBreast@Friends from MotherCare[100% BrandNew]
[Price: $70, Original Price$81.90 ]
[PriceTag intact]

<font color="ff0000">Item5:</font>
Montaly GiftSet_100% Cotton
[Price:$15,Original: Unknown]
Consist of 2 bodysuits,1 pair of Mitten &amp; booties &amp; 1 cap

<font color="ff0000">Item 6:</font>
Chateau De Sable Gift Set
[Price:$40,Original $77]

<font color="ff0000">Item7:</font>
Disney 100% Original Gift Set_100% Cotton

Jo's mummy:
eh I din give those off the counter liang teh. I brew American Ginseng for him daily one week before his MMR. I add into his milk so that it won't taste so awful or u can add in some rock sugar cubes. And post MMR when he had fever I did the same thing &amp; the fever somehow subsides after one day. Just a lil remedy from my MIL hope it will help Bb jo. Hope he is feeling better now
Wah wah.. our thread is really quiet...

been busy this week.. I signed up for JG holiday Programmes for Bree. Its a daily affair for 1.5hrs, Bree enjoys it but it wearing me out physically preparing for her class and keeping the house tidy alone.

Week 1 - Off to the Zoo

Initially opted for the 3.00pm class. Its good cos Bree pretty much knocked out between 6.30 - 7.00pm which leaves me more time to my own..

but the down side is.. me rushing home to feed her dinner and trying to finish up bathing her and myself before she KO..

The class ends at 4.30pm.. which is the "Change Shift" timing.. Diff to get cabs at Evans road..

so i have requested for the 11.00am class instead.. hope all goes well.

Friday is the "THE" day.. Field Trip to the Zoo...

Must report at School at 8.45am.. Stressed about getting prepared for her food. need tiome to cook her porridge. else its pretty much ok.. cos Bree wakes up at between 6.30am to 7.00am

ok. got to run..catch up again
any SAHM interested to do part time work from home job? Need pple to mark english papers! Good $$$ for SAHM! Pre-requisites: Min A2 for GP "A level"

PM me!
Hi Mummies,

Have been mia for soo long as busy with work &amp; bb, yet to hv time to log in. It took me times to finish reading what happening.

Hi Missy, how are you ? You getting better ?

Hi Jo,
No worries, hug hug bb Jo, he will recover fast.
Is it teething ?

Ryker was also down with high fever for last 2 weekends, it once go up to 38.7deg, I was so scare that immediately bring him to KK A&amp;E. According to doctor it may be airborne virus which is very common lately, &amp; the fever will go up &amp; down for continuous 5 days. Anyway he recovered the next day but last weekend fever start again &amp; just recovered yesterday. So, we don't think is airborne virus.

According to my mum, is teething(modula teeth). Some bb will have fever, vomit or diarhea(not very smelly, yellowish &amp; some 'tomatoes seeds'). Older ppl will call this diarhea 'YA SHI'(teeth shit). Ryker has been diarhea for 3 days, my mum let him wear cloth diaper to cool his butt. We fed him porridge water, it works well for him. You can try the porridge water.

His appedite drops alot, we fed him every 2hrs milk (more water less milk powder) to replenish water, afraid he dehydrate. Yesterday, he begin to active &amp; ate 1/2bowl of pasta... getting better.
Brought Ryker to zoo on Vesak, he enjoy very much. Now he knows which is monkey, tiger &amp; giraff. He imitate how monkey sound (woo woo), very funny. If you bring your bb to zoo, suggest you buy 2-1 (zoo &amp; bird park) is cheaper than single entry. You need 1 whole day there...so well prepare food.
Hi Wintertime..

good to see you in here.. Kinda signed up for the holiday programmes to keep us both occupied before Bree drives me nuts at home.

I wonder if i did the right thing.. now that we have programmes everyday. its crazy for me but for her.. she is happy.

I will see how it goes.. if i can survive this week.. i might sign her up for the consecutive weeks..

Anyone going to the motherhood fair tomorrow? if i can make it.. t will only be on Friday after zoo trip... Only if i am still in one piece.. hahah...
