(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Srumpee, it's very difficult to live together with in laws. Different sets of expectation. Talk to your hubby. After 1 year of living with my mum in law, i was severely traumatised by her. Don't be pushed into doing something that your hubby feels is CORRECT for him.

Take care.

Lenny, sunshine,alfafa,pinksorbet,northvirgo
Thanks for the comforting words. I want try to maintain my stand.

Your situation is similar to mine, MIL is a nice lady actually and FIL is naggy...initially I also think staying with them will not be a prob but the thought of them invading my privacy and with a sis-in-law taking up another room in my house really made me think twice. Moreover, my mum is the caregiver of my boy, not my MIL.

Anyway, we haven't spoke about the house again, I will try to ask him again about the space planning because we don't have much time left, need to vacate our current place in end Sept.
Scrumpee - best not to stay with yr SIL. I think it will onli complicate the already present complicated situation. Moreover u r preggie so don't add more problems or issues to yourself.

Good luck babe.

My heart goes to you. What you need to do now is:

1. Find a quiet place to sit down.
2. List down the "unhappiness" or things which may be a problem when your in-laws move in.
3. Present the list to your hubby.

Be strong and know what is best for your family.

You have us here....

Take care dear gal!

Hi Mommies..

need some advice here.. kinda desperate that Bree is not eating.. Her PD gave us a bottle of Appelin syrup. to boost her appetite..

does anyone knows how long prior to meal time do i have to feed Bree?

she is prescribed to have this once a day in the morning.. trying to call PD clinic but no one seems to answer the phone.. haiz..

i can understand your frustration.
M was previously has no problem taking her meal/solid.
Now, she simply rejects the solid that I feed her.
For the lunch(12pm) & dinner(5pm), she used to take 1 bowl of porridge. Now, she will eat only 1/3 of the solid and cry liao. tried cook other thing but she will also take very little only.
She used to take a meal at abt 7.30pm b4 sleep. Now, she will scream, turn her head away and stick her face to her highchair.
I gave up and just gave her what she like(biscuit/puff/fruit).
I guess she is still taking enough food, it's just that her sudden of rejection solid makes me sad/frustrated.

Me too dunno what to adv u .. but i did try to eat in front of her more frequent, act like the food is 'very' nice and i am enjoying it so much. It does work sometimes, to interest her to try the food from my bowl. Else, i will give what she like every now & then, like fruit, cake, biscuit, puff ... or milk (she like the Pedisure, which i think it's a bit sweet)
Good luck to u .. i am sure u will find some food that Bree like.
lenny - give her ur food ? sometimes Kirs also has moods... she will refuse to open her mouth or shake her head... so i wil give her water... sometimes after some water, she wil continue with her porridge... if not, il keep the porridge one side(usually left less than 1/2) then let her play a bit... then half hr to hr later i wil try again... then she will finish it... nw sure if its good or not... but whatever it takes to make her eat i guess... funny thing is, when she sees us eating, she will want to eat our food.. even if she has finished her bowl of porridge -_-" i always tell her. u eat mummy's rice then nothing left for mummy...
then she will jus smile n open her mouth... zzz ... she's quite piggified...

ive given her quite a bit of outside food... wanton mee... fried bun(western shop but only the inside white part)... chicken rice... soups... teochew porridge with steam egg or fish or wadever i can mash up previously... now with gino cutter, anything also can!!! ho ho ho! but not curries n those with a lot of sauce kinda foods... other food as well.. basically whatever im eating or hb is eating... heh...
Scrumpee, I just read your posts about the issue of your in-laws staying together with you. I can understand your worries and concerns. Whenever hubby talks about living together with his parents, I do feel uneasiness deep down in my heart too. I think this is the kind of situation that most of us are going through in this generation -- I also have a mil who is a nice and a naggy fil and my hubby is their only son. They're nice to me but we're from different generation afterall. Our values are different. No matter what there will be gap somewhere. There is a saying 相见容易相处难, living together will definitely has conflict. But how to make our men understand and agree to our worries leh? I know if I tell my man that I'll have no privacy he won't see the point and won't agree my concern is a concern. He can't feel it. So instead of telling my problem, I shift the problem to children - Something that he can feel and see it. You see you have a boy and your girl is on the way. The reason for moving to a bigger place is so that the boy and the girl can have their own rooms. Even if now they're still little won't need it now but sooner or later they'll grow up and they'll need their privacy especially for the girl. I used to share room with my siblings and I understand that kind of inconvenience... So I gave hubby examples of those 'inconvenieces' I faced when I shared room with my siblings to make him understand the issue. When come to disciplining our children. If living with parents, they're sure gonna interfere. Again, there will be conflict -- conflict in different ways of bringing up the children. When more pppl living into the house, that means living expenses will increase too. Is he ready to cover that. And also the housework. A lot of time our men only think about the good points of living together but overlook these little details that will definitely become the root cause of future conflicts... Anyway, hope these points help... hee...
Scrumpee, hugs to u, don worry, talk with ur husband calmly.

Actually I have the same experience as u last year. Not to include my MIL in this topic as she is already staying with us from the very beginning as my FIL pass away many yrs ago. I'm very happy she stay with me as she takes care of bb Jo very well (close 1eye).

Its actually my SIL's problem. She has a family with 2children. His husband applied for overseas job for 1yr. thus she said she scared to stay alone at home with her son(her daughter 2yrs old staying with her MIL). So she ask if she can stay with us and treat it like she rent the room from us. I dont think tat is the reason as her husband always work night shift(7pm - 7am).

Im de 1st to object and don't agree at all & just like u, me & husband keep silence and I just don wan to talk to him abt this topic. I tot he understand tat I dont agree but the opposite he thinks. he tot i keep silence means its ok.

So i no choice as the SIL also keep asking my MIL. then this SIL very clever, rent out her whole house (abt 1k plus but pay us only SGD300/mth).this 300 includes air cond(on from 10pm-6.30am), unlimited internet, watch tv till midnite, everyday use washing machine(sometimes 2times a day), charge laptop, cook, use microwave, use my sandwich toast till oily & nvr clean, foods, tidbits, noodles, bread, instant coffee...without topping up...the SIL also take my potty(traditional potty) which I bought for wedding and give her son to use without asking me as I put inside de store room!

worst is when the SIL hubby got injured overseas & sent back to sg and stayed with us!!! she only add another SGD50!then everyday charge 2laptop, we watch tv at living room they watch in their room, afternoon at home also switch on the air cond...

wat im not happy is, they are taking advantage of us and her own brother who earns peanuts. my MIL is like their maid. sometimes help them to wash the clothes. weekends they sleep till very late, my MIL go buy breakfast for them and ask my MIL buy Straits Time for them. U know the newspaper so heavy plus all the foods!the SIL ownself is property agent, earning so much and the husband is working with SIA which has so many bonus..yet rent their house to other ppl like 1k plus but pay us only 350 including all the PUB. they also driving Honda car..so rich ppl u see...

its really a nightmare they stayed with us...lucky they are moving out end of this week and I will be so free!!!

Scrumpee, sorry im nagging here despite giving u some advise...hope u can settle this problem with ur husband. tell him how u feel and how sad u r. Im sure he doted u more!
Jo's mummy,

Bree is not keen on fruits.. especially if its sour.

Missy & Sinmey.

i/ we tried the following methods just to make her eat

1. Hubby entertain her juggling or headbutting balloon

2. My mom sing, clap put toys on her head trying to balance them and purposely drop it to make her laugh so she opens her mouth.

3. i gave her toys to play while feeding

4. we let her meddle with our lap tops and watch her own videos taken in class

5. hubby lets her have his iphone to play

6.my dad.. a very stern person.. "dance" in front of her to make her eat

7. my bro and his gf tried to tease her and make her laugh.. so she will open her mouth

8. gave her a set of similar feeding utensils and put some of her food inside so she can play.. she end up trying to scoop and feed me..

9. me eating the same food as her every meal using the same utensils

10. she make me feed hubby/ my mom or my bro one spoon of food then she had to take the next..

11. gave her her doidy cup and let her learn to drink from it.. she normally pours all the water on her tray and play with it with her palm.

12. gave her another bowl with her favourite puff.. so she can eat them together.. she self feed and i feed her porridge.

13. brought her out of the house to have her meals.. cafe, restaurants, poolside, playground

14. carry her in my sarong sling at home and walk around trying to feed her

Food wise:
i have 3 basic cereal base and different food jars to give her a wide range of variety for breakfast..

lunch and dinner.. porridge.
will alternate between pork, beef and chicken cos she dun like fish

then organic vege: carrots, broccoli, peas, pumpkin, corns & spinach will alternated with different combinations (puree and finely chopped to mix into porridge)i tried giving her steamed pumpkin cubes so she can self-feed

tried zucchini, parsnip, turnip, potato, sweet potato, butternut squash

all porridge will be cooked in vege stock or chicken stock and added Shi sen Powder

i tried different consistency of porridge.. from watery to lumpy

i also tried red lentils casserole , she used to love them,.. and tried chicken casserole too..

snacks wise.. i give her her organic puffs. biscuits etc... cheddar cheese toast

recently i tried her on white rice, beehoon, mee tai mak and noodles.. after a few mouthful.. she dun want as well.

she has asked me for Bread, cheese and puff.. and of course.. her all time fav.. Fresh BM - Direct from the source.

don't know what else i can do now.
I have bought a tin of Pediasure for her to try.. hoping to boost her appetite.. but she is allergic .. her skin flared up.. cheeks, elbows, chests and neck.
jo's mummy
your SIL is terrible...sorry to say that. Really taking advantage of you. Ok...at least for my case, my SIL is a nice 20 something young lady, clean and neat, so I don't think she will mess up my house. But is the giving up of my space and privacy that I am not comfortable with. I mean now we all have our own house, own space, why need to change the status and create unnecessary trouble and tension.

I can't guarantee to my hubby that I can live with my inlaws in harmony and i will ask him to think what if one day, we really can't stand each other, will he ask his parents to move back? Is he prepared to be passing messages for me and his parents whenever we are not happy about each other. I mean I never stop him from being fillial to his parents, I never question why he gives his parents so much etc.

And I agree with Lizy, we are from different generation and brought up differently, conflict is inevitable. And when we first bought the new place, he never mentioned abt inviting his folks over, i had planned it nicely that we have a master room, a room for the boy and a room for the girl and he get his own study room. But I am sure if I raise this as a reason, he will say that he will find an office space to work then so that the house can accomodate his parents....I am like 'urgghhh!!!!' If I had known that this is the plan, then I won't move, so that we won't face this staying with in-laws issue.

I think I will raise this with him tonite, can't drag already or else the renovation can't be finished on time. If he wants to dilly dally, then I will move back to my parents with the kids, he can go back to his mum's arms.
Scrumpee, I understand that its really NOT ok to stay with in laws...

I can feel u really "hot" now, try to cool down & don't use the "will move back to my parents with the kids, he can go back to his mum's arms." when discussing with ur husband. im sure this will hurt ur relationship with him..try to manja manja and tell him u don wish to stay with in laws..tell him that u both bought the new place and want to stay happily..don wan ppl to disturb etc etc...
Lizy - as i read through your post, i got reminded by the reasons that i actually gave to my hubby too. I told him that in future his parents may need to move back to their own place cos of space constraints should we have more kids. The reason he retorted back? "i've been sharing room with my sister when i was young too and it turn out well! Moreover we should not cultivate selfish thinkings of having their own rooms to our children, must learn how to share loh". As for living expenses, he thinks having parents to stay together will lower cos don't need to give so much household income to them since they are renting their own flat out. So i think it really depends on how individuals think. My hubby is always so smart to come up with a reason to defend my arguments! Sigh.

Lenny - My boy has feeding problems too...i did some of the actions that u were listed too, so that sounds v familiar to me! Nowadays he has associated the tv with his meals. I know it isn't good but i guess i dun have a choice cos this can be one way to make him eat. I also let him play with phone, my hp, the remote control, etc. I guess i was being desperate in searching for ways. It takes two persons to feed him too, one person to entertain him by reading him books and the other feeds him.

Jo mummy - your SIL and family is terrible. I guess your case is similiar to my fren's. The SIL wants to move in and rent out her house, which she did but the worse thing is, she doesn't pay a single cent to my fren and her hubby.

Scrumpee - yes be honest to your hubby and give explanations why. I hope your hubby listens and understands. All the best!
pinksorbet, yes the SIL family is really terrible.more terrible story which i cant finish if i wan to continue writing here. i just wrote a 2 or 3 paragraph u all already can feel they r terrible..not to say I had stayed and stand their whole family for 1yr!!! got 1 period where i really cant stand them,after bathing bb Jo and myself, eat dinner, i just go into my room with baby, close the door until bb sleep. nvr hav eye contact with them nor any conversation..just like im the one renting the room from them. also tat time had a hard time with hubby as i keep complaining to hubby and hubby just keep quiet. i know he has no choice as his sis ask him and my MIL. very hard to reject.

however, im glad that 1yr passed so fast!! thank god they moving out this weekend when im not ard as i bring bb Jo back malaysia!! hahaha
The "staying with in-laws" topics discussed here kinda freaks me out. brought me memories....

The last time when we were searching for a flat..hubby kept telling me he wanna stay with his mom (of cos will include his step-dad even though he didn't say but they are married how to separate right?)(hubby is also the only son, only child) I could feel my heart 'drops' each time he brought up this topic.
So in the end, the solution was to find a flat near theirs. We did and now we are staying opposite block.
This is the best solution for me to avoid staying together.
My in-laws would still pop over as and when but until now, i've not given them my flat key. I know it's very mean of me...but i need my privacy. I want to walk around bra-less or wear super short shorts..etc etc
Scrumpee, if u really don't want to stay with in-laws, u will just have to voice out to your hb. I don't think your hb will force u. Yes, he may be upset for a while..but talk to him nicely to let him see your views. It can be done.

Good luck!
i found that many of us likes to braless at home..hehehe...same goes to me...even my MIL also..i can walk ard braless next month!!
yes yes yes! my hubby also thinks he can give his parents less since they will have income from the renting of the flat. That is also one of his reasons. But i feel that the sronger reason is because he can't help but felt sorry for his parents that our son is not close to them. But I think that is invalid, our son is not the only grandchild, my in-laws have another 2 grandsons from my elder sis-in-law whom they see quite regularly. Right now, I am trying to find a childcare that provides transport to fetch our boy to and fro and that will be an excuse for me, that I don't need my MIL to stay at my plc just to fetch our boy. I called up My Little Skool at Pearl Bank which is near my mum's plc, they have arrangement with this uncle to fetch children to and from school, I will pay a visit to the school next month and check it out.

can't help you with Bree's eating prob cos my son can eat super well, will cry for food.
hahah...jo, wearing a bra is very uncomfortable, wear whole day at work, so must let loose at night.

Thanks strawberry, I will talk to my hubby nicely, I an naturally not a hot-tempered person.
lenny - u eat her food... hw abt she eating ur food? like hawker food u knw... try chicken rice? previously i had to give kirs a bowl to play with when feeding her.... but stopped after awhile... now is watch tv while eating... shes a fast eater.. so must have tempo when feeding her n be fast... if too slow after awhile she wun wana eat .. -_-"

i guess every kid has their own way of eating and wants... just have to try n see what works best... if all else fails... just give milk... according to my parents, my eldest brother was a super fussy eater... refused a lot of foods... so no choice just gave him more milk... as a kid he was chubby lor... then teenager thin... then adult become rounded... lolX!

at this stage can give chicken rice? oily right?
Bree takes a long time to swallow.. she will play with food in her mouth then swallow

now all she wants is Breast Milk.. and i am latching her on much more frequent.. having sore nipples already
my boy is not a very good eater as well.. he is choosy.. he used to only love cereals and for 5 months I had been struggling to feed him other healthy food other than cereals. he didn't like chicken, beef, fish, porridge. but at 11th month i tried rice and he likes it. but only rice without the meat or vege! and then a friend told me that her daughter started to refuse porridge and soup..so she made everything fry with onion. and so i tried too..i fry the meat with onion and vege..and feed him with rice. first 2 weeks he still cried and cried..but he did eat! although with crying..I did force him too eat too. I never force him before because I read that it's not good to force bb to eat. but what to do... I consult with 2 PD..and they all say this is just a bad habit..he was not used to the taste of meat..so how to get him used to it if I don't make him eat? and after 2 weeks..he got better..he eat without crying and there are days he eats so well and finish it... but there are also days when he refuse the meat but eat rice only. but I am still relieved because i know I have achieved some improvement.
I know how stressful it is. I've been there and I did cry occasionaly out of stress.
I hope you have a breakthrough soon too! hang in there.
how abt not giving in to her milk demands? i read somewhere that if the kid is hungry, she has no choice but to eat what you offer her. of course, easy in theory, hard to practise cos we are all afraid to starve our kid or result in them losing weight...
Oh ya, when my son keeps food in his mouth, i will gently poke his cheeks then he will swallow..

i also have some feeding problem with my son, but not as severe as yours, he just does not like fibrous stuff, even like apple, where there is still "zha" left behind after you chew as opposed to like cooked carrots. I'm just waiting for more teeth to sprout to help him in chewing cos he only has 6 teeth now.
Is Bree teething, i have also read other mummies complaining that her babes just want milk when they are teething cos their gums are sore..
lenny - ya oily. heh. but nt say give all the time. once in awhile. its ur preference really. u cn also try the japanese sushi rice. Kirs likes it. or chawanmushi.

thanks.. everyday.. or i should say.. every meal is a torture to me, i am drained trying to feed her.

She has lost half a kg over 1.5 weeks.. this half kg is my effort over 1.5 mths.. i cannot bear for her to lose more weight since she is already so small sized

i am tempted to give sushi rice.. but i am concerned about the prep.. if the chef is using the same glove to prepare raw and cooked toppings.. and apart from that.. Bree is allergic to seafood.. chawanmushi does have prawns in it
oh Missy..

forgot to tell u.. i also cannot eat chicken rice or food that are too oily in the likes of KFC and Pizza hut.. i will LS... muahahaha
Sorry to hear that Bree is not improving.. so far, i nvr encourage watching tv, playing toys etc during eating. At most i distract her by looking at something or sing her songs etc. I am not sure why bree is not eating. i give similar food and bb eatin. however there was a period of time she ate at most half each meal. Maybe she was teething.. Generally she is still ok. 3 meals 3 milk and 2 fruit and sometimes star puff.

Hope bree will get better.

Dear all
We sold our place at kovan last yr and moved in with in laws to save costs so that i can be sahm. It is hell. hear of 1 mountain cant have 2 tigers? Here is 2 tigress and 1 tiger... haha... u will be amazed all how petty a thing they can pick.. it is too lengthy to write and hubby does not like me to share...
Staying her i have learnt to close one eye, keep my mouth shut, being igorant, one ear in one ear out blah blah...
I am glad that we are finally moving out and this also mean that our expenses will go up too... we are moving one road away fr them...
opposite is, their parents care nothing about us once we move out...
Just to share, when we went for honeymoon for 3 weeks and we asked them to come and see see our house some days and they said not free and really din come. but when granny and uncle went for holidays, mil so free! she went to each house to clean every week for 3 weeks! why the double std?! Hubby oso disheartened but he just live with it cos they are still his parents...

re: GUG
sorry to hear about your experience at GUG. my boy was the same - unable to sit n concentrate during class. some days he would be a good boy, other days he will climb table and chair. they will need to get used to the environment and that takes time.

i've also discovered a lot of "pre class preparation" is needed to have him be a good boy. He needs his nap, be well fed, feeling comfy and happy and not be rushed. We make it like going for a big fun outing. During class, i'll encourage him to participate (which is hard for me cos i'm not out going but i try) and making a mess is ok. We also do not switch care givers as it distracts him.

the person going to class with him is also important. according to the teachers he is a different boy - very giggly, very outgoing, very excitable, very cheeky - when my husband brings him to class. with me, he is very "zen" haha.

my boy's english teachers at GUG United Sq are quite good. they know how to handle fidgety kids and my boy loves one of the teachers. personally i prefer the structured environment cos his parents are super unstructured. we are hoping he will not become naughty like his parents haha.

Lenny and Sinmey.. my boy is a non eater but i found his "weak spot" - Chicken Rice (shao ji fan). sounds crazy but maybe try chicken rice? if scared oily, can DIY. here's what i do..

Pandan leaf (optional)
a bit of milk
a bit of butter

just cook everything like u cook normal rice.

Jo's mummy .. yeah happy for you that your sil is moving out!
lenny - wow... okie... hmm they sell pumpkin chawanmushi wor... maybe u have to ask them if have prawn or not.. not sure abt that... im not sure how they prepare the sushi n the rice... if you are concerned, u might want to buy the rice, vinegar n cook it yrself... or no harm just buying 1 piece to let her try... i do understand that Bree has allergies and ezcema... but do see if you can expose her a bit... not sure if it will be harmful to expose or to avoid... both also have probs n cons i guess... but 1 thing for sure... Bree is feisty! hee
wah donrox... nice recipe to share... hee hee... maybe il try for kirs one day... hee hee...

actually for me.. before 1 yr old i was quite particular abt what she ate... but after that, slack a bit... let her eat outside food.. taste... shes quite piggified when it comes to outside food... lolx.. i guess she likes all the new and salty/oily taste... lolx...

for her dinner today.. i made beehoon soup... very strt forward... i jus use ikan bilis powder(home made), beehoon, dried scallops, mince pork and brocoli.. throw all into her slow cooker... after 1hr ready liao... heh heh heh... has soup also... so she ate it all up... kekeke
morning ladies...

lots of "sick cats" around do take care..

missy hope u getting better and got my whatapp msg too
Hi mummies
Had a talk with hubby last night over the in-laws staying over issue. Both of us heard each others reasons, while I do understand his points, we agreed that we will put this on hold until there is a need to raise this again. So now, our plan for the house is status quo, no in-laws. Thanks to all mummies for your comments. Really appreciated.
Scrumpee ...

Glad that you spoke to your hubby and make your stand clear. Actually I dun mind my MIL cos she is q ok and qin cai by nature but have to 1 ear in and 1 ear out type cos she talk faster than she think hahahaha but now still got my SIL and BIL who are not married.

In fact my SIL (32yr old) is not even dating yet so whenever my hubby said eventually my MIL need to stay with us ... I said wait till my SIL is married then come and talk to me. My greatest challenge is actually my BIL cos he is abit 'slow' in terms of mental and physical and lives in his own world. Even my hubby got more and more problem communicating with my BIL these days ... so I guess he himself might not bring it up too as he knows they all come in a package.

Lenny ...

I guess Bree belongs to the category of fussy eater ... how abt giving her smaller portion but feed her throughout the day? Dun get too stressed abt it k ... you are already doing a great job!!

On pediasure ...you have to dilute it cos its v heaty ... my #1 had fever and broke up in rashes aft he tried pediasure

So for SH ... since he is eating well (though he prefers standing around while we have dinner to eat our food) but oso need 'entertainment' during meal time .. I didnt bother to try pediasure. But he doesnt drink milk/water from bottle so we need to spoon feed him is milk and water.

Thank goodness that he recently learned how to drink from straw ... save some trouble too heehee

Missy ...

I saw Kris video on climbing up the highchair ... she SUPER SUPER ler heehee
Dear all mummies,

I have a problem and I need help....

M elder gal, Jermaine, refused to go school since last week and complained to my mum that her teacher "scold her in a loud manner". She also said her teacher "scold her because she asked many questions". She was very unhappy and had high fever followed by 2 days MC.

When I checked with her teachers, they denied everything and said Jermaine is very clever and quiet in school.

When she saw my cousin, she wanted to stay with them knowing she would not need to go school if she goes to stay with my cousin. When my cousin wanted to send her back after 2 days of stay, my gal was very moody and told my cousin she doesn't want to go school and she is scare of the teacher.

I feel very sad and hurt that my gal used to be very chatty and lively but ever since she went to school, she is seen moody and refused to talk. I thought of withdrawing her from school since she is so unhappy.

Any advice here? I need help...

Jennifer ...

Suggest that you have a good talk with your girl and which teacher in particular is she talking about. Good to clarify that cos at times the school might be really noisy and the teachers just happen to raise their voice at that 1 instance.

How long has she been in the school?

Thanks for patting me on the back..
i am so tempted to go.. just concerned about how Bree will behave throughout the whole seminar.

Thanks for patting me on the back.

I have been having nightmare that Bree has been admitted to hospital due to malnutrition.

Wow not bad what..you can cook chicken rice somemore.. at least your cooking is better than mine haha, I don't know how to do it. Did you add some brown rice? Brown rice is very nutritious..
As long as you have been making an effort to make homecooked food for Lucas, he will understand and appreciate your effort! =)

I hope she will be eating homecooked food as long as she could.. junk for now are baby cookies and pinched marmite.

Mummies, what tv programmes are you showing to your LOs? Care to share
She loves the story telling session by this Dutch girl on babytv..umm I'm slogging in the kitchen most of the time so didn't take note what it is called but she loves it.. I must get her to give me a storytelling session one day haha!

Gratz! Great to hear about no inlaws for now, hope you are able to find peace now and enjoy your motherhood for the second one
Lenny ...

Think you are too stressed up liao ...

Relax and if Bree is still alert and active ... I guess she is doing fine except that she is on a smaller side.

Meebaby ...

SH usually watches Barney, Leapfrog and Mummy & Me (its a 30mins song and dance video which is those playgroup setting)when he is having his meals. No TV unless the Gor Gor is watching ... usually oso things like sesame street and stuff from OKTO - no cable at home heehee

Ok maybe some korean serial if my mum is watching hahahaha
Now she'll hand me the remote control 'ask' me to switch on the tv for her.. faintz.
I'll only do that sometimes for her don't wanna make it a habit..
About watching tv programmes during meal times, I've succeeded in getting her to sit on the high chair throughout the meal..so am cutting down of letting her to watch tv programmes while eating already..
OMG, so sorry to hear tat Bree had been admitted ..
Don't worry, she will be fine under the medical care there.
You too .. take care and rest more.

M loves to watch baby Einstein (Mozart), baby IQ, baby first song from Babytv ... guess what, she likes to watch the weather forecast from channelnewsasia .. haha
