(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

sorry ... it was just in your nightmare ... i thought it's real .. scare me !!
u r too stress over this liao ... dun worry too much

Hugz to u & bree ...

especially the spinning globe ... she sure will run & stand in front of the tv & watch ... pointing at the globe and talk in her alien words... u r right, maybe the music too .. haha
oh..my friend's fren's husband is also in ERA..earning very much oh...

hmm..wan to earn $$$$ also..then i can quit and be SAHM!!!
haha .. but you will need to prepare to sacrifice your weekend & weekday evening lor ..

good ambition .. become a tai tai .. no need to work & afford to spend $$$ .. haha
Missycandy.. alamak i havent eat lunch and got hungry reading about your beehoon soup. did you throw in the bee hoon in the slow cooker too? my boy also crazy about outside food - french fries, chicken nugget (he dislike meat but will eat chicken nugget), ice cream, steam corn, milo, ribena. hard to say No to him when he screams til the whole mcdonalds stare at us.

Srumpee.. yeah for you! glad it worked out.

Jennifer.. go with your gut, if you feel it is better to withdraw then do it. i would think a child is always innocent and expresses what they feel and think outwardly. so if there is something amiss or she is not comfortable with, her behaviour will change accordingly.

Lenny.. oh my, don't stress too much cos our babies need us. if she does not want to eat, then drink more milk? change recipes, change tastes, change environment?

Meebaby.. trial n error la. see adult recipe and remove what i don't want my boy to eat. so far he likes the chicken rice and is ok if i hide chicken in his rice. he also likes nasi lemak rice. now headache what other rice to cook.
i dun think Lucas understands the effort but hubby does. so i'm using to it "persuade" him to eat healthy too. small monkey see big monkey eat always want to eat same thing u see haha.

re TV.
i dun have babytv so my boy watches playhouse disney. he likes the music segment only - mickey mouse clubhouse, handy mandy, pororo, special agent oso, etc etc. other things he likes - wiggles, barney, thomas and bob the builder.

re remote.
at least your girl ask you to switch on. mine will self service then hide the remote (faint).
don, so funny ur boy..my boy will snatch the remote too, then press and put into mouth also..he also likes outside food. he will wan to eat our food when our food is served then he don wan his porridge anymore...

Scrumpee - Happy for you!!!

Lenny - Jia You!
My boy also wants to eat whatever we eat On top of his own food. If we refuse to give him, he will also cry out loud and start to throw tantrums.

TV, I did not really have a fix TV prog for him, he watches whatever we watch so more of HK drama. But he is not a TV addict, only like certain commercials because of the jingles and weather forecast.

Oh..just to check, do your kids likes toys? My boy don't really like to play with the toys we got for him. He likes to use his fingers to scratch corners, the floor like digging for gold like dat. And when I give him a toy, he doesn't grab it with both hands, he will use one hand to push it around or again use his fingers to touch it, that's all. So I hardly buy him toys, most of his toys are presents from his full mth and birthday parties.
hi every one

hope all doing fine.. and still rem me i hope haha..

working now.. so stress but juz got a lil time to read a lil..

so glad that you n your hb come to an mutual agreement ..
keep your moods as light as possible ok.. i wan see u n mei mei happy and of coz eames and papa happy too

heard u had an op, hope u recovering well n soon.. :p

got a Qns to ask:

Tristan boy stop latching on me for at least 3 - 4 consecutive nights already! but when i squeeze i still see Milk supply. but doesnt engorged. anyone know how to make myself stop the BM supply? coz i wan go do some lift boobs treatment.. haha im so saggy now.. :|

Queenie ...

Just leave it ... the milk will take some time to go away.

And give you a 'warning' ... now v fertile so if you are trying for #2 ... Jia You if NOT ... XIAO XIN!!!

haha.. funny reading all the mummies' posts here..
think she is one silly girl lah.. she aimed the remote at the tv trying to switch on the tv but in vain thats why she 'ask' me to do it for her..
Don.. piangz. But yes that's a good way to influence since they imitate the adults.. haha

Oooh.. so the tune of weather forecast so attractive to them yea..I'm suprised wow wow mine too! she likes the 6:30pm channel 8 news' forecast tune too! And she will dance too.. now her moves are swinging from left to right, right to left along with the grooves! rofl!
bb Jo also likes the weather forecast for 7.30am. my MIL always ask him wan to watch 早安你好 o not. then he will also dance. left to right and swing his hand and shake his head too!
Hi Lenny,

not quite a solution to suggest to you per se, but i read about this shop in United Square that sells prepared meals especially for babies and toddlers. Rather than you spending time cooking different food for Bree to see what she might like, you might consider buying the premade food from them instead so that you at least cut out the stress of cooking?


their menu seems quite interesting and they actually do delivery.

i must add though that i have not personally tried any of their stuff...
seabreeze - thanks.. lolx but i think she is too active n boyish in nature

don - ya slow cooker. hee hee.

queenie - im doing fine thanks! hee hope to see u soon wor... tk care too!

tv - kirs watches playhouse disney(SCV) ... her fav shows - mickey mouse clubhouse, handy manny, little einsteins, chloe's closet, danny&daddy, pocoyo, pororo, higglytown heroes... LOL! shes quite a tv addict sadly... but its the only thing that can distract her for now.. besides the climbing n chewing everything... sigh... i guess when she goes to playgroup it will end... kakaka
jennifer - u have to talk to yr girl... if not u, maybe hb or someone whom ur girl cn relate too... find the root cause... then try to fix it.. go dwn to the sch if possible too... its not easy having rowdy kids in a grp... i think sometimes the teachers might raise their voices a bit to get the kids moving and to listen...
re: petit bowl

i'm using their meals whenever i'm too busy. everyday they have some items for test, u can taste test and see if u and baby like it. my boy is a picky eater so it is hard for me to say if he likes/dislikes the stuff. however i've seen a friend's baby (born apr 09) devour 4 oz of their beef casserole.

so far those i've tried are:

creamy green bowl - not fond
apple and prune porridge - nice
sweet medley - not a fan of parsnip
butternut risotto - nice but my boy does not like the texture
lentil souper - i love it and my boy does not object
golden pot - i love it and my boy does not object
chicken tomato & rice - nice but my boy does not like
chicken sweet potato & grape - my boy fav among all he tried.

some of the stuff come in puree or chucky versions. each comes in 2 x 2oz containers so if your kid is a small eater, u can just use 2oz.

best method to reheat is to steam. i find microwaving fast but some items like risotto turned sticky.

personally i like their stuff. if they made adult sized meals i would buy haha.
hi mommies.. mia so long, has been silent reader all along n lazy to post.. hope everyone is doing fine...

living wif pil isnt easy, no joke.. i m living with my mil.. if she isnt working i think i wun be sahm lo.. even so i still went back to my mom's place to stay a few days every week..
my boy dun really like toys too.. maybe got bored over it, he prefers to play with pots n other household stuffs.. kaoz.. shldnt have bought so many toys for him, waste money sia.. i think normally boys dun really play with toys.. but he loves his toy car, actually anything with wheels.. he will sometime fall flat on the floor with his face on the side looking at function of the rolling wheels.. itz pretty funny to see him does tat or he will sometime does tat without investigating wheels as if listening to noises from the floor.. machiam ninja.. lol..

actually ziv is like bree on the fussy side too but not as bad as bree, actually u may try to bring her for tui na over at yu guo.. coz i started bringing ziv there n his appetite got better.. the sensei there told mi tat he got very weak digestive system n will easily caugh "wind" n it may affect his appetite greatly.. n true enough after each tui na he got better in eating.. he is now on a weekly basis of tui na to improve his sleep problem n stomach wind.. although at times he is fussy in eating but itz improving.. every extra mouthful he takes really makes my day..

hugs!! u r doing great already.. if i were u i might go botak liao.. coz pulling my hair everyday.. :p
anyway u can try introducing FM which is more filling compared to BM.. so u dun have to always latch her..
teething contribute to her loss of appetite too.. so dun worry too much, at least she is taking BM well...

dun worry too much, ur milk supply will stop eventually.. after stop breastfeeding for like nearly three months when i squeeze still got little bit.. wa lao.. at least urs sagging, i wan oso dun have sia.. coz boob like getting even smaller.. sianz.. =.="

ziv oso tv addict but is more to advertisement addict.. his time frame for cartoon on playhouse disney or jimjam like only 10 mins n he will be off to do other things liao.. hahhaha.. his favourite show on playhouse disney is dibo the gift dragon n mumuhug on jimjam, these r the only two cartoon he will stick too.. other than tat will be advertisements liao.. wahahahhaha..
Hi Mummies, sorry to interrupt -

Anyone wants a single bed & mattress - perfect for a guest bed. Lightly used, going for cheap to clear space for my beloved son. Two are available. Can also be joined for an extra big bed...

Condition: 9/10

Pls PM me for more details.

Morning mummies,

Agree w don. I'm also a fan of petit bowl cuz hard to think of stuff to make for my boy esp as a FTWM. Sometimes I just make some rice/porridge for him using slow cooker in office then steam a 'capsule' of the food from petit bowl when I get home n that settles one dinner!
Hi mommies..

These recipes from petit bowl. i have done somthing similar..

I used recipes from Annabel Karmel then freeze them in baby cubes..

when i need a portion.. i will just take it out and steam then add to porridge or cereal.

i do batch cooking.. can freeze up to 6 weeks
I know the feeding issue can't be an easy one for many of us, Shayna is also not a fan of solids either. Perhaps due to fact that I am the sole cook and feeder and maintain the no salt, no sugar stance and may bore her endlessly with all my singing and weird actions to make her simply eat. But she does eat and finish eventually every meal. She loves fish and chicken most, from my observation. I think I'm pretty much giving her the same variety of food as you. I don't have much tricks up my sleeve on how to make her eat.

In no particular order:
But my horrible singing works,
Don't latch on/ feed her snacks too close to mealtimes
Make sure she's napped, have exercised/ played which equates to being awake, happy and hungry!
Routinely put her on the highchair and in the same area with little noise and distraction to feed so she knows it's time to just eat!
Sometimes feeding her cheese bits in between works.
Feeding Heinz Apple & Prune Juice or water in between works.
Sometimes watching us eat together works.
Once in a while watching tv works but I seriously discourage making this a habit during mealtimes.

She does get to pinch off our adult meals everyday just to give her a taste of what's the 'real' food like.

My message here is to persist, persist and persist!! Jiayou, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!! ;)

Thanks Donxx for the petit bowl food summary. I usually have little time to prepare lunch for Shayna so that's a great idea for me to try petit bowl.

Scrumpee, my gal also not into her own toys from birth till just a few months ago. But she much prefers looking and flipping books, and gadgets like my hp, laptop, DVD player, remote control, camera, etc.

Most points have been well covered by Donxx. It is important to prepare the toddler well for class. Shayna will get cranky if she doesn't take a nap before class. Some todds will need a few classes to adjust to the class. We attended Mon & Wed classes for a term at United Sq and I think Shayna and myself (!) picked up quite a lot of things from there. She can recall songs (zoophonics, Chinese songs, cue songs like walking to the zoo, wind the bobbin up, etc) and actions (this little piggy, da ping guo, chao luo bo, stand up-sit down, etc) almost instantly when I sing or talk to her. So I still repeat over and over daily to her. So all in all, I was quite glad she had the chance to go. I really liked the fact that Shayna can interact with all the todds, older and younger. The environment is lively and colourful. But the only thing is that it is pretty repetitive.

Only recently, I've decided with so many recommendations here to try out JG for a term starting end June.

On the other hand, I guess as long as our todds have some sort of activity & stimulation daily, it doesn't have to be confined in a class. I'm glad my Mum is back for 2 months and she LOVES to entertain and keep her busy all the time.
So to conclude...don't buy too many toys for our kiddos, they are more interested in our daily household stuff.

I think the milk will stop by itself, no need to do anything.

My boy too. likes to look at things from different angle. He will walk around the item he is interested in, then turn his head left and right, stood up or squat down. Can be doing this repeatedly for a good 10mins.
Haha, yea, love Dr Oh. Nice doc. You go there, too? She's gives Shayna painless injections and Shayna likes her, too.
Babe ...

Yap my #1 loves her cos she pretty mar hahaha but SH totally 'hates' her cos nothing good happens to him when he is there like suction of mucus, checking for soar throat etc hahahaha

She is nice ... going to appoint her as the PD for my #3 and best part is ... the clinic is v near my place. We just go in the morning to take Q number and stay at home to wait for our turn.

You are trying out on JG? Which Location? i hope to have you and bb shayna in the same class.. will be fun!!

we now have Bree, cadence & alyssa in the same class.. heheh.. i am so excited
Dear seabreeze, don and missycandy,

*sigh... my hubby commented that, "What happen if u withdraw Jermaine out and put her in a new school and this thing happen again? Are you going to withdraw her out again" If Jermaine were to go to P1 and the same thing happen again if teacher shout or scold, do u change school?

Faintz... I am really at a loss...
Oh, poor SH! Well, true, rather visit a pleasant, pretty and well versed PD like her any day. Plus, it's not usually a long wait to see her as long as you've made an appt.

I signed up for Evans Road since it's slightly nearer and of course out of the ERP!! But 1pm is really tight for me as may interrupt her morning nap time. We'll see how it goes.
Annt... according to da boss, capsules can be kept up to a month in freezer and food is cooked weekly.

Lenny.. Annabel Karmel recipes are wonderful. But i find that i can't keep my self made cubes frozen n nice for more than 2 weeks. are you using a deep freezer or special methods to freeze the cubes?

Queenie.. if you worry then check with Doctor? But i think should be ok one cos so many mummies here stop le but still have milk.

I agree with Babe that some of the songs and activities are repetitive. Some might say it is good to have familiarity for the kids. My boy enjoys some of the songs they would sing every lesson (eg wheels on the bus). For me, well, i got bored. So far my boy still enjoys his lessons there so we'll continue til he gets bored or when JG decides to finally let me have my free trial hahaha.

Re Toys.
I stopped buying proper toys for my boy too. Now we give him balls, cars, pot, plate, spoon, etc. His newest acquisition is - Magic Clean Stick. Would love to show you girls a vid of him diligently cleaning the floor but at last he gets distracted each time i whip out the cam.
I think I've gone mad singing and doing the same stuff over and over again. Despite that, Shayna doesn't seem to mind the repetition. So it actually kinda works!

JG offers trial class after the 2nd week of the term though. I nearly opt for their 5-day holiday programme but thought it would be too intense for Shayna.

Haha, how come they all seem to like the Magic Cleaner?! I didn't let her use it to play though cos it is always being used for my home cleaning. Maybe should let her help me out from time to time. ;p

oh ok.. i actually had to go to forum cos its cooler there. both me and Bree can't stand the heat outdoor She gets her eczema and i get migraine.. once i get migraine.. i do sometimes lose my vision. i really understand how a blind person feel and what he or she go through cos i have been "blind" for a day due to migraine
it really depends.. some bbs love outdoor and are ok with the heat. while a bb in our class transferred from Evans Road cos of the heat

and for forum.. after that.. i can pretty much shop around and get food myself thus the reasons for the choice .

I am using fisher & paykel bottom freezer fridges. i prepare enough for 4 weeks, all these will be enough finish up by the time hubby gets back.. i prepare just before he departs for work.. so it will be easier for me to handle Bree alone

I signed up for the holiday programme week 1 for 3.00pm slot.

cos i really don't know what to do with bree at home for 3 weeks of holiday break.. she will drive me nuts at home.

hubby told me if she enjoys the daily affair throughout the week 1 then he asked me to sign her up for the other weeks as well.

that is week 2 and 3.. i told him.. i will see if my old bones survived week 1 first.. normally the babies do enjoy it, its the moms who are worn out.

i tried 4 consecutive days of lessons.. Bree enjoys them and she is very happy after class everyday. she even dreams about class at night.. repeating the actions when she is asleep.. hahahaha..

So i will see how it goes.. i signed up with one of the moms who is currently in Bree's class as well.
Hahaha, that's cute, she dreams about classes! I wanted to go for week 2 holi programme 3pm but decided not to in the end. Anyway, the class programme's the same just with one outdoor activity included.

Too bad we're not at the same venue next term.
I've not visited Forum so just looking at logistics of getting Shayna and myself there without too much hassle. I'm not too keen of the Singapore heat either.
Babe.. the greatness of mothers, as long as our babies are happy, we will "endure". we are going for class in 2 hrs, time to "prep" myself haha.

the JG program is the one where they bring them to zoo, etc? i thought abt it too but i could not juggle enough time to sign up. maybe when the kid is older and able to appreciate, I'll sign him up.

ya the magic cleaner is a baby attractor. we gave up trying to wrestle it from him so bought him one. made it shorter n he totally digs it.

Lenny.. thanks for the info! excuse for me to go isetan sale n look for those freezer fridges lol

Bree repeats actions while asleep? lol that is cute! another prove that our babies' huge learning capacity.
Jennifer ...

Talk to your girl and find out what's wrong. I agree if its Pri 1 then you cant do much but then again at Pri 1, the kids are by then older and more 'mature' also the teachers in the pri school are all NIE trained.

I signed up my #1 for this child care near my house at first but on the 1st day of school ... it was terrible - he refuse to go in (he is usually v open and loves going to classes/school) and he appears bored. Even my mum, my hubby and myself finds the teacher not v good and the whole environment was not conducive for learning. So in the end we decided to not let him attend the child care and started to search for another immediately.

He is with this current child care for 1yr 5mth and we are changing him AGAIN. Reason being that a few of the more experienced teachers have left and 1 of his classmate who was there since infant care days switched to the other branch. We suspect that something is 'wrong' though we cant pinpoint much. Even when I asked the teacher who are leaving they will cite reason as stay at home to take care of kids or the ctr is too far from her house (but the teacher is already teaching there for over 3yrs so ... )

Anyway thank god that a new child care is opening near my mum's place with a lower rate and better facilities. So I am transfering my boy over and this time round ... he is very excited (unlike the past where he will appear reluctant and unwilling to change school) and look forward to the new school. And THIS reinforce my belief that something is wrong hahahaha

I always trust our own instinct when it comes to educating the kid and if the child is dispalying such fear ... it does warrant some attention from you to find out more.
I'm giving an ger kampong egg fr chew. She loves it. I hard boiled it n use Gino cutter then mix with porridge with jap ikan bilis stock n broccoli or other veg.

E egg is v tonic n she likes hard boiled texture. U may try.
Bb used to nap abt 10am n 330pm for at least an hr. Nowadays she either take nap late or miss her nap if attending gug at 1130am. N concuss for 30-60min when we r on our way back to feed her lunch. Her 4pm nap still stay put.
We have already changed her Shichida fr sun 845 to thur 230 n gug to jg fr 1130 to 1pm. E new schedule will start 1/7. I m not sure how is she gonna attend e classes if she is gonna miss her mrng nap or nap late. Or I should change all e classes to mrng. Headache.
Hi Riverie,

for Bree.. if she don't go for class.. she will take her afternoon nap from 11.30am or 12.00noon to 1.30pm or 2.00pm..

but cos of the class.. i had to make her sleep earlier.. like 10.00am - 10.30am to 11.30am or 12.00noon

i get prepared while she is asleep and we go off at 12.30pm.

i will change her class to 9.00am or 11.30am class when she goes to the next level.. i will leave it as it is for now. i don't want to make too many changes for her.. too stressful for her.

Re: Shi Shen Powder
I added into Bree's porridge but it does not help in the sense of her eating more solids.. instead.. it backfired on me.. She wants more breastmilk!
The dr name is Y C Lim. Do check with your gynea if they work together.

U want to go JG trial? I actually went for a preview last week. Only one parent can go in for the preview of the class lasting 20min. But the teacher let me/hubby/son in and allow us to stay and participate for whole duration if we want to. U may wish to try this 'method' depending on the teacher. I went on a friday 3pm class. Its a Malay teacher.

i read before that during teething period, the gums are very tender and sore. Sucking from a milk bottle causes blood to rush to the gums making them hurt even more so babies tend to not want to drink so much in the process.

hope this helps.. you could also try dentinox teething gel.. put in fridge to make it cold then apply on the gums to soothe baby when they get cranky due to teething pains..
