(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Apart from being vain, its kinda painful for her hair clip to be yanked out of her hair. so i think she wants to defend herself.

Actually kids really don't know that they are rough. i am actually pissed with his maid instead of the boy. Its not his fault, being so young, he wouldn't know unless he was told not to do it.

His maid simply sat on the bench and chat with her fellow country -woman and let him loose pushing little tikes cars ramming into other kids..

Bree was once knocked when he bulldozed around and she fell from her sitting position knocking her head on the ground. lucky it was indoor and they are on the mat

If it his mom or dad who brought him to class, they actually make sure their boy does not run around wild unattended..

Lenny.. thanks. i'm having mixed feelings about moving out. happy to have our own pad. yet sad, like you mentioned, no help around.

Bree is so clever! she knows how to stand up for herself. i do hope my boy can do that too. he tends to go "blur" when he gets bullied.

regarding maids.. that maid is quite terrible! chatting around before or after class is ok but i don't like it when they do it during class. ignoring the boy is worse. no consideration for other babies and the boy will think being rough is ok. should inform her madam cos the boy is hurting other kids.

in my boy's class, the maids do chat but they will sit down and shut up once the teacher starts talking. feel sad for the kids when the maids handle them roughly, rush through art n craft, etc.

Sinmay.. i hope things are really sorted out. yesterday (first day after the talk) hubby slipped and left little boy at home with me. OMG i got ZERO work done. only managed to start work after hubby brought little boy to class at 3pm. thank goodness he brought little boy over earlier today so i can finish up what i need to do this week.

Agnes.. i agree with you. i had feedback to them 11 is way too big and their reply "our class size is max 12". the funny thing is my hubby says thursday classes have 8 babies so i don't know what happened to the other 3 kids (pay for class but don't turn up?!?!).

for my boy, it took him 4 weeks to repeat the phonic sounds (we sing the song, he finish off with the phonic sounds. eg, we say "gorgo gorilla" and he says "gur-gur-gur"). he's speaking vocabulary also exploded around the same time. he could say 1 and 2 syllable words with clear enunciation of certain alphabets. unfortunately he only do all these verbal acrobats when he feels like it.

wow your house also very filled with warmth. being part of a big family is great if only we got more space.

Chocolate... GUG does zoophonics. 1.5hrs class time. Class break down is :
~Toy play 15mins which is warming up for the kids before the lesson starts ~English for 50mins which covers Sing song, rhyme of the month, magic zoo bag, emphasis on the alphabet of the week, their alphabet song which covers all the zoophonic animals and phonic sounds, art and craft, story telling (not all lessons) and more sing songs with caregivers participating. English segment is in 3 segments. example 1st segment, water break, 2nd segment, chinese lesson, then 3rd segment.
~ Chinese for 20mins which covers, songs, animals, chinese poem of the month.
Sunshine.. thanks. i'm crossing my fingers. by dec i should know when i can get my new house and with a bit of luck, a very good reason to vacate my boy from my MIL house. reason cannot say yet cos the person involved with this good reason has not announced her good news wahhaa.

re yakult. my boy also sipped a few times when hubby let him play with the bottle. i dun give it to him cos it's too sweet. maybe diluted is ok?

re shoes. my boy is wearing shoes from kidstyle cos they have promo =P bring in old shoes and get $20 off for a new pair =D

Reverie.. new pad is at boon keng. every other day i would look at the construction workers and wonder if they can work any slower haha. ok la they are very fast already and always OT but i'm just so excited!

Seabreaze.. i hope so too! just thinking of seeing MIL when i go pick up my boy later is giving me a headache.

agreed. that is why i have a maid i seldom let her take care unless no choice n i will educate her. The children are innocent.

dont tell me u r staying at city view? we have a frd getting there too.. ours top soon too. same. mix feeling. no help. help as in no one to oversee the maid. esp preparing bb food. so far my maid still not too bad overall.
Hallo Sun,
How's your boi?
Din know the trials are for weekdays only. Can call and check..Am sure they can cater for working parents.. Do go for trials with a few schools. Only then u will be able to have a feel which is more suitable for your son. U can also see how your son react to the teachers/class etc.

I went Bibinogs (Mon), GUG(Wed) and JG (today) and i really see a difference in the standards of the teaching. I also saw how my son react in each trials and how the teachers react to my son as well. In the end, I registered for JG (Evans Road) today and am on waiting list. The teacher was very enthusiastic/genuine when talking to my son/other kids and patiently explained their syllabus to me. I was impressed.

Actually its only a preview at JG (meaning that one parent can go in to observe for 20min) But the teacher closed one eye and allow hubby/me/son to go in to participate for as long as we wanted.

Walking: My son can cruise and recently start to stand independently for a brief moment. A few days ago, he took 1 step towards me. Both of us were so happy to witness it.

Oh, U dun wan to be in Jurong Pt during the weekends..Its just too crowded. Finding a place to have coffee also difficult. Not sure in Singapore, where else is not so crowded in the weekends? Tanglin Mall?

That's great that your LO is learning from the classes. Hopefully I can get a plc soon for my boy so that he can start to mingle/learn too.

Tanglin mall is no joke during weekends too.. plenty of parents with kids there to eat, buy food from cold storage and attend classes as well
Trials and classes for kids.
I have been sending my boy to Gymboree for 5 weeks attending their learn and play. Tried one music class before too but he doesn't like it. Not sure if is becos he was in bad mood that day, after 20 mins, we had to bring him out cos he kept crying. But he totally enjoy the learn and play gym class. I guess he likes the freedom of walking around, playing with the slides, bubbles and parachute.

I signed up a GUG trial class tomorrow at 4pm. will share my feedback.

And latest update on my 2nd one. She is in her 32weeks and weighs 2kg. Guess the durian helps. 1 and a half more mths for me...more scared than excited cos I hate the pain of administering the epidural but yet I know I can't pull thru without it.
Reverie.. yap u got it right? u gonna stay there too? future neighbours! there is a forum set up by one of the (future) residents and we are having lots of fun discussing renovation and admiring progression photos.

Srumpee.. wow so fast 32 weeks already. take good care and rest as much as you can. oh birds nest is good too.
we juz bought fr mothercare today. thx.

wah... such a high price to pay. how much did u pay n how big?
We are waiting for top too. versilia on haig.
Mummies who had bought the Gino cutter, have you used it yet? I just tried today to cut cooked vege & fishball. Viola! It's so handy, I only need to cut 2 times & all were alrdy in small pcs, just nice for my boy. I'm going to bring it out next time since he loved taking our food & can save the hassle to try & cut the food with spoon or fork. He's taking soft rice, no more porridge.

Wow, alrdy 32 wks, so fast. Some of my gal frens are giving birth this yr end & it's so exciting to share my experiences with them.

Just some updates
My boy is our little inspector now. Every evening aft picking him up from the babysitter, he will come back home & inspect every corner of the house. Previously I was quite eager to see him take his 1st step, now kinda hope that he dun start running ard. Keke...
my boy also loves to go out..he seems bored n can be cranky if stay at home too long..so everyday must bring him out for a walk..to mall nearby, playground etc..the thing now..he loves to walk and dont want to be carried or on the stroller..i dont mind him walking but he walks like he owns the mall n block ppl's way..he refused to hold my hand either! if i force to carry him, he will fight me..so now i cant enjoy window shopping anymore!
anyway, he was down with flu recently..didnt allow him to go out but he was so cranky at home..so daddy brought him outside for a while..surprisingly he was calm. wonder why these kids at the phase of love being outside huh..
scrumpee - wooo time flies! hee enjoy it!

i think yiyi will pop 1st.. shes due anytime... then followed by cfchangdee.. shes going csec 1st june... then scrumpee ? who else ah? the rest i think later right.... so exciting! hee have fun u all!

jasmin - ive used it too! really good!
aiyo... lets hope ur boy aint a climber like my kirs.... cnt leave her alone if not shes on top of the table or chairs...
Reverie.. Versilia is nice! should have lots of nice school nearby too? CV is pricy i agree. we bought it cos we got really really fed up with the stupid hdb. we balloted for 2 years, contributed many $10 but never got the chance to choose a flat until CV came along. we decided to bite the bullet for CV as we do not think there will be many new HDB in city fringes after CV.

To mummies who are expecting. i salute you gals. it's so tiring running after our 15month olds and you are doing it all with a big tummy. ma ma zhen wei da.
Administering epidural is painful? I hardly feel any pain and didn't even know its over..That's why I will look for the same guy next time in TMC. If you need the name, let me know.

The Dr was so skilful. Told him that I am scared of needles, we talked about this. I told him to tell me before he 'poke' so that I can take deep breaths. By then he told me its done!! phew!!
Can you give me the name of the doc that gave u Epi? The lady doc I had last time gave me hell lor!!! I cried so badly that she had to stop halfway to let me cool down before continuing.

Don, Missycandy, Jasmin
Yes....time flies. I don't know how I can cope with 2 and I salute my mum first cos she will be helping me with both. We see how it goes. But I can definitely close shop and start looking for a new job next year. Have put on hold about job hunting due to my back to back pregnancy.

Feedback on GUG
My hubby accompanied my boy in so I can't say much. But my boy seems to hate it. The lesson was 1 and a half hours but he tahan for 50mins only and started getting whiny and burst into tears. We tried to bring him out and cool down. But he cried even louder when he knew that we were trying to bring him back to the room...in the end we had to leave the class. I think I will not sign him for any such structured classes for now, let him finish his Gymboree classes first which he totally enjoys.
Reverie.. yes possible to get a condo at the price however not at similar location. hubby and i are very dependent on MRT cos we got no licence =P so the proximity to MRT was very important. CV happens to be 10mins from both parents' houses too.

Think if you are within 1km of a good sch, chances to get in is pretty high.

Srumpee.. maybe try JG? a girl friend had the same comments abt GUG. However her girl liked JG.

i wanted to buy another pair for M last friday, but kidstyle northpoint 'closed' liao .. i remember the promo should be till end may. Maybe u wan to check out the novena outlet.
let me know if it's still on, as i think i wan to buy another pair .. haa
re: Gap and Old Navy

Anyone want buy stuff from Gap or Old Navy or anyone of the 5 websites??


Saw some items that I am keen but only 7 pieces, see if anyone wan order then we can share the shipping cost =)

PM me ok ...
I have a question. Need your advice.
We are moving into a new plc end of this year, big place with 4 bedrooms. And my hubby recently raised the question of inviting his parents to stay with us for several reasons:

1. His parents are old (actually, only the father is old, mother still quite young and working).
2. Wants our children to spend more time with his parents as they only see my son once a week now.
3. When my no. 2 is out, he is worried my mum can't handle both my son and no.2. We are also thinking of putting no. 1 in childcare at 18mths and with a no. 2, my mum will not be able to pick up no.1 from school. Hence, hubby thought his mum can do the job if they stay with us.

My issues:
1. I get on with his parents fine, but I just don't like the idea of having to stay with in-laws as that will be no more privacy in the house like...I can't walk around braless.
2. My hubby's younger sis is not married yet and is currently working overseas but heard that she has plans to come back next year. If my in-laws are to move in with us, that means my sis-in-law too. My sis-in-law is actually a nice person but my prob again is ...no privacy.
3. Rooms. I have 4 bedrooms, husband will take up one as study room and we intend to hack two rooms to make the master bedroom bigger. If in-laws and sis-in-law move in, that means my children will not have a room by themselves which defeats the purpose of moving. I wanted a bigger space because I want my children to have their own room in future.
4. With in laws and sis-in-law moving in, I felt that my house has become their house...I paid for it and yet, I have to give up my privacy and space to them. I also worry what if we have conflict, then the relationship will be affected.

What will you do if you are me? To let in-laws move in or not?
Scrumpee ...

Not trying to be mean here but if you let them move in and eventually if conflicts arises ... it would be tough to get them to shift out.

You can always suggest to your hubby that you can have a guest room for them to stay over as and when they want and oso when the kids are bigger, you have the freedom to convert the room into the kid's room.

Getting along by seeing once a week is different from staying together ... so if possible try not to =p
I delivered in TMC. I will go and find the name of the Dr. Cos I want to use him next time if i am pregnant again. He is really good. Once I got the name, will PM you.
Srumpee.. wow ur situation sounds like my friend's except her in law n sis in law already moved in. from the "issues" i hear from her, i would say best not to stay together unless you are very pro extended family and your hubby is a great conflict resolver and enjoys being a sandwich.

Your concerns are very valid. maybe bring it up to hubby and let him know your preference?
Scrumpee ...

When I first had my own place ... the MIL relatives oso started saying things like .. got 2 empty rooms what ... why you all dun shift over.

Kept quiet cos before that I told my hubby ... if you enjoy been sandwiched bet us then go ahead and INVITE - of cos when I said that it was with a TONE and THE LOOK =p

Anyway now that we are filling up the house with kids ... no one ever dare say anything abt staying together again. My hubby oso says that he rather not too heehee

See once a week (min) is good enough for him ...
thanks so much for your advice. More advise is welcome.

I agree with all of you, that's why whenever my husband sound me out on this, I just keep quiet because in my heart I really don't want to stay with in-laws unless no choice but yet, I don't want him to accuse me of being unfillial.

yah..I should ask my husband, if he is prepared to be sandwiched and affect my current relationship with his parents, go ahead. And I should quantify that if I ever raise my objection in future, he has to send his parents back. If his parents stay with us, they will rent out their own house.

Also, the thought of his mum cooking in the kitchen (his mum is a great cook, I enjoy her food but I don't like the kitchen to be messed up, I want to maintain my designer kitchen..haha), his father's nagging (his father is a retiree, once he talks, cannot stop) really scare me.

My hubby's elder sis's family used to stay with my in-laws for a year, during the time when they stayed together, mother and daughter, mother and son-in-law got into conflicts. And my mother-in-law always black face whenever she comes back from work cos she can't stand my elder sis-in-law and family messing up her house.

I told my hubby, even mother and daughter stay together also got conflict, some more I am the daughther-in-law, how to avoid conflict. But he kept saying his elder sis is different from me. Haizzz....

Oh..and sometimes, I will nag my hubby to help me with housework and I can't cook. I can imagine his mum or dad complaining to my sis-in-laws that why I have to ask hubby to do housework and why I don't cook for the family at all...u know, that kind of small talks. Urggghhhh..........I can imagine all these happening.
missy, sinmey
the promo for kidstyle still on... got a pair of sandal for my boi with trade-in $10 off the RP... for shoe will be $20 off...
u can try suntec outlet, more choices ba...

actually clarks bb shoe/sandal oso not bad... i passed by their boutique when we r abt to go home... too bad, alreadi got a pair fr kidstyle... keke

u better now?? take care n rem cannot carry kris right... for how long?

GUG allow wkend trial huh? how much? consider to bring my boi there to see whether he like it anot...

regarding staying w IL, tat's really depend on u... see which one more important - privacy or yr kids
for me, my mum bbsit for me so i actually want them to move in but they hv their own unit so they are not keen,
i suggested to her to stay at my place during wk day, so my boi no need to wake up early to travel to her place but she said she not used to my place... =(

if i'm planning #2, my hb said his mum can help me to take care if my mum cannot cope but they will be staying w us...
i told my hb shouldn't be an issue as i really need someone to take care of my #2... i oso wan privacy but if really no choice i'll put my kids first...

well, i agreed w seabreeze, once they r in will be forever... think more or less sure got conflict, just hope things dun get worst ba...

I had the same problem as you. Recently I had become a SAHM to take care of my boy since my in laws say they are old and reluctant to take care of my boy for us which they had been doing for the past one year. Suddenly a few days ago, my father in law called my husband and suggested to us to get a bigger house so that all of us can stay together.

My husband also had an elder brother who is still single hence he would move in together with them. Hubby is keen on the idea came back and discussed with me. I am only keen because we would be moving to a bigger house but my concern is if ever conflict arises, how am I ever gonna open my mouth to send my in laws back to their house and my husband sides his parents alot. So i can imagine the worst scenerios happening hence I rejected his idea.

I think seeing them once a week is good enough to maintain the bonding btwn them and my son and also us. Sometimes I think I am very mean to think this way but I guess staying together will only solve my son's caring problem yet we are inviting more problems to the current situation.

So I think should avoid staying together at all costs.
Mummy Bean
We are in the same boat, the only difference is hubby has not informed his parents about his suggestion because I have been putting hold on this idea.

I also think that worse come to worse, I xin ku abit to rush back to pick my son from childcare if the need arises.

I just shared this with my colleagues and they also highlight that there will be money issue. Like increased utility bills etc. I can imagine that cos my in-law cooks and my father-in-law takes 1 hour to shower, dun know what he does in the bathroom.
sunshine - wooo! thanks. im ok. but nt feeling better. thought i was.. went to buy dinner at the coffeeshop nearby just now... jus crossed the road and already regretted getting out of the house... felt woozy... right leg numbish... i slowly walk to get food.. then slowly walk back home... quite an experience... think i shall stay put at home n rest for another 1-2wks...

by right not supposed to carry anything more than 5kg for 2-3mths... but sometimes really no choice...
i still carry kirs off n on... but short term... sighhh

I would suggest not staying with in-laws under the same roof.. u can stay nearby but not under the same roof...

its very different living under the same roof than meeting often.. the little nitty gritty habits of individual will drive each other nuts and cause conflicts..

To be honest.. when my parents and Bro stayed with us before their unit is ready, i was so pissed and always confine myself in my own room..

we actually talk more now after they have moved out.. i do visit my parents at least once a week..

then whenever my parents offered to come over to stay with me while my hubby is outstationed.. yep.. conflicts arise again..

for us.. if its our own parents.. even there are conflicts. it will be resolved.. after all.. we are bonded by blood.. but if the conflicts are between us and in-laws.. then its really bad.. Hubby definitely become the meat patty in the hamburger..

if hubby really can be impartial be the judge.. and reprimand whoever is in the wrong for every conflict .. fair enough.. (he will be very tired of playing this role his whole life.. eventually will stray? - going to another for peace and quiet)

if hubby choose to avoid and take sides with his parents.. i think marriages will be affected as well.

Once u have agreed to let them in.. its almost impossible to get them out.. Think twice and have a good discussion with hubby
Lenny and all
I think I m going to have a sad baby....I am really scared my baby girl will not be a smiley baby. I cried so much during this preg, not because of myself. First, is for the teenage girl that I told you all sometime back, she has a new set of issues now that she is tietiary education until I am emotionally drained...and now with this staying under one roof issue with my in laws.

Just now during dinner, I asked my hubby how is his planning for the new house, then he said he has something to discuss with me. Then I told him I also have something to discuss with him. He asked me to go first, so I asked him can we not invite his parents and sis to stay with us for now...because I feel that its his whole family moving in and my house become their house. He kept quiet. So I asked him what does he want to discuss, he said 'no need liao lor'. Then I asked is it that he has suggested the idea to his parents and what did they say. He said his parents are ok with the idea of moving with us. Then both of us total silence. We did not talk during the car journey back home until now...:'( and I don't dare to ask him about the planning of the house again. I really feel like crying now......why why these people give me such pressure when I am pregnant ...why!!!!
Scrumpee ...

Then just leave it as that ... dun go and start the discussion now that you have made a stand. Let him go and talk to his parents and un-do the damage that he has done.

Dun cry lar ... just stick by your decision and leave it as that. If you keep changing your mind just to make other people happy ... you have more things to cry about next time.

hugs !! I can really feel for u since we r both facing the same thing. I think there is still room for discussion since ur house is not ready yet & ur hubby should have got ur point jus now. Give him sometime to digest what u have just said and let him sort his thoughts out. Men are always quite slow in digesting info. I guess he won't insist his way and will talk to his parents again k ?

cheer up ! big hugs to u and bb gal !!

I'm also considering bringing my son for trial next weekend coz this weekend we've got something on. Spoke to the lady at GUG united square today and she said we can only register for the trial one week in advance so i will call them next monday.

Oh yes, one point to note which i found out today: the bilingual class option is only available at the GUG Suntec branch. The United Square branch doesn't offer the bilingual class.

Don't say things like ur baby is going to be a sad bb.. when she arrive.. just love her will all ur heart.. a mother's unconditional love will make a bb happy

i was frustrated a lot while i was preggie with Bree. Its war zone almost everyday at work, company restructuring and i chose to leave.. then when i come home.. i had to handle my own parents cos they are staying with us at that time.. and then my B****** Outlaws... etc.. i almost went mad.

but Bree is a happy bb.. Yes she is cheeky and mischievous, drive me nuts and up the wall but she is really happy.. laugh and giggle a lot..

don;t worry.. you will be fine.. take a step at a time.
my heart goes out to u. Similar prob too. Think positive. By thinking neg u r grooming ur unborn to b sad. Mayb I share w u nxt time. Rem, e key to marriage n communication is.not to use YOU & I but WE. When u discuss, use word like WE than MY.
can u book a slot for my boi since u'll be callin them next mon?? let me know wat info i need to provide u n oso payment method =)
great! my boi got companion... ^_^

btw, wat's the bilingual class abt? should we go for or anot during the trial since UE branch doesn't offer?


aiyo... rest more la, dun walk ard if yr condition doesn't allow u... wait for yr hb or mum to tao bao for u... ok... speedy recovering!!! faster recover n organise another gathering!! hee hee

actually miss kris n bree... feel like playing w them now... lolx
be firm. As an outsider it seems clear to me that you don't want to do it. You're just feeling guilty for putting your hubby on the spot.

You know, once they move in, you will get this conflicting emotions 10x more often. Your hubby will only feel sandwiched much more often. Explain to him and ask him, is this what he really wants?

I trust that he respects your views as long as you could explain to him calmly. I believe if you can be bold and tell him you honestly don't want to do it because .... xyz ... he will understand and drop the matter without feeling upset with you.

Be strong, babe. You can do it. And your baby will be a lovely happy child, sweetie.

I brought my boy for a trial two sats back but it was a total nightmare. He couldn't adapt well at all. Hubby and i took 1/2 a class each, and was struggling with him all the way cos he wanted to crawl about, and was refusing to sit in one position. He started to make a fuss when i was holding him and refused to give him the toys that the teacher has put away. I guess all in all he didn't like and concentrate in the class. There were two teachers in the class. Being the only toddler who was on trial, i guess the rest of the babies knew one another except him. The english teacher also didn't seem to mind my boy much, which kinda puts me off cos hubby also said she portrays an unethusiastic attitude of teaching. Halfway we left the class cos my boy is simply not interested. I guess he doesn't like these kind of structured classes and prefers an environment which his actions are not being confined.
So after my experience with GUG, i told myself perhaps i should only send my boy to classes when he turns 18mths.

Scrumpee - i empathise with U. However as i'm staying with in laws myself (just shifted to my new house two months back and in laws rented their place out), i guess i can only offer advice based on staying with in-laws. I know my MIL is a nice lady, my FIL is naggy but well, i have to take it. No choice. Sometimes i do have issues with them but i told hubby to tell them. They are unhappy with me sometimes too and ask hubby to tell me. All in all, he's the meat in between the hamburger. My hubby is those sort who doesn't like to hide, so whatever we unhappy about he jus tell the party. Lucky for me, he doesn't side his parents all the time. Thank goodness.
I think i have learn to open one ear, close one ear whenever his dad nags. Just have to take it no choice.
However i find that one thing is fighting for attention from my boy. As my mil is the caregiver my boy tends to stick around to her and prefers her over me, which is total upsetting. But i have to learn how to manage it. One pro is that everytime my FIL will bring my boy out for a walk so he doesn't get confined at home.
All in all, i would say privacy is definitely one issue u have to forgo. Besides that u have to learn how to give and take...open and close one eye/ear. However if u have already make your stand, i guess your hubby has to learn how to deal with it. Afterall its YOUR home.
After they shifted in to my place, hubby and i make the stand v clear that it is our house and what we want to do with it is our business. There was once my in law actually said we cannot keep saying its our house cos they are staying in it too. Of course they didn't say it in front of me but my hubby, which after i hear, i was a lil unhappy. Then my hubby retorted back..."but its really my house ma"...hehe

Sorry for the long post.
