(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

CONFIRM 20 March :)

Btw, just realised that membership must be tied to the Tanglin mall branch. If not you will still be considered as non member - $20.

Latest Update...

20 march, Sat

TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm (BUT PLEASE COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)

$20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. NOTE: MUST COME EARLIER THAN 12.30pm. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)

(min 20 babies max 25 babies). will ask if 26 is ok.

Looking forward to Party!!!

eh, prosper,
just saw your post. April? I didn't realise we have one in April. Think a couple of us asked about the one year old bash over the recent weeks but there was no news of any gathering planned for our march babies thread, thus I initiated one on a whim. But really, this is just a simple gathering. I'm sure it will be cool to have one in April. I vote yes!

good eye!
Alfafa, I think the hubby won't come. Too overwhelming for him lol.
I vote yes for April too!

Oh, just read that need membership for Tanglin Mall branch. I have membership and free class pass for HBF. aiyoh.
i had bought tat for my gal when she's about 5mths+. i let her use it when she's 6 mths old. Initially she use it for fruits etc. But now, she dnt like to use it liao. she rather take the fruits and eat it straight away then put it in the mesh.
Happy CNY all mummies!
May this be a roaring Tiger year for us!

Some pics of my girl and her bday cake.

Hi Sharlin, Thanks for the advise. I guess the food feeder might not be useful now since baby like to use hand to hold food now.

Hi missy, I also can't stand the mess, but my baby cut down on porridge so not sure is it because she prefer self-feed or just sick of porridge already?

Hi alfafa, I like your idea of holding group birthday bash at the Botanic Garden when babies can walk; maybe can consider that when 18mth or 2-year old?

Hi northvirgo, very cute! my girl nowaday will pull out the rubber band when I tied her hair. HaHa...
hi mommies

How's ur CNY? I find that it's a tiring affair with a LO tagging along CNY visiting. Nearly drained me off these 4 days! Glad the hols are over! Now most mommies muz be preparing for Bday Party for our LOs.

aiyoh, ur gals so cute! love them!!

Gymboree membership
Doh! Gymboree membership cant be used at Tanglin branch?! Then makes me wonder what's the membership for?
Yo! Happie CNY.. btw this saturday still onz?

Cny Gathering

Venue - Opposite Bukit Gombak Mrt
Date - Saturday 20th Feb 2010
Time - 12.30pm - 3pm(lunch will be catered for amt to be confirmed per pax)

1. cf chang deex2 &amp; family
2. missycandy &amp; Kirsten
3. meebaby &amp; Chyng Shiuan

1. jo &amp; family
2. sunshinebaby &amp; family
3. piggysg &amp; family
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 25 responses!! I am hoping to get 5 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
so envy tat u can tied up ur gals hair. they look so cute! my gal hair so little tat i cant tied for her. on cny eve rushed out 2 buy rubber bands 4 her but in e end cant tied at all as too little liao. haiya
sorry babes. sat i cnt. working til 1. plus going hb's frn's plc after that. then dinner with in laws for lo hei. apologies. have to postpone it. hw abt following week? 27th?
hi mummies!

cny holidays passed by so quickly! had a great 1st 4 days. bb enjoys visiting n had so much fun exploring the houses we went to. luckily close relatives so no one minded. think bb enjoys hving others attention too hee hee :p

oh missycandy &amp; areya,
lucky took u ladies' advice n took bb to see gp before all the clinics closed for cny. yup is not heat rash. supposedly sensitive n allergy to something he contacted. relieved to know it's not food related
we suspect it's due to the new bathe foam we got him. truly, after we stopped it n bathe juz in clear water, it's all clearing up slowly. phew! must tk note n be careful when buying new body products in future. hee thanks dears!

i heard calendula cream can help and check with one of the bp sellers who said yes can help. hee ordered 1 tub to try. dun know if true or not :p
northvirgo..your gals grown so big liao. well done..not easy with 3 babies.
btw..that's a very nice bday cake.

My bb celebrating his first birthday this coming 6 march. having mixed feelings abt it..one moment feeling happy but on the other hand feel sad that he's growing up so fast.
alfafa, u may want to check if gymboree accepts 27. think due to the copy and paste, missed out starflower.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)
(27) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
sunshinebaby.....maybe you wan to try PHYSIOGEL (lotion and wash- pharmacy) ugin uses that..it is very good..anorther one is SUDOCREAM (mothercare)
shifted starflower to slot 9 coz victoria not joining... ^_^

thks for the info...
for PHYSIOGEL, lotion n wash mean u can use it to bath too?
currently my mum apply for him a medical power in a round yellow plastic container which she got it fr medical hall... not sure the powder will clog his pore n making worst anot...

yr 3 princess r so cute... the cake very pretty too... how heavy is the cake? 2 kg?
Alfafa, what a lovely idea !!! sorry to belated to note, Is possible for us to join?

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)
(27) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(28) Inya + hb + bb Violette
<font color="0000ff">Latest List

Date: 20 Mar 2010

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)
(27) Inya + hb + bb Violette
Dear Ladies

My hotmail email account and facebook account had been hacked.. so please ignore any emails or messages send out by these account.
I've reported to facebook and hotmail le.. hopefully they will do something about it.

I'm in Singapore.. and not in London or New York as what the scams stated..
Meanwhile I'm creating a new account. Will need to add you all back when I'm done with it..

Haiz... what a way to start the Tiger year...

Thanks May for notifying me.
Idlecat, dunno y leh, they wasnt too bother about the rubber band tying up their hair. reason y we tied up their fringe was cos it was too long and poking their eyes.

Sharlin, my girls' hair also super little. we used the tiny rubber bands sold in minibits to , tie their hair.

Missycandy, you noticed that they were place from biggest to smallest!! So observant.. we place 老大,老二和老三. must sit in order of seniority ma...

Strawberrys79, thanks. My house perpetually sounds like a mini childcare. very noisy.

Sunshinebaby, yup it's a 2kg cake. Triple layer choc and lychee martini from Pine Garden. Most of my guests preferred the lychee martini (older folks). They all thought it's orange flavoured cake though. weird.
My boy also alot of rashes due to hot weather. I recently bot &amp; used Dr Lily aloe vera gel from BP. Works quite well. Calamine lotion din quite work for him though
hello mummies,
happy new year! i'm in the process of getting a new car seat and wondering if any mummies using maxi cosi Tobi or maxi cosi Priori FX can give me your comments - these are the car seats for 9 months onwards. Thanks in advance! : )

oh yes, calendula cream works wonder for my son's heat rash but its not cheap... and when the doc heard that he was using the johnson top to toe bath wash, he asked me to change it .. just to share
northvirgo - hee hee! wow great choice of cake! we r also opting for lychee martini n triple choc for kirsten's cake. ho ho ho! question - 2kg manged to feed hw many pple?

calendula - some ongoing sprees have stock. might want to check them out
Hi ladies,

Not able to come on 6 Mar already as now has to attend tasting event for niece's wedding.
Latest List

Date: 20 Mar 2010

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar)
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)
(27) Inya + hb + bb Violette
Hi Ladies,

Can my gal and I join u all? As my mum said I can't celebrate my gal birthday on her english birthday, have to celebrate on chinese lunar calendar date. Thus, I will be free on 20th March. Still able to add in my slot?

Latest List

Date: 20 Mar 2010

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (20TH March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (20 march)
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (20th Mar)
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique (prefer 20 Mar)
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Prefer 20th March)
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (20th March)<< REVISE
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) vivienpg + hubby + BB (prefer 6 mar)
(16) teddybaby + hubby + BB (20 March)
(17) idlecat + hubby + BB
(18) Strawberrys79 + BB (prefer 20March)
(19) wintertime + hb + BB (prefer 20 March)
(20) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (prefer 20 March)
(21) P.seed + bb Alaia (p.seed is your hubby coming?)
(22) meebaby + bb + hubby
(23) Meerkat + bb (prefer 20 March)
(24) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin ( 20 march)
(25) Jtho + small oli + big oli (only 20 March)
(26) fatfish + bb (20 March)
(27) Inya + hb + bb Violette
question - when ur little bubs have runny nose, what do u all give? my doc gave only rhinaramine. wondering if cn get anything otc.
latest list...

Date: 20 Mar 2010

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(16) idlecat + hubby + BB
(17) Strawberrys79 + BB
(18) wintertime + hb + BB
(19) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(20) P.seed + bb Alaia
(21) meebaby + bb + hubby
(22) Meerkat + bb
(23) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(24) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(25) fatfish + bb
(26) Inya + hb + bb Violette
(27) Sharlin + hb + bb

Andrea is also having runny nose now. apart from giving her meds..i also give her a shallot bath. it clears the nose really fast. shallots bath is 4-5 shallots smash with either the back of ur knife or using a pestal. and then put it to boil for 15 mins or so. after that add the shallots water (without the shallots) in the bath water.

hope it helps.
wa. strong smell or not? the shallots r the small purple ones? or white ones? the more pungent the better? shld i add some ginger as well...
Anyone can recommend wad first aid items should I prepare for Tristan?

We are going to korea march for a 8 days tour with tour agency...

Any vitamins he can take there? Chewable preferred ..

Thanks for ur helps mommies
the purple one..the one with a strong smell. its the smell that helps to clear the nose.

the recipe doesnt include. so im not sure if add ginger will help more or not.
Re play gym on 20 Mar, since its from 12.30- 1.30pm, are u all feeding lunch to your little ones after that since its play gym so they can't be full stomach b4 this? Will their lunch be too late then?
hi teddybaby,

If the timing doesn't clash with his morning nap, i will most probably feed bb hong yi his lunch first before heading over to the gym. Dun think he will be enthusatic abt his lunch if he were to have it there.
My hubby will not be able to join us. thus, only me n bb going

i will be feeding my gal her porridge abt 10am+ as she normally eat ard tis timing. just scared e timing for the play is her nap time. hope that she dnt get cranky lor

heat rash - keep bb's clothes off and keep bb skin nice and cool with sponges or a gentle fan. It typiaclly gets better when the skin temperature goes down, and then reappears when it goes up again
If put cream, must be nice and light so bb doesn't get too hot with a thick sticky layer.


Nothing to recommend ;p runny nose is part and parcel of toddlerhood - u wanna treat it with medication u will probably be giving it for a very long time. better not to over-medicalise the problem lah. if the runny nose is due to a very bad cold u know that it will improve when the bad cold does. otherwise under normal circumstances, if it's not blocked so bad that they cannot breathe thru the nose i don't bother at all. just clean his nose by pinching it, and start teaching him to blow his nose when i put the tissue there. sometimes he gets it, most times he doesn't ;p but he's not that unwell with it lah except for coughing at night when it accumulates and runs down his throat, which u cannot do anythign abt also.
areya - sigh thanks. i was hoping for something to knock her out. wahahahaha!!! =x when she has the nose runs, the nights r such a B**CH!!! she cries 2-3hrly -_-" the faster she learns to blow her nose the better! but she hates us to wipe her nose or touch it. will try the pinch nose method. thanks!!! muahahaha
can share why your doc said to change the johnson top to toe bath wash?

re. baby wash
any mummies can advise?
1) for those wash tat req rinsing off, how do u do it? bb is scared of spray so can't stand under shower head to wash off. another tub with clean water not feasible, no space leh...
2) california baby sensitive bb wash. anyone tried?

hmm i'm still bathing my boy in a tub with clear water + 2 drops of soap. must change to soaping them head to toe already?

sung.. one of my frens bought a big laundry basket and her kid stands inside to shower - kid can hold the basket yet not fall down. i think that's a wonderful idea. u can also use the scoop to scoop up water to rinse off the soap.

tbh my hb's side got a family history of johnson and johnson product allergy. i suppose it probably is not as hypoallergenic as other brands?

re: soaping head to toe - tbh also i have been doing that since i started bathing him properly. has not done his skin any harm at all ;p suggestions for rinsing off at this age: sit them in the bathtub with a low level of water (enough to cover their legs/float their bath toys), and wash+rinse parts of the body/head separately lah. I normally wash his head first and get it out if the way. If shower head difficult to use (although I find it the easiest cos can spray in any direction and avoid the eyes when rinsing the head) then can just let the bath tap run at low volume and use a big jug to rinse/refill while u do it. Easiest is to have an assistant to maneuvre bb while u soap/rinse - then will be very quick. towards the end unplug the tub and have final overall rinse with bb standing up. Have fun getting wet! :D

Just saw this gathering cos didnt check this forum for quite a while, can still join?

Date: 20 Mar 2010

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(12) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna
(15) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(16) idlecat + hubby + BB
(17) Strawberrys79 + BB
(18) wintertime + hb + BB
(19) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(20) P.seed + bb Alaia
(21) meebaby + bb + hubby
(22) Meerkat + bb
(23) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(24) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(25) fatfish + bb
(26) Inya + hb + bb Violette
(27) Sharlin + hb + bb
(28) Sportyger + bb M
