(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

teddybaby, yes better raise bb head up with pillow while drinking milk. I was told that if laying flat milk might flow to bb's ears and cause infection.

I want to go too!

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. lizy, hb & vera
9. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
10. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
11. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
12. minnie24, hb & andrique
Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. lizy, hb & vera
9. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
10. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
11. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
12. minnie24, hb & andrique
wow.. so many babies know how to drink their own milk. I still hold his bottle for him, coz he'll take his own sweet time to drink. coz he's colic, dun wan him to drink in too much air.

Sterilising bottles
Do u still sterilise ur LOs' bottles? Dunno when to stop. Seeing andrique licking everything he goes n sees, dun see the point of sterilising.. kekeke...Lazy mommy ;p
Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. lizy, hb & vera
9. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
10. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
11. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
12. minnie24, hb & andrique
13. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
halo all mummies, hope u all hv a great CNY last week, I didnt cos Caroline is down with fever, flu and cough

She has recover but still coughing on and off...
BTW, it takes how long to clear the phelgm? can still hear it when she cough
I only avoid chicken and fruits for time being n give her lots of warm water, apply vicks cream thinly on her chest before she sleep at night
Any other suggestion?

Bottle feeding:
I still hold for her cos she is lazy to hold and wants to play her toys etc... in sitting position, so she can swallow better

So exciting to see so many babies holding their personal bday bash on these upcoming weekend, hv a great fun yeah!
Looking fwd to the grand 1yr bash on 20th March and 3rd April, hope she wont fall sick...:p
i stil got sterilised my bb bottles at my own hse.. but hor at my mum hse, whu is takin of my bb wen im at work.. she dun sterilised at al nw.. wahahahahaha.. so contradictin hor.. the reason i stil do sterilisin, is bcoz 我过不了我这关 if i dun.. haha..
Pls count me in !!

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. lizy, hb & vera
9. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
10. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
11. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
12. minnie24, hb & andrique
13. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
14. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
Hi Mummies, seeing everyone busy preparing their bb parties. I've difficulty to find a place to hold a celebration for him. My place is very small to hold a party for him. 3 more weeks will be his bday. Any suggestion?
I stop sterilizing when he was 9mths old cos PD said its ok. With them crawling all over the place and putting all sorts of things in their mouth, i think its ok to stop
Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. lizy, hb & vera
9. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
10. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
11. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
12. minnie24, hb & andrique
13. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
14. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
15. P.seed & baby A
Holding milk bottle:
My boy is playful I think. Cos he will hold and drink for around 30 sec then playing with the bottle. Milk is everywhere, face, mattress, his clothes..etc. So have to hold for him to finish it.. maybe should have train him from the start.

I still sterilise everytime.. my hubby say we will start to reduce the number of sterilising time once he is 1 year old, like only once every morning.

1 year old Bash:
I wanna join, but have to ask if my hubby gg.. cos I donno if I can handle my boy without my hubby around with my big belly. keke.. Will update my name later. :p

BD parties:
So happy recently seeing so many 1 year old BD parties you mummies did for ur love ones in facebook pictures! Think we will be having family dinner at swensen and get a ice-cream cake there.. keke..

My boy still cannot walk yet.. but he is able to stand with something to hold onto. Hopefully he can walk soon as he is heavy for me to carry le..
piggy - if ure not too particular, maybe the void deck dwnstairs? or open spc nearby? quite cheap. or some function rm at cc near ur plc also can.
if u wana spend more then maybe raffles town club room or marriott. they have packages if im nt wrong. good luck!

pseed - no prob babe

yiyi - so exciting! when u due?
Will due in end of May. Nowadays my boy always wan me to carry him.. not sure is it becos of my round tummy is good to hug? And when meimei is kicking inside, he feels like lying on a massage chair? LOL! I also wonder if he knows if he got a meimei soon? Haha..
aiyo idlecat thanks for highlighting lol!

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A

(ps, when u all copy n paste the list, pls make sure u dont miss out ppl. thanks =p)
hmmm yiyi - so exciting. u jus keep telling him ba. then he will knw. hee kids r quite smart nwadays. hee or if u like and dont find it too early, cn find video on hw baby forms, the 9mths inside n show to him.. provided he can sit thru the whole thing. hahaha. then tell him inside is meimei! hee
lizy, ur gal is so clever too..so happy to see they r progressing..tat is our fulfillment..

congratulations yiyi..i also wan a meimei ler..any tips..kekek...
Missy: I show Isaac my 4D scan for Meimei, he will touch the TV screen, like "sayang" her.. Haha!! But his attention is short and cannot focus on TV for long, will only watch when advertisements comes on.

Jo's mummy:
That's according to my hubby... donno zhun or not... must put disclaimer... he say if husband eat more veg, will tend to get a princess and if eat more meat, have a higher chance of getting a prince.
yiyi..same as bb Jo, only watch the ads..last week when we accidentally tuned in the football match, he sit and watch excitedly..pointing to the ball and shouting..as if telling us that that is his ball..

ya, i heard ppl say hubby must eat more vege and wife must eat more meat wor..hmm then siao liao..my hubby don eat vege 1...
eh nt true la.. haha... my hb also doesnt eat much meat leh... but still got kirsten... sigh... but she's so chor lor.. so maybe.. hahaha
some of my colleagues were saying its the position when u BD/ML. lolx.
Jo's mummy:
Feed your hubby folic acid.. just kidding! Will he eat the sandwiches if you bring him to Subway? Lots of veg inside and still very tasty!
wow...thanks yiyi!!! i plan to get preggie by mid of this yr..so now is doing research on how to get a baby GIRL! haha..
I mostly never sterilize Tristan stuffs le.. Mainly becoz he is always putting things in his mouth and I'm lazy haha..

Re:eek:ne year bash at hillview
will have to check if hb have off to go
with us .. Update again..

poor c.. If u are giving her nestle cereal maybe you wan to stop giving temporary .. Reason due to it contains sucrose..
If u trust Chinese medicine u can go
medical hall and get cordyceps pearl powder .. Helps to clear the phlegm.. If u need To know the brand let me know again .. I will go dig the brand out
wow, didnt know that the response is good.
do you all think we should organise all SMH bp seller for shopping queen?? just a suggestion... hee
me me I also want to go.

we were just waiting for your invite mah. Hahahah

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
Re: sterilising.

I followed some USA baby websites that say there is no point sterilising after you introduce semi solids, which is basically 6mth old. By then they are also flipping and maybe even leopard crawling i.e. which means they are licking the floor or putting stuff into their mouths.

So I stopped at round about 6 mths. I'm pretty sure that the stuff she puts into her mouth are much more gross than a bottle teat lor. Gracie loves to eat cardboard btw. Anything made out of paper. *headache*
Will the confirmed 24 names pls do a bank transfer to me at

DBS Savings Plus

pls drop me a pte msg (do not leave msg here) with the transfer details. Thanks.


Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) ST + hubby + bb
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(12) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(15) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(16) idlecat + hubby + BB
(17) Strawberrys79 + BB
(18) wintertime + hb + BB
(19) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(20) P.seed + bb Alaia
(21) meebaby + bb + hubby
(22) Meerkat + bb
(23) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(24) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(25) fatfish + bb


(26) Inya + hb + bb Violette
(27) Sharlin + hb + bb
(28) Sportyger + bb M
(29) lizy + hb + bb Vera

my son has sensitive skin. we found a brand called uriage and we use the wash for babies. it's french. u can probably find it in v good pharmacies or order it online.
Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
haha.. I aldy stopped sterilising at 4 months also because I wanna introduce germs to her to build up immunity lol..so far she's good

alfafa..mine like paper too and she'll pull out tissue from tissue box.. creates a tearing frenzy and eat them..wow so fun for her creating the snow too..
Yo! Mee too

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan
argh juz rem i have a paper on 7 apr.. sian donno can make it to the bash or not.. like a waste if missed out the fun

KIV ME first!

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan

1. Queenie n Tristan
Queenie, thks gal
Oh TCM helps ah? I will go Eu Ren Seng and chk wif them any pearl powder to clear her phlegm , thks gal

so transfer $40 to ur DBS acct?
Pls confirm before I transfer, thks
Hope you hv a good start on 1st day at work

Yiyi, haa all along I eat more vege than hubby as he is a meat lover and we hv our daughter leh, so those so cal theory may nt be accurate :p

Sterilizing bottles:
Hmm I still do it once a day cos now she is in childcare, well but I also bo chap other stuff and let her bite,hee
Alfafa, you hv pm.

Mangogal, hope caroline is better now. My girl also hv lots of phlegm till now after her flu two weeks ago..

Count me in !

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan
20. fatfish & bb Cadence

1. Queenie n Tristan
Count me in !

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin
3. starflower, hb & keenan
4. jtho, hb & oli
5. asura, hb & charlene
6. missycandy, hb & kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston
9. lizy, hb & vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb & andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb & bb ryker
16. P.seed & baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea & bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan
20. fatfish & bb Cadence

1. Queenie n Tristan
2. Serene & hb & bb Charlene
sorry mummies can't make it to gymboree

1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) ST + hubby + bb -----> for KIV mummy
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(9) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(10) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(11) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(12) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree
(13) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(14) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(15) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(16) idlecat + hubby + BB
(17) Strawberrys79 + BB
(18) wintertime + hb + BB
(19) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(20) P.seed + bb Alaia
(21) meebaby + bb + hubby
(22) Meerkat + bb
(23) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(24) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(25) fatfish + bb


(26) Inya + hb + bb Violette
(27) Sharlin + hb + bb
(28) Sportyger + bb M
(29) lizy + hb + bb Vera
I'm opting out of the bash also. Got something on that day. Sorry Hazel.

1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) ST + hubby + bb -----> for KIV mummy
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(6) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March) ----------> pls confirm if you are still coming.
(7) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(8) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(9) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(10) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(11) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree
(12) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(13) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(14) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(15) idlecat + hubby + BB
(16) Strawberrys79 + BB
(17) wintertime + hb + BB
(18) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(19) P.seed + bb Alaia
(20) meebaby + bb + hubby
(21) Meerkat + bb
(22) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(23) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(24) fatfish + bb


(26) Inya + hb + bb Violette
(27) Sharlin + hb + bb
(28) Sportyger + bb M
(29) lizy + hb + bb Vera
Good afternoon

so fast u goin due in may? So happy for u ..
Maybe if there is east gathering , we can get to see ur BB.. Is a gal right? Sorry if my memory is bad

Re: birthday parties
as the date is drawing near , Still have not finalize the guestlist... Argh shouldn't have post the event in fb coz a number of intended guests will juz mark maybe attending -.-"
at this point of time I wish to tell them the party is cancelled and juz invite my family and 1 or 2 close friends.. Paiseh for ranting on such a nice Wednesday except for the haze lol
irene, aiyo, don't need to apologise to me if you can't make it. As long as we have 20 we are good to go.

Fatfish, sharlin, sportyger and Inya, see ya at Gymboree!

mangogal, $20 per baby.


Will the confirmed 24 names pls do a bank transfer to me at

DBS Savings Plus

pls drop me a pte msg (do not leave msg here) with the transfer details. Thanks.


Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette -------------> Inya, pls note
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen
(5) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline
(6) Sharlin + hb + bb ---------------> Sharlin, pls note
(7) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(8) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(9) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(10) minnie24 + hubby + BB Andrique
(11) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree
(12) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(13) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(14) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(15) idlecat + hubby + BB
(16) Strawberrys79 + BB
(17) wintertime + hb + BB
(18) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(19) P.seed + bb Alaia
(20) meebaby + bb + hubby
(21) Meerkat + bb
(22) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(23) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(24) fatfish + bb ----------------> pls note
(25) Sportyger + bb M --------------> pls note

(26) lizy + hb + bb Vera
noted on it. can i do e transfer 2 u by tis wkend as these few days had to run ard for work and only can do transfer when i go over my mum hse over e wkend? Once i transfer liao will pm u e details. sorry for e delay.

yiyi, Congrats! May you have a smooth delivery and less pain for you and your girlgirl come out fastfast and healthy and beautiful!

jo's mummy, you planning to have a dragon girlgirl huh... I have a friend who followed strictly on whatever research she found in order to have a boy and she really got a boy. Whatever she found, be it midwife tales she just followed. I found it quite extreme lah and don't encourage that. Whatever method you choose to apply, you should ensure you and your HB are comfortable with.
I hope your wish comes true, you'll have a beautiful baby girl next year. Looking forward to your good news!
