(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

prosper, actually there's some taste and smell very nice when mixed with rich cereal and milk. in fact i tested it and it tasted good. i think it is the texture that he doesnt like. that's why i diluted with more milk and made the consistency more watery and he accepted it. maybe u can try out for ur girl.

re: puree
so far only gave apple puree to my boi...
tink hv to switch to other flavour to try out whether he likes anot...

mayb bb K dun like potato now... she'll like fried fries when she's older?? my fav too!!! esp curly fries... hahaha
sun, yaya was thinking fried potato sure she will like it.
maybe i mix potota with healthy time brown cereal tat's y she dun like it. i hate healty time cereal, so watery
Hello mummies,
I'm back .. from almost 2wks MIA ..
the 6mths bash looks so fun and all mummies/babies seems enjoying so much.. pity that i missed this(no choice, i was attending Anthony Robbins' seminar during the weekend and he is really a good speaker.
OMG, the 1 yr old bash is in planning now.. this time must go liao ..

Prosper, I'm ok with west .. let me know if u need my help.
Just catching up the thread .. today's seem quite ? maybe all mummies having lunch now .. i better go get some food too .. Boiling my chicken herbal soup now...
Lenny.. i can't remember. check for you when i'm there tomorrow. *cross fingers that i dun forget*

anybody feeding their babies healthy times jars? it seems easier to find healthy times. read somewhere earth best's jars have bpa on their lids while healthy times does not. not sure the accuracy of this bpa on lid thing as i have not found any studies/research on the lids.

oh i dun think there is bpa on cardboard boxes so no worries on cereal. yappie!

U got try put lesser milk in the cereal? I also bought healthy times leh.. but using the oatmeal now. My gal dont like fruits... she hate banana.. would scold us when we feed her banana.. but i still feed her banana, every few weeks, the banana come out again for her to eat.

i am not sure about the lids.. i chose earth's best cos the sugar and sodium content is lower than healthy times. i compare carrots vs carrots etc la.

I think ur gal the only bb I know who hates banana. Usually bbs like it cos its sweet and rich. Wahahaha.

Tried to puree butternut squash on its own ystd. He been having it in soup with potato, carrot and. Few peas. Undercooked it so failed. Sheesh..
hahhaha.. charlene isnt the only one who hates banana.. ziv dun like too.. whahahhahha.. dunnoe y.. i love it man.. :p
Lenny.. ic. i did not think about comparing sugar n sodium content. been feeding baby homemade stuff so far but thought i would start him on jars since he might be going texas with me.

Asura.. have you tried apple puree? my baby rejects most food but loves apple puree. usually i'll make a big batch and 10% goes to him while i polish off 90% =P
Mummies interested in the swimming class

1) There is no major difference between 6-10; 7-15 months classes, just that some activities in 7-15 months might be more active due to the toddler age.

2) We can form a class with min. of 4-6 babies & moms pairs. The group class rate is $250 for 10 sessions and 30 minutes per session.

3) We can organise a Sat class but what's your preferred timing and anyone who has a private pool that we can use?
mayb in the late morning??... at least temp a bit warm for bb which is much better...

any news for the wetsuit?? let me know ya...
hoepfully gd news so can let bryan wear for his swimming class... kekeke
Jasmin ...

My pool is always avail =) my son has his lesson at my condo pool oso

The best time to swim is actually btween 4pm to 6pm where the water is already warm

yes, i went .. i can't believe there are more than 5k ppl attended. Many of them(mainly from Australia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan) fly to S'pore just to see him and there are even live translator/headset for different language for rent.
Anyway, he is really a great speaker.
Oh... A good idea since your place is quite centralised.
4-6pm is ok cause after swimming, baby can KO. Hahaha..

Mummies who were interested.. Would you be keen to have it at seabreeze's place?
dear mummies
thx for your advice.

btw, i gave bb heinz white rice cereal 1.5 weeks before she got sick from getting my virus. she is having cough (sore throat) and flu. i still gave her when she is sick but she refused to eat... she used to take up to 4 tspn of cereal with water but now she cant eat properly with just 1 tspn of cereal... wonder is it becos she is sick...

my baby loves all fruit/vege purees except the HT peas. So far i gave her HT & Heinz and she just love it. I gave her half jar each day but i think she can finish the whole jar in one time if i give her all.
She likes cereals too. She had finished 1 box of HT brown rice rice & 2 boxes of Gerber rice cereal. just in 1.5 mths. But i noticed she starts refusing the rice cereals, maybe she sick of cereal everyday liao ...

InspireBaby Pilates class looks interesting too!!! bond w bb + exercise (can tone up body)...
mayb can organise tat too?? kakaka

<font color="0000ff">InspireBaby Pilates

Want to do some workout with your baby?

InspireBaby® Pilates (previously known as Mummy &amp; Baby Pilates) is a fun yet challenging workout for new mums. Restore core strength and proper posture, build your upper body strength to carry the weight of your baby without hurting your back.

InspireBaby® Pilates helps the mothers in strengthening core muscle groups by strengthens the pelvic floor muscle, upper middle and lower back and improves the posture. It also helps the mothers to get back into pre-pregnancy shape faster. It is important to strengthen the pelvic floor after delivery and to reduce back pain.

InspireBaby® Pilates also speed up the healing and recovery from the rigours of the birthing process and reducing the possible stress or depression.

These are some of the benefits for babies:

· Enjoy a fun time with songs and music
· Better sleep after the class
· Helps to stimulate the physiological development
· Enhance Interaction and Play
· Prepares them for crawling and standing through the stretching workout
· Reduce the stress from the babies' cry, fuss and early parenthood
· Better balance

Benefits for the mums: ·

· Enjoy a good workout with their babies
· Post-natal recovery especially on the lower back and pelvic floor muscles
· Strengthen core muscles
· Speedier weight loss
· To equip themselves with activities they can do with their babies
· Help the mums to relax

maybe baby is not feeling well &amp; dun have appetite. Rice cereal(especially brown rice) is more heaty, maybe u wan to wait till she feel better than feed her more .. or just feed her little bit now
my mum insist to start my boi w brown rice instead of white rice cereal... she said more nuritious... mayb i'll juz give in to her, let her start with brown rice cereal ba...

yr spine got prob... then when u preggy, u r extremely careful lor... hv u try yoga b4??
Jasmin ...

Come to think of it ... bb class cost more than my #1 lor hahahaha my #1 is 1 coach to 2 kids ... per lesson 1hr at $50 ... so I pay $25 for 1hr hahahahaa then SH I oso pay $25 but for 30mins =p

But they too young so cant stay in water for too long oso ...
ya, my mum told me too .. coz brown rice has blend taste .. most babies will refuse to eat brown rice cereal once they use to the white rice cereal, which is sweeter compare to brown rice .. dunno true or not. My baby can't poo poo when i start gave her the brown rice cereal, then i mix to give her brown &amp; white cereal alternate day and now she is ok le. But i dun really care la, as long as she likes to eat &amp; no constipation problem ok liao.
sun, sinmey,
My PD advise me to start with white rice cereal. SHe says brown rice also can la, but more "heaty" and BB poo poo will be harder. I still haven decide which one ot intro first cos brown rice more nutritious right?
I was "bioing" the pilate class too

I think at least one adult has to go down to the pool with baby

Ya, it's quite ex but good thing is can have at our preferred location as compared to aquaducks.
I started my boy on brown rice cereal and only let him try white rice cereal when I got a sample pack during the 6mths bash. He seems to be able to take both quite well. In fact, so far, he seems to like eating from the spoon, be it puree/cereal or water.
i think it's true. Coz my baby's poo poo also hard and she has problem poo poo too when i intro brown rice cereal to her. But since i mix, day time white rice &amp; mix 2 tspn brown rice into her last feed EBM before sleep, now she is better. Maybe she is getting use to it too, and i'll feed her more fruits
Jasmin ...

Frankly I am ok with having it at my place cos v convi for me heehee but have to fix a time ... and if the baby is sick *touch wood* or if it rains how to calculate? Cos like for my #1 coach its by per session one ... if we cancel due to weather or child sick ... no need to pay. more worth it this way =)
yup... brown rice more nutritious...
if not trial n error lor... if yr boi can digest well then continue w the brown rice ba...

as sinmey feedback tat there's diff taste btw white n brown rice n brown rice has blend taste...
Walking gadgets:

Mummies: is it neccessary to hv walker/exersaucer or jumperoo ah?
my hubby do nt want any of them as my living hall is small and he belive babies can still learn how to walk without these gadgets, any inputs??
How abt playpen?
u add EBM/FM to the brown cereal to mix it right? 1 tbsp cereal / 1 oz EBM/FM huh?
i'm gg to start giving brown rice cereal to my boi next wk...
y not u rent n try them out?? mayb yr hb will chg his opinion later when he see caroline love it???
ya i started white rice cereal. have to stop cos she is sick now. i saw cold storage / ntuc selling this rabbit brand brown rice with shi sheng n ikan bilis.. thought it should be good. got calcium...

my lower spine is a bit slanted since young. my masseur told me y my left calf is bigger than my right is due to me adding pressure there during and aft preg. and i have feet pain too.. i went to this limp note massage lady who knows all kind of massage so she massage all kind of technique which she think is good for me..
same w my boi... norm aft feeding him puree, my mum will give water n he tends to drink more fr spoon...

of course is not a must la .. my hb think the same too. anyway, i dun have walker/exersaucer/jumperoo or even bumbo. I hold her in one hand &amp; feed her with another hand (her bowl put on the floor)when i feed her. but again, it depends on why u need them lor ...
tink some mummies are giving tat to their babies... u can try out when yr ger recovers...

ic... then u hv to take extra gd care to yr spine... cannot play play, did she ask u to take anything to strengthen yr spine???

count mi out for the swimming session.. cant commit unless going for trial class, think i will still to the idea to go aquaducks to try out first.. hehehe..
