(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

prosper ...

hahahaha sometimes my hubby oso lar ... but usually that is cos we never go back for like very long ... but then again seldom lor cos i go back there at least once a week so that she can see her 2 grandsons

anyway now that SH is going thr the stage of recognising ppl ... she is saying: he dun like us ... he dunno us etc etc etc well its irritating the hell out of us or rather my hubby more hahahaha cos my #1 went thr that stage and that was EXACTLY what she said that time

I cant be bothered lar ... she already mother of 3 ... still so petty i cant do anything oso but we realise that its getting worse as she ages ... she behave like young kid herself oso *faint*

seabreeze, i can understand ur inlaw situation. meaning u have not bring them there often...they r like that lor. luckily, kayle see them will smile if not i think they will also comment this to me.
jazsho + lenny,

thought i'd share this cos dermatologist recommended this for my boy and it really works very well - Dexeryl cream. It's apparently new-ish to the emollient market for dry skin conditions and is a favourite amongst patients. it works like a dream on my boy when he had a widespread flare up. moisturises really well yet doesn't leave a greasy feel. it's available over the counter. if you can get hold of it in sg, do give it a try
sometimes i also very hard to tell off my mil. yesterday, happened that my mil taking care of bb the whole day. she cooked porridge to feed bb which i dun like to intro now. i intended to intro when she is 8mths. she asked me can feed annot say no prob lah, last time bb also eat a early stage.. i angry and say anything lah..
now my hse full of diaper and teat. i got 5 unopen pampers-L and 2 unused teats which my mil bought again and agin without realising that she bought before. i dunno how to clear my stock.
prosper ...

thats the 'problem' with MIL

anyway when i ask if she can do my confinement for me aft i deliver SH but she herself say OK with alot of conditions (like must move there and stay with her, only mention food but no mention of taking care of bb during confinement etc) and kept hinting that she might not do a good job cos my mum did my first confinement etc

so in the end i send my #1 to childcare so that my mum can do confinement for me ...

since she rejected that 1 chance to take care of SH and build up the bond ... then too bad for her lor

my hubby say that when we are old we dunno if we become like that or not esp when I got 2 sons ... so cfm is deal with DIL hahahahaha ... i told him if i am not taking care of the grandchildren then i shouldnt expect them to super love me and close to me lor ... relationship need time n effort one mar

oh my MIL now stopped buying stuff for my kids and give ang bao hahahaha cos she say that they got so much stuff that she oso dunno what to buy ... BETTER for me
btw anyone keen to buy babycubes? april thread is conducting a bulk order... if hit 36 trays it will be $10 each... im ordering 2... u all go see n place order okie? heee...
lenny - lol! i actually have 2. but i think mine is 1oz. so gonna get 2 of the 2oz. hee.

btw those goin for stage and such trial... pls be prepared to get messy!!! today they played with whipped cream and ice cubes with food colouring... most of us stripped our babies leaving only diapers on... their hands all stained with food colouring! (tip on how to wash it off... use the bottle cleanser... =P)

this is the 1st trial im attending.. i find it so so... the outdoor pool is the thing that is tempting me... anyway membership is free for now... usual is $100... so cindy, corene and i signed up... see who else signs up, we can go together next time! erm it is quite pricey for the packages... so doubt wil sign up for the packages... will be going adhoc basis... i think we can make use of the pool FOC if we are members... must check with cindy =P hahaha!
missycandy, you mean you can sign up for Stage &Such membership if you don't sign package? Eh, sorry, did I reply your Longchamp query yet? Text me k?

FB bash pics are lovely. So sad none of Ning. Let me know in Oct if you bro can do photoshoot for me.

Snack ball, um alfafa said there were mixed reviews online but um, bought already no time to exchange.

Prosper, is the function room you are talking about in Clementi or Hillview? Either one is fine for me.

I have no time to count 'likes' for the FB contest so I'm letting it run til 1st Oct :p

Sorry to anyone who I have not replied to yet. Was very busy today. Need to sign off and pack soon. If I didn't reply by tomm morning, please text me!
misscandy n lenny.. how do you heat up foods in baby cubes? btw i find the 2oz baby cube not enough for my boy already. looking for bigger storage containers.

reverie.. i clean baby gums with gauze (small gauze) while my hubby use baby tooth brush.
reverie - i believe so... i bought spiffies... tried it once... she is ok with it... but so far no teeth... so shall wait bah.. hee..

pseed - which part of oct? do lemme knw so i can "book" him for u... i hope there r parts of ur lil one too... there's still hope in the other part k? heee... and yes im stil waiting for the LC answer... wahahaha!
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - wa..then can have party at ur place for XMAS leh! heehee sorry ah me buah paiseh

<font color="ff0000">wintertime</font> - wa! so good life slept till so late! so managed to enjoy the day?

<font color="ff0000">missycandy</font> - the photos are GREAT! 3 CHEERS for ur bro. But hor i looked so BUI!!!! can edit *winkwink* heehee

<font color="ff0000">pseed</font> - who is Ning? heehee paiseh..have fun packing!
donroxx - erm honestly i havent used it yet... tryin to finish up the jars 1st... lol!!! but ive read somewhere and they said put submerge it into warm water? hmmm... actually il use the cube to store the little "meats" &amp; pureed veggie... when i start preparing porridge for her... so can proportion it and when i need to use, tk it out frm freezer and cook with the porridge... you can try searching for bigger containers @ Daiso.. i believe they sell bigger versions...
on 2nd tots. maybe il buy frm daiso instead hor.. hmmm... *ponders*

vernice - i dont think can.. unless u wan half ur body nia... LOLOL i also bui la... nvm la... LOLOL

ning is pseed's lil baby lor... chinese name.. heee...
<font color="ff0000">missycandy</font> - heehee no lor..that particular one so bui! cannot take it!!! u looks good ok!

eh ur bro is professional?

eh get from Daiso lah cheap n good! if later nvr use also won't heartpain
missy &amp; Donroxx,

Mine are the 2 oz ones.. i didn't even know that they have the 1 oz.. keke..

i have not used them yet. but my friend heat up her baby's food with the pigeon food warmer.. she pour water then put bb cube inside to warm it
<font color="119911">sunshinebaby, vernice,
our private moment r when we go stay in hotel. we sometimes leave 2 kids wif maid for a nite or 2 n go out stay, keke.

i told hb dat nw shld slp wif them so we can have small tok b4 sleeping. when they r bigger, they wun even wan u in their room.

we slpin on king size bed nw. if reli wanna 4 slp together, tink will ask hb get another queen mattress n lay beside. i reli love slpin wif my kids. we sing n chat till we slp.</font>
<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - wa...go hotel stay for pte moments? heehee too exp for me..i shld just let him stay at mum's place
I don't mind inviting mummies to come to my place for gathering when it is done but abit very small. :p
<font color="119911">vernice,
hb n i like to stay hotel since datin time. even last time no kid, we will oso go stay occassionally.</font>
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - hmm..then bo bian split batches loh. maybe punggol too far for some? heehee

<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - too pampered liaoz! but i have been staying hotel so often for the last 3 yrs also sianz
what brand of rice cereal that you give to ur bb?
tried heinz organic..he didn't seem to like it..well not sure whether he doesn't like the taste or he's just not used to it yet..it was quite messy though..he spit out some..and i think he prefers with water than mix with milk..
any recommendations on what brand is good?
lenny - no not bpa free
not that i knw of anyway.. hee... last time have 1oz.. i bought my cubes last yr... lol.. i think the 1oz discontinued le...

vernice - thanks for the compliment! but i need to lose weight... hopefully soon.. if not wait pregs again very sian... lol... my bro is semi pro... he's always been taking photos.. but his work takes up a lot of his time so nt much time to really go into it.. but this yr he's been rather onz... going with frns..takin shots of everything and anything... u cn check out his FB... he did a job on sunday and got paid few hundred for 2hrs.. he was sooo happie... 1st time getting paid... WAHAHAHA!

kris - aww so sweet la... i also wish can sleep all together... but a bit cramp leh.. ours is only queen... at most have to put mattress on the floor for the kids to slp next time... hee...

i also posted in april thread for the babycubes.. but i can only confirm after going to carrefour at Plaza singapura this weekend.

if cannot find earth best then i got no coice but make my own which means i will need more trays despite having 3 now
missy: i'm gg to confirm and ask stagensuch how can we be thier member if they're not going to give us proof or anything. ahha!!!

kome:: you're doing up your hse? which contractor/interior designer did u engage? me looking ard too cause my home also ready end of the yr! so exciteeeedd!

i went to carrefour suntec.. there is a four seasons market section inside.. but the earth's best range is not much and we were directed to Great world city four season market.. they do have but not much for stage 1

Ivy told me she bought hers from carrefour palza singapura.. so gonna check it out this weekend
Teddybaby.. Earth's Best can be found at the organic food shop at harbourfront centre. Will check cold storage tomorrow n let u know.

actually they do have a lot.. but in SG, i dun know.. thye have squash.. Ivy is feeding her baby squash fromn Earth's best and bb loves it..
they evne have prunes for 1st stage weaning
Most likely will engage hb's friend who is a contractor, but he will still waiting for his quotation to decide how. Where is your new house?
BTW, sharlin, strawberry, corene, tusky, i don't think i got your FBs ley. can add me if u hv? [email protected]

hehe. thanks babes for the fun time today! i hope you had a great time. me asked the simran some qns on member ship, once she get back to me, i fwd u all.

jus in for a quick post..

missycandy - thanks for the photos! hehehe...such a sight the bash was...thanks to yr bro for the pro shots ;-)

cindy - i've also applied for a flat at duxton...are we neighbours?!?!

mummies, i seldom have the chance to check the thread cos it moves too fast, so anything that requires my immediate attention please pm me ok?? thanks thanks..

ok off to bed...nite!
