(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Cindy - Took Blk A at 31st Flr...=) whats yours? PM u already

Sun - hehe...can invite a few la, my house not v big...haha! wait ppl no space to walk... :p

Lenny - wow! yr cousin got the penthouse!!! exp leh...

Mangogal - i agree its been a long wait...been waiting since four to five years more ago...haha!

sun - oops for a moment i thought 40th is the highest, then i remember its 50th...

so 49th will be the penthouse cos 50th is the sky garden... =)

think not penthouse la,. 4 room apartment.. not 4 bedroom la.. she told me only 93metres square..

she might not want to stay there cos too far from her work place.. she works in Tuas and her hubby in corporation road.. much faster to go to work from where they stay now.. at Lakeholmz
I'm checking with them to see if there's a refund or make-up class. By the way, the lady who replied is another Jasmine Ng.

No prob. I'm still going for the aquaduck trial to try out first. This one is for "future" if baby like swimming. I'm als checking if they have trial class for us to try first.

Yes, I mixed FM with the brown rice cereal. I don't mix proportionately, as in 1 teaspoon to 1 oz. I usually use 2-3 teaspoons and mix with FM till I get the consistency (not too watery/thick)

Ya, I think you should rent exersaucer/walker to try out first. Some babies may not like being "trapped". My boy only can stay in his walker for about 15mins and wants to get out le.

My boy has been taking the Moon Rabbit Si Shen brown rice cereal. I'm still contemplating if I want to get the brown rice cereal with ikan bilis as I'm afraid of the salt content of ikan bilis.
lenny - mine oso 93sqm...small lor...i also might not be staying there cos my mil is taking care of kyan so we staying at my inlaws flat at SK for the moment...if shift to Duxton might be quite troublesome...so we may continue to stay in SK...
Loss of appetite after jab??
My boy took his last 6-1 jab on Monday and till now appetite is very bad. Can't finish his milk. He usually can drink 6-7oz, now sometimes only 4oz and need to feed a few times to drink that. When he sees the milk bottle, he will make noise
He got no fever. Any of you experience this? How long will it last? So far for the last 2 jabs, he never got such prob. Only 1st jab, he got fever, but even then, he milk intake also din drop so drastically. Plus, he is MOODY. He used to be very smiley and happy, these few days play with him he also not much expression on his face. How I wish he can tell where he is not well.
is ur boy having stomach wind? sometime when they r tummyache they will behave like tat one.. arbo another reason he may be teething..
RE: FM stage 2
Anybody start Stage 2 formulae milk for your baby? I give a bit of Enfapro Stage 2 FM and my baby seem to have constipation after that. Maybe due to higher iron content. But after 6mth old, baby need more iron leh...

RE: Potatoes
When my mum made chicken with potatoes soup, she mashed some potatoes and mix with some soup (before adding salt) to feed my baby. My girl like it!

RE: Wrist pain
I had steroid injection for my wrist pain in June and now my wrist pain return! Anybody experience same problem as me? don't feel like going for more jabs...

Heh.. she tried apple liao... dont quite like it but dont mind eating, unlike banana. She likes pear and butternutsquash. Hee
Hi Mangogal, my mil has placed my girls in walker since they were about 5 months old. PD told us that it's no good for their development lor, cos they need to learn the natural way how to progrss from crawling, sitting to walking.

anyway tell my mil also no use wor, she still allow them to sit in the walker. i just close both eyes to that. My girls seems to enjoy it though, zooming from one end to the other end of the hall..we have to be careful not to be in their way cos the wheels will just go over our feet then ouch!!
we use finger to "pok pok" his tummy can hear lotsa wind, but he usually always like that. Ask PD norm or not, she says some babies is always like that one. And she did check and says my boy not teething yet. So am abit worried. PD clinic call so many times either can't get thru or no one pick up. I wana know if loss of appetite is norm and how many days it will last
sorry but i think someone asked me if i am sahm, but no wor..i'm working full time.

For avocado, we don't need to steam it before feeding right? Just mash the ripen fruit and feed? Need to add water cos it's so thick?
re: walker

there has been alot of talk about the danger of walker so you all might want to check it out. but having said that ... my fren's kid who use walker are all ok though my #1 NEVER use a walker before

northvirgo ...

all food & fruits must be steamed except for banana and avocado =p
Don't need to steam avocado, just dig out the "meat" out and mash. I add a bit of FM just to make it less dry.
Mangogal and Seabreeze
We bought a walker for my boy last week but he just sits there and not moving at all. Can sit there for very long and just don't move wor...aiyo...we thought he will enjoy it because he likes to stand and jump when we hold him up. I think he is still getting used to the walker and probably don't know what to do with it. lol
I add water to my avocado when I blend it. Only made once cos my boy don't seems to enjoy it. I think he prefers apple puree. Am going to try butternut squash this weekend.
according to some of the early childhood teachers ... its better to let the baby crawl then walk cos crawling helps to develop the brain.

you wont believe it but crawling is deemed to be more difficult than walking cos crawling requires hand and feet co-ordination while walking is only the feet.
it'll be gd if they do provide trial class for us first to try out... i oso scare my boi might not ike it, then quite a waste to sign up for the 10 lessons if he dun like =(

re: cereal
oic, then i'll try out myself to get the correct consistency for my boi... but start off with watery consistency hor...

highest is 50th flr huh?? i tot is 52nd???
mayb i rem wrongly... kakaka
small gd ma, clean less but most important unblock view + windy...

ohh... then ask yr hb to go into thw water w joel la...
Sinmey.. wow!! that is a quite a bit of rice cereal. it's been 4 weeks and my boy only finish 20% of his EB's rice cereal.

Sunshine.. InspireBaby Pilates is it the one at Katong? If yes I'm very super ultra uber keen.

Teddy.. same time happened to my boy after his 6-in-1 (and other optional jabs). 'sian3 sian3' the next day and didn't drink much. a bit of temperature too. but he ok the day after so dun worry unless your boy continues to be moody/not his usual self.

Idlecat.. de Quervain syndrome (also known as washerwoman's sprain)?? It is an inflammation of the sheath or tunnel that surrounds two tendons that control movement of the thumb.

I got it since baby was 6 weeks old. Started with right hand and now left hand got it too. I did not go for jabs. just use wrist+thumb guard + apply ointment + rest my hands as much as possible. once i almost drop him due to the pain. so now my hubby n parents will carry my boy most of the time. My hands and wrists get better if i rest them a lot. If you can, rest your hands as much as possible ya.

Asura.. heehee we are trying everything with our babies haha. My boy likes butternut too. Have not tried banana cos lazy mummy here did not go to the organic food store to look. planning to give him HT banana jar next week =)

Northvirgo.. Avocado can be given as-is. mash it till smooth for baby, can add FM or BM or Rice cereal. My boy takes it with FM + rice cereal (he's not a fan but will eat when hungry)

Re Rice Cereal

he is eating white rice cereal and already got poo poo issues. my boy would not poo for a day if i give him more than 2.5scopes of rice cereal and his poo poo is '1 piece' kind. (oh it stinks real bad too). dun know if i should switch to brown rice cereal for the fiber.
srumpee, i gave them apple puree and they gave me this sour look! my youngest girl 'pui' it out whereas my 2nd girl just closed her mouth tightly and refused to open her mouth....
wah lau, nowadays the bbies so hard to please.
sinmey, it is $1399. Do u think it is good. I was so impulse into buying just now. cos the free gift printer was so huge that i cant carry back to office, tat y nv buy it. anyway i dun need the printer
propser, 500D is good! I have one! it is a new launch product, just launch this yr! with HD video heehee

Idlecat, i already give my bb stage 2 milk so far still ok. if constipate, u can try the apple n prune juice from heiz it work for my bb!
cannot advise u on the wrist pain coz i nv went for any jab n just let it heal on its own.. after 6 mth of torture it finally got better itself.. :p

dun worry, maybe he is just in bad mood.. coz of the jab ba.. lol..

hahah.. i let my boy sit on walker since 4.5mth n he is now pro liao... hahahha.. initially oso dunnoe wat to do when i place him there but after a few days he got it n now racer liao.. lol.. but hor.. i cut down his walkie time n let him on his tummy more liao but i realise he is very impatient when trying to be on his 4 limbs.. he will always *&%^%&QE^&* while cannot lift himself up.. lol..

actually i oso dun wanna let him sit on the walker one but my mil kept nagging me to let him sit n i give in coz i dun wan to ague n hear her nagging.. yes.. sitting on walker u gotta watch his every movement coz itz really dangerous if he's out of sight..
blurjen, u bought same model too? really ah. It came with a free crumpler bag too. then i got to go back tml to get it liao. so happy got few supporter here.
How abt Nikon? my fren keep askin me to buy nikon.
prosper.. wow EOS 500D. v nice. btw do check on photography forums for reviews. i got the 1000D and so far ok loh.

blurjen.. 500D got HD video?????? OMG i wanna buy too! 1000D no video loh!

Re Pinnacle
I thot highest is 49th floor while 50th floor is the garden thing. nice place. pity i got my place just before pinnacle was re-released. (bang head against wall)
My HB say the lens is not that good lei. But I also don't know what is not good. Sorry, I know nuts about DSLR & just download info frm my HB de.
nikon is really good.. more of professional usuage while canon is more cosumer friendly.. in fact most of my photography friends uses nikon.. price is steep as compared to canon.. but is really good la..
Thanks everyone for ur feedback. am so happy that at least i got fast response on the product that i am interested rather than checking internet for sources.
<font color="119911">Re: Breakfast at McDonald
Date: 13 Sept (Sunday)
Time: 0930am
Venue: AMK Ave 6

1. Kris
2. Vernice.
3. Pei

joining us?</font>
Prosper, try chk Parisilk for their prices. I usually buy frm them at lower price but same bundle of freebies given. Savings of at least 100++
