(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

sorbet:: oMg! we might be ley! which block are you at? omg, so exciting, hey! pm me your number! hehe
or i pm u mine and u sms me back.

morn mummies...hiaz think my office block forum so cant log in

anyway nice meeting 1st time mummies strawberry & sharlene, good catch up wif cindy, missycandy & corene at lunch!
corene, we stay so near so must meetup often,hehe!
wah i saw the fb photos, looks like ur LOs all having fun!! wish i was there since it is sooo near my office!
cindy u signed up? how much & how many classes?

cindy & pink, wah duxton, alot of my frens applied too,haha!
it is really a long wait manz :p

missycandy, i love all the pics in fb, GREAT JOB to ur bro!!

wave to Kome!! settle dwn liao then we meet again

gtg to work,bleah-.-
keep me in the loop too!!! wanna full range of earth best pdt too!!!

got a unit at duxton!!! tat's great, invite us to yr place lei... view sure very nice one!!!
high flr??
mangogal:: nice meeting you again too!! heee. I didn't sign up for package la. its 500 for 10 classes + 1 free class. But it is transferrable, meaning another child can go in your place and no expiry. In a sense it's very flexi compared to the other courses i have signed up for my #1. hehe. But now is too early i think, perhaps later on. missy and I would prefer adhoc, and as and when we want, we join. but that will be 50 a lesson.

sunsun:: HAHA mine not high floor unfortunately. sihgs. only 15.

lenny:: hehe which block did your cousin get? hehe!!
sunsun, yup, sky bridge at 26th and 50th level lo. 15th is not high la. must begin with 20 then consider high floor. haha

kome:: ALL new homes are nice. my hubby don't really like the area ley. cause many pubs etc. sigh.
Thanks, haiz.....not familiar with this new job responsibilities and replying email must be very careful if not how i die also don't know. This is the part which i felt so tedious and stress as i not good at my emailing.

Yup, my unit is just opposite the MRT which is near to the temple that side.
Hello Mummies,

Jerlynn is allergy to Similac Formula that I recently changed to supplement with my EBM...

I still have 4 small unopened Similac 2 tins (400g) to sell away...Going for $12 a tin, self-collect at bedok (my place), buy all 4 tins for $45. Anyone interested, PM me ok? Expiry is Dec 2010. I scared nowadays I nvr in time to check back the thread liao.
wow... 40th FLR!!! tat's super high manz!!
sure windy + unblock views!!!

tink my godmum oso stay there... tink she's the 2nd batch one which gg to be ready soon...
nice meeting strawberry & sharlene, cindy, missycandy for the trial class & mangogal at lunch.

mangogal - yup shld make an effort to meet up with mummmies in our area more often since we are just staying a stone's throw away.

cindy - thanks for coordinating the trial class. I can see most of our babies enjoyed the class. Elijah K.O. almost immediately aft that. haha..

missycandy, Cindy, Sharlene - Kristen, Trishelle and Janelle are so sweet and lovely. Elijah likes looking at them..hehe..

Strawberry - i saw Hong Yi enjoying himself totally. Look at his hands..I think he is the most actively participated baby for the painting. hehe..
Cindy, envy u getting pinnacle at duxton. i remembered going to the showflat many years back with my hubby even though we had applied for our flat just months ago then thru BTO too. it is really worth getting a unit there then, during the BTO launch. Pinnacle is so much more affordable than other DBSS launches nowadays.
Kome & Asura,

My office is next to Little India MRT and right next to the huge field where all the 'talents' gather on Sunday

And to make it worse .. the admin go and plant this super sweet & juicy rambutan tree outside our block ... my cubicle was infested with ants when I forgot to wash my cup after drinking milo ... so nowadays everything must wash quickly and NO MORE FOOD in my cubicle - which is good lar heehee

Yesterday they send this photo of the dead rat caught in the trap and i know i sound silly ... i kinda feel sad for the rat =p so i told them dun send such photos out anymore
corene ...

I am used it the rats liao cos in our old office oso kanna before but since I seldom keep food in my cubicle ... my cubicle not v popular with the rat hahahahaha but i am more worried abt snake

Lenny ...

Yar hor ... never think of that heehee

yah... snake is the scary one.. rats quite usedto it liao... last time i stay in NUS hall.. every nite,i see rat walking ard my window while i study, like trying todecide when to jump in... lol..
i have tried giving baby potato in cereal, eat half way cried tot she is full. but today maid gave her again, confirm she dun like the taste of potota. funny! baby can really taste for their liking. She loves banana and biscuit.
prosper ...

the idea is to expose them to as much taste as possible now so that they dun become a fussy eater

or isit cos the temperature is too cold after a while so she dun like? cos i rem when i feed my #1 ... i have to feed v fast so tat the puree is warm ... once its cold he dun wan to eat
regarding potatoes, i have feed my bb before too. the first time i fed, he didn't seem to like it and spit out after half a bowl. I think maybe cos i put too much in the cereal and was too rich. he finished the second time i tried after putting lesser amount.
no leh, usually when cereal turned cold, she still will finish up.so far i given alot to her, she eat. only pototo. infact gave her the taste of longan too. she love it. True lah, need to expose different taste to them so that next time they wont be fussy. My principle: cannot choose food.
misscandy, p3ppr, lizy, seabreeze

Anyone of you have private pool that we can probably ask them to organise a private class? I'll check with them on the rates & timing etc. for private class. Their TPY class on sat is so early, 845am

prosper, I think she likes sweet food? Potato doesn't really taste sweet... like avocado. I let my girl try avocado the other day. She also didn't like it and didn't wanna eat. Then I gave her banana instead and she finished it...
