(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Alfafa, where did you get huggies ultra S? I couldn't find it in NTUC and at the Motherhood Fair, the sales staff said ultra doesn't come in S...
no more huggies ultra S now. re-packaged as Huggies S. They used to have huggies S diapers in ultra, dry comfort and dry. They have since ceased production of S sized dry comfort and dry and simply branded S ultra as S size. So if you buy huggies S you are assured of the best quality. Their rationale is to let new parents try their best quality products first

my hubby stocked up on those ultra S since end of last year. hehehe
AsUra, sighs, on Tbf she could last 6hrly to 8 without feed at night. Now, she eats every 2hrly starting from 7pm. Really cham. Yes I let her starve. 6am I will latch her on, then 9am, 10am, I tried to feed, refuse, until 11am, then entertain me drink 60ml. 2pm, I tried to feed, refuse. Until 4pm, then take another 60ml. N 7pm, latch like mad. So there goes my night of rest. Its exactly opposite Now... these days I am just trying to give her 2hrly, 2.5hrly, doesn't work, she will drink 10ml, to 20ml n stop. I really give up.. From tmr onwards, I will just stick to 3 hrly routine, if she hungry she will take la.. Not hungry, I force it down also useless.And I will just wait till ms drop when I go back to work n she realise night time no milk then she will eat more in day time. Sigh,.

I have also bought the green to grow bottle n teat, tmr should arrive. Shall try n see if she prefers that. If so I will change her btl n teat. Have u tried nuk? I heard most bb take nuk well. I haven't tried cause nuk doesn't suit avent steriliser, so I will use that only last resort. Ahhhh! Help!

How about not waiting until ur MS drop before doing the same thing at night? Just pump in place of latch if u really desperate to get bb to drink from bottle? BB hold out in the day cos she knows ultimately at night can finally satiate her hunger every 2 hrs. If she realise sooner rather than later that night time is like day time ie no boobie available as and when she wants maybe she will take the bottle.

methinks the butterbean dollie is TO DIE FOR. SO CUTE AH!!!!! If I craft/sew/have the patience and time to do so I will surely purchase that one to make. hee
Cindy, Grace Chng, Pinksorbet, maybe they are growing through growth spurt/teething discomfort so they feel uncomfortable, so they want to nurse directly for the comfort. I just went to my friends place to visit her newborn and our hypnobirthing instructor was there. This was her take on the issue.

Queenie, I saw the peek a boo, quite cute but my FC won't approve of this purchase. I bought Sealer size M to try at expo.

Irene, I use the carrier almost everyday. So guess it's well worth the money for me. I have no car and no helper, perhaps that's why I use it so much.

Vernice, is the 10% from Joann in addition to all the free gifts?

alfafa, I have quite a lot of fabric if your hands are itching again. Used to do lots of sewing myself sigh. Come by one day and pick out whatever you like.
And good point about the kids buying us nice things. Some of us will have 1 mother's day present, some will have 2,3,4 or even more?!
I saw one yummy mummy at expo just now, 4 kids all under 6. Big time props to her.
I sold my diapers to my friend who I visited today, but all half price with free home delivery, very cheeky of me huh.

Poncho, It arived today while I was at expo!! So need to get it from Post Off on Monday. Was hoping to use it this weekend. Grr. Thanks Ida for helping us get such a good deal. Really appreciate it.

Ok my Expo buys:
- Country Save laundry detergent from Bumwear booth. Bought for my friend too. Normally $28 plus, now $22.35
- Dr Lily Aloe Vera Gel from ItsyBitsy's booth. $15 BP price if you say you are from SMH. Otherwise, $19. They are the ones selling the lamb rattles.
- Buds hand sanitiser. It's 100% natural so very good for sanitising their hands now, especially since they love to chew on them. 20% discount. From the Mon Petit Jardin nursing poncho booth. She is selling the poncho for $35.
- Sealer diapers M $10 per pack only, plus she gave me lots of samples and freebies.
- Prince Lionheart hot/cold gel packs from Mums&Babes booth. Normally $15.90, now $12.70
- Re-usable nursing pads from Pupsik Studio for my friend, normally $20, now $10 .

Nursing bras were on sale but look around. Some stalls cheaper than others for the exact same thing. Nursing tops too but my dad came to pick me up with last min notice so I didn't have time to have a look.
damn I was disciplined! Haha, only got essentials.

alfafa, you wanna come over next week Mon/Tues to get the fabric? I pass you the $ then. Didn't see the ATM just now.
hey pumpkin,
oh cool! so can we go to your place next week? =)
dying to start my new project. esp since my sis' is temporarily "parking" her maid at my place while she goes on holiday. i hope to have stretches of free time long enough to do my craftwork again. btw, what did you use to make? we can share our patterns
My place holds max 4 mummies thought so gotta keep it small. Next time when we get a bigger place I would love to invite more.
Tues prob best.
I used to do ribbon embroidery. Started on smocking but super cannot make it. That's why have quite a bit of babyish fabric left. Have ribbons too. Would be great if you can make good use of it!

Agrgh, my mobile died again. Shall just leave it to sulk and try later. I can choose free/cheap one as my mum renewing singtel plan. Any good one to recommend? Prefer not to spend too much.
areya:: i have tried to give her btl at night but also cannot hahaha! but night time we caved in more easily (didn't struggle with her as much as daytime) as she will WAKE EVERYONE up, including my #1 and MIL say don't let her cry too much at night cause later nightmare -.-""""" Aiiii. kids these days. hehe!

pumpkinseed:: ah i see, sighs, well, we keep our fingers crossed ... hope they all behave soon la! meanwhile if anyone found a method pls share hor! pumpkinseed and alfafa:: hah i used to have loads of fabric too cause i tried to make some doll clothings for my dolls. BUT alas, fail la, of course and i decided to just buy them clothes instead of making. haha!!

pumpkin:: me super suaku at gadgets so can't help but am using nokia E71 - old phone la. and i love it la. enables me to surf ANYWHERE with a network so works well when i am carrying bb on the go. haha!
ok will come past sometime next week. let you know later :p so excited now. what's ribbon embroidery though? sounds like fun!

think there are lotsa fairly good phones that come free w plan renewals. i like sony ericsson for their camera functions.

you collect dolls? interesting. which one? etsy has a couple of talented doll fashion designers. really gorgeous stuff
alfafa:: haha u don't wanna get hooked la. but u can go http://latidoll.com/2007_en/index.htm to admire. hehe
i collect mainly the yellow line dolls * menu for different series of dolls on the left border *

Etsy is my favorite place to shop! I have some friends selling their handmade doll clothings there so I got lazy to sew myself.
Seabreeze, I hope u're rite. Coz I really heartpain to see her crying non-stop when I am not around. Maybe she actually knows that I am in the house so she is asking for me eventhough it was actually my helper or husband who is carrying her when she cries non-stop.

I must say she is actually ok with her bottle feeds since I started her on the routine 3 weeks ago. She drinks every 3 hourly 110ml and finishes with no fuss.

The thing is at 6.30pm or 7.30pm, eventhough she has been fed like an hour or 1 1/2 hr ago, she would be crying non-stop despite all the coaxes and wil keep sucking on her hand. Usually if she is tired, we would have carried her and she would doze off after crying for a while.

So sometimes I just relent, and latch her on just to keep her down and it worked most of the time. And the thing is while drinking she would be like scolding me like..."what took u so long, mummy"

So i really hope she won't be looking for me when i am not around coz she wld be crying her lungs out and mummy can't help her :-(

Btw, she is on Avent.
Vt, both my #1 when he was younger, now Okie) n now #2 is like that. daytime ok with anyone, night no No. I never go out at night without them. Just last wk, I made sure I fed her full full, went out with hubby for a while, haven't even reach destination, kenna scolded n asked to return home. Hai...
Hi Mummies,

I just got back from the motherhood fair and finally got my Baby carier.

i went to try out BECO and was not happy about it. i donlt know who the lady is but i am not happy with her rough handling my Brianne while i was testing it out.. Brianne was wailing non stop so i really didnlt know if she was not comforatable in the carrier or she was in the state of shock after being roughly handled.

when she was picked up from the stroller, can see that she is already feeling scared cos she dun know the person who carried her, but this lady simply ignored her fears and tears and went on to try in on her. i even asked if Bree is not comfortrable.. she told me to ignore and just walk one round then Bree will stop crying.

when i strapped her on bb bjorn, she would calm down after i sway.. so i tried to do the same with her on Beco carrier.. she cried louder and louder..

I really dun know if she was crying becos of discomfort or fright. haiz.. then when i ask the lady about the infant insert.. she ignores Bree's cries and wnated to put her in again.

i was amazed that she didn't even tried to calm her down first or ask me if i wanna calm her down before we proceed and try again.

anyway.. i was already pissed and told her i need to go and calm her down.. cos after passing Bree to Hubby.. she still wouldn't stop crying. and i am not comfortable with the position of opening her legs for her to sit in the carrier in addition to hanging on the infant insert.

I end up buying ERGO baby instead.. i struggled a while considering if i should buy the plain one or the Hawaiian one.

There are 2 booths selling ERGO bb.. once only sells plain ones and their price is really cheap at $145.00 but the other booth carries more varieties but selling it at $163.90

as dfor the infant insert, i will buy it from my gf as her bb outgrew it already. i bought the sucking pads too.
Its good that you are able to get a good carrier that both you and Brianne likes. The sales girl how come not so caring one? I don't think she is Ashley ba.....

Heehee.....when i went for the gathering, prosper also like it at first sight. :p I got 2 of it. Can ask her to customise to your needs like adding pockets internal, add zipper or snap closure. Of course need additional money.

my gf from motherhood forum thread.. they sort of condemn Ashley and all boycott her..

i didn't ask for her name.. so i really don't know

think ashley got some issue with one of the mummies in their thread.. so they all boycott and don't buy from her..

They really united man!!
Kome.. your diaper bag is so pretty... gosh.. another temptation... should ban myself from coming this thread..

Lenny.. gosh.. that's a bad experience.. She should be more caring mah.. since she is selling baby item.. but glad you've got what you like.
oh star... dun worry.. me not in connecta... pikolo... ergo.... cannot spend like that... peek a boo bags.. the way the lady tell me very interesting.. can make a story with the items inside... make the toddler entertained when asking to look for the list of items (there is a attached list behing the peek a boo bag) for the mummies which can be buttoned behind the bag.. very interesting for mummies who love to make stories up to babies (unlike me) and can make funny and interesting stories with the stuff found inide..

hoho.. not bad.. u have ordered direct frm there direct when bought the pochos.. hehehehe

alfafa.. yup.. u should make a sideline on this when u have the time..

really the pocho is also big for u ah alfafa... u are too small lah

pumpkin.... geesshh.. haiz.. u must mae a trip to singpost for it? no worries on the savings...coz i need to save and of coz dun mins sharing with u mummies here.. yup she selling for 35 now...

just now frm sassy's .. hahah.. 4 mummies eventually went expo again... all with 4 different carries.. mangogal, queenie, annmelody and pink demoness
lenny, oh tat lady is just bad bad. How can she like that. Cant' she knows that earning mother's money is to catch baby attention.
prosper.. really too bad.. bb didnt get a chance to dip
.. did hb see the float?

btw ... i accidentally deleted all smses of mummies who i have not saved their numbers.. so yest.. one mummy came to take her poncho and i tot is pink sorbet.. apparently not... so i guess it should be sung? can sung pls sms or pm me?? sorry ah.. how come i super blur one... confuse tot pink sorbet took it?? haizzz

but anewat pink sorbet.. urs peony is still with me.. so let me know when u wanna come

postage for the poncho is 1.50.. glad i did it myself and didnt let us to pay each $3 for normal postage... pardon me for my ugly handwriting as i now find it painful also when i write and comes the ugly handwriting.. got my eldest help with the scotchtape.... sorry for not nice packaging yah
Think i should ban myself too, but to the BP. :p

Oh.....i got the happy circles. I like happy circles the best, but with snap closure will be best lor. Too bad i got the zip instead.
I confessed myself. kena scolded by him. He said i so big already still never think. " How could let small baby swim" hai~~ nagging all the way home.
<font color="119911">oh dear lenny, that lady should have been nicer, goodness me, lousy sales lady..

this a dangerous thread, hehee now more things to buy again but the handmade diaper bag is SOOO PRETTY! *droolsz*

Went to PD for baby's jab today, it's his 5-in-1. He's 6.1kg &amp; 55cm. Told PD he hasn't pooped sinc monday and PD said monitor for another 2 days.

I added the Rotarix jab for $100 which is in 2 oral portions, the next portion will be given in his next month PD visit. He's given paracetamol 1.3ml to take every 6 hours. Now he's "complaining", wants to be carried, and must be in upright position. Tried sitting down and cradle position, he'll complain....oh no....i can tell it will be a SUPER LONG night for me tonite...need to check fever no higher than 38degrees, suspect tomorrow SK2 eye mask also cannot help me anymore...
no chance to go to the fair...

Back aching, juz asked hubby to stick "go yok" for me...</font>
i'm feeding my boi gripe water daily aft his shower... =)

u got the bag fr spree? make in jap?

If the sales lady is nasty at Sassybaby's place.. she won't be able to sell any carriers to any of u mummies right?

but if at Expo.. being nasty to one person.. doesn't really affect her sales much. I think we do meet terrible sales ppl like that.

i did complain to pumpkinseed when i met her at expo.. she told me.. maybe she got 3rd kid liao so..handling bb is like that or she used to bb crying .. but there are more than 2 person at the booth.. so i dun know if we are talking about the same person. haiz..

Hubby was very angry and pissed cos Brianne really cried hard.. he told me if i really like the carrier, he dun mind paying more and freight from US instead of buying from her. He say she face so black like not interested in selling.. so dun buy from her.!
heyo, went for the fair today. lenny sorry jus saw ur missed call when i rched home. =p

jean - bought the monkey rattle for oli le. =) reli cute but what laurel said was true. already getting sophie is more than enough. hurhur. plus im getting mushroom too! =P was tempted.. reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly tempted to get the lamb but i refrained... kekeke...

saw the peek a boo bags... erm... i seriously think hazel can make one herself. LOL! jus need to buy the stuff to put inside and sew it up... initially i thought it was a bag plus the stuff on the top to entertain bb... end up its a sealed up cloth thing... with alphabets and white stuff inside... i dun tink its worth it.. but its up to individuals ba.. =)

saw pumpkin &amp; lipstar. hurhurhur. eh laurel i really thought that guy was ur frn or something becos he was like hoovering next to you lor... hahaha!!!

a bit disappointed this yr no Friso booth.. =( asked the info counter... every yr friso does take part but this yr didnt becos milk powder not in yet ... haii... nth to buy frm nestle for nw... so sad... =( i also didnt buy diapers.. wanted to buy huggies but HB said dun need lor... go buy ntuc ones.. -_-" i bought a beige bubble dress &amp; cargi for kirsten... really sweeet!!! also bought the snuggle thingy for the stroller straps... didnt buy much... but was quite irritated by the sales ppl there... prudential... hsbc... motherhood also... keep on approaching me... -_-" i think i was really attitude also la.. HAHAHA! i jus held up my hand. gave one kinda face and said no thank you. one lady even followed me... i jus looked at her and said No. i think its so BS lo... what free voucher la.. dunno wad crap.. i jus blocked out.. totally not interested. oh ya.. saw the exersaucers.. but quite exp... so i guess will see the WTS section... hurhurhur... but end of this mth ba.. nw still early to buy.. HB wil chop me... =P
cindy - the dolls look like ... ack i jus forgot the name... dang!!! dollies... super dollies... ermmm... whats the name ah... haii forget it.. when i recall then il post... the name... hahahaahaha!!! kns

kome - tmr how?
