(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

went to the spore fair just now.... vernice did a good job of putting the summary of good buys liao... btw ur boy seems to enjoy the pool. ... 2nd day in a row and later today 3rd day in a row went out with all my 4 kids in tow alone... yestdy went to nearby places and had to go up and down the bus so did not bring pram for B3 ... B1 & B2 took turns to carry him and diaper bag.. me carried both when gg up the bus at one time.. today brought the pram.. so one of them w diaper bag / one with pram / me with 2 kids up the bus... down the bus.. B3 was in the pram... and off to the nursing room in expo with all 5 of us inside.....me pumping..
.. so later on today 3rd time in a row this week gg out with them now to sassy's palace which will be a breeze since gg up and down the cab

1. soft sole shoes which were initially at 49.90 (saw the price tag frm taka) now down to 9.90
2. huggies promo... a lot of mummies with huggies in tow ....14 per pack-2 for 25 .. buy 4 packs to get free little tikes toy or the tent
3.the japan wipes.. 1 mummy claimed frm BP is $6 per pack last year at expo... i met the BP mum.. took one sample pack
4.EQ wipes at the same booth - a great buy .. 5 packs of 80s at $10.. meaning 400 wipes at $10 .. there was a sample there.. no fragrance... soft feel.. overall good
5.EQ wipes in packs of 30s.. 3 packs for $2
6.Sealer diapers.. o/side retails 14 i tink....at same counter....10 per pack of M 44s
7.EQ pampers that i was raving about... is there too expect in smller packs.. not jumbo 72s that can get frm giant- good deal also.
8. Clothings.. i just go look see.. was ok for the prices but didnt buy at all.. got a lot already...

btw one april mummy said.... cold storage having promo for the pampers baby dry.. 2 packs for 18.55 (ard there

pumpkin.. how come u havent received ur pochos?? one mummy did (forget who coz i accidentally deleted all my smses w/out saving numbers just now) - hers was by normal mail some more.. and i sent out all at one time ????
ya the rattle some mummies were looking for like Cindy's.. is there too

hoh.. dun forget to look for louisa when u collect ponchos tmrw.. paid for them already

btw she has this new thing pre order.. peek a boo toy which is very interesting... 23 normally but if u pre order with her at the fair will be 20 only including postage.... i will send link to u shortly.. great way to keep our soon toddlers entertained.. act must go there and pay but i asked for leeway if possible my mummy frens can do the transfer if they are not gg there and she agreed!! .. let me know again if u guys want....
irene.. i was looking at the designs that day too... carnival seems like one of the beco designs... all very2 nice.. but according to the best.. i list
2. pine coriander
3. apples and pears

No idea... but it's ok will wait til tomorrow.

By the way, I may be out of line in saying this but I will because I know many mummies have 'mumnesia' because we have so many things on our mind. It's great that the pram is useful and makes it easier for you to bring all 4 kiddos out but you may have forgotten to settle accounts with D for that.
By the way, I am re-reading how you managed to bring all 4 kids to the expo, with the pump as well. Kudos!!! I can just about manage with my little one and a stroller.
hmm funny abt registered being slower than normal mail..haiz ... then not worth it.. btw pumpkin.. will have to refund u abt 30 cents as total abt 3.74... so give me ur acct .. i do that.. have to lah with all 4 kids.. some how or rather.... yes... arranged with D liao... thanks.. will never forget
<font color="aa00aa">Hahaaa yeah Ida, good thing u arranged w D already, remember to return her the money for the pram first before buying the connecta, anymore nursing cover, rattle toys, popcorn or list of fair stuff :p...hahaa "mumnesia" mum w 4 kiddos, thanks for organising the peek-a-boo bag
really interesting toy, so how do we order?...</font>
Morning Mummies,

For those who are interested to invest in books for the little ones.....I bought a few sets from here...Some of them are even used in kindergardens....Check it out...

Yup, really great meeting you too!!! My boy is scared of the heat...tatz y he made so much noise...heee~~ Will meet up again since we stay so close each other... =)

I guess if baby is familiar and used to the care-giver bottle-feeding her, she'll get used to it in no time.... =)

For Ryan, he dun quite like me bottle-feeding him (takes longer to finish his feed) as I latch him when I'm wif him..but he finishes his milk so much faster his someone else is feeding him!! Terrible rite?? heee~~

Thumb sucking..
Yup, he's into it too....but i'll always move it away from him if i see it but knowing tat it's ok...will let him do it for a longer period..hee~~

Baby Joel's hair &amp; eyes are so nice...hee~
He's really enjoying his swim!!! =)

Motherhood fair
Will either check it out this evening or tmr. Will check out the rattle toy..heee~~

Dun worry as long as you are out of the house ... ur bb will take to the bottle. Cos the last time for my #1 ... no problem with my mum feeding him with the bottle when I was working but once I am at home ... he will REFUSE the bottle and want to latch on. They v smart one ... the want the freshest milk hahahahaha
Hey mummies, any of you want to go to motherhood fair frm sassybaby's place?
Seeya later, will reach latest by 2pm

Looks like diapers are in good offer

Alfafa aiyo tell ur hb he gt to see doc cos gt a little one at hm, my hubby drinks redoxon everyday, it is part of his routine
My boi has been super fussy in his feeds these days...I change to NUK teat but it still doesn't help...but when he latches on no problem...aiyo headache leh...each time feed him on bottle machiam wrestling with him like that, have to force it upon him to drink if not he won't drink...how to curb this problem?

I was thinking if its nipple confusion can't be since we "trained" him to bottle and breast feed ever since the day he was born...we change the teat still the same thing...

jus wondering why?
Hi Mummies,

i will be at the motherhood fair later with Hubby after running errands. we plan to go there for lunch then go to the fair.. will need to leave before peak hour to avoid the traffice jam on the highway.

if u mummies happen to be there, text me ok?
pinksorbert ...

try getting someone else to feed the baby ... they know that its the mummy who is feeding so they put up a fight to let you know that they wan to latch.

i couldnt feed my #1 bottle until i wean him off totally oso ...
Pee-a-boo bags:
Any mummies wants to buy Pee-a-boo bags? Because now each peek-a-boo bag retails for SGD23 now buy two for SGD20 each. And I only need 1. And I'm staying in Amk. Anyone wants to share the postage?
I also have this problem esp when I'm feeding him....sigh.....

Will cleaning the tongue help????
hoho - my mil cleaned his tongue during bath on his daily routine...i don't dare to clean it though so my mil has helped me to do so...

seabreeze - even if its my mil or my hb who is feeding him he oso will fuss....keep crying when drinking milk...can't be milk problem since it is within 48 hours in the fridge...i realli hope i know the reason...i was thinking could it be cos he's now older and thus more choosy in his method of drinking (prefers breast to bottle)
pinksorbert ...

are you around when they bottle feed? i.e you stand next to them or you are nearby? try hiding in the room or go out of the house

if they are used to latching they would def prefer breast to bottle
Cleaning tongue will help remove the milk accumulate at his tongue. If it is very thick will affect their taste and baby will tend to reject milk.
Thanks...din have such problem with #1....dunno why #2 is so fussy....heee~ I'll need to wrestle wif him then he'll cry &amp; sound as tho I'm forcing him to drink poison or something....terrible.....!!! And he is super strong......haaa~~
ida, no worries bout the 30 cents, please!!

pinksorbet and grace, same issue here!! wow, so maybe it's not the teat?? heart aches to see her like this
My 'Best Breast Pump' stayed overnight at her grandma's place so I had to use manual pump last night and this morning. It's nowhere near as efficient. Am now dripping all over. i miss her...
How come our babies are like tat ah??? Good thing I'm not alone...was actually getting worried!!!! Terrible...i oso give up &amp; ask my mum to feed him!!!! =P
pumpkin, grace, sorbet:: add me in too! sigh she only takes like 50 to 60mL from the bottle. HELP!!! and pumpkin, that's the reason why i am getting the green to grow bottle to try to see if it's the bottle AVENT that she doesn't like. sorbet n grace, what bottles are u all using? fingers crossed, hope our little ones will wisen up and be good soon! sorbet:: i force her to drink also useless. she will CRY so hard and so bad until i remove the teat. when she quietens down i give her again, just teat touch the lips only, cry again. i give up. Each time she can drink 60mL i am so over the moon.

seabreeze:: i will hide away and even not speak so she will think i am not ard when btl feeding. no use. sigh. so she drinks very minimally via bottle n when i latch her on evening onwards, she drink like siao!
Sigh was at expo yesterday too but didn't mention to see the Blue Egg milk bag and the rattle toy store leh...Don't know why me there and like lots of things missed out

u know where is the Blue Egg milk bag?
some of the Feb mums experiencing the same thing.
Let's try to google this? I'll go check up from some books and see if we can figure out what's going on. I am using Green To Grow which she used to like but the shop is out of med and fast flow teats that's why the flow is very slow. That's why I thought she was rejecting the bottle.
Haaa....he'll drink very quickly for the 1st 70ml....then will need to force for the next 40-50ml......but at the end will still finish his 120ml feed...!!! My boy is using NUK...
pumpkin:: enjoy! i have tried googling but doesn't really seem to answer WHY they reject. most say as long as thhey seem satisfied, then we leave them cause bb should know how to eat n cry when they are hungry. SIGHS!

grace:: haha!!! that's good lo. still can take 120. every 4 or 3 hrs? mine like 60 every 3 hrs. since she takes so little each time i must try shorten time to 2.5hrs. SIGHs.
120ml every 3hrly.....he will cry for his milk every 3hrly...but after drinking 70ml (he's super accurate) then he's start his nonsense....heee~ Wonder if we force them, does it cause indigestion...
i always like carnival..

i stock up quite alot hor? haha.. my frd told me Size M can use for quite long. my niece n frd son now 8 months old still using size M. so hopefully he wont outgrown on my diapers. haha so shd i go expo n stock up more? hehes..

how does the peek a boo pillow works?

ok i gtg prepare. pinkdemoness is coming with me!
grace:: haha i am not sure ley but can ask pd next round? maybe u can try see if don't force him, see if he can lasts 3 hrs? my hubby was saying don't force cause maybe tummy can only take this much, feed her less n more often, u force more inside tummy later vomit n eat too full uncomfortable also jialat. aiyaaa i don't know. already at my wits end. haha waiting for the new bottle to come, hoping it will work like a miracle.
Thanks starflower, pumpkin seed, ida, lenny, queenie.
I'm going down to Nat's place to try out the connecta. If Zac loves it, I will buy it.

By the way, how often do you all use the carrier?

Bottle feeding and latching: Zac also don't like me to feed him with bottle. He will source for my nipple... but once my mom carry him over, he will drink from bottle.
irene - i got the carnival. hurhurhur. pine is nt bad as well.. apples and pears not that nice... =p

pumpkin - o_O lol! thanks for the offer babe! will keep it in mind and get back to u on it okie? hee hee. have any pics? im goin to the fair too. cnt resist. shall nt tell hb =x

peekaboo bags - wow, looks nt bad. i jus might get 2 myself. il check it out at the fair!

annmelody - pmed u le.
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - i checked with Joann. She can offer 10% discount if we order 10 bags :p

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - haha thats y i go with my mum. my mum is a spendthrift n best of all i don have to pay :p I only see but nvr buy much except for the swimming pool n some socks (3 for $5) cos Joel's cheapo booties keep dropping off.

Think Ann passed u some stuffs to pass to me

wa...why u buy so much diapers? u use both during day n night ah? my diapers usage now quite slow cos switch to nappy during day time.

<font color="ff0000">ida</font> - I saw a BP got something similar..call spy bag, scroll down n see http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2524366.html?1244168867

Louisa's link state 2 for $20 each so can we get better price if buy 2 then? since 1 is $23 become $20?

oh i think <font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> can make this too!! heehee she is so nimble

<font color="ff0000">grace</font> - haha thanks. Joel got lots of hair for a bb but his eyes hor sometimes like cross eye..so now my hb worry he got squirt.

<font color="ff0000">worried_gal</font> - <font color="ff0000">Ida</font> mentioned we can get it at $20 for 1 now!

<font color="ff0000">ST</font> - the blue egg store is near the stage there. Nearer to left hand side. but if u want to get supplies, can try asking <font color="ff0000">jamsine</font> think some mummies here bought xtras
hey mummies, i jus finished feeding my boi...he struggled and fuss again..sigh~! but lucky still manage to finish the feed...

seabreeze - perhaps i was nearby...but sometimes i'm in my room and i hear his struggle when mil was feeding in the living room...i tink its jus him lor..then sometimes manage to feed him he likes to see the ceiling fan/tv...realli cannot concentrate! next time i worry he will lose concentration man...

grace - i get what u mean! we like wresting with our babies lor...and they are super strong! sometimes realli mus force the milk down his throat...half my energy gone in wrestling my this little boy...and yes like what kome mentioned, milk thrush (milk thickness) will accumulate in babies mouth which will affect their tastebuds...mus clean the tongue lo...

pumpkin - i love the way u describe yr bb..."my best breast pump"...haha! and i'm glad i'm not the onli one facing this prob abt feeding...

cindy - i'm using Dr Brown's teat, NUK teat, Avent teat and Pigeon teat! hahaha!!! name them all man...i've tried various bottles and all turn out same result...kiasu rite? lol! and i get what u mean...i wait for my boi to settle down...then i put the teat into his mouth he cried again! aiyo!!
st - mayb its normal...but i dunno why it seems to happen everytime...i hope its gg to be back to normal soon tho...

i'm gg out to cut my hair now before i start work this coming mon (SIAN)...

Nah i still have the milk bags is just that since i am there can buy..by the way think i never walk to the end of the stage cos i saw all are insurance one leh

u bought the swimming pool at expo how was it..really cheaper than BP..me quite tempted to buy
i'm the mummy that wants to sell the connecta.It is brand new (Pine coriander design).My little one is still rejecting the carrier. *sigh* PM you.

Really admire you for being able to bring your kids out with all the barang barang. I've not figured out how to bring the little one out with stroller and diaper bag. Most of the time,i just go out on my own and leave little one with my MIL.

Re:motherhood fair
I went to the fair yesterday. Really tempted to buy the rattler. The lamb was so cute.The nursing wear and nursing bras were good buys.

Mummies who has gone back to work,
1)Is a cooler bag necessary? If so, what are the good brands? Thought of buying fridge to go from the fair yesterday but it look so bulky.

2) How do you all sterilised your equipment at worK?

wow wow wow the talk of the day is spy bag or peek a boo bag ah? hahaha we have something new to buy everyday hor?

actually I stopped sewing after Grace's arrival, that's why you see me on the forum alot now. hehehe Am now getting inspired by the mommies interested in making the dolls, now finger itchy again. Might pop by people's park sometime soon to buy nice nice fabric. Better cool the itch this way than go on a shopping rampage sia.

my goodness. Reading your post about how you bring all 4 kids out on a bus ride is enough to leave me breathless. You good ah. Salute! Glad to hear that the pram works so well for you. Don't buy connecta lah, you have the pram and yan's carrier enough liao. Really think you got poisoned from all of us here. Somemore heard your motorcycle broke down again, more money woes. Rem what all the mommies said, that a mother's love is not quantified by how much she spends on them? Be wise in your budgeting ok? Settle all outstanding payments first. Plenty of time for your kids to buy you nice nice things when they grow up. So sweet right, the thought of that? :0)

hahha "mumesia". Love that word, pumpkin! yaya, ida, faster settle your accounts with Daphne first. She really let it go to you at a bargain, so nice of her. Been very very long liao. I remembered you were raving to me about how useful it is even at Sassybaby's gathering, which was quite a long time back.

re: poncho ...
can't wait can't wait. Hopefully it comes in today! If it is really so giantic like what Grace say's I might have to cut some fabric out and use that to make dolls! hahahah what an idea
