(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome, Yup I think must buy M size onwards than is useful. But the Jungle jam no more M size le :/ Will wait for other BP then.
My gal ah. She ok lah. On off will try to bully her little boy by using hand to hit his head, when Im around I will sure stop her from doing it. But if with my MIL think she is too slow to react to her hands. How your son with your gal?

cos tat time bought from sugar, said will arrive sometime this week. Then just bought 3 more from mummycent yesterday. Can't wait to receive all of them.
But all no base, haha might consider to get one more from joann cos her got base.
haha u also wetbags collector. hahas.. :p

ya lor. i was still worrying where to bf tristan later. haha. now feel so much relieved.. don yell ltr u scare ur boy n other babies at the fair. hahaha.
!!! u are here
do join us...
Just wondering if those mummies of >1 kid eg, cindy and kome can share which are the toys that are worth buying? there are so many in the market that i don't want to waste unnecessary $$! I think jumperoo has got quite a good repute as attested by Alfafa; other than that, anyone has any other recommendations?

i guess for those who has only their 1st baby, it's quite worthwhile to invest on better toys like fisherprice ones, cos their quality r better. I like to buy lego, mega blocks for the kids to stack. When they are older, then start with jigsaw puzzles. My 3 yo girl now can put a 96pcs of puzzles together on her own, n i only do it with her once.
jasmine, Hehe I think he loves his sis ah.. He will kiss her but not anyone else! So stingy with his kiss hor. But sending him to cc soon, the day I start work hope he can adapt. Haha.... He will want to play with her, each time he ride his bike, will ask us to put his sister behind him Haha. Very funny. But also got times when he wanna pinch her, punch her n play with her eyes. Haha....

Annt, I also have jumperoo, its very good. Alternatively u can consider investing in an exersaucer. The last time I deliberated between the 2 n I got the jumperoo in the end. But now I wanna get exersaucer also a little wasteful cause stop at 2 ma... Heh. Other than that, toys wise, I usually buy leapfrog n vtech. hope this helps Hehe.
tha's an excellent question! I would love to hear from experienced moms too.

ya ya
agree with irene n cindy

i especially love the leapfrog counting pal. very very good. even my hubby loves it
there is this vtech activity centre which has a surprising no of fun things for bb to play with. i'm quite lucky because i get to test these toys with my friend's dd who is 3.5 months older.

And for me personally ... all things LAMAZE. can't go wrong w them. Her nursery room is stocked up with lamaze soft books and toys.
Cindy, i have heard of the exersaucer as well. By the way, there is this online site where you can rent toys, i saw that they have the exersaucer, maybe you can consider that. k, shall go check out the fisherprice fair at raffles city! Thanks!
try to buy things like jumperoo and exersaucer 2nd hand becos while these are really good toys for bbs, they out grow the toys v fast. and of course, they are damn exp!
just so you know it's quite a small fair hor.

speaking of which, cindy, thanks for your recommendation on Leappad little touch. Am definitely getting one too. Am scouting around for a good 2nd hand deal. Might even ship it in from USA cos those in singers are really too damn exp.
LOLs even dreamt about cream puffs? Hey you should check out ritz apple strudel house's creamy durian balls. A tad on the sweet side for me but yummy nonetheless. Arrrggghhhh I got to stop thinking of such food for as long as I am BF-ing her.

heee thanks. Was very free when I was preggie mah. So decided to try doing craftwork lor. Turned out to be a new found talent.

oh dear. How are you now? Back at yhour own place? waaaa the first one two months is the toughest time somemore. Must have been really difficult for you. Glad that you are ok now.

wow come in only start shopping liao? Think this thread is now officially going through the wetbag phase. Wonder what is next.

Oooooohh I love your pod poisy bag! That's the prettiest!

ok ok I keep a look out for you also ok? Yah worth buying, but the price is usually about there lah. In fact I usually see people trying to sell for $180 or so 2nd hand.
alfafa, oh just a small area huh .. hmm, maybe i'll go check out the WTS section first
i'm also considering renting ... anyone has tried renting toys, quality ok?
yah not a big one. it's mainly a fair on FP little pople series though they do sell other stuff too. RF jumperoo is one sale at $229.

I was the opp, thought of renting OUT my toys before while she is still too young to play then. Got alot of interested mommies but then I realised it can be quite teething ascertaining what is aceptable wear and tear vs chargeable ...thn there is issue of deposit etc etc. In the end I gave up. Esp since my girl hasn't played with the toys yet I really prefer to keep them in tip top condition.

You can try PM-ing those who are trying to sell to see if they are keen on renting out. Would be easier since their kids are already through with the toys.
Annt, Alfafa, yea, the exersaucer is truly a worthy investment. I wanted to rent n get second hand too but hubby doesn't like to cause of cleanliness n all Aiii he got many reasons la.. Haha.... So end up we bought a new jumperoo cause cheaper than a new exersaucer. But I really love the exersaucer lo.. Leapfrog has a nice one, so does the first year I think. this round, me definitely not buying. Truly n indeed, they get sick of one toy very fast. My boy, as soon as he could stand n hold onto something, refuses to play in the jumperoo but want to play from outside instead. Vtech has also loads of exploratory toys. But mine are mostly for mobile type like the walker n scooter. The smaller toys are mostly Leapfrog n fisherprice. N now, he plays mostly with thomas the train, n watch barney all day long.

Alfafa, how is your big bb doing? Aiii my small #1 is sick! Drama night. Vomitted all over our bed, woke Trishelle up n cried non stop. Terrible horrible when they get sick. And he still doesn't appreciate Leap touch yet. Sighs. I hope he does soon! That I love it, must buy Hehe.
my friend has the exersaucer for her baby. Yah her baby loves it man. Think hers is the Gracco one. But baby can't jump in it though, so I thought that a jumperoo is better. Can play plus exercise at the same time. Anyway I am very lucky. Can just borrow from them when their girl is done with it. Only thing is .. wah lau all these toys really take up alot of space sia. Hubby complaining that the whole house is overtaken by her stuff liao. Got bumbo seat, highchair, balloon gym, jumperoo, FP Grand piano, Singalong stage, kick and whirl, more play gyms and one thousand and one other things hehehehe

my big baby yesterday slept from 6plus all the way till midnight. refused to see doc to take dinner. Took a lot of coaxing before he finally took some fish soup. Then LS somemore. Thought he would take MC but he rushed to work again today. Aiiii feel so bad for him; being the sole breadwinner and all. He might come back earlier today. Hopefully he is better now.

Oh no, sounds like last night was really bad. my goodness. Hope your #1 gets well soon too. Thank goodness you have not started work yet. Damn chiam like that
awww i waited for my frd to pick me up until i wan doze off liao.. LOLS.

hope ur big baby recovers soon. u better tk up some precaution as well on urself.. coz my dad fall sick refused to c doc and spread the germs to my bro and then me previously. so now i everyday tk 1 redoxon haha..
redoxon is vit C like what mangogal said huh? hmmm maybe I'll go to the nearby 7-11 to buy. don;t understand men sometimes. Fall sick but refused to see doctor. Somemore there is a bb at home now. arrrgghh
yups.. vit c that is dissolvable in the water.. ya lor.. i told to my dad oso. pls make another trip to the clinic. u sick i sick nvm the kids cant afford to be sick. my dad that wood ah. finally heed my advice only when my bro n i got the germs frm him, and i keep call him the king of germs. haha..
i rent toys from http://www.toysamonth.com.sg/index.php

i find it gd cos i dun know if my boy like certain items like musical mobile and bouncer etc. before i buy them.
its like a trial month for me.

large items like bike, slide etc for my #1. i know she wun play for long, so i dun wan waste money n dun need to think of storage space.

books, puzzles, kitchen sets are the only things she wun get sick of playing.

investment in books is the best.
ok ok I go get it later.

agree books are the best! I am totally for buying books even if they are for slightly toddlers. I can read to her for now. Am already thinking of buying her a bookshelf liao. LOLs

yah rental makes sense esp for physically big items that they will outgrow very fast. But for things like jumperoo/exersaucers they charge very high wor. $50 for a month. You can buy one at $239 or $229, use for 4 months and still sell it at say $150 for a faster deal. Would have cost almost $200 for rental by then.

That's why I prefer to buy 2nd hand. But then that takes time to search. I also invested in a good disinfectant (germ clean) to disinfect all the 2nd hand stuff I bought.
alfafa, yeah must ensure that your grace dun catch the germs cos my boy got sick as my parents are both sick and its quite horrible. He has to take 5 different medication and its a major operation to feed them to him. And i think as a result of the forcefeeding of medication, he has a phobia of being fed - he has been crying horribly whenever i insert the teat into his mouth like i'm tryin to poison him! so i had to wait for him to sleep then carry him and feed .. faint! thank god, he seems to have forgotten abt this today and is willing to drink without crying though still fidget a little.

hoho, thanks for the review. ya, thinking of trying out esp for the more expensive toys but like alfafa was saying also concerned abt cleanliness and hygiene factors.
try the sureclean products they have on sale at the BP. Apparently several of the top pre schools use it. I bought one 5L tub of the Germ clean concentrate (1:50), so I imagine I can use for several years! Btw, if you are buying I can be your referrer. heeee then we can both get 2 more stamps each on top of the stamps for your own purchase. Think 10 ot 12 stamps can get one free tub.

waaaaaaa now I am getting paranoid. just texted him to remind him to see company doc but he replied to say he is ok now. I am so not convinced. Poor thing, both you and your boy.
Very sad to see a small baby taking medicine. glad he is finally ok with teat again. My goodness. Good thing that babies have short memories.
ya, can get a bookshelf liao.. i oso got 1 when my ger last than 1yr.. too many books.

oh YES, read to ur darling now.

what i m doing now, is i read to both of them. n my boy does reponse with ah ah ah! haha

m now using the EASY method... works pretty well for my boy.. activity is always books or musical mobile (self entertain, he love it!)

u r right on the hygiene part.
but mayb cos #2 liao.. so a bit close 1 eye.. hahahhaha oops!
Alfafa77 and Cindy,
Better take care. I just went through that last week when my big baby was sick and pass to my 2 small baby. Like nightmare... no sleep for few days can die leh. And worse thing is I already started work and have to take urgent childcare leave! Lucky my partner at work say its ok she can handle the work load, if not I die lor. Weather is bad nowadays very hot than start raining, must drink lots of water too.
me into reading too.. Totally believe in it. So much so that I bought a book on "read aloud basics" for reference. I like Eric Carle's books.

So nice that yr bb can self entertain. Mine can only do that for 5 mins then he will "eh eh eh" for attention liaoz.. He is getting harder n harder to please. Sometimes, I find myself worse than a clown. Haha..
yah same. when i read the winnie the pooh storis to her she will scream excitedly. heheh quite funny

need to try the easy method again. Mine attempt for disrupted by my encounter with mastitis, wherebvy to I just kept nursing and nursing with no regard for oattern. sian. need to start again liao.
ya, lucky me.
heng he is not like my #1, can die, carry till the hand wan break liao.

yes yes, clown plus cha cha dancer! hahah

sometime i carry my boy n dance cha cha with him.. hahha
wah lao

I meant to say ... my attempt got disrupted ...whereby to heal I just kept

very hard to type with one hand

my hubby stubborn like mad leh! Jiat lard. How to force him to see a doc? Lucky your co partner at work is so understanding. really not easy siah

oh I saw the eric carle's books. Are they good? Mine can entertain herself for up to 30mins when she is in a good mood. hehehe she likes the FP aquarium gym thingy whatever you call it. She loves to have both legs up in the air to kick at the ball. I tink mine is a spirited baby according to tracy hoggs' definition
cha cha dance? good idea! Sometimes I find myself acting like a court jester too. I put her on the sofa, then I do the silly
"put your right hand in, put your right hand out" dance for her. Damn tiring by the time I am through with the whole body
hoho, alfafa,
Haha.. I think all mummies are forced to be great dancers in front of our precious ones. I also always "dance" with him. Sometimes run out of creativity.. Once, I was dancing in the middle of the night, trying to coax him and my hubby asks if I was dancing or shaking him.

Eric Carle's books are good coz' of the illustrations and rhyming words. My bb can follow the pages and focus on the pictures very well. The other fav book of mine is "time for bed" My boy nv fail to smile and respond, as soon as he was 5 weeks old.
I find Singapore's bookstores v limited when it comes to good children's books. If I can find them, they are likely to be expensive too. usually I buy from amazon.
jasmine, yea me now don't let #1 play with #2. Aiyo hear him coughing away I also heartpain. Brought him see doc, doc say ah,, fever, cough, flu, been to anywhere? Haha h1n1 impossible la.. Haha.... I think I will experience more of this when he goes cc next month sigh.

Hoho, thank you for the link!

Alfafa, u are so right about the space part. My whole living room Is filled with toys. Its horrible I'd say. Plus we just got #1 the little tikes fire engine car, the one where he sits inside so Haha u can imagine how cramp it is. Aiii. How nice bb grace can entertain herself! Haha Trishelle likes the playskool gym with lights too. And I know its kind of late but I got her a cot mobile n she loves it to pieces! Haha.... Shall sell in future lo.. Or keep cause it can be converted to a table lamp.

talking about no pattern, sigh ever since I started giving her Fm in the day, she's been drinking minimally and latching on like mad at night. So sad when she could actually zzz through 10pm, to 5am! Now I am feeding her like no pattern too. Hope she takes more in the day la.. Cause each feed she only drinks 50ml to 60ml and I am now gg to try give her every 2hrly. Sobs.
mangogal, thanks! I didn't realise it but yes quite country style.

vernice/queenie, if we are ordering toether then count me in for the Pooh one. If ordering separately, PM me the BP link ok? Thanks!! Can't wait to receive them.

annt, I saw a 2nd hand jumperoo for sale at only $80! It's advertised at Mother & Child at Tanglin Mall (on the notice board)

Gosh, just now starflower, Daphne and I shop shop non-stop. Thanks starflower for lunch! And thanks to Daph for the bottles! So glad Baby A finished most of her FM.

Sad, no nursing poncho in the mail yet
Hoho, good link on the toy rental, thanks!

Jo, where do you buy Eric Carle books? I'm a great believer in books as well. ALL her toys are hand me downs or gifts. I buy only books... and cute clothes.... and wetbags haha
<font color="ff0000">jasminenbc</font> - Joan n mummycents both taking preorder for jungle jam. i maybe getting that too.

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - wa...u also kena posion ah..bought so many wetbags. but mummycents one slightly more exp too..

<font color="ff0000">lingmama</font> - sure. u know the place right? r u having for lunch?

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - yeap i agree with u. Those toys r exp n thinking that bb outgrow so fast then feel a bit wasted!

<font color="ff0000">hoho</font> - haha me too!! I carry my boy n dance ard like clown haha..the fate of a mummy eh

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - haha my hb worse than u lor. he will start story telling n use joel's hands to move ard, like ' Hello everyone, I'm Joel' n he will move joel's hand like a gentleman bow.

<font color="ff0000">pumpkin</font> - sure. will let u know the outcome
<font color="aa00aa">re: Sassy's place gathering @ 1pm</font>
Does everyone know the add or any my contact # or sassy's #? If u need the above info, either pm me or sassy ok? I guess lunch will be $10 or less ba..sassy's will help us order pizza/KFC

<table border=1><tr><td>#</TD><TD>Mum</TD><TD>Baby</TD><TD># of paxs</TD><TD>Going?</TD><TD>Lunch? </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Vernice80 (Gina)</TD><TD>Joel</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Kome (Yvonne)</TD><TD>Anver</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Sportyger (Yvonne)</TD><TD>MarissaAnn</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Queenie (Emily)</TD><TD>Tristan</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Lemon_tea (Pei)</TD><TD>Mikaela</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>N </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Kris</TD><TD>Kerryn</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Prosper</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Eddric</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Seabreeze</TD><TD>Shao Han</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Ida</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Mangogal</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>N </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>lingmama</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Meebaby</TD><TD>BB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Sunshinebaby</TD><TD>Bryan</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>pinkdemoness (Daphne)</TD><TD>Elixir</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Annmelody</TD><TD>Kai</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>N </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


Care to share what are good children storybooks that we can invest to read as bedtime stories? Am at a loss of what to buy when it comes to storybooks.
