(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

I usually buy from Amazon though I know Borders also sells them. U should check out Amazon for their children's book recommendations and prices first before buying coz sometimes Borders is cheaper when they have promos

<font color="119911">vernice,
count me out for lunch coz i got to drop hb off den go get something. i will try to make it b4 3pm, will sms sassy b4 i go over if u all r still thr, cya.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">re: motherhood fair</font>
I just came back from there. Lots of ppl cos still got Popular n John Little fair.

Summary of findings:
- 2 booth selling Korea playmat. Limited designs only got Yellow Bear, Sweet Bear, Alphabet Pooh, Pooh n friends. Price wise..eh like no where cheaper i think

- The lamb rattle stall is there too. Price same. The lady say no discount cos they donating 20% to charity

- Baby swimming tub. Available in BP section too. Selling at $70(80*80)/$75(90*70). Bp selling at $80/$85 respectively. There is another stall selling the same thing but more exp (ie $85.90 for the smaller size one). <font color="0000ff">My mum bought one for my boy to play, shall post the pics when he try later. Hehe</font>

- Mum's fairy stall selling Momo bottles n the ice cube trays with lid.

- Lots of insurance, education video pdts n slimming centres booth.

- Nepia selling at $14 per pack for all sizes plus delivery.

- Huggies promotion. Swim diapers at $15.10 per pack. Buy 2 packs n free wipes

- Beco carrier at $220 inclusive of freebies like leg warmer etc.

- Avent on discount like 20% or more for certain products

- Got medela booth too

- oh Blue Egg milk bag with Thermal sensor selling at $8. Cheaper than BP

eh what else ah?
<font color="ff0000">kris n seabreeze</font> - noted.
kris try to come lor..
by the way, we saw Sophie Le Girafe today and it's really really cute! Can't wait to get ours.
It's a bit smaller than I imagined.

Oh alfafa and Daph, I'll text you later when I am at the ATM and do the transfers
vernice-yea.. i'l b thr wit my bb gal.. count me out for lunch.. juz cfm hav lunch wit my coli dan i go by 2pm okie?

Queenie-i closed e chat &amp; i 4got to save ur no.. get back to mee wen u back.. can msg or call mee..
i also have a feeling that Oli is teething soon... he's salivating all the time! my MIL n SIL both said they suspect he's teething!

we planned to send Oli to the french school

i'll try to check out the link n let u know whether can find in France or not

wow, bryan power huh! oli was born on 9 mar at 3.91kg, last week only hit 6.46kg... now i'm worried he might lose weight cos he's not been drinking a lot as compared to when we were in SG. now only 4 oz instead of 5 oz
Anver also only drink 4oz but sometimes only 3oz and some more only drink every 3 to 4 hr.
Best of all lor he already 7kg.
hi all,

re:bb fair
me also went tdy m bought 4 pkts of huggies at $50 with a free tent...n i personally feel tat this bb fair is better than e previous ones...many things to c n buy...keke...think shld go...

re: gathering
vernice, think i can only give u an answer ltr tonight...paiseh...if nt lunch, count me out ba...

queenie, if i can go, i'll msg u n we can share cab there...plus pass u the diapers...
<font color="ff0000">lingmama n pinkdemon</font> - sure no prob

<font color="ff0000">hoho</font> - haha ya..now i only got 1st one..donno what will happen with 2nd one.
jean, thank you! Hope olivier takes his feed back soon, if not u can beef him up when u are back in Sg with nanny's help!
Re: Babies drooling
does babies drooling means they are teething soon? I didn't know that...i thought not so soon woah...mayb at least 6mths?

Re: Motherhood fair
I was there today....actually the things there ok, got nursing tops on discounts too...i bought one...avent products have good discounts! haiz too bad i already got my avent manual pump earlier...there are toys selling at $5 each too...musical mobile as cheap as $30 but manual one...and yes vernice's post covers in greater detail =) and yep there is sean lau and studio loft photography services if any of u are interested...
<font color="ff0000">pinksorbet</font> - heehee i only remember those i see.

ohoh still got contactless thermoflash n the braun thermometer ($95) tho spree cheaper n got fridge to go too. My mum bought a food thermal container from there at $16.90, think cheaper by $2 - $3.

<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - heehee thanks! he was trying to figure out what is happening
Exersaucer - is a good buy. I used it to feed my boy when he started on solids and he also enjoyed playing with the toys.

Alfafa - have pm you. Thanks!

Eh..I cant claim tt Im an expert, just share some of my research. Personally, my bb and me love any books by Eric Carle. Time for bed by Mem fox is very good coz' of the rhyming words. "We are going for a bear hunt", "heads, shoulders, knees and toes", Classic tales like "the tailor", "the stone soup" are good especially with actions and varying tones. Cloth books especially by LAMAZE e.g. monkey see monkey zoo is good when bb can sit upright to look and touch.

In short, as long as bb enjoys the book, it's a good book!

Joel looks so cute.. like having a "jacuzzi time"

Wah! Oli was big when he was born! I agree with cindy. Im sure yr nanny can beef him up.
vernice - ur boy really looks like u! hee hee...

wa... wetbag fanatics! im not goin to be hooked.. becos i think quite exp la.. if i really want il ask my mil to sew for me ba.. hurhurhur...

jtho - noted on the monkey toy! im plannin to go tmr.. but hb party pooper lor.. say no money dun go.. -_-" but i see how la... becos today i went JB then my mum helped to look after Kirsten... not nice if ask her to look after the whole day again tmr.. think she also tired... though when i go back to work she doesnt have a choice liao... hahaha!!!
does ur bb like to put his fist on his mouth?
my bb likes to do it..and esp if he's sleepy, he seems uneasy and started to put his fist on his mouth...i dont know which one is better..give pacifier or just let him suck his hand?

what is wet bag for? is it very useful?
Don't worry abt their weight. My boy also drinking only 110ml every 3hrs, but last night I weight him, he is 8.5kg
<font color="ff0000">mickeymummy</font> - heehee..guess he was having fun afterall cos he kicks all the way until he tired then nua inside.

<font color="ff0000">missy</font> - he looks like me? hmm....most ppl say he look like my hb
Re: Toys
Sorry....cannot be of help to advice what toy is good. My son don't like to play toys. He loves to play with VCDs, PSP &amp; NDSL. :p

Haiz.....my son had been putting his thumb to suck since 1 month ago. We had tried to pull his hand away but he will cry and put his thumb to suckle again lor. Especially night time while we sleep, he will out his thumb in to suckle and won't cry for mlk for 5 hrs. I rather give him pacifier than letting him to suck his thumb coz it is easier to kick the habit of ssuckling pacifier than his thumb.

You can use the wetbag to put dirty clothes instead of using plastic bags.
i'm not able to join u all for tmr gathering @ sassy's place... my hb dun allow... so sianz...
tink hv to wait for next round, hopefully the swine flu faster over...

u mean the organiser will be gg sassy's place tmr?

how come oli not drinking well? cannot get use over there? btw, when u coming back?
has oli has his 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab?
mine not power than kome's one... hers only drink 3 or 4 oz and already 7kg... hee hee
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - just saw ur name at Joann's BP. U bought from her before right? then did u get 5% discount?

<font color="ff0000">miss83</font> - my boy also suck his fingers/fists. so usually i pull them out n told him cannot. Then i give him pacifier. I scare he suck a lot then the fingers/fists become 'bloated'.

<font color="ff0000">sun96</font> - no prob. not sure when is the next gathering cos a few mummies going back to work liaoz.

No..this time round no organiser at sassy's place.
Kome is giving FM is it? Yours is drinking BM or FM? depends on what milk they drink also ba. Me also didn't bring Ethan out and he gana dont know what virus and have to be admit to hospital, but now he is ok already.
vernice - is it? hmmm i only saw u once la.. hahaha.. during the gathering.. frm what i remember seems to look like u.. hee.. havent seen ur hb b4 so dunno.. =P

sucking fingers/fists - kirsten likes to do it too... but i read in the baby whisperer to let them do it... it's supposed to be self soothing... at night il give her pacifier.. but day time i jus let her suck... then jus clean her hands n fingers on n off lo... i try nt to let her suck after her feeds becos she sometimes put too far in.. then like want to choke.. -_-"
Haha Missycandy n mommies, Trishelle also likes to suck her thumb and so loudly until I wonder maybe she haven't eat enough! Hoho. Sigh think she might be the lower percentile bb, don't think she hit 6kg yet. Oh...

Missy, what did u buy at jb? Yourself? Or for Kirsten? U go with who? Happening hor.
Yup, she did gave me 5% discount with all the free gifts. :p

Yup, i am giving 100% FM. I think all the babies my mum looked after were all these size lar....When i look after him by myself for 2 days, can see that Anver become thinner.

Re: Going back to work
Haiz.....i am going back to work on next thursday. Felt abit sian lor, coz i will go over to the other dept to take over 1 of my colleague job after she going back for her maternity leave till end December than jobless.
mine is drinking BM... will give him once or twice FM per week...

icic... no chance to meet up w u girls...
hope i can join the next gathering w bryan...
hey no problem if u r not going to the fair tml... i think still can buy from BP when i come back ba...

ya, still in France now, will only be back on 21 June... my MIL n SIL said that maybe bcos i fed Oli BM plus FM last time, that's why he drank more cos BM more easily digest mah... now fully on FM, so he is drinking less... i hope it's really like that lor... anyway, my MIL say Oli has so much reserves, so not to worry... hahaha... but today, he started to increase his consumption again, so happy... nowadays, he normally take around 5 feeds only, last feed at 9 or 10pm, then sleeps all the way till 5 or 6am.
btw, he had his first 6-in-1 before he came to France. will be taking the second dose one week after we come back to SG.

ya, i am sure nanny will beef him up when we come back... she's sure to be heartache if Oli lose weight... hahaha

wa, not bad... ur bb 8kg liao!
cindy - bought FM, pacifier, feeding spoon &amp; bowl set frm nuby, teats, teether rattle toy, baby toothbrushes... i wanted to buy her a nice dress becos going for my cousin's wedding dinner in july but cnt find anything nice leh.. =( guess have to look ard SG ba... hurhurhur... not happening la.. so happened my granny wanted to go to the bank there to settle stuff... my bro driving her in so i jus tag along... kekeke...

jtho - yo jean... the one u want is the blue monkey right? im stil thinking wan to go or not la.... u dun order yet okie? if i go i will buy for Oli.. hee heee
<font color="119911">vernice,
i gg to tamp 1 to get sth n have lunch wif frenz, will try to pop by n meet up wif u all n oso c all the bbies swim.</font>
anyone on total breastfeeding and going back to work soon? Does your baby look for you at a certain time of the day (now that you have started her on bottle feeding) and seem to want to suck and cries uncontrollably even after she has just been bottle fed like an hour ago? How do you handle it? Will this phase go away? Is there anything we can do to let her know that mummy is no longer available coz she is at work?? :-(
you bought FM at the bb fair? Is it cheaper - the brand?

BTW how's the crowd there? If it's not too crowded, I might make a trip there also if MIL permits.... haha
tdy i went not crowded. btw, u haven sms me wor on the stuffs u passed to my sil ..

wha. u go c so many things ah.. haha. i only walk around. nothing much to buy leh. hb bought a few clothes for tristan from this booth - poney. 1 polo tee only $4. bought 1 soft shoes frm my littletoes $8.. one dvd $12.. no more le.. i wanted to buy the squeaker from itsy bitsy @ $18 similar to baby trishelle' rattle design but hb rolled his eyes. saddddddd
with hb ard me i didnt really get to shop.. haha nvm i go BP buy wetbag.

i will sms u tml. nw too late le.
Today I went to check dun have leh... nvrmind check again on sat. :> you pm me again the address you sent?

You have a PM! The Fitti I tried like not bad...nwill see if it can hold bb urine well...if good, I might order more. You want? If want, I can order and we share n get hubby to send to your pl :> near near

I love your black n white pokka dot wetbags...you got them from? now me so tempted to get....spending again.... haha
BTW do we happen to have a consolidated list of email addresses and msn? Can send me? Want to include all you interesting gals to chat if available during work..haha....bad bad
haha ok.. still awaiting for the PM.. sometimes it will lag.. anw, my diapers is alot now... haha i have 9 packs of size M of pampers active and fitti and mamy poko. LOL donno why i stock up so many. i muz be mad. hehe see if i used up fast then i combine orders with u. bt the promo till july ?
queenie, the sales person told me it's till august.. Maybe can call up to reconfirm.. The quality os really not bad... Cheap n good.....

Who's the mummy who wanna sell her connecta? How much are u selling n pt of collection? Which design?

After much consideration, i've decided on a connecta. Save cost. But still need to convince hubby... He say not necessary to buy a carrier... Say i waste money... Haiz....
Which design is nicer? The pears n apple, carnival or pine coriandar?

Queenie, goodness you stocked up on so many diapers. I did the same with size S but she outgrew so quickly, I'm left with 3 packs that she can't use. How silly

Omg, pump and pump but there's still one hard lump on the right side. Help
