(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome thank u for the photo n explanation on the wide neck btl. So for anver n your #1, they are using wide neck n wide neck teat? I am getting 1 to try first Hehe. U on wetbags craze huh! Hehe I have 6 myself Haha. Now that #1 gg childcare, can dig out to use. Heh.

Alfafa, me still staying with in laws now ma... And now what is worse is #1 is zzz with us cause he doesn't want to zzz alone. Made the mistake of letting him join us since he was 10mths. Till Now... 20mths. Aiya. Really regret as hubby n I are bearing his kicks n knocks! The other time we caved in cause its only by zzz on our bed with us then he could zzz through n we were desperate to have him zzz through since he's 10mths old already! When he zzz in his cot on his own, he will get up at least 2x. So now he took over our bed. N we are all in 1 room Cause home not ready, will be end of tis yr, oh I can't wait to move in! I highly anticipate it! N surf on the phone Haha, one hand carry n rock, one hand type loh! Have to be versatile la, otherwise very cham le.... Hope your hubby feel better! Mine also came home at 3pm, not a word was said n plonked into bed, till 7pm. Ai..

wow the wetbags are so pretty!

so fast Kayle & Kirsten can flip, Keenan's still stuck halfway :p

oh yah teddybaby, the Fisher price is by robinsons on the 4th floor.

Alfafa. u are one talented mummy, your lamb is really cute, i'm sure Grace love it to bits :p
thanks vernice, hubby go shop n save to buy kool pack and some panadol for infant in liquid form...will have to monitor every 2 hours to see if her temp goes down..last check 38.2 ...but she sound asleep..dunno how to wake her to feed her medication....so just put the kool pack..
back home plus baby tristan finally slping.. phews.. yes yes count me in for the wetbag spree.. u going to expo also ah? haha.. so nice. im gng alone with my frd lor. plus her boy n tristan.hope he guai guai.
but hor, i donno what will happen if he wans milk.. expo have nursing rooms? sure i can bring my carnival bloom to sassy place on fri.

can u bring ur hello kitty wetbag to sassy place?hehe tia

ya kayle and kirsten can flip so fast.. i only saw tristan flipped once or twice.

so u got ur medela stuffs already?

ya wanted to get it at 150 so i get hb to contact the seller right away. and my hb ask the seller to lower price.. +_+ alamak.. end up theres another keener going up to view the jumperoo.. i think most prob the keener will get. so i tell myself forget it. why spend 150 on plastic. haha. i go rent better.. no offense to mommies who got it ah. im juz giving excuses to make myself feel better. haha.
Irene… that’s y…I wanna try the wipes first.. I m buying 1 pack frm her first (only to me she gt spare) then I try out.. then I feedback to you.. if u want to come see the quality.. u cm over lor this weekend… I m collecting tmrw the pack
The beco.. I find the link for u ok…

Momooland.. wah she u say at 3 months ultra heavy weight… my boy at 7 weeks is at 6.3kg.. then called what.. hehehehehe

Mangogal.. u have fridge at werk? If yes.. then the fridge to go can be used to transporting to home the EBM like me… if u dun have.. the cooling panels can last up to 12 hrs – tried it so last year and werks good for me
Mango.. I mite go to fair also to pass daphne her pocho.. what time u gg?

Vernice.. u sure gg or not? – if yes.. we go togther… if u not bringing maid.. can go in one cab lah…. To sassys and gathering.. coz usually I,hubby,mum and all 4 kids can get into cab leh.. so I tink should be ok bah?

Alfafa.. Julie is so cute… u can start selling lehh …. If yes.. I first customer hor… but cannot Julie ah.. must be Romeo?? Heheheh.. btw posted out yr poncho!!
Arrr… and the balloon gym.. saw it sometime in BP also… heheh.. she looks at the camera!!!

Jaszho.. u gg to the fair tomorrow.. how come u not working ahh.. so u want me to buy diapers and pass u or not.. and can pass me the sanitizer.. till what time are u there? I sms u later (find ur no)

Grace nice meeting u and talking to u .. till bb wants us to stop n be noisy.. hehehehe

Pumpkin… very nice nursery………

Wah vernice.. bb bring ur mum luck in 4d arrrr
haha the tshirts so cute right.. so hard to resist not to buy. hmm.. i love quite a few quotes.. jia lart.. muz ask hb to screen thru the designs tt i like to prevent me from overspending. kekes.. u can order 1 more from them so u will have two different styles of customized clothings for ur darling.. kekes.

haha i saw ur name in the tshirt BP #1.. haha,, travis the monster. u so naughty.. kekes


tristan at 3mths is 5.85kg..

im gng w my gfrd to expo tml too..

can la.. the t-shirt can buy bigger size to wear mah. hip hop style. kekes.

the big balloon gym is so nice wanted to buy it juz now too.. bt i afriad tristan wont want to stay in there for long. awww
ya the DIY julie u created is so nice.. kekes..hope ur hb will recover soon ya.
<font color="aa00aa">

Nope, haven't gotten down to Paragon yet but will be heading to Tanglin mall tmr so can buy my connector there.

Is wetbags having spree? that's the current BPs going on right? Saw a few i like, any recommendations as to which sizes is the most useful?

Keenan is stuffing his whole fist in his mouth and drooling like crazy (yeah at first he started w 2 fingers). Both my shoulders of my t-shirts are easily wet after 5-10mins of carrying him around...gee...sometimes after stuffing too many fingers in too deep, the fella will even choke and cough...*silly boy*</font>
annmelody, do u still have the boots milkbags? can reserve for me? many thanks in advance

Alfafa, hope ur hb will be better soon, u need to rest also ok
vernice.... can count me in for Joann's wetbags? cannot resist the classic pooh one.

Kome, as you've bought from mummycents as well, is there an obvious difference in the quality?

Cindy, gosh. You've just reminded me to 'kick' my little girl out of our room asap. Haha
haha hi starflower. Since I woke up to answer the textos, I thought why not come online too. I didn't think I needed wetbags until A started drooling so much, just like Keenan. Need to stuff her wet bibs, cloths etc somewhere!
haha. ic .. remember to check the connector when u getting it ya..

yups BP having 3 BPS on wetbags..
the wetbag which i have is 10" x 11".. i used it to put in one towel when i bring tristan out for his swimming session and no much space left liaos.. so it really depends on what u wan to use it for..

haha tell me about it man.. tristan also sucking his fist.. and when i tried to take it away, he wailed at me.. so i put it back to his mouth haha..

keenan is cute lah.. get choke.. tristan always drink milk very fast and get choke too..so funny but yet heartpain when he chokes.
i think is best to have one small wetbag juz to put the soiled clothings , when they pukes etc, dirty / wet hankies.. but of coz, come to think again the wetbags can be folded. haha..
i had been wearing these comfort bra since pregnancy.
overall ok la..
but i find it a bit difficult if need to bf outside.
cos u need to adjust the padding after bf, still prefer the drop down kind.

and the elastic will get stretchable overtime.

wa.. julie! cute ah...

i need 1 more poncho cos the bp failed, need to wait till end june. faint. had sent u an email.

Mummies going fair, remember to post gd buys ah!
No lar......i using standard neck for both of them. Wanted to use wide neck for #2 but he rejected lor, wasted all my money. Now getting wish a boy help to post those bottles for sale.

Actually out of so many the best design that i like is the starling, Pod Posie and Black &amp; white dots. They are very nice.

No problem. I can put Anver's thing mah......

Pumpkin Seed
The wetbag that i had brought from Mummycents had been quite long already. Yes, very obvious wetbag from mummycents and babyrainbowz one are of good quality and thick.
Hi mummies

queenie/mangogal/ida - u gals gg to the fair today? me too =)i'm gg with my fren and her sister...two mummies, one preggie =)

ida - can i meet u to collect the poncho? i tink preferable i meet u in SK since we both stay here..more convenient oso...

haiz my pump funnel finally fell apart today, hence no choice gotta head down to the fair to see if they got sell the part...otherwise have arranged to go down tmr instead
Kome, ah, I see. The seller told me use wide neck better for bf bb. So I got one wide neck to try. I didn't get regular le.... Actually wanted to but like u said, she also mentioned bout the longer teat for regular. so I decided to take the wide neck try first.

Pumpkinseed, Haha yes better kick A out before she takes over your bed!
Oh no......just finished feeding Anver and i saw 1 thing. I using the green to grow std bottle and i saw the marking drop off . Not very jialat lar but donn't know will it drop off later until cannot see the marking?
Haha, u used for how long? My avent one marking also drop off neh. But for 1 btl nia. maybe wash too rough liao. Haha!

sorry for the late reply. I will be going to motherhood fair tomorrow instead of today as Brianne has her hearing test today at 2.00pm.

tomorrow morning, hubby will need to run errands before we drive there. sorry.. won't be able to go with you, u wanna meet us there instead?
Heee...hee.....ladies.....post up some of my wetbags to tempt you all. :p

<font color="ff0000">Starling design which Cindy helped me to buy one</font>

<font color="ff0000">Pod Posie design. This is the smallest size</font>

<font color="ff0000">Black &amp; white dots. This is X-large size, i am using it now for my son at childcare</font>
kome haha... wahhss. 3 months. hmmm. yea hor. anver is 3 mths old. wah i hope the ones i get won't be so lousy wor. HAha, and i do hope she will take that bottle la. can't wait to try using it! hais. hahaha!! u really wetbag crazy! hehehe!!

queenie:: travis truly monster ley i never anyhow call ppl monster one okay haha!
kome:: iknow how useful it is, otherwise i also won't tell u to buy hehe!!
i got 6 liao. enough liao. not gg to buy from BPs already hhaha!
Morning Cindy and Kome

Cindy have you gone back to work already? Now school holiday right?
Kome you wet bag looks nice. I like the 2nd design does it come in bigger size for that. Where can I order, is it expensive, do you have the link?
good morning jasmine, how is ethan? All good? Hugs. Now school holidays yes. Heh. Gg back work when school reopens on june 29.

Kome, yes la better stop! Haha.... Even my hubby ask me why need so many wetbags! Haha....
Haha.....my hb did ask me the same question. He also told me that i only got 1 son that need to be carry why i get so many carriers. :p
ya u always call him monster.. haha, muz c him myself for once to determine the truth. LOLs

thanks n c u tml.lele

im going tdy.. maybe after 2pm. i juz woke up .. keke
Thanks Kome for the link. Which size is better to buy hah S or M size better?
Thats good you still can spend more time with your kids. Lucky U :> Ethan is much better, his rash have disappear slowly. Nice to see that he is cheerful again and making smiling face when I talk to him...
Personally i felt that s size (9" x 7") is too small, i can only put 2 rompers and 3 handkerchief and the wetbag is full.
Hi Morning everyone, How's everyone doing???

Been away for a long time...
Long story.. Have appenditix and have to stay over with my mil place for her to look after my boy ... sigh... no internet life over there is super boring...

anyone stop breast feeding yet?? or started with bottle feeding?? since my hospitalise my boy manage to drink from bottle but i wanna to go back to latching.. but scare that he will not drink or stop bottling.. help?? any advice??
Queenie Haha, if we have a chance to meet, then u will be able to see le.... Haha!

Jasmine: ah nice to hear. Heh. They so cute hor, now more responsive. Heh. Definitely will miss her so much. How is your girl? All Okie too?
I got the small one at $17.90 after 10% discount if you purchase 2 and above. You can see the post by Vernice from another BP organiser which her wetbag is much more cheaper.
<font color="ff0000">moomooland</font> - if u darling temp's consistently 38 then better bring to doc again. hope everything is fine

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - let's see if we can get better deal by combining order. if not, we can order separately from her so she can send direct to us.
Expo got nursing room but quite far..near the subway at mrt station. i am going down soon, maybe see u there

hmm...ya true can get bigger size. but hor i am one fickle minded woman..cannot decide which to get. so same got to seek hb's help!

<font color="ff0000">ida</font> - yeap going to sassy's tml. can squeeze huh? then we go together lor. this tm not bringing maid

<font color="ff0000">starflower</font> - yeap there shld be another BP coming up by Joann today.

<font color="ff0000">pumpkin</font> - sure. like what i say to queenie, if the deal is good then we combine order. if not, then prob we got to get it ourselves.
haha ya lor. i tink combine oso she will noe de ..
btw the showroom itself shd have nursing room. near the studio loft booth if im nt wrong shd be A11.. haha.. if u c me ard, rem to call me ah. i can be superblind one haha.. blur blur walk past also nvr c people one. :p
Ida, Oh I intend to bring my mini fridge to workplace leh...ya I knw can trasnfer the bottles to fridge to go bag...

Pumpkin, I love your cosy nursery!! So lovely and very country style

Alfafa, wah u are indeed a skillful DIY mummy! Hope your hb get well soon, u &amp; ur hb must loads uptons of vit C, btw I am craving for cream puff n even dream of it last nite! :p Well, indulge in moderation la

Motherhood fair:
Eh nt gng today, hubby want to go so we gng on weekend or maybe tomr evening, also gd la cos gt car easier to carry lobang
So those mummies gng update us and njoy the good buys!
Seems like better than the fair in march
<font color="ff0000">grace</font> - haha..the designs are usually more or less the same as other BPs one. just that the pricing more attractive. similarly got base like babyrainbowz but at cheaper price

<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - pod poisy is similar to jungle jam..i like jungle jam more cos got animals mah :p i got a dalmantian design from Joann the previous round. Now Joann also using Procare lining like mummycents liaoz..so think quality may be the same but i haven really seen yet lah

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - oh ya hor since motherhood fair shld prepare one hor. what tm u going? sure i will yell for u if i see u

Joann actually offer 10% discount if got more than 10 wetbags but we got to consider logistics lor

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - wow...u got 6?? how come nvr receive? i think 6 more than enough lah..i initially bought 2 but sold 1 cos find it too small heehe
