(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Yup i ordered from mummycents becos I dun need any customization...besides, Babyrainbowz' seem more expensive rite???

anyone interested in these baby headbands which come with cute curly locks at the side. thinking of gettin this for the photoshoot. my looks v by w/out hair. and she's starting to drop lotsa hair too.



she a few more designs. just click on other items by this seller.

thanks for the info. not familiar w those fabrics leh. plus need to see one before t can try to coppy. i like the w a base. makes more sense.

was referrin to your wetbags

hey pm me if you have any queries. make sure you post your finished dolls up ok? must show off a bit. :0) heee

heeeee thanks.

think you also started the dream bag thingy right? hahaha

might go to expo this sat also since hubby will be at the huggies area. but need to find a bb sitter. damn
re: bedtime

thanks for the responses. looks like i will probably slowly readjust his bedtime to later then. guess it does make more sense.
alfafa, the wetbags are pre orders so I won't have them by tomorrow.

So exciting, my magnet for the board just came. Her room is starting to look like a real nursery now. Ok I'm so excited, I just took pics!


I'm very proud of the nursery because almost everything was hand me down or 2nd hand and we did them up with paint, stickers and new fabric. The new items are mainly gifts from my wonderful friends and family.
re: drooling/teething

apparently they can start drooling months before the first tooth appears, but the alveoli can start to manifest in the gums liao at this stage - they look like ridges in the gums that the teeth grow out from. Asura, maybe that is why latching also more painful, plus the fact that bb now bigger also have more strength liao. my boy also been drooling and blowing bubbles since 2 mths old. his gums also changed shape liao and really manifested ridges - can pretty much tell where the teeth are going to be placed when they eventually come out. wah time flies man...
Ya lor alot, but big enough to put 1 towel and a set of clothes for my #1 CC use got only 1 leh.

Ya lor, veryexpensive. Maybe i should wait for Joann to start the BP and get from her instead.
wha. the jumperoo is a good buy. but the bid ends liao. thanks for the link hehes..

thanks for ur info..

tdy out for half the day so many posts liao..

wha WETBAGS!!!! so tempted. kekes. the one tt i bot from joann can oni put one towel and tts it liaos.. kua kua kua another gd reason .. haha

is the BPA bottles good?

u try apply calendula cream on A's cradle?
your nursery so nice...

Re: Storing of expressed breast milk in freezer
Anyone knows if it is safe to store BM in freezer safe zip lock bags instead of pre-sterlized BM bags?
pumpkin - jus curious, the pic at the right bottom corner.. is that u n ur hubby? o_O

very very cosy nursery!!!

okie post later! have to drop by in laws for dinner... ciaOx!

ooo hazel thanks for the patterns. wil check later! *muackx*
Areya, cot is still in my room haha. I'll try and kick her out once I get the baby monitor

Queenie, oh yeah, should try the Calendula Cream again. I did it only once. Cradle cap isn't a big problem right? It'll go off at some point.... I hope!

Devil, thanks
I think so too *thick skinned alert*
pumpkin seed
not much of a prob.. i know there this cradle shampoo u can get it off shelf frm pharmacies .. quite good..

joann previous bp on wetbags oni have 1 size.. 10" x 11" ..
her next bp will have more sizes to choose from still have base of 2 " if im not wrong

ok i got to run to sch liao.. ciaos!
pumpkinseed, Kome, yay! The bp seller say can lemme have one regular neck btl to try Haha. pumpkinseed, which is the one that fits avent steriliser?

Pumpkin, love the nursery! U should n have all reasons to be proud of it! So jealous. Me Aha whole family in 1 room so I hope I wish my flat be ready soon so I can move in!
missycandy yes :p

prosper , join us tomm! PM me for details

Cindy, mine is wideneck. Not sure if the regular size fits. Actually, if you are passing HV, can get the first bottle from the shop, then if it suits order more from BP. The savings are not that much unless you buy a few bottles.
To give her the nursery, I really 'sacrificed' my shoe, bag and clothing collection. Anyway, since I am covered in BM most of the time, it's a good idea to retire the nice clothing for the moment.
she's finally willing to nap! She couldn't stop fussing the last couple of days and today. Was desperately trying to whip out a simple fish soup for dinner and sh kept crying away. this is when the balloon gym works for me.

OMG I celebrated too early. crying again
Kome : Joann wetbag got different size. U all can just email her and buy instead of waiting for her BP. I bought 3 from her already . Same like u bought for my gal to use to put her towel and clothes for childcare. Really useful and good.

Regarding Yu Guo, I bought my gal there to treat her cough and sensitive nose and I find good as I really see improvement in her health and I would say not immediate but need sometime .

Post in WTS thread, u can PM me the items u selling and email address so I can help u to post and get the interested buyers to email u .
Alfafa, you're really good with your fingers
Can I get the patterns too? Oh, btw do you know where I can get big cloth flowers (like sunflower)which I can sew onto a bag?
im in mrt nw. . Haha.
Any1 can tel me whats d wideneck n standard bottles differences?
Bb tristan is currently using avent 125ml bottle. .
M0st of his bottles is passed dwn by my sis n i saw s0me scratches at the base of d btl, i shd stop using right?
Wish a boy
Thanks. I just emailed Joann to see what are the ready stock that she had. Btw, do you know which size is more suitable for use at childcare. Don't know to get Large or X-Large.

Thanks, i will done up all the items and price than PM you by tonight. Thanks for helping me. Really appreciate that.
Wideneck Bottles the opening is bigger and the teats is shorter which is like our breast so that baby will not have nipple confusion. Standard bottles the neck are smaller and the teats is longer.
<font color="aa00aa">re:wetbags</font>
heehee just as we r talking abt wetbags n Joann. Just received an email from her abt her new BP. Designs available - http://www.flickr.com/photos/26019487@N02/sets/72157617906692538/

She will also have Procare lining (same as mummycents) which are better quality. Then mummies buying from her again got 5% off.

eh those who r keen, maybe we can combine orders to get her freebies?
Thx. I understand le. . Cum hme dan go bp shopping hope can get some retail therapy. Hahaha. Ciao bk to my boring lectures.
<font color="ff0000">moomooland</font> - my boy also had his 1st jab on mon then had fever till 37.9. I gave him some medicine precribe by doc n my mum cook some chinese drink 'Leng leong' for him to cook.
as long as not over 38degrees or fever for more than 48hrs, shld be ok.

ask u all ah, where on ur bb's was the bcg jab given? bb is going to have his in a few weeks' time (not routine in the uk so he having it on my request only), just wonder where they inject these days. Is it still bum or do they do it on the arm now?
yes, 1 day aft yrs... yr bb is heavier than mine at birth... i agreed w u... tink need to build up my arm's muscle liao hahaha

natural w epi... =)

re: drooling
my boi oso... my mum said he's 'cooking rice' hahaha
********alamak didn't realise that my earlier message at 6pm+ got stuck at preview page**********

Decided to wear her on my pikkolo and she finally quietened down. Now she's just busy looking around

Oh yes, I've started carrying her in the front carry forward facing position. She's quite happy looking around like this. Was concerned that she might not be comfortable but she didn't make noise leh, so I guess she's ok. But for the purpose of quietening her down, inner facing is still better.

sorry missed your post. actually I rem seeing the balloon gym on one of the BPs back when we were still pregnant. Can't rem how much she was selling it for. Quite cool right? heheheh easy to store somemore. And it comes with crinkly bits and velcro-attachments for a bit of play time.

yah man they are becoming increasingly difficult to entertain. How do you and pups surf on your phone while carrying baby?? incredible!

Eh? How come your whole family squeezed into one bedroom?

wow so sweet! Yah yah ought to be proud of your achievements. Nothing like DIY for that special touch.

oh yah didn't realise it was ending soon. Watch out for it cos sometimes they relist unsold items very quickly.

I only discovered that after I became a SAHMTB. You never know what other talents you might have; just need time to discover them. Hey PM me so I have your email addy

Wish a boy,
long time no see! How are you?

Pumpkin, prosper,
I also messaged prosper on FB earlier on liao.
Come come!
prosper, pumpkin, starflower, daphne
actually came in to say I got to cancel at the last min. So sorry. Hubby came home feeling quite sick. He's still sleeping in the room, no energy to take dinner even. In this case I don't feel safe having your precious ones in my house tomorrow. Think he would most likely be on MC. Better not cause any harm to your babies. I will give it a miss myself in case I kenna too. Plus need to stay home to take care of this big baby.
so sorry!

will sms you also

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - count u in for the wetbag spree? heehee wait till u come home from skool then go see look. I want to get the classic pooh one heehee.

i may go down with my mum heehee so someone can help me take care of bb while i shop or maybe my mum can sponsor me too. :p She just 'tio' 4D buying Joel's IC#

<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - ask her to hold ur orders 1st then can see how many we can combine here?

<font color="ff0000">areya</font> - its on the bum.

<font color="ff0000">sun96</font> - u wanna combine orders too? maybe shld ask Joann got better offer if buy many at 1 go.
<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - last time u bought the wetbag from Joann what design ah? is it carnival bloom? if yes, can bring to sassy's place on fri? Like to take a look to see the overall feel of the bag
I had both wetbags from Joann and mummycents. I will bring it to the gathering as i need to put Anver's things. I can let you see the differents.
<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - i not holding spree ah..tml there will be a BP on wetbag by this mummy 'Joann' heehee

more than $50 then got freebies
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - i also bought from both. I just want to see the design for certain fabric cos i scare on pic nice but turn out not nice leh..what design u got?

<font color="ff0000">worried_gal</font> - i would suggest Large for clothings stuff n medium if u want to put accessories like cream, mini powder or 1-2 pc diapers

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - can see this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/26019487@N02/sets/72157617906692538/?
copy n paste whole thing
<font color="ff0000">worried gal</font> - her new one with procare will be good. design all more or less the same as other BPs except for the cartoon one.
