(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

slowly lor..
ignore ur CL la.. she so idiotic one.. juz shut her trap kekes. or ask her balik kampung..

Nancy: I saw some stroller and cots with discounts from 15%. Got Medela pumps also but I didn't go and see how good the discounts are.

I thikn the range is very good though bec they have everything from furniture to clothes to toys to toiletries.
Queenie...yah i try my best to try ignore her...gt once i'm latching my bb..she came into my room n tok to bb then i cover bb's face with hankie for "fun" but i'm implying pls dun disturb us...go away!! hhahaaha tink she gt it ba...walked off after tat... =0
Re: CL...sorrie i mean 1 more week to go!! i'm crossing out my calender everyday...n mark a smiley face on 19 Mar... hee...
haha.. she really got a problem lor.. u still left how many days muz put up with her? hehe..u can consider give her a smaller angpow.. since her pattern like tt. . . imho :p
Grace...is very irritating lor!! my sis tinks likewise too...she can tells me alot of stories when nothing to do..yawn...as if i'm interested..sorrie is 1 more week... =p
Queenie... 19 Mar is the officially 28 days...she definitely gt problem...first day work my MIL aldy gave her a smaall angpow...tink nid to discuss with MIL hw much to give her ba...dun feel like giving..haha. =p

mummies, do u all feel weak / nauseous when latching? i wonder izzit i'm hungry whenever i latch my bb...hee...
So you're doing your confinement at your mums plc ah?
The glass bottles I have reserved for Canadace, but she popped before I have pass it to her. And have the rest for Sun as well, she pick it up yesterday at my plc le.
Taka baby Fair,
Me thinking to pop by on sunday, when my gal go to her enrichment class with her dad. Have about 1 hr plus to shop should be ok ba. Anyone of you going on sunday?
me lost 4-5 kg after birth. still got 6kg to go.

went to see Zac just now, finally gotta carry him in my arms already. He is off oxygen assistance since yesterday noon and now at the normal nursery. He got a bit of jaundice (level 11) so under photolight. Hopefully will go down soon and can come home soon.
I'm sure Little Zac will be home in no time....in the meantime, u must take care & rest as much as u can.... =)
queenie, Haha, I seriously don't know how to shed the extra kilos. I am worried too though I tell myself sure can. #1 really lost very fast, don't know why this one, sigh very heartpain. Bie shuo le....

Prosper, sigh. I don't care. I also wanna look nice and neat during the full month. Cannot be haggard and all right? I will do the day before celebration. Next sat. Hubby promised me but lets see if he come up with excuses again! Haha.

Devil, hugs to your little chloe!
1st 2weeks I did feel weak and my back aching maybe I didnt lay down on bed alot ba. But after that Im back to myself. Today is my offical full month. My CL will go off tis saturday, as she only came on the 5th day after I delivered.
Weight lost:
I lost 10kg since the day I discharge from hospital, I just check again last night, seems like I didnt put on during confinement. So stop at 10kg weight lost. Put on 3kg during preggy and lost 10kg, think breast feed also will lost some weight ba.
Thanks Grace. Really hope to bring him home soon.

Jasmine, I also feel my back aching. Really need to lie down a lot ah?
is ok ..
the nurse gave me some bottles w/o me aski. but i 4gt to buy it tt day when i went to pd.. coz when dischg tt day the salesperson told me the caps were OOS..lol
yup me at mom plc nw.. the sun here is hugeeee..
congrats to u.. freed liao.lol

tink still muz give.. but give her 20cents tink can le.. (jokin)
For my #1, I was initially also quite worried about carrying the baby too much and it was a struggle to carry or not whenever he fussed. It didn't help when he is the type who fussed almost all the time. But after reading up on attachment parenting, I think it is fine. He just needs some form of security. At this stage, they are not being difficult, they just do what they need. So, I started to just carry and cuddle him when the need arise and felt so much better. No more internal struggle.

I am like you! I had water retention after birth, resulting in my feet being really swollen and my legs look wider than before also. I didn't have water retention in my pregnancy, except sporadically from wk 35 to wk 38.

That is fast! You know what.. when I came back from hospital, I weighed my self and my weight-loss was like less than 2.5kg!!!! Baby already 2.7kg and still have the placenta and whatever that were removed from me but still!!! I am just hoping it is due to water retention. Bleah.

Confinement nanny
For those who wants to direct latch, in the dead of the night, after latching, can still pass baby to nanny to check diaper, to change diaper, to pat back to sleep etc. while you catch your quick nap. That happened to me the first night after we came back from the hospital before I started expressing some milk for nanny to help me feed at night. But even with ebm, I still need to wake up once to pump. But I think it is a lot of improvement compared to my first baby when I didn't have a nanny and did all the graveyard shift myself.
Thank you mummies for the encouragement.

After much support from my HB and probabaly the hormones not acting up anymore, I tried pumping when my engorgement was relieved and though only abt 10ml from both breasts, I still feel a bit of accomplishment. Hope my supply will increase with more frequent pumping/latch on.
SG, I usually feel thirsty when i latch bb on. guess it's the fluid loss when i bf bb.. anyway, i have been eating a lot too cos i feel hungry easily.befoore i give birth, i always tell myself to go on diet on the first month. but now, i think it's best for me to recuperate now and to stablalise my MS.. i will start my exercise regime after confinement.

Cindy, i hate looking at mirror now.. i still got 12kgs more to shed.. imagine that!!! haizz.. no choice.. i hope bfing really help me to burnt my calories fast and let me slim down..

pups, I have the same mental struggle also. to carry or not to carry.. to let him suckle for comfort or not to?? haizz.. but most of the time i will give him if he's wailing hard. can't let him cry too much, else later too much wind into his stomach
Hi Mummies,

I just came back from Takashimaya bb Fair.. Not worth going, wasted my time there.

not really having sale. i.e. Tomy Mobile cot.. advertise usual price at $109.00 and sale at $79.90.. Actually Kiddy Palace no sales is selling at $79.90 and those mummies who have VIP card can still have further 10% discount.

Britax Omega Car Seat is priced at $369.00 during taka sale but kiddy place is already selling at the same price when its not on sale. again.. should have 10% disc for VIP cards.

Huggies diapers.. Taka bb Fair selling at $14.00.. Toys R' US at Paragon also selling the same price..

unless u mummies are in town.. else not worth going down all the way just for it.

For medela Purelan nipple cream, the bigger tube selling cheaper at $16.41 whereas the smaller tube is selling at $10.70

I end up going to first few years at Paragon for my car seat.
ASura & jasmin, hope things are better now for u. I think a lot of us facing challenging times w breastfeeding. Some of us worry about milk supply, some of us worry about not being able to latch on (or even wean off later), some of us worry about our lack of sleep (crappy CLs & stuff)...think we are all brave mummies, so JIA YOU!!!
With this, i'd like to suggest a new clubname: Our ex-Giraffe Club members can now transition in the Moo Club ! (Isn't it obvious :p kekeee)

Since every baby is different, we can't exactly compare the feeding habits/learning capabilities of our babies at this stage...so i guess the fundamental is we put in effort to care and adapt to them the best we can.... that's why we are mummies, we all deserve a pat on our backs for our effort no matter what! Good job everyone!
Oh Mummies,

By the way, i also check out the Skip Hop Mat for bb.. taka fair claim to sell it cheap at $144.00 and their store at Novena selling at $169.00 but The First Few Years at Paragon is selling at $124.00 or $129.00... VIP card Holders still got further 10% discount.
Thanks! She have been crying whenever we do it to her at home also... Sianz... Everyday have to do 3 times... Friday is the last day liaoz...
Grace is rite usually hair loss will be at like 3-4months time when I have my #1 I loss quite alot very scary de.Lucky when preggy time hair like thicken so after loss still not too bad.This time round hope will not drop so much cos this time round my preggy dun seem like got alot of hair.haha

Thanks for advise.Hope I will not need to be induce or even if yes hope can dilute.Cos dunno y I just hate the idea of Epi.Had told my gynae yesterday I try not to take epi he ask me (Y whats wrong with Epi) Haha still ask him like have heard if its not done well will get paralasye he say he have nt come across this pro with his paitient before he say all the anasthetics he choose like all very exprerience de so no need to scare.Anyway at least I gt a peace of mind after hearing all this.Maybe I just op for epi to have a easy painless labour haha no need tong ku
So when will u go for induce if u still dun deliver I will be gg for induce on 16march.Gynae already give me the letter to admit for induce.So I am counting down now.Which hospital u gg.
plan to do rebonding or perm my hair after confinement..but now afraid might have more hair loss if I do any chemicals..
during preggie, my hair also thickens and less hair loss
thanks all for the well wishes and advise... im quite torn between carrying and not carrying... but so far we carry after awhile... hee hee =P she likes to peep at us... esp when she is suckling... will open 1 eye to peep... hee hee... anyway time to share my birth story!

9th Mar 09
5.30pm - Appt at gynae's clinic. Did VE. said need to admit tonight. didnt tell me hw many cm dilated but to admit anytime from now. didn't think it was that serious so went to have dinner 1st. but started to feel contractions and discomfort on and off. didnt hw many appetite also. went home to rest and wait for more serious signs.

830pm - Received call from gynae asking me which ward im in. Told him im still at home. waiting for intense contractions. he told me to admit now. not to wait for intense ones. by the time intense i will deliver at home liao. -_-" guai guai listen lor.

10pm - arrived at Mt Alvernia Hospital. Opted for double bedder at first. but room mate adjusted temp to high temp. felt very stuffy. plus also using strong medicated oil. opted to upgrade to single bedder but all full. so they put me in empty double bedder... hubby slept on the other bed. hee hee. having contractions on and off but nth intense. =)

10th Mar 09

12.10am - Gynae came to see me. Said will see me again in the morning in Delivery ward. Said was already 3cm dilated.

630am - given enema. went to poop. nth happening.

8am - went to delivery ward to wait for Dr Ang. He was late. =P

930am - Dr Ang arrived and burst my waterbag. told me estimated will deliver ard 12-1pm.

10am - 12pm - felt contractions on and off. getting dilated. nth intense til after 12pm!

12pm - contractions getting strong. wanted to push but they keep telling me to tahan because only 8cm dilated. so i tahan for 1 hr!!!

1pm+ - Dr Ang came. FINALLY! i begged him to take her out i cldnt tahan the contraction anymore!! he told the nurses to prepare and said will help me. I was on the verge of crying and screaming! hahaha. then i told the nurses to faster becos i cnt tahan liao. So Dr Ang did episiotomy. My hubby said can see blood squirt out and on the floor. hahaha. Then asked me to push. While i pushed i also screamed/shouted and the stupid nurse kept telling me to keep quiet and not scream. save it for the pushing. -_-" felt like slapping her face.

1.40pm - Anyway after 3 pushes she was out!!! With the help of vaccuum. hee hee.

I was so tired. I couldnt even open my eyes. They put her on me. I jus opened to see her once then closed and rested. Also peeped at her when they were weighing her and taking her measurements. Then when they wheeled me to the ward, i just closed my eyes all the way. Super duper tired lor! I thought I would cry when I saw her but i guess i was too tired ba. Hee.. now when i see her my heart melts la... plus she likes to peep and stare... =P iv'e posted photos up at FB le.

for those who dont have access to my FB


Congrats that you finally gave birth!! You are another brave mummy who went through without epi. How big is your gal? She looks soooo chubby.

Me still working and waiting for D day.
Happily ate durian today cuz have been craving for it since more than 1 week ago. It's a must eat food before I go for strict diet during confinement lor. heehee.
hello mummies...
ongrats to all mummies who have popped and
craddling baby in your arms..

UGIN is doing well, eating, pooong and peeing well...he always aim on the confinement lady when she changes the diaper..haha

i have not yet bath ugin yet.....apparently not advisable to wet the hands too much...but i showered daily and wash hair alternate days...the food i ate...wow making me sweat alot...hehe

i have ugin's cot next to my bed and i watch him in the night....but the CL will help me to warm my espressed milk....i have intruduced formula milk to ugin already....coz i dun wan to stress myself. my milk is not enough for ugin..he's eating about 80ml..and with BM...after 2 hrs he'll wake up to drink....so in the night i have him drinking FM and thru out the night will be formula milk he will sleep for extra 1-2hr more....i still get him to suckle on me..so he'll not be confiused..at the sametime i can get some sleep...was really lack of it in the beginning...

Diaper cream : .
wow the desitin is really good and thick.....he had a slight rash on his butt ( well bcoz my CL only applied in the day and onc) e at niguntil i told her to apply after every change....my baby butt is clear of the red...

so far have not used the washable ones..think will start after the CL goes back...but have tried 3 brands so far...
1. pampers ( from hospital) - not too bad still leaks.
2. Drypers..small and snuggly..but if place diaper alittle wrong postiton..the poo will leak..
3. mamy poko....jut tried on tonight...will update later...hehee

lost 10kg.but along way to pre-preg..haha....tummy flabby and also my arms and tighs.....waiting for the massage lady end of the mth...

my nanny..guess i am lucky..she's very attentive, cooks well and also love kids and experience...i had her extended for another 2 mths...coz joe is flying back to bkk straight after ugin's full month....so he's afraid no one to cook and help me look after baby...
so..meanwhie i can learn as much from her.

i have checked with my PD..that the supplement of FENUGREEK is safe and help to produce milk...i have taken it...and so far the milk is suficient...

I glanced through the pop list and saw that you are with Dr Ang. I heard those who are with him, usually go through natural birth with NO EPI. I heard he's good at preparing his patients for that and so far most of his patients if not all go without epi unless it's c-section. Wonder how he did it. I'm still thinking whether to take up epi or not and my gynae didn't provide me any advice leh.

i normally sleeps when ugin sleeps...to catch up with the rest....but lucky with the help of my CL...i espress milk and uses formula milk.....i get the Cl to handle the bottle while i take my nap....
my advise to mummies...dun be too stres about BF....happy thoughts will help to alleviate the milk flow...
Your gal is so chubby!
The blood squirt is from the episotomy? Any pain when he cut there?

Good to hear from u and that u r coping well. Is your CL from M'sia? Good that u can extend her service for 2 more mths, then u can get to rest more
fairymoss - hee hee ya chubby... 3.23kg leh.. hmmm.. everybody says look like me.. becos im fat -_-" kakaka. for epi - i seriously think its up to u wor... ya he's pro natural no epi.. but he did say after delivering my lil one that next one if quite big to opt for epi... haaa...

teddybaby - im nt sure when the blood squirt le.. i closed my eyes most of the time... LOL! my hubby says the blood squirted when i pushed... no pain becos he injected some local anesthesia i think... can feel him cutting but no pain... actually once i started pushing, i didnt really feel much pain... felt a lot of relief after bb out and can feel placenta out also... tummy feels like pre pregnancy le.. kekeke... dunno abt my weight though...
missycandy, u are so brave..haha i read yr birth story so funny..the way u say felt like slapping the nurse's face..haha... yr bb looks so chubby n cute..haha..

Queenie / seabreeze..$0.20? haha...aiyah yi shi yi shi give another $20/$40 can le ba...very scared of CL liao..bad experience gave me unnecessary stress...hopefully i will have my mum / MIL to do confinement for my #2. =)

Daphne...wah 10kg? tats alot leh...i'm supposed to lose another 10kg to my pre-preggie's weight wor...hw u all do tat ah? hiaz...

Wintertime..me also hungry easily...i guess tats the reason why din lose weight..keeps eating ba..and my tum tum still here wor..after massage like smaller..these few days like grown abit liao..goodness!! haha

Jasmine...yah i also feel my back like aching...super uncomfy..basically 1st week of my confinement was like so weak...with the pain from stitches...cramp, heavy V..and backache..can't even bend my ache when i try to change my bb's diapers...nw at least better but cold day like can feel the ache again..

caca..hee u r most welcome..lets pray hard u dun need to be induced..hopefully yr bb will last min. same like her eldest sister..dilate very fast n let mummy go thru' another labour w/o epi.
mummies...was told nt to wash hands with tap water..must used boiled water...but..hw to? esp. after toilet/ b4 attending bb/ brush my teeth etc..i hack leh...kept washing my hands hopefully *touch wood* will b ok..but realise feel abit of ache at times..my back also..feel some chilling feelings..dunnoe izzit first few days too warm..on the fan and blow direct on my back. hee...if my MIL sees tat, she'll nag at me liao..bleah...
teddybaby - no? hee hee hee i dun like it =x

SG - ya the nurse keep passing unecessary comments. i told them to hurry up. then so happened when they were preparing one contraction came so i tried to tahan it thru... then she said ask us to hurry but u still close ur legs -_-" then tell me nt to scream. feel like giving negative feedback abt her. so insensitive!

miracle2me - she is 3.23kg... ya a lot of pple say chubby... then my hubby's nephews kept on poking her cheek last night... but i jus kept quiet.. let their own mother n grandma scold them... their mother said later u sleeping i also poke ur face see u like or nt.. hahaha! anyway im so glad im nt doing confinement at my MIL becos the 2 boys will be there. bleahx.

now watching american idol. hee. later bb wil be coming at 12plus for me to latch on. praying my supply will come in soon... anyway i will ask the hospital if they can spare me some FM for me to standby.. i dun wan to stress myself too much when i get home... =) so far nth coming out... but she jus suckles n suckles...
misscandy, saw ur photos in facebook.. so chubby and cutes..

SG, me too, sure wash hands with tap water one lah.. sure need to brush teeth, wash face, wash hands one mah..

I jus manage to put my son to his cot.. now pumping the excess milk.. hope he will sleep well tonight and not give CL a hard time.
anyone knows..is it possible to have dilation 1-3cm but giving birth still weeks later?
does dilation always come with contraction/labour pain?
miss83 - i was dilated 2cm for 1wk. not much feeling leh. my frn was dilated for 2wks plus when she was 2cm dilated as well. no feeling as well.... sassybaby also dilated 2cm... no action yet.. hee hee... so it really depends...
