(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

my gynae asked me admit to tmc b4 2230hrs..
so that i pay more using medisave and lesser cash.
if admitted after 2230hours will have tp pay more with cash and lesser with medisave..
Dr said mt BB leg seems to be stuck and might not turn so if later i see her still like tat means c sect liao lo.I also not so keen to c sect leh.
I cant pm u i think (mayb cos status is Guest?)
haha msn me @ [email protected]

I m having exactly the same tots as u. scare of natural/ c sect..watever pain and also becoming a mother soon..duno can cope anot..

all mommies
The taka BB fair starts today after 12pm. Its not offically announced to public yet.so can go shop w/o e hugh crowd today if u want.
i admitted nite time due to gynae request..
nurse put something(dunno wat) inside cervix to soften during the nite. mild contraction came after 1 hr. still bearable.
then morning go labour ward to put on drip, then the delivery starts.
but is it true if we admit to hospital 10pm..then from 10pm to 00.00am will be considered as 1 day charge?
my friend advised me to admit after 12pm
not sure abt tt.. maybe u have to check with ur gynae..

i admitted bcoz of contractions and super duper back aching..
Wintertime, talk to him ask him be a good boy? Of not, your confinement ending in another 1wk eh? I remember yours is 18th? I talk to my girl everyday and she is doing much better though still glaring at me in the wee hrs. Haha.

Sportyger, how u doing? I went to ask my hairstylist just now, she ask me after confinement then do hair. Sigh upset upset.
My gynae din do VE for me this week .Last week he onli check my cervix gt dilute.

Can I ask u y did ur gynae induce izzit u already gt dilute or u also overdue?Did u insert any pill before gg on drip?
i induce becos my weight dropping... gynae says i 3cam dilated but when admitted, nurse check stil tight. so i dunno trust who???

nurse did insert pill in my cervix b4 on drip. think tat y i deliver only 2 hrs
wow our bb share the same bday!! not really alot leh cos still cant meet my bb supply sometime still need to top up FM. My bb sometimes can drink more than 100ml, OMG! How much u can pump now?
prosper, I finished my massage already. Lose 7kg still have another 7 kg to go. Now my tummy is so flabby, wonder can lose those fats or not. What about you?

Cindy, how come your hairstylist dont do for you? If really cannot then have to wait after confinement. Dont be upset.
My baby is drinking abt 80ml...so i'm more or less able to meet tat dd......but then again..wonder if it's becos he's 1mth prematured tatz y not drinking so much yet...hee~~

Baby Nicole is gg to grow up to be a strong gal... =)
Oic thats good at least when u admit time already 3cm.I think should trust gynae ba haha. I hope can be like u after insert and drip very fast dilute.
hello... me taking a break... goin to suckle bb soon... nth coming out yet i think... bfing is really a challenge.. i think small boobs better to feed. haha... my boobs soft... then hard to let her suck on the nipple... hai... will try to get it right soon... feel a bit of soreness after suckling but the lactation cons. said will feela bit? i dunno... anyway hope i cn perserve...

question if bb cries shld i carry her? pat her? i dunno if i shld carry but i dun wan her to be used to being carried when she cries.. but i also read b4 that initial stage is okie... jus needs some security? any advise?

will update birth story when i have more time n mood to type it out... hahah...

shes going to start crying for suckling soon.. gtg...
Nope, BB not engaged yet. I asked Dr Adrian b4, he says even if engaged, some will deliver next day, others deliver 3 wks later, so to him being engaged doesn't mean BB coming soon. Haha, ya lor, we may meet in TMC

Has your BB turn head down or still breech?

Your BB engaged yet? Any signs of labour?
haha my SIL said started liao today ask me to go to avoid the crowd..but i m gg tmr also cos today got dr appt.
No la your bb is on the right track la, normally 2 wks old bb is drinking around 60ml to 90ml. Mine is drinking abit more.
2wks ago was still stuck..til now it seems to be in e same position as i can feel both side of my tummy quite hard. still breech i belived...
later ll see DR, see got any good news anot lo.
I hope she can give me more time for her to turn.
its only 37wk+++
Cindy, ya.. i did talk to him already.. but the funnie thing is my boy don't play.. whenever he's awake, he wants milk and seems always hungry.. the rest of the time, he's sleeping.. how i wish my boy can play and stare at me without asking for milk..

missycandy, my boy wants to be carry most of the time too.. i get real stress cos i m afraid it's a bad habit..

sometimes i got so upset, and kept asking my hb.. y is my bb like that.. seems like my post natal blues seems lingers around.. sobz.
jia u jia u! drink more piping hot soup.. first few days i drank alot papaya fish soup.. then when ur milk supply comes in le, u can try drinkin hot fluid 10-15 mins b4 ur BFing time.. i read tt somewhere.. donno where i cant rem le.

As for carrying baby or not.. it depends on oneself de..
For me, i believe he cries for a reason..so i will try my luck see issit he poo, wans milk, urine leakage, if all above is doesnt happen i will carry him and cuddle him lor. don wan him cry like mad cowie baby.. ltr he will have alot of air inside de..

WEATher Forecast:
hehe Now is Tampines going to rain soon
oo i miss woodlands.. ytd dropped by my own hse after going to sun plaza for check up..
same same la.. i still so faraway frm my pre preg weight.. lets all jia u ok?

u have water retention b4 deliver?
i have.. my mom cook black bean water n soup for me., say will get rid of water retention de.. muz eat the beans also..
i have water retension b4 birth but not tat lia liat.. now can see very swollen.
ok then i ask my cl to cook that for me too.
caca: I'm delivering at GEH. Really hope baby comes out soon.

Just now lunch time, I went to the Taka baby fair to walk around. Quite a lot of things on sale but after walking 1/2 hour, tired already and had to come back to office.
Just weighed myself...left 1.9kg to my pre-pregnancy weight. Must be all the travelling to & fro from hospital the 1st 2 weeks and the pumping of milk...but tummy still there! Havent got the time to get the Malay massage lady to come over.....hee~~
Hi Ling,
What's good at Taka fair? If deep discounts then I may consider going down this weekend too. Otherwise I'll let my 38.5 wk old tummy rest
Dun worry.. After baby is out, our motherly instinct will automatically comes out... As for labour pain, dun worry... Let nature take its course. Dun think about it.

My gal seeing Dr Ang Ai Tin. But she was not around that day, so they put us to see Dr Ang Poon Liat. I am using Mamy Poko for my gal. Think maybe never wear properly? Normally dun leak one leh...

Dun be so sad over bfing. Dun be so stressed up. Will definitely affect your milk ss and milk quality... Just try to relax and rest more...

I just went for gynae checkup. Now only w37+4 days.. Baby already 3.2kg.. Haha... Not engaged yet and cervic not opened yet... Doctor asked me to stop eating... And dun happy happy see things buy and eat... Last week was only 2.4kg and I gained only 800grams.. All my weight go to baby... Sob sob... From today onwards, will have to eat cereal and/or bread only... Sob Sob...
had my lunch in the newly renovated plaza sg foodcourt ... satisfied my craving for the 'ma-lak soup beef bee hoon + beef ball' yummy!!!

mummies ...

something to share ... read this from super nanny -

leaving a young bb to cry for long periods in the first 4 mths of life doesnt teach him to wait longer for a meal, until the time is more convi for you. it doesnt teach him that he doesnt need another cuddle. it doesnt teach him to go back to sleep. it teaches him that there is no one out there who cares and that there's nothing he can do about it.

in the same way, discipline has no role at all in the early months. that is not to say that babies do not benefit from the reassurance of routine, the early weeks may show v liitle consistency when it comes to eating n sleeping patterns. by 3-6 weeks you will probably find that things have become much more predictable.

you cant force a 2 mth old bb into a routine when it comes to sleeping, but you can ease her into a feeding routine. start by observing how much milk your bb takes. if she cries after a meal, she might be hungrier thann average bb and need more. bet 3-6 weeks, as bb takes more milk, most fall into a pattern of wanting to eat every 2-4 hours.

now you've got a choice here. you can go with the flow, or you can use that pattern to develop a routuine. its up to you. but rem, as a parent, you have more control over the situation than you think. if your bb seems to be wanting to eat at the same time each day, but those times mean you are awakened often during the night, you can shift things along by feeding her slightly earlier than usual, until the intervals are easier for you to cope with.

bb needs alot of physical care from the word go - feeding, changing, bathing, soothing. but they also need stimulation. they cant talk yet, but they love to hear your voice and watch your face. keep communicating, and before v long you will be rewarded with the 1st smile. a short while after that will come the first babbling sounds as your bb "talks' back, imitating the sounds you have made to her.
oic.. are they related to dr ang? ahaha .. i donno leh.. the huggies n drypers i try my best to let him wear properly liao.. will try again .. coz i have 40plus pcs of huggies ultra lor.. given by fren.. if cant use so wasted.. u cut down on carbo will help?
btw, after using those shampoo n bodywash will feel hot hot coz they got warming effect.. hehe u will noe it when u use it:p the shampoo only allows us to wash hair.. but doesnt clean as well as our normal shampoo de.. in my opinions
so sometimes i use normal shampoo sneakily.. but ltr hb nag.. so far me bathed 4times in 8days.. tdy tot of not bathing but so sticky.. hur hur hur..
thank u for the above article..
my boy loves it when i c children songs to him.. kekes.. even massage him he oso happy..
missycandy:: i carry. Whenever she cries, I carry. I don't really believe the saying that crying spoils a child cause how long can you carry your bb at that Stage? haha! will def feel a little pain so just Hang in there!!

queenie:: YOU STILL EARLY LA. don't think about wt yet. in 2 wks will see more sig drop in wt and tummy.

grace:: WOAHH!! so jealous!! 1.9!! i wish i was there already.

sportyger:: she say wait till after confinement lo. now don't wanna KEEP WASHING hair ahhahaahahaha!!! terrible ho. so hubby is now GRINNING AWAY that i can't do lo. cause he also don't agree. MEN! i already said i wanna do during preggie, he said after give birth, now give birth liao, he say wait no BF le then do. THAT IS LIKE HOW LONG MAN!

wintertime:: try to distract him. haha don't carry him in the way that he will want to turn to the sides. We try to carry her upright most of the times and we also sometimes use our palm to support her neck and head to carry her and SHOW her ard the house. WE keep doing that until she can really get interested. haha. So you must try and fool your clever boy.
Yes. it is from Dr Ang. But he just asked me to see him next Wed... Hope by this week or next week baby will come out. I already got the HL from Dr Ang for next week.

U use normal shampoo? I think it is ok, if u use the herbs water to wash off?
haha.. ya i noe.. nw cant tink of dieting bcoz of bfing.. but at mom's place got no weighing scale. so mon when i went tmc pd i saw scale hb bugged me to weigh.. tues went gynae chk up i go weighed again .. lols.
hehe.. hope ur chloe recover asap if not i donno how u gg to handle two little cuties..
i tink can use normal shampoo .. juz tt hb donno.. don wan argue much w him. kekes.
sometimes my mom boil the da feng ai, sometimes she boil ginger..
haha my hb also dun allowed me to dye hair, says now bf better dun do. i very sian seeing my hair half colour. wanna do hair so tat i will look gd at bb first month celebration...
Re: Bfing
Mummies, do not despair with bfing. Try to feed on demand and don't be too stressed out. I TBF my #1 (mainly w EBM since she's 3 mth old) till she turns 1 before weaning her off at ard 15 mth cos i'm preggy with #2. And I strongly advocate bfing cos I think it really built up the immune system of the bb.

Read somewhere that 6 mth of TBF gives the BB 1 yr of antibodies.

Re: Giraffe club
Saw a few MTB toking abt being chairman of the club. Ha.. Maybe will be my turn soon? My EDD is today and I'm still here typing away. I've dilated 1 cm since 37 wks but no progress since then. Going to see gynae tomo again. Think likely to go thru induce route again (my #1 induced on 41st week also). And yes, I can still make it for Taka bb fair tomo.. yippee..
maybe isetan private sales too?

Re: CL
Mummies who are stressed out by CL, pls dun. I think many mummies got slight depression post natal (I had tat for #1.. and i got a terrible CL too.. who naps more than me too..) I insisted to bf myself in the middle of the nite. But I think for this one this time round, will let CL feed EBM at nite so that I can have a good rest.. else like some mummies said.. nothing much for CL to do when we doing direct latch..

Also, I told myself not to have too high expectation of my CL this time round. No expectable = no disappointment/ anger.. bear with it.. enjoy ur time with ur NB..
Thanks all mummies for the wishing.

Yah mine is pre-arranged c-section with dr Adrian cos we get people to date and time.

We have the same name for our princess!

since mine is pre-arrange c-section.

i admit at 5pm on the 08 mar. as usual they will shave, poo and ask you to change.

push to OT as 830pm and c-section done at 9.45pm and back to ward at 10pm.

this round i am glad that dr adrian has chose Dr Chong Jin Long as mine anaset cos he did a good job as compare to mine previous c-section, no doubt i hv side effect of shivering and vomitting. i think i ate too much.

If u are reading this, the GAIA BP will be doing a refund within these 2 wks. U gotta email her the details as follow.


Her email: [email protected]
caca...after delivery with epi can eat something...i asked for milo n biscult...but dun tink u can eat alot coz will feel like puking. =) i had a cup of milo n dinner was served shortly.

JG...Re: CL basically i have no expectations frm her...i only hope she can leave me alone...haha...

Seebreeze/ Grace...thks!! yah when i'm latching i'll lock myself up in the room with bb...1 more day to go, will stay positive!!

Re: weight lost...my weight like no decrease liao...stuck at 5-6kg...still gt 9-10kg to go...hiaz...dunnoe hw wor..aldy done my massage.
