(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


ya i know, probably some depression in play. Really glad tt my hubby is back with me for these crucial few weeks. Though took some sleeping time to chat with him yesterday, i feel so much better now.
queenie, AsUra, just hang in there. AsUra, u can always get a lactation consultant to come for a home visit. #1 I faced this prob. Hence that is why for #2, definitely no btl feed. I sought help from the consultant, she came to my home, 2 hrs, and truly solved the prob. She came on the 5th day cause I knew I had to fix the prob sooner or I get into more frenzy. Maybe u wanna consider that? Queenie, u are doing great. Bb is loving time at your boobs! Heee. Keep it up!!! Is milk ss in yet? Once it is in, will be a lot better. AsUra, hang in there. Don't cry. Need loads of fluid to make bm Heee.

Sg, Jia you!

Irene, how u feeling? Hope your engorgement is better? Did u go massage yesterday?

Babe, Missy, huge Congrats!

Winter, how is little will doing?
cindy, my engorgment getting better, freq pumping do help. Kekeke.. Thanks.. Hopefully today no more engorgment,

Asura, dun be depress, i only got 10ml on my first pump too. Just tat i pump on the 2day cos i got no choice, bb cannot be with me to suckle. Just preserve the pumping, distract yourself during pumping, dun look at the bottles, will have more ms. This is what i'm doing now. Pumping n surfing this forum at the same time. I can get around 45ml now. so dun stress yourself, we'll work hard together. Jia you!
im ok with bfin..
juz sometimes struggles with little boy with his positioning..
i tink milk is in.. juz tt donno how much.. keekees

don be too sad over bm supply and feeding baby.. i realised day by day or rather night by night, my boy get better slp..
i almost cry everyday. over the stupidest thing also can cry.. but will try to stop myself when i tink im wasting those piping hot fluid that i drank..
give u one big HUG~~

im here.. kekes

my hospital bill is $400 plus.. later i dig out the receipt will report the exact amount.

thanks i have the glass bottles also.. monday went back tmc, but forgot to buy the caps. gua gua gua.. lol

pumpkin seed
thanks for the clarification!! hehes.. i tried to wear diaper - huggies ytd for bb myself w/o hb doing it and no leakage.. :x

don be afraid of the labour bcoz of the video tt left a great bad impact on u.coz i read the less afraid we are, the easier the labour will be..
at the 3rd stage of labour, for me i juz wan to shit it out.. haha.. even if my V gg to pain..
meanwhile maybe u can tok to ur little baby about helping u out by coming out faster.. i also quite afraid actually coz first time mom. donno wad im gg to face during the labour. so i cast all my worries to god.. knowing he is there for me.

finally my cowie fall aslp liao.. gg to catch slp too.
lenny/cindy...thks...i will hang on coz left with 1 more week...just take it i'm emplying a temp cleaner ba...since she cleans my house so well....other than tat, can't stand her lor...

lenny...try to relax n take in deep breath if u feel nervous. after u see yr bb is out...everything is worth it de. =)
queenie...glad tat u r coping well...my bb yest'd dunno wat happen keeps struggling...some days like very peaceful..some days cranky..og yah so far no leakage frm diapers...tried pampers, drypers & sealer (xu xu le - old brand) so far ok. =) maybe u try to seal the diaper more to the centre?? cover bb's front higher than the back...hope it will help...
queenie, regarding diapers, me solely using Goon but have samples from huggies ultra and drypers. don't like those 2 le. Very small!! I LOOOVE GOON! haha no leakage for me. but mine is girlgirl la.. so different. hehe.

So happy this morning cos managed a full feed to my girl with latch on n EBM. After 3 feeds of forcing her on spoon feed, she agreed to suckle on my breasts again. But i use freestyle to pump for about 2 to 3 mins b4 letting her suckle. I guess the milk came a little easier this way so she dont mind suckle.

Have tot of getting lactation consultant if things are not improving. But decided that would call only after i have sufficient milk n she still refuses to suckle. most impt for me now is tt she seems to forgot abt the fake nipple liao... whew! think my progress would be 1 day behind since i started pumping late.
Wow... so many mummies have popped! Me too!
<font color="0000ff">I have also delivered my little Princess Elva on 07-Mar</font>

Below is my info:-
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>ADD</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Baby's Wgt</TD><TD>Mode of Delivery </TD></TR><TR><TD>idlecat</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>05-Mar-09</TD><TD>07-Mar-09</TD><TD>Elva</TD><TD>3.18kg</TD><TD>Natural Forceps w Epi</td></tr></table>

Very busy with motherhood since popped! whole day whole night busy with moo moo feeding... Breast engorgement started on 3rd day. Luckily cold cabbage leaf helps to release the pain and hardening. Will try to share more, but later... now need to prepare bathing my baby
Hi Mummies,

thanks for the well wishes. Here's my birth story:

6 March
11pm - Admit TMC to waiting ward, put on CTG, anaemia to clear bowels
11.30pm - Sent to labour ward, gynae broke waterbag, was 2cm dilated
7 March
12am - Contractions coming in
12.30 - 2am - Contractions coming in every 1-2 mins
2am - asked for epidural because only 3cm dilated and deep breathing didn't help (also the lady in the next labour ward was screaming her head off cause she was on natural birth &amp; that really scare me off...)
2.30am - Anaethetist came to administer epi
Within 1.5hrs, was dilated so fast that got urge to push at 3.45am
3.45am - Midwife ask to practise pushing and was told that I was pushing very well and can stop, just wait for gynae to come. (But it's really difficult to control the urge to push)
4.30am - Gynae came and after 3 hard &amp; long pushes, my little boy was out at 4.35am

We have came home since Mon and I have been experiencing engorgement for the longest time probabaly cause bb was on partial breastfeeding at hospital &amp; I didn't latch on/pump out that often.

Was kinda experiencing some depression when I couldn't feed him direct cause of my sore nipples and bad engorgement and each pump is only less than 10ml from both breasts.

Giving in to formula because I couldn't even dare to carry bb when my engorgement was so painful. I just felt so lousy about myself and think I'm a bad mummy. Everyone at home is fussing over bb while I just sit on my bed, thinking how to help myself.
SG ...

Frankly if i am you ... i would have lock my door and not let her interfer with my BF or would have even told her off cos she is here to help you not make things worse for you ... be strong and firm!!

Cindy &amp; Alfafa ...

Guess we belong to the category of mummy who hate to wash/steralise and pump hahahahaha ... i have some frens who prefer to just pump cos they feel that they have more freedom and others can take over the feeding

But be prepared oso lar ... cos weaning bb off breast is another challenge .... i TBF for 8mths and started mixing FM and BM till he was 10mths old ... had a hard time waening him off the breast too and bb are really smart ... as long as i am at home ... he will refuse the bottle and only wan to drink from breast

but i guess towards the end he find it not so worth while to suckle liao cos really NO MILK hahahahaha

For me it was intentional to wean him off cos his teeth was coming out

Cindy ...

Funny stories ar ... alot lor but these days my temper really v short ... been shouting at him most of the time cos always run around while I am trying to feed him and now he is down with cough arrrggggghhhhh and here i am feeling the weight and cant wait to pop ...

going to see my gynae tom ... wonder what he will say ... most likely will get a scolding cos i have been eating heavy lunches (carl jrs, swensen, crystal jade etc) like no body business cos really in a counting down to confinement mood =p
seabreeze, Haha so your attitude now is eat all while u can ha Haha! My boy was Okie with weaning le.... No fuss, no grumble, so I hope this girl also can be the same. Wonder if intro bottle at 3months is too late Haha. That time I intro at 2months, he rejected for a bit, then willingly took to it after a wk or more of trying. Haha. Hope he get well soon la.. so irritating when they are sick. Haha. I hate it cause become so sticky and bad tempered!

I completely understand how u feel. Felt so bad when bb rejected me yesterday for feeding. Did u talk to ur hb abt what u feel? I was crying and telling my hb then he was consoling me. Really makes me feel a lot better. BF is not everything. It is a tough career. JUst do ur best ok?
Though we can try to console u in the forum, it is not sufficient without family support, do chat with ur hb on this. Please dont feel like a bad mummy ok?
Cindy ...

Yar everyday my colleague will ask me what i wan to eat hahahaha then my hubby warn me ... dun reach a point of no return!! irritating .. then i told him cos he stingy mar ... dun wan to accompany me to eat good/nice food so i go with my colleague during lunch lor hahahaha

mine was a tough fight ... he was intro to bottle was he was 6 weeks old and no prob ... think too young to realise the difference - got food can liao hahahahaha but when he was older ... first was weaning him off night feed then weaning him off my brest that was challenging lor v tough but need to be v firm =p

but still i am hoping to do the same if not better for #2 cos the price was the FM really rocketed over the years heehee

Jasmin ...

Yap ... BF is tough ... whoever says that its easy is kidding you =p

alot of discipline and effort involed ... dun feel guilty of any decision you make cos to me ... as a mummy we only wan the best for our child but we should not forget abt the well-being of ourselves too!!

the pain is 'normal' cos your milk just came in ... think of it postively ... the milk has arrived k
Morning Mummies
I am still here think I champion le.Fri I will be turning 40weeks le baby over due soon.Yesterday just seens gynae baby still no intention of coming out but gynae say the Water in tumtum wont last me for so long le.So if baby reali dun come out have to go for induce on 16march have to check in to hospital at sunday midnight 12am. So scary hope baby will come out so no need go for induce.Baby 3.2kg now
Hi all mommies, dun give up on BF. At fast my supply so v low, so i keep on latch and pump n drink alot of water then now i can pump 90-100 ml from 2 breast after 2 wks. Just rem dun give yourself too much stress and rest more then the flow will come in. i think dun need to be too sad to give FM since you already tired ur best. It is ok to mix feeding.
congrats to mummies who had popped!!

How come some mummies can pump 4-6hrs each time? got so much milk?
I only can pump up to 40ml for 45 mins the most...

according to my CL, she used drypers on bb and it leaks. The pampers is good so she reserve the pampers for later and wanted to finish the drypers first. bought mammypoko but have not use yet.

Congras actually u have a real short labour so lucky of u.Jia you

Congras Actually u too had a short labour.Jia you
so glad to hear from you

and congrats for ur healthy bb!!!
you opt for c-sec with epi..did it hurt? coz kome using epi too..but can still feel the pain during the surgery..
how come ur hb stay free? it thought must pay $75/night?
Haha ya the most like 5more days counting down nw quite scary haha.My #1 I staying with my MIL de so she help lor.

Mummies who took epidural at MT A can ask if anyone come across Dr JL Chong .How is he .
Also if we take Epi for normal delivery after delivering can we like have food straight away haha cos I scare I will be very hungry.Also if on induce drip straight away after give birth they will take out the drip or they will take out once u reach 10cm dilite.Sorry ah so many que. Cos now quite ganjiong le.
i on induce drip. once u delivered, they will not take out drip, they will wait until the drip finish. The popose is to close up ur womb. This is wat the nurse told me. so for the first 6hrs not allowed to walk.

my waterbag burst b4 my gynae arrived but heard from nurse tt gynae would burst water bag if my water bag did not burst then.
caca (1983) : I'm in the same position as you! I'll be 40 weeks this Fri as well and going in to see the gynae. Hopefully, our babies will come out by themselves before next Mon so we don't have to induce. I've been drinking lots of coconut and walking lots.
How come funny le I thought that wan is to help cervix open than u say help womb close haha.I hate to be on drip so pain and I always dun dare move my hand.

Ya lets pray together which hospital u gg to deliver.I gg to MT A.Keep telling baby but dun seem she wan to come out.
Wow blurjen,
You gave birth on the same day as me but you are able to pump so much at one time &amp; furthermore you are latching baby.....good for you!!!! =)

When it's time for baby to latch, jus go to your room &amp; enjoy the quietness &amp; bonding...dun bother wat your CL thinks...She'll oni be wif u for a couple of days...hee~~ Stay cool ya....
Update from my gynea appt yesterday.

My bb boy is engaged!! Which is good cos we wanted him to be out within this 1 wk. (cos we keep having the feeling that he will be out by 16 Mar). BUT my cervix is not ready. It is not even soft. Still closed tightly. Doc say may be overdue. Quite disappointed to hear this. My hubby worried that bb will grow too big. Now at 38wk, he already around 3.2-3.6kg. My gynea gave a few tips on how to induce labour. One of them is walking. So yesterday after the checkup, spend the whole afternn shopping.

Prosper, how does the drip work? Does it mean that once they put the drip on, u will start to dilate and have contractions?

Caca, did your gynea did VE on u to check on your dilation?
my contraction came after doc broke my waterbag but more intense when on drip. Once i am drip, my cervix opened very fast within 2 hrs i popped..
I oso got the same fear as u. But my first exposure to such labour pain was thro my mum from her description of labour when i was young. Sad rite?? Recently, while trying to give me a prep talk, she said something like, "ok one lah, not so bad, once they inject the BIG needle, will not be painful anymore". Intention was good, but there is no need to mention the 'BIG' needle.

Think we gotta keep a levelled head, relax, have a supportive hubby next to you. Check out this link on how your partner can support u.

if bb is engaged, within how many days/week will we give birth?
my bb also engaged already..went for check up last monday, wk 38 - 3.2kg also..same with u..
but gynae never check my cervix..
I've been drinking coconut,chicken essence and always arrange time to walk at least 15 min...will these induce labour fast?..hoping bb to come out between 20-24 march..as edd is 24..
tink my boy like to fidgets alot tt why diaper leak.. and ya. i don like drypers and huggies.. so small.. so one heaven one earth compared to pampers.. hehe
pampers one is gd leh, got urine indicator.. i donno when muz change the rest of diapers lor..

ya .. some days is gd some days is not gd.. me ytd night is gd, but this morning is abit cranky.. phew..but glad to c him deep slp nw..
alamak.. juz when i said deep slp.. he nw wan cry! +_+ sibeh pantang!
phew he wan milk again...

thanks! me juz chg his diaper to fitti.. c hw it wrks..
prosper, before the waterbag burst, was there any contractions that caused u to proceed to hospital? Was your cervix soften or open prior to your delivery day. The drip was meant for cervix dilation? Sorry so many qn.

Though my gynea pro natural, we want to find out if there is anyway to fasten the cervix dilation. So far, he never mention about induce/drip etc.
Asura, jia you.. don't give up..

SG, Cindy,my boy gave my CL one big time last night!!! He din sleep from 12am till 6pm! I reckon he wants to suckle my nipples for comfort!! stress... i think he's taking me as his pacifier. bad habit! I only latch him on at 8am this morning. so upset that he kept wailing last night.
we pay $75 per nite for my Hubby stay. He took the full meal on the 1st nite stay, after that he took the breakfast only ($60 per nite) coz he thinks the food not much variety.

I took C-sect with spinal. The drug works fast on me, the moment it's introduced, both my legs went dead. Dr Adrian performed the surgery straight after that. Well, I must say Dr Adrian's surgery skill is superb. Dun feel any pain during the surgery although can feel them tugging at my tummy. But I have bad shivers throughout the surgery and 3-4 hrs after that. I dun feel pain until the day after, which I have to take painkillers to ease the pain.
miss83, no hard and fast rule when we will give birth after bb engagement. Just that we are being eager. I think some mums here experience diff timeframe.

My gynea did CTG then VE. BB heartbeat strong but no contractions at all ;( My edd is 21 March and my gynea is going on leave from 25-29th. He said he will try to deliver me by 23rd if not wait for him to come back??!! That's too long.

He advised more walking, nipple stimulation and sex (half penetration if scared to do full penetration) to fasten the whole process. May have to stroll more than 15 min? Cos during pregnancy, we were advised to stroll at least 30min already. Yesterday, spent a couple of hrs window shopping/sitting in cafe. At long not tired, I just keep walking.
C-sect with spinal--does it mean you're still awake during the surgery or asleep?
Good to hear everything went well for you

once again, congrats!

just read ur posting..
good to hear ur bb gain weight!

ur bb engaged already?
looking at ur EDD..we are only a few days difference..who knows might meet u in hospital ^^
