(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Good for u that they finally knock off the wall liao. Sigh...mine not so soon la. Cos I staying at the column where the existing lifts are, so now they only building the platform to bridge to the existing lift, won't be knocking off the wall so soon. But good thing is they are doing the platform right outside my house now, hope they can complete at least by another floor up by the time I pop.

miss83: Try not to use bottle feed if possible. Even at nite, I will try to latch cos if for 5-6 hrs never latch / express, milk demand will be affected. Its demand and supply thing
But now hor.. what the HR means is any MC taken before ML, they will not take it as MC. They will treat it as ML. Since they like that, ok lor. I take 2 days MC, come back work 3 days and go off for ML lor. Didn't take one whole week mah. So angry with them. urgh!!
Actually they should be more understanding that we actaully hope to stay longer with our young children. When working we will have lesser time spent with them already.
haha.. ur colleagues are so funny!

everywhere seems raining. juz like ytd's noon. mommies out there muz be caution when walking home ah..

wha. ur lochia takes so long to clear? den muz wear pads for that long as well. . . +_+ faints

hehe.. u all tokin abt taking nap makes me oso feel like takin nap..
Me too feel like sleeping already. Weather is so nice to sleep in.

Haha....than very difficult to communicate with her already.

Ok lah... just take MC for a fewdays, go back office for a few days then pop the baby comes.. heee... I think only those who need to bed rest before bb arrives would have to take ML earlier.
I think she dun dare to say it straight lor. What she meant is no MC before ML, if there is MC, they will treat it as ML. She dun want to sour the relationship so say PREFER.
I think most companies will treat MC or HL before delivery as ML. That's why I double check with my HR if they will recognise my MC or HL prior to my delivery.
i'm not able to make it for the dinner tis Fri coz cannot dump hb as he'll be gg to the chkup w me... but if u r gg for the fair, we can jalan 2gether, hope not tat crowded on Fri night...

re: weather station
paya lebar sky's cloudy... cool weather!!!
jtho - thanks for the infor...is Prof Mary's charges more exp than yr gynae's charges? or are they abt the same? jus wondering if Prof Wong and Prof Mary are on the same tier....

kome - i was referring to all the modes of public transport like mrt and bus...taxis ok but expensive! hahaha....
does anyone know if returning to work after 16 weeks of ML, can stright away tender or have MOM rules stated must work for at least few months then can tender?
Put in the freezer if you are only require to use it 2 days later. If you are using within the same day, you do not need to put in the freezer.
Found in MOM, not sure does it means that still need to work 1 month after ML.

"An employer cannot employ an employee at any time during the 4 weeks immediately following her confinement. An employer also cannot contract out the maternity benefits."
Think most company will take MC one to 2 weeks b4 EDD as ML now since got 4 months ML . Think have to give and take lor if don't want to make too much noise . The last 8 weeks ML must be agreed by both parties since it's gov. who pay for us ..
ya i will definately tender after my ML. but some mummies here says cannot. i check MOM website nv state leh..

then if use it within a day or for next day just put in fridge will do huh?
Yup. I just check witth my friend who had alot of supply BM for her gal. She said slowly de-froze overnight to be use the next day is best thanput in warm water and defroze quickly. So just put in the chiller if you using it on the same day. If only need to use on the next day, maybe night time than bring down to chiller to defroze.
i will look out for other job or work partime. if economy not gd then i will look after bb then see how.
Just tired of my job liao. My collegues all are being lay off. no more friends there. so no point for me to go back too. afterall also management not gd.
Re: MC
I am taking MC starting this year whenever I visit Gynae loh.. So far boss din say anything.

Re: Mummies who pop
Congrats to all mummies who had deliver BB. Some mummies posted the BB's Pix here, they were soooo cuteee!! I wish I can see and take pix of my BB early too!! I feel that mummies who went thru delivery were very wei da!

Re: Kidzloft Warehouse Sale
Seems like everything is 50% off. I went at noon and there were many pple there. The place is quite crowded. Bought the nursing pillow le. The U shape one and a extra case. I also bought a play mat.

Re: Baby Fair
I will be taking leave to go for the fair.. Haha.. Don wan to go on weekend as I know it will be very crowded due to NATAS Fair.

Re: Weather
Finally I can get some coool weather after so many days of hot sun.. I even swaet in the office in the morning. :p
Prosper & May
If i come back after ML, company need voluntary retrenchment. Maybe i will volunteer too, as i hope to look after my 2 sons first since they are so young.
Haha.....my company already axe pple until my boss said don't have anymore pple to axe liao. Nap.....will not be thinking abt it for at least 2 yrs. Might give up to try for #3, financially too stress and i am tired already.
Re: ML

I jus spoke to my colleague...she said my company dun practise cases of taking MC before ML, though my colleague never said strictly cannot...so far no such cases for my company.

but since we got so many days of ML, i jus use my ML lor...i will be starting my ML two weeks prior to my EDD, which is 16-Mar.

My colleague told me she will pass me some forms to fill up, which have to do so before i go on ML.
but i also worried stay at home will be bored.
last time i used to have alot of off days, so i stay at home really nothing to do.
Dunno if i stay at home this time round with bb, will i become huang lian po anot. hehe
When's ur EDD? I actually wanted to take 2 weeks prior to my EDD... But hoh.. My MIL coming out to stay with us in March so dun wanna take liaoz... :p
Coz my hubby will be working night shift in March.. So sianz... Nothing to talk to her.. Face her alone at home very boring...

I only recall reading that can only tender after ML. So it depends on the notice period required by your company. If it is 1 month, then u need to go back to work after ML and tender on the first day, then wouldbe clearing leave, if any. SOme positions/companies got longer tender period.
Dun worry.. Can become a Tai Tai.. Bring baby out shopping, etc... But it's boring staying at home.. Yet u see baby growing and learning things very cute... Really dun wish to go back to work after the ML.
I am not going to try for #3 also. Enough with 2 gals. My company is going thru 1st round of retrenchment in end Mar. I am pretty sure they dun dare to "touch" me yet. But not sure if my rice bowl is safe after I come back. So best is to clear all my ML. When I am back, they want to axe then go for it. hehe. I am tired of wearing mask to work everyday already. So angry with how my fellow colleagues treat me during early pregnancy.
Devil - my EDD is on 27-Mar...my MIL has resigned from her job to take care of my bb...she resign earlier this time round to accompany me when i start my ML on 16-Mar. Can u go to yr own mum's place to stay?
i always say i want to be tai tai, then my hb roll his eyes...

I already start Ml since last week, then now staying at my mil place. also nothing to tok to her. keep on staying in my hb pervious room to surf net, watch tv. nv go out dinning room ..
But she is nice lah, take care of all my meals and everything..
Yup, my company also don't dare to touch me now. At least if they want to retrench after ML, company will give a sum of money as compensation right. At least can tahan awhile and can look for part time job first.

You sound very sick and tired of your company.
My EDD about same as urs. Mine is 29 or 30 Mar... My mom's place no place I think.. Only 3 room flat and my bro staying with them. Plus my gal... Dunno got place to sleep anot... I'm ok with my MIL. But dun like her nagging only.. Plus need to sponsor her when she is in SG and think if go out, I have to pay for everything... So better avoid.. Keke... Need to save money for baby now..
kome and may,
same here, they dun dare to touch me hehe. But dunno wat will happen if i go bk. I just dun care. My company axe ppl nv compensate one... so sian

Just some info I found from Medela's booklet on breastmilk storage. FYI

<font color="0000ff">Breastmilk Storage

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Room Temperature</TD><TD>Refrigerator</TD><TD>Refrigerator Freezer Compartment</TD><TD>Deep Freeze </TD></TR><TR><TD>Freshly expressed breastmilk</TD><TD>Do not leave at room temperature</TD><TD>3-5 days at approx. 4°C</TD><TD>6 months at approx. -16°C</TD><TD>12 months at approx. -18°C </TD></TR><TR><TD>Thawed breastmilk (previously frozen)</TD><TD>Do not store</TD><TD>10 hours</TD><TD>Never refreeze</TD><TD>Never refreeze </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

* When freezing do not fill bottles/ bags more than 3/4 full to allow space for expansion.
* Label bottles/ bags with the date of pumping.
* In order to preserve the components of the breastmilk, thaw in the refrigerator overnight or by holding the bottle/ bag under running warm water (max 37 °C).
* Gently shake the bottle/ bag to blend any fat that has separated.
* Do not thaw frozen breastmilk in a microwave oven or in a pan of boiling water (danger of burning).</font>
