(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


good to hear that your bb is fine. Dun worry too much. I will b seeing Dr Chua this Thurs too..mine is morning. May b can see u at her clinic haha. Thanks for sharing wat to buy for confinement.

CONGRATS to all mummies who hv popped..

All the best to alfafa and Daphne!

Can check with you on the Playtex milk bag, do they have the tie on stripes come with the pack? You brought $24 for a pkt how many pieces inside per pkt? I manage to buy from a mummy, but she selling the 4oz pkt type, inside per pkt got 100pcs.
Kome & mummies,
Remember to buy (Blue dates)Lang zhao also. As for red dates water we need the lang zhao also. My confinement lady says if use black dates the water will taste sour, blue dates(Lang Zhao) will taste sweet instead of sour.
I brought from the spree including shipping only at $13. My is 8oz 140pcs per box. Don't buy 4 oz one, my friend told me it is too small already. They do not have any the tie on stripes in the box. You need to purchase them by yourself. I brought a pkt of the clip to clip the bag.

You may consider the blue egg brand as it already got zipper and quite cheap too.
not sure when the Taka BB fair ends lei... the guy juz told my hb starts on 6th Mar only...

since u in wk38, and bb wt is ideal, why not try to induce??
Too late leh, I have transfer payment to her liao. And I need it like tis few days as my milk supply too much so have to freeze some. But my boy drink 90ml now, and think is easiler to store and defrost it in 4oz pack right?
Dang Gui : I remembered only when menses stop then can take if not will cause more as got a colleague took as CL say can but she bleeded so badly and in the end went back to hosiptal and they told her need to stop that and then ok . My MIL also say cannot take if still have menses .
Thanks for sharing on the black and blue dates, I will check with mil again before buying.

yah I remembered something like that cant take dang gui unless menses stop.
ya lor funny hor and Dang gui seems to be one of the must have during confinement

so the drink dun need to put black dates leh...put blue dates can liao?
coz you need to use a tie or clip to seal the opening which you need more space. Since you have already paid for it should be ok lar. Actually if you urgent can get from me first for the milkbags since i always go back every weekend to sembawang and hubby always go back there on mon, wed and fri for short while. Can get your hb to take from my side
fatfish, once you drink DOM, for the during the next 2 hours, don BF or pump. As there will be traces of alcohol that will pass thru BM. The lapse of 2hrs will allow the alcohol to pass thru milk production but it doesn't stay in it... so it's fine.

Note that alcohol can cause dehydration to your body, so best to drink lots of liquid before and/or after a drink. You can plan in such away, at night after baby's last feed (before your bedtime) take 1 shot of dom and go to bed. 2~2.5hrs baby would get up for a feed, drink a cup of logan red/black dates before feed and 1 more cup after feed.
moomooland, i feel the same way, my EDD is 5march, 3 days after urs & i also feel like a beached whale , always banging into doors and things (scraped my tummy skin a few times too). Was hoping little one will come along before thursday, before my little brother goes to Brunei for his NS training, but oh well, can't be helped...he decides his own birthday...tmr is his 39week...wonder when wonder when *hugs hugs*
My appt's at 11am this thur, ya maybe will bump into you heehee.

I dun wanna induce yet cos I prefer early of the month baby kekekee, moreover my CL is still doing confinement for another lady till 5 Mar. So I prefer to hang on if its still safe cos doctor says still not critical now. But of cos if there's a need to, I'll def do it immediately. But so far, my BH isnt very frequent. Just feel tightening of tummy and its not painful. Fingers crossed...

Blue dates
Ohhh ok ok, I better go get some too cos I also prefer sweet than sour

Chicken & eggs
I heard from my MIL to avoid taking chicken & eggs for first 2 weeks if we going for c-sect. Not sure how true cos she also heard from other people...
hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude...

I have a AVENT Isis Manual Breast Pump for sale. Sterilized twice but not used, because my husband bought me the Medela PIS Advanced.

I bought it brand new at $90+, will let it go at $50. Pls PM to deal, thanks.
If going for c-sect, have to avoid taking eggs. According to my grandma, eggs will delay the healing of wound and cause infection.
my edd 10/03 lor.. but ytd went to family gathering.. receieved quite a few of hurtful remarks. so got v upset.. till now..


haha... me also gg to miss these 9mths of not having bloody scene below ..:p

re: dom
i tink i wont be drinkin it directly.. will cook with food so it will be evaporated.
wat happen queenie??

i have been getting a sharp pain on my lower right back...dunno if its due to my slip disc...oh ya, wonder if i'm able to administer epidural if i have slipped disc problem.. hopefully cant so i'll be left with no choice and bear the pain thru...keke..save the money for better usage...

i also got the lasinoh ones fm the spree...but only 50 first cos dunno how the supply would be like...but my cousin did give me a number of used milk bottles..so maybe will use them to store after i sterilise ba...

wonder how daphne n alfafa doing...jia you wor...
Thanks yiyi.

wat happened? Dun be upset by them. Must be a happy mum k.

Heard can drink either milo or Horlicks.
yea queenie:: what happened at the gathering? don't be upset k? one ear in one ear out. hugs hugs.

Me gg to meet the cordlife agent later. sigh. wait so long then decide. haha!
Hi queenie, wat hurtful remarks?

Tummy size not big enuf?
Going for pain relief?
C section? Natural?

My mil recently jus commented tat her galfrienz said my tummy size not big lor...i rolled my eyes n told her tat such 'innocent' remarks can put stress on e mtbs as they inferred tat e bb either not growing well or mum not eating enuf...

Cheez...these pple shld know better. A bigger tummy may b filled w amniotic fluid...not necessarily imply a huge bb n vv.

I jus good naturedly told my mil tat mtbs do feel more sensitive than usual...some remarks r best kept to oneself...like hey, U no swollen hands/legs ah? Bigger nose ah?

Come on...ignore all these harmless yet tactless remarks...they will know it when itz their turn...

Hmmm...my mil jus kept quiet when i aired my views...she seemed a bit taken aback...Luckily my hb supported me, cos i tall n slim mah, of course i don carry a big tummy lor...

Cheer up k Queenie n all mtbs who r waiting patiently for ur little ones to arrive...i beri excited...

Btw, Taka bb fair coming ah on 6 Mar....yeh?! Still waiting for some last min purchases...got to get help from my loved ones...nowadays my cervix area qite seng (sore) liao...scared scared!

Koala, many thanks for the list with regards to e confinement...very handy. Will show to my dearest mum who happens to b my confinement choice 2!
Yup. #1 delivered by her as well. I took 1 bedder. I think the cost is comparable to TMC/ Mt E. My #1 is induced, natural w epi, think total bill ard $5k plus.. Hubby settled, me not v sure.. heh..

Was doing pre-admission for #2 2 wks ago. Only then realised that delivery is so exp. Was telling hubby.. if no $ cannot give birth in Singapore ah..

Ya.. prof Rauff rates is the highest as she's a prof. The package for her is $870 vs normal consultant of $600.
hi mummies

sooo happy... went for check up.. lil Rayyan is almost 3kg now... He was only 2.36kg at birth... 13days later his weight shot up...

he is recovering from an infection. From his BCG jab... When we brought him home, we saw a small inflammed pimple-like near his groin area... I called the PD that was assigned to him at hospita.. Clinic opened 9am.. so we tried 8.45am.. Recep said doc will call afternoon.. Then when afternoon came.. the recep called us and said that doc said it was nothing serious.. He was not free that day Fri... And Sat.. no slot.. so got to wait for Mon...But being FTM i was worried.. Cos the lump seemed to be getting bigger... So i went to a PD at tiong baru.. He diagnosed it as infection... and my original PD said it was nothing serious!!!!!!! i am going to stick to this new PD.. he is very caring... and not like in a rush ...

Rayyan was put on a week course of antibiotics and we have to clean the area and put ointment.. Really heart pain to put the med in a syringe and feed him... Only 10days old must eat med... Sigh.. Then ytd the pimple.. actually it was a lymph node burst.. drying up now.. On fri he was 2.702kg.. 2 days later mon 2.925kg.. who say babies put on weight slower if on BM?? my mum kept telling me to feed him FM but i refused...


i really wished my supply as much as yours.. i can only get an average 50ml.. my bb going thru a growth spurt.. yet to produce milk to pump then got to feed my bb.. sigh... how u do it??
Ya must cheer up & dont let their remarks upset you. I always try to switch off whenever I dun wanna hear something cos I'm the kind very sensitive to what people say... so I try to change topic and slowly walk away from that conversation.

Taka fair
Oops I wonder if I still have a chance to go to the fair

FYI I checked with the nurse just now regarding our doctor's letter for admission and they say just bring the long pink card will do & the hospital pre-admission form will do. No need for doctor's letter.

Don't mention, I actually got this list from someone who posted here quite sometime before, just that I add on some other items.

I also just signed up Cordlife & got the kit last week
queenie - ignore any unkind remarks, just take in nice ones..just like the Gold 90fm/Class 95 TV advertisement (the one with the driving instructor)..cheer up!!
So glad your bb is growing well. Sigh... sometimes I wonder why certain people become doctors if they not caring about their patients, especially if newborn babies cos they are not able to express to us whether they are pain or what is wrong with them right.

Hair loss
I heard from my mum that right after delivery in the ward, we should use our hands to "brush" our hair upwards from the forehead.... you know what I mean? She said will prevent hair loss but I duno its a myth or not. Anyone heard of this from your mum or MIL?
starflower - maybe we could distract ourselves by doing other stuff...(cant think of any right now tho)...my hubby always say sometimes the pain is psychological

Lochia is post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth and progresses through three stages.

Lochia rubra is the first discharge, red in color because of the large amount of blood it contains. It typically lasts no longer than 3 to 5 days after birth.

Lochia serosa is the term for lochia which has thinned and turned brownish or pink in color. It contains serous exudate, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and cervical mucus. This stage continues until around the tenth day after delivery.

to that of normal menstrual fluid. Any offensive odor indicates a possible infection and should be reported to a healthcare provider.

congrats to princess in dreamland & daphne!!!!!!!!!

today had some contractions with cramps. but nothing consistent. did a bit of walking ard, up and down today. cld have triggered it off. also got a bit of a scare. tot waterbag leaked becos suddenly felt discharge +++... but nth la... heee... jus sudden increase in discharge... my poor feet nw aching... best part is i bought nursing bra online but end up the cup too small for me... *sobs* i bought bustline only... no cup indicated becos supposed to fit... thats for buying cheap bras lor... cost me 8.80 each... sigh... =(

milkbags... the mammabebe is selling it cheaper... ard 7 bucks a box wor... u all cn check it out... http://mammabebe.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=41 il prolly get from her... also right, if you all drink chicken essence, you can use the bottle to store ur BM in the freezer, thats what one mummy told me.. hee hee.. too bad i dont drink it... bleah... dont like.. =P
Since u on ML liao, just enjoy the remaining days with BB inside u and your couplehood time with hubby

Congrats on the arrival of your prince!

Good to hear that your BB has grown so much. Ya, its not true tha BB on BM will grow slower, in fact, there is more nutrients and better for BB. Just hang in there

Don be upset abt those hurtful remarks. I also got relative say my tummy small and my SIL always asking me if I got leg cramp or water retention whenever she sees me...in my heart I also not very happy la, its like asking someone u got flu or sick or not huh...understand its kind intention, but it makes MTB upset lor. And I realised these remarks are made by those who have not been mothers b4
Congrates! to mummies who popped today.
Thanks for explaning to me about lochia, now I know what it means. Must tell my Cl then. She jst cook once for me last night.
What I did is only latch baby during day time on & off. I did mostly pumping out milk every 4 hourly to keep my supply stablise. When supply stable already than you can latch on when ever you want. Coz 1st state of milk supply is important. Once our milk supply comes you must make sure you clear your breast so the same amount of milk can build up again on the next round you pump out your milk. Feel your breast, make sure its fully empty and not half empty after each pump. Wintertime also call me, asking me about how to increase her supply. Her breast still got blockage of milk, what I told her is to clear her block by latch on 1st, than follow by pumping out.

Congrats to all Mummies who have also POPPED!

So long never come to this thread liao, it is mission impossible to read through everything, but saw the post on the spreadsheet on mummies who have given birth! So many liao, keke... Hope everyone is fine, mummy, baby and all!!! Northvirgo has Triplets? WOW!!!

Take Care!!!

BTW, Misscandy, my girl was borned 1.355kg..
She is doing real well at home now, and weighs about 2.7kg at 36 weeks (gestional)
