(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Mmmm.....bag already quite heavy but if never put extra also scare later waterbag burst when in office there will be nothing to change.

Still so long to lunch time & it's all talk abt food....gosh....hungry liao!!!! =)

Yup I'm also thinking of driving till the week b4 but whenever my colleages see me, they'll discourage me to do so!

You're really cool....in labour ward yet still online....but anyway, enjoy the process!! Keep us posted!
nana ...

hopefully by now you are into the last few cm of the journey =) share with us your birth story when popped ... so exciting 4th bb in the group heehee

Kome ...

although ppl keep saying that preg will not affect the job performance etc but i feel that even if we were to put in the same 100% like non-preg time ... our performance will still be ranked lower than the rest cos of the fact that we wont be around for a couple of months and other colleagues have to take up additional task to cover us lor ... anyway now is really the best time to pop ... cos economy bad ... not much $$ lost whether preg or not

Queenie ...

your hubby v funny ler but i think maybe he just pai seh not pantang right ... but when they buy cond*m they not paiseh lor hahahahaha

re: #1

these days my #1 oso super clingy suddenly and v 'hum bao' ... dunno if its cos he knows that didi will REALLY be appearing soon hahahahaha

anyway that day he say that he dun wan to go to school cos the floor is dirty then yest the teacher wrote in the communication booklet that my son is still not napping ... then i told her maybe cos the floor is dirty so he cant zzzz hahahahaha dunno what is her reaction going to be =p
oh tink ur hb cfm cant be back in time liaos. but dont worry. his heart n mind will be accompanying u.

if u really buay tahan standing ah, better tap their shoulders ask them wk up ..

hehe heng ah ytd i nv ki siao and buy 1 mth supply for 40.5cm.. lols
I totall agree that #1 has become a "hum bao"...she's not like tat at all previously. Think she can feel it!! hmm...poor girl!
nana opt for delivery in gleneagles if i rem correctly...

tink u hv to pay for the internet access over there right? u r in labour ward or norm ward now?

tat's y my gf wanna secure a job b4 she plan for her #2... she wanna help her hb a bit...
i oso told her she can hv #2 first so can take both of them but she said her mum can help her bbsit so no issue on tat...
Hi all,

Last week, I was checking on the childcare leave entitlement with MOM. Here are the extracts of the replies.

Dear XxX

We refer to your email dated 5 Feb 09.

The 6 days of childcare leave does not have any pre-conditions attached to it. As mentioned in my earlier email, you have flexibility to take paid childcare leave at any time to spend time with your child, as long as your child is below seven years old. For example, you may use it to accompany your child on the first day of school, or to care for your child personally when the usual childcare arrangement is not available.
Should you require more information on the statutory benefits provided for under the Employment Act, you could visit the Ministry of Manpower's web-site at http://www.mom.gov.sg (under Employment Standards, Workplace Relations and Standards) or call 6 4385122. However, if you need to meet and consult with our officers in person, you may make an e-appointment using the following link : http://app.etools.mom.gov.sg/eindex.aspx.

Tan Pamela(Mrs)
Labour Relations Officer, Employment Standards Department


Dear Tan Pamela(Mrs),

I sort of understand what you meant. But, my question is, can the company policy state that Child Care leave be taken only upon utilisation of the annual leave? I need to take a day off to take care of my sick child below 7 years old. The HR dept said I have to apply as annual leave first. I cannot claim under child care leave until I consume all my annual leave for this year.

Is it what the statutory benefits meant in the first place?

Please revert.

Thanks again.
Dear XXX

We refer to your email dated 4 Feb 09.

You have flexibility to take paid childcare leave at any time to spend time with your child, as long as your child is below seven years old. For example, you may use it to accompany your child on the first day of school, or to care for your child personally when the usual childcare arrangement is not available.
Type: Enquiry
Category: Labour Laws on Employment (eg. salary payment, employment benefits, etc)
Subject: Child Care Leave
Can a company state that the Childcare leave can only be granted upon utilisation of the annual leave?

I.e., if I have 14days annual leave yearly, I must use up all my 14days annual before I can apply for Childcare leave. If I didn't utilise my annual leave, then I do not have Child care leave AT ALL.

Hope this piece of new also relieve some of the mummies' concerns.
haha u are so cute! aiyo. why cwp don have ding tai feng.. sad man. but anw, cwp's foodcourt got 1 stall also serves xiao long bao also quite nice..

im so excited for u.. kekes..

i tink if waterbag burst really flows like no tomorrow like tt? hahas. so change oso no use?

hehe paiseh.. u taken breakfast??

ya i tink he's paiseh not pantang .. or maybe both also have just that i donnoe. lols ya hor. i will use this point to shoot at him hahas.
haahaa.. floor dirty cant slp? u indirectly telling her tat her centre not doing a v gd job lei. lols. but is gd tactic.

i tink ur #1 just wan sai nai with u..
My son also abit "hum bao" and so clingy to me. He don't want any one to touch him except me and sometimes his daddy only.

Can still tahan lar just that leg will feel abit "suan" after standing a while. Just scare that people knock onto my tummy when they rushed in to the MRT.
You still can ask someone to help to buy if you feel that you really need the long one when in confinement.
Grace ...

Yours oso ... i sometimes really cant take it lor .. a little bit he will bite his lips then give me that pitiful look and start crying

When he is about to stop and someone look at him ... he will start ALL OVER AGAIN!! ARGGGGGGHHHH
Queenie - wats CWP?

Re: Childcare Leave
I thought we can use childcare leave ahead of annual leave? like that might as well don't give us the childcare leave at all....since its most unlikely we wan to finish utilising all our annual leaves. And for those mummies who never get to utilise all their annual leaves, the childcare leave is like white elephant lor...never use at all...
ya i stand too long also can feel the legs aching. stand too still will even get light headed. u got to be v careful. use ur hand to push them b4 they push u ? tts is what i always do when im outside. kekes.
ya if my lochia is heavy i will ask hb or mom to get for me..

sorry to disturb this thread.
i m from May 09..just wondering anyone have a checklist to share for bb items and confinement items?

cos there is BB fair coming at expo...

pls email to me at [email protected]

Queenie ...

yar i wrote in the booklet lor see what the teacher reply to me hahahahaha but my son is sort of a clean freak lar ... when he was younger the moment his hand touches the paint he will faster do what need to be done then clean the paint on me!! but he always mess up the house with his toys lor ...

Kome ...

Hopefully this stage will pass soon man ... if not when #2 comes dunno how to cope oso

Maple ...

so we were right lar ... childcare leave has no such restriction/rule that need to use the annual leave first ... so you going to email to your company and ask them or?
ya lor. muz have job secured first den can think about #2..

hehe abbv for Causeway Point

i got it from ntuc. i tink some ntuc don have wor.

RE: Childcare Leave
huh .. so really muz clear AL first ah. so boliao one. then give for wad.. +_+
Gd morng gals xD

Oh my.. Nana in labour ward liao?? The last one i read was that Nana had fainting spells.. wah Jia You!!!
Wow gd can download aldy.. mee felt so so heavy.. *sign* My legs tiring too and the tiredness is machiam go for shopping for whole day like dat although i didnt walk too much siah..

Ydae had breakfast at Mac.. so nice i was asked to sit and had served breakfast.. and so nice also pple gave up the mrt seats for mee..
This is one priviledge that i will miss..heehee..

so nice ppl give seat to you. This morning the train was so pack. Not movement to move inside to get seat. hai~ nearly no air...
2nd time MTBs, just a quest:
If we need to thaw the breastmilk frm freezer/fridge...what do u use to warm up the milk?
and takes how long to warm up milk and what is the ideal temp of milk to let bb drink ah?
Yes...the same..And cry very loudly somemore.So embarressing esp when at shopping centres! =(

You may try to find the Sofy (40.5cm) pad @ Watsons. I got 1 pack there!
Nwadays my tummy felt really tight.. dunno is it BH or the mini^mee grew leh.. like so kang kor..+.+
Last nite slept at almost 5am, dunno what she doing inside kept squirming around.. until the hubby scold her and asked her to sleep.. hehe..
Nw i scared wait she pops out difficult to handle anot.. *shudders*

Ok mummies, i'm going have early lunch liao.. /wave

so gd... some mummies dun even got tis kind of priviledge...

tink the train always pack everyday... very hard to get seat unless yr station is the last stop...

I stand at the handicap seat area =P But morning rush working hours maybe quite difficult to squeeze yourself there if happen to be at the door.. but try loh..haha..

The final conclusion on childcare leave : can use childcare leave without any pre-condition attached. There is no need to utilise annual leaves before claiming the childcare leave accordingly to MOM

"The 6 days of childcare leave does not have any pre-conditions attached to it. As mentioned in my earlier email, you have flexibility to take paid childcare leave at any time to spend time with your child, as long as your child is below seven years old. For example, you may use it to accompany your child on the first day of school, or to care for your child personally when the usual childcare arrangement is not available"
thanks kome and queenie...hehe

queenie/sun - i tink we don't have to clear AL first one...can use the childcare leave first...i tink thats wat maple's mail says...i'm jus thinking if need to use AL first then CL redundant lor...

meebb- enjoy yr lunch...my hb oso got scold our bb ask him to zzz when he moves so much at night...hehe
You are sure a lucky person that someone give up the seat to you.
I am same as prosper quite difficult to move inside to get a seat.
Good morning Mummies. Finally finished reading the threads.

How is the gathering? Sorry.. Unable to make it for last friday's gathering.

Updates on my baby
I just went to see Dr Ang yesterday. I should be at week 33. I think. Baby is at 2.1kg and doctor said slightly big but no need to worry. As they will be only be worried if baby is too small.
I still cannot see my baby face and she is facing downwards. Dr Ang also said I should have no problem with natural birth. The positions and everything is fine.

Tang's Sales
Went to TANGS and they are still having 20% discount. I bought Avent bottles, Hair and Body Wash, Teats, Pacificers and Medela nipple cream.

Expo having BB fair? I havent bought the baby cot yet

Your company is preventing you from taking child care leave or trying to eat your child care leave izzit? U can take child care leave as and when u like. Given 6 days for each year.
Re: Expo fair
Havent been to any baby fairs yet.. if i go, i'll be week 38 liao.. dunno the hubby will let me go anot..

sad tat u can't join us last min... well, all of the mummies enjoy themselves very much!!! u can hv a look at the fotos some mummies uploaded in facebook...

so yr baby head down but not yet engage right?

tot of gg bb's fair to hv a look at the stroller.. hoping they hv gd offer... by then i'll be in wk36+, tink should be ok if i go early to avoid the crowds..

it is ok, i shall ask ard if my any of my fren interested for the BW.
so u opting for the complete make up for the photoshoot?

I bought mine from Giant, quite cheap. i think the brand is called Dr P
Ya loh.. So sorry... Got a big project in office these days. So have to stay back work OT. So sianz... You know when is the bb fair in expo?

I did not ask Dr Ang if my baby is engaged anot. I asked him if i will deliver early. He said if early will be from early Mar to Mid Mar. My EDD is 29th Mar. Not sure what he meant by that if early. I also asked him if carrying heavy stuffs or kids will induce early delivery. He said no such things. I'll be seeing him in another 3 weeks time on the 2nd March.

So sad.. My hubby will be working night shift in March liaoz...
Just came back from grocery shopping.... helping my dear mum familiarize her way around the Queen Vic Mkt to get ready for my confinement! :p She's really worried that bb give us an early surprise.

Yea, we were pleasantly surprised, too. Medicare covers everything in a public hospital. We opt for public as we did not buy private health insurance prior to my pregnancy. Generally, private hospitals charges are around 7-8k without and around 3k with private health insurance. Since the Royal Women's Hospital here is the biggest in Mel and the maternity hospital/ clinic is in a new wing, all their wards are either 2 or 1 bedder, we don't mind. The only thing is we are unable to choose a gynae in a public hospital. Natural/ uncomplicated deliveries are done by midwives, not doctors. But there are doctors are on standby 24/7.

Yes, my hubby and my mum are growing concern that I might give birth soon. They haven't asked me to book a hospital bed. I asked what I need to sign or do prior to hospital admission, the midwive said no need.... hmmm. Will ask again.

Hope your bb guai guai and come out smoothly! Don't worry about the big size. I think mine is going to be big too as the doctor measured it and said it's the average medium size. According to Dr Wong, many doctors will say Asians babies are very small as compared to the Caucasian babies.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Milkbags</font>
I also don't know why I can't find them here in town. I guess, have to drive out to those baby stores but no car!

<font color="0000ff">Re: Breastpump/ Sterilizer/ Storage</font>
Are we suppose to bring all these to the hospital to pump? That is a lot to bring!

<font color="0000ff">Re: Contact Lens</font>
Are we allowed to wear contacts instead during delivery?

<font color="0000ff">Re: Pads</font>
I also bought sofy extra long pads but I guess not enough? Probably just last me 2 weeks at most. Do we need a lot more?
<font color="ff6000">BabyCare Festival 2009
Admission: Public - Free admission
Venue: Hall 6B

27 &amp; 28 Feb 09: 11am to 9pm
1 Mar 09: 11am to 8pm
my edd juz 2 days earlier than yrs... dun noe mine will be early anot... anyway, will be seeing my gynae tis sat, c any updates fr him... subsequent my visit will be 2 wks once aft tis sat...

even tot yr hb on night shift, he still can rush to hospital if u realli in labour right?
need to bring pump ma? tot suppose to let bb latch on 1st few days? n somemore our milk supply only comes in 3 days later right if i rem correctly...

re:contact lens
dun tink we can wear it... juz bring yr spectacles w u ba...
HI morning mummies

Wow seems lke everyone is gg into labour soon.Quite scary and ganjion dunno when will be my turn haha.

Jiayou you can do it de do update us on birth story .Jiayou jiayou

Thanks for sharing your birth story. Your baby can go home together with you right since already 2.6kg if I dun remember wrongly.Take care.

Just to let you know if you are already 37weeks than dun need take ventolin le cos unless still early personally feel that too much medication no good plus ventolin will make our heart beat fast will be quite uncomfortable . I suggest you do more bed rest it will be good since your baby is of good weight le even if to delivery.
Yes, I will call him to go to the hospital or go home first when I am really in labour. But only me and my ger at home only at night, so troublesome. If really going for labour, got to ask my mom to come over and take care of my ger.

Your gynae so good. Every 2 weeks see you. Mine still 3 weeks leh.. But he already gave me the admission form.
How many weeks are you in now? So good can visit gybae every 2 weeks. I am no wk 35 and my visit is every 3 weeks.

Depends on people, some milk supply will come on the 2nd day already. Not really necessary to bring pump, but if you want to rest at night, you might need to express out the milk and give to the nurse to feed.

If i remembered correctly, we are not suppose to wear any contact lens and any accesories even ear ring when we deliver
i'll only do pre-register tis sat... tink aft certain wk will be 2 wks once then dun noe aft wat wk will be once weekly liao...

yrs is in package?

or mayb ard mar, ask yr mum to come over to stay w u... so tat juz in case u in labour, she can take care of yr ger...
