(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

ya lor is obviously we can have childcare leave as n when we like one mah. maple ur company say muz finish AL ah?
don mention,, keke

gd morning!! gd to noe bb is in good condition..
dr ang oso seeing me every 3 wks.. see tomorrow the nurse will schedule 2 wks or 3 wks later. upate u gurls again!

no problem, if no one goes w u, u must let me noe so i can go try dig one more frd to go with us.

i leave it as self make up tentatively.. u leh?

i tink no contact lens? when push then so dry the air and our lens drop out?
don worry i bet the midwives over ur side shd be v gd in standard!
tis fri i'll be in w34... so i'll be seeing gynae again on w36 again... tot is std one as u r coming closer n closer to yr EDD?

if tat's the case, then mayb will ask my hb to bring the pump the next day, dun wan to pack in my hospital bag first...

re: carseat
Thanks Sun, Kome, & Queenie

Guess I'll have to see bb wif blur vision unless they allow my plastic specs.

As for breastpump, guess if I really need to express, will ask the hospital for their pump to use. Too many things to bring otherwise.
Nana, wow so excited for you. Jiayou and all the best! Update us about your birth story. Are you giving birth in TMC?

Lenny, I bought my car seat and the brand is maxi-cosi. I bought it from baby kingdom and they were having 20% discount at that time. I bought the one that is from infant to around 18months old cos the car seat from infant to 4 years old cannot recline completely.

babe, I think you cant wear contact lens or any accessories during labour.

they will allow your to wear specs cos the last round when i hv c-section i wear my specs.

good luck to you and smooth labour
My goodness... I think March 2009 thread is the 2nd longest thread... I really have a tough time catching up with u mummies... Hahahaha...

Nevertheless... Thanks mummies for the well wishes...
I had a very good day yesterday... :D
Seeing someone talking abt car seat... I actually had one Britax Omega to sell it. Use less than 10 times as it is in my HB car. Cos I always drive my car and bring my ger out so end up nvr use the car seat much in my HB car.

If any mummies dun mind 2nd hand, can drop me a pm at my email address ([email protected]) I can happily show u the pic. Bought at $349. Taka still have it selling there...
I bot maxi cosi car seat.

Re maternity pad:
My cousin passed me some kotex loop maternity pads....wondering how to use huh...any mummies used b4?
Lenny, am using maxi cosi priori xp for #1, and have bought combi coccoro s for #2. Heee.

Yay. Finally, I can go buy my breastpads and maternity pads today! Later go meet hubby and shop then go gynae..

My gynae visit is now weekly le.... Last wk I saw him, at wk 35, hee says from then on, come every week. Heee.
regarding car seats,

i wanted one that can use from infant to toddler.. will search for it when hubby is back in march.. now still reading up for info
Stephanie, congrats! Feel so excited to read your birth story. Aft that, I quickly start to pack my bag liao, hee..

Re childcare leave, ya, I believe you can take anytime. For me, I prefer to use it first than AL cos childcare leave cannot be brought forward to next year...

I'll be clearing my AL on boss's orders so will be on AL from 25 Feb onwards liao, although my EDD is only 17 Mar 09..No choice, better listen to boss's orders since I just confirmed only..
Cindy - U going GUG on thursday?

Anyway i need to log off now for today as need to send girl to GUG for her class.

Follow by to see my gynae. Going to do a Strep B test today... Hopefully everything goes well and i will update tonight...

Byebye mummies...
hope everything goes well for yr appt... cya 2nite!!!

u'll be seeing yr gynae tis sat too?? my appt w my gynae is ard 11+am so most likely will be doing my pre-registration aft tat ba...

u clearing yr AL? u can start yr ML right?
actually i'm looking at britax - fr infant to toddler but since my gf passed me an infant carseat, i'll use tat first... when bb getting older then will look for another one...

Mar 09 thread is the 2nd longest then which thread is the longest huh?
Not sure leh.. I no need to do preadmission leh.. He said just bring the letter to TMC when he asked me to go, means when I am in labour. Mine is in a package. $550 for the package.

My mom is not used to staying at my place. She is not used to it, maybe I will go over stay a few days...
icic... yr package is cheaper than mine...

ya, u can stay at yr mum's place if she not used to yr place...
had yr lunch?
thks Sportyger

BTW those SAHMTBs, do u all vexed abt what to have for lunch? U all cook or dabao?

Even I am working, also sian dunno wat to hv for lunch...
i m sahmtb.. i seldom cook coz nothing at home for me to cook and the nearest market like very far from where i am staying, so most of the time ta bao lor.. think mixed vegetable rice most economic one.. even cooking oso similar to mixed vegetable rice wo.. unless i sick of it or lazy to go buy than for a few days will just cook instant noodle to eat..
oic... jan thread is the longest... hope we can be better than them... =p
try not to eat too much instant noodle... not gd... u can go market n buy a wk supply so u can cook porridge go w some steam vege/beancurd/meat... tink tat's most easy to prepare...
Yes, his package is $550 from the first time u see him. But excluding blood test.
Yup. Me had my lunch. How about you?
Ask you ah.. Is it abnormal if I will go toilet and release all after every meal? Many of my collegues said I lost alot of weight...

Even if I am on leave, i will go to my mom's place for lunch. The u no need to cook.
tat's cheap... my package only start fr w22...
oso had my lunch liao... ate fish noodle soup...
bought dessert - beancurd skin w ginko nuts for teabreak...

every meal u'll do tat? quite abnormal lei... did u raise tis to yr gynae b4?

if i'm on leave, i oso go to my mum's place for lunch... same as devil...
Had japanese set for lunch....now eat liao feel like zzzzz....

Devil - release all after every meal? U not having diahorrea i hope? cos i tink digestion oso don't digest so fast one...

P3 - tink u can consider home delivery food service if u lazy to cook...do u stay near to parents? if tabao u can oso consider other healthy alternatives like porridge...
ya tinkat will be a good choice, P3

Devil & sunshine, wah envy u all hv hm cook for lunch at parents place, cos they nt working?

My parents both worknig but thk God hubby cook on weekends
Yes. I'll do that after every meal. Strange hoh.. I forgot to ask my gynae yesterday.

Not diahorrea leh.. Is normal ones. it's ultra fast. I think within an hour or less after every meal. So I dun dare to eat much.

My mom and dad looking after my gal. My mom resigned to look after my gal. So she is not working...
hi sunshinebaby, my package is also $550. gynae packages really varies..i've got someone telling me her package is $650, and that is after 5th month of pregnancy, whereas for some of the packages, it starts at $550 from the start of pregnancy. one thing for sure is, my gynae consultancy is real short and 'chop chop'.

we got the S705 Capella hee...
My gynae consultancy is also short and "chop chop". Can be as fast as 5 mins.

What is irritable bowel syndrome? Need to check with gynae anot?
hahhaa.. i oso wan but scare put the food too long than spoil will be a big waste coz sometime i might not have the craving for certain food tat day.. i very easy to turn in to my own craving and desire one.. :p
tatz y i always pump myself with more maternity milk to give baby better nuturients.. i do go back like twice or once a week to my mom place coz she will always prepare good food for me one.. i am staying with my mil, she dun like to cook so always ta bao one.. scare if i use the kitchen too dirty she will nag non stop.. so might as well let her ta bao for me for dinner as well.. but hor really super sianz everyday eating ta bao food.. i am looking forward for my confinement period when i will get to eat proper meal liao at my mom plc.. hee...
Eh..do a google at IBS, but do u hv such prob before u pregnant? Well so long as ur bb is gorwing then it shld be nt a prob la...eat well n poo well,haha! :p
Can inform ur gynae abt ur bowel movements if u worry
OkOk.. I go google see see. I dun have such a problem. In my #1 pregnancy, is indigestion. My #2 becomes too effective digestion. Haha... Ya loh.. I think baby is growing well.. But I looked thinner only... And it is only these 2 months...

My cousin didnt had gd experience well she gave birth in sydney also opt for the public and though she knew that she is gonna have a heavy baby of 8 pounds but didnt know the baby is quite huge in size so in the end she suffered abt 15 hrs of labour then doctor afraid that baby too stressed in the tummy so go for C-sect..

So according to her, we find that the public medical help doesn't sound too pro cos we were wondering how come gynae didnt tell her abt size and she would have difficulty in pushing baby out.. if not she can go straight for C-sect aldy without going through all the painful labour.. We are quite angry when we hear that..

But she gave birth to a healthy baby gal despite all the long hours of labour..

Mummies who have started drinking coconut juice, do you find that baby tends to be more active after drinking?

I had my 2nd coconut today and baby seems to kick & squirm around more than usual. Also experienced the same thing when I had my 1st coconut 2 wks ago.
my mum is housewife... tat's y she cook almost daily for lunch n dinner...

looking at both capella S705 n prego...
my hb prefer prego more but we'r still open for other brand/model...

devil but not immediate aft yr meal, u go poo poo right? at least few hrs later?
maybe ur bb loves to drink. I had first coconut drink at wk 32 but i didn't realise it. I will try to have one more this week.. hee

Oh yes.. vexed abt what to eat everyday.. Like p3pp3r.. usually eat economical rice.. boring however there is a selection of dish choices.. If cook the food also like economical rice type..
economical rice stalls i also choose.. if i felt thirsty must be a lot of msg.. so i would avoid that stall liao..haha.
I love to eat wanton mee and all dat.. but thought of baby absorb very little from such main course.. that is only the wanton meat and little veggie.. so i still stick to economical rice better loh..

No matter how lazy i felt sometimes, i didnt touch instant noodles at hm.. hehe.

I da bao most of the time.. also a chance to push myself out of the house so can walk abit.. not to coop myself in the hse.. then furthermore i'm alone ok lah i have pets at home..hehe

If i wanna cook at home.. then i will make soup.. and throw many ingredients inside..and along some sides such as egg omelette, baked beans, sardines etc. depending on my mood loh hehe.. Then soup can reheat and the hubby also can eat in the evening..

i had my 1st coconut on 1st day of CNY... but bb still active n squirm as usual...
mayb yr bb love coconut?
