(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hey daphne..

i wanna see the pics too.. thks! [email protected]


re: vaginal examination

any idea when will gynae perform VE? for those experienced mummies.. it is painful? i wonder how they know how many cm is the cervic dilated?
if u remove the plastic early, afraid will collect dust...

the pampers u got fr japan, same as SG one??

Is it due to blood count? Not sure if having higher dosage of iron helps anot..
Eh speaking of movements lately I felt more movements around the lower side liao.. Cant wait to see my gynae 2ml.. 2ml will be my week 35 and 5 days..baby's head down but not engaged yet from my last visit of week 33...

Last time my gynae don't have the chance to do VE for me and i had delivered in wk 37. So i not sure is it after wk37 or not.

You may mix NB and s size. Can get more s size than NB. Coz bigger size he can still wear longer but NB once you grow out of it cannot use anymore.
Thanks Kome.
I wanna see how big is bb first before ordering. If delivery only take 1-2 days, i think I have enuff diapers for him for these 2 days

i was aneamic before pregnancy... last time in school always faint.. my dh i think he caught my fall so many times since we dated 14 years ago... hehe... but condition became better.. just when preggie start again... gynae gave me iron pills... i ate it everyday... still the same... sigh


ah so u have not done VE either... hmm... this week i wk 37... 2nd trimester i had spotting and he did a cervic check.. not sure if it will be the same.. so uncomfortable...
After my delivery my gynae got did a check from below to check my womb is it healing. Not sure id it the same test, that one i don't felt any uncomfortable.

I'm also anaemic.. but your condition sounds worse than mine..Before preggie I took brand essence..Probably you can take brand essence chicken and see how..
But higher iron content means hardened poo.. have to take alot of fibre..


i tried to drink brand essence... i cant swallow it.. i tried to heat it up, take it warm, cold, room temp.. still cant swallow.. hehehe...
nana - try to pinch ur nose and not breathe when u drink it... thats what i do when i drink "vile" stuff.. ahahahahah! vile to me la... =P cant taste it when i do that.. can taste only when i starting breathing again... but will standby something to wash away the taste la.. heee

Irene - ure welcome! =) i tonpang with my frn so im getting 2 packs of NB 1st... but if BF i think will change ard 6-10 diapers a day.. so depends ba... =)

okie me goin out to have dinner with my mummy! Seoul garden here i come!!!!!! im HUNGRY!!!
tink u dun like the taste of brand essence... take more fruits instead... like prune juice oso gd...
re: BM

its best to let your bb clear 1 breast per feed cos there are difference between the foremilk and hindmilk. if i dun rem wrongly ... the foremilk is where all the nutrients are and hindmilk is where all the fats and calaories are or something like that

so if you change side too fast ... your baby might not get the full 'content' of the milk

so what i did the last round was that if i feed him with the right then the next feed i will start with the left ...
sunshinebaby ...

if still hungry then the bb will unlatch and CRY!! but usually for the start you will need to feed using both breast ... only after your milk supply stable you can feed on 1 breast

before i went back to work ... i feed on 1 breast and pump out from the other side so that i can start to build up my supply ... super siong cos the feeding time in between became v close but thats the only way to build up the supply lor ... no choice =p
Can any one give me the link to order Nepia? I wan to keep it incase i use finish all the diapers than i can order again.
Nana, I have already remove the plastic cover for the mattress and my baby cot is ready with the new bedsheet and stuff. What I do is cover the whole baby cot with an old big bedsheet so that it wont be dusty. I wanted everything to be ready cos afraid may give birth anytime.
Steph- Congrats!

Sassybaby - Happy bdae!!

Sportyger- so good.... Your bb engaged liao...Hope mine's engaged soon too....cos I dun want c-section. Will know this Thurs during my consultation with Dr Chan

Kome- Can u pls help me update my bb's name - Ryan. Thanks

thanks for the link.. very useful....

smile/ sunshine

i do take a lot of fruits.. got no prob doing big business... thanks..
hi mummies,

i am feeling nausea esp in the evening and tired at week 35. but bb not engage leh.

Tot of going for the photoshoot that starflower sent. anyone going as well?
lemontree, I will also be seeing Dr Chan this thurs. What time is your appt? Maybe can see each other there hee. I will be doing CTG this thurs. I also dont want C-section, so hope baby wont grow so big.
kome is not going with queenie. Do u wan to go with her? maybe u can check with queenie. i am going into wk 37 soon, dunno whether can have the engery to travel..

so u not going alrdy??
actually i oso dunno where is the location. same as u, feeling exhausted nowadays.


u still going for the wax?
sportyger - great thanks!!! seem like a lot of mummies recommed Nepia diaper but 4 pack at a time like a lot leh. Worry if bb cannot fit then problem.

My appt with Dr Chan is at 11am. What abt yours?
Why must u do CTG scan?


Dun worry....newborn normally poo many times a day (As many as 5 - 6 times) so one pack of 60 pcs can maybe only use for 10 days. You will finish your 4 packs in a month or so.
Harlo mummies,
Rayden & mummy steph: thanks everyone for the well wishes. Baby weigh 2.66kg at 35wks
Length 48cm Head Cir 33cm
smile, when you order the Nepia diapers, you can mix the sizes.

lemontree, I also dont know leh but she was telling me this thurs will do CTG. My appt time is 950am.
nana - sound nice can change for other sizes, can consider then.

lemontree - ya they poo a lot but scare bb not use to the diaper. too bad no sample
Birth story:
It was totally unexpected. I had strong contraction pain (every 5mins interval) on Sunday nite. When i reached TMC at 5.30am+, i was put on CGT. Gynae came dwn to TMC & instruct nurse to put me on Ventolin to stop contraction as bb still consider premee at 35wks so better if i can delay & keep bb in tummy longer till 36wks but then lucky bb is of gd weight/size otherwise will be in nicu for longer period.
Contraction seem to be under control at 9am+ but then when nurse chk me again, i had show (brown discharge) & waterbag leaked. So she proceed to chk my cervix dilation aft approval from my gynae as he went back liow. So she chked & found i was already 6cm dilated...OMG...labor is near so quickly proceed to delivery suite & monitor.
So they gotta stop ventolin drip on me since i am into active labor. Without hesitation, i asked for epidural as i know the contraction will be fast & damn painful if i dun ask for it now cos i am very close to delivery so gotta decide fast. ok epi was done at 11am+ but who knows contraction start to slow down but i was 8cm dilated.
Baby's head is still not engaged fully while my dilation is progressing and yet contraction slow down. After epi, i was having side effect badly...shivering & vomiting every 10mins...my head is so giddy. So midwife have to decrease the dosage of epi from 8ml to 3ml. I was fully dilated at 6.45pm & bb's head has finally engaged too BUT the bad thingy is the epi was abt to wean off/run low so i can't depend on it as pain relief. Waited for gynae to arrive & after few hard & exhausted pushes, baby Rayden finally arrive...this time i could actually felt bb being push from the birth canal & the whole stitching process as compared to my #1 also epi but i couldn't feel a thingy at all since my lower half was numb.
sorry for the long post but i've kept it short enuff to share with the rest of the mummies here & hope u all will have a smooth delivery too! Now, me busy with latching & TBF...must jia you everyone!


Wah... No worries, am sure we are all excited to hear ur birth story. Was ur #1 born early? Epi sounds really scary.. I hope not to require it... heh..
