(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

minnie24 & Jasmin Ho,
I have just added both in my face book. But hor I don't know hoe should I add the others who given me their email to my Face book leh?? How hah?? Sorry me blurr... sotong...
Yes, I very hot now. Sorry want to grumble here. My office came one IT collegue from India. He is already working for at least 6 months in this company already. Told him he is wrong, but keep on insisting he is correct. Even sent email to our manager said the documentation is wrong. I replied with red bold messages that told him a few times he did wrongly. So stubborn.. Or they only listened to someone higher position than them... As I am only a junior, he will not listen to me... Haiz...
think our mind going haywire alr

ya lor like that one hor..they will only listen to pple higher position one. "xiao luo luo" pple they can't be bother one..my office also like that

not realli la... juz focus yr mind to happy things, try not to tink of bad stuffs... as long as u r happy, bb oso will be happy too!!!
Ya loh.. If he still dunwan to listen, I also bo chap liaoz.. Wait for my manager to come back from his holiday then settle him. Still want us to give him training. Dun even listens.. Give training will also vomit blood...
I understand your fustration with those India guys. My india customer no matter how i explained to them they still don't understand and insist they want the goods immediately. Some times i wanted to vomit blood and am so angry with them.
They just insist what they want and felt that they are always right. What i hate most is to handle them.
heehee finally i can contribute cos u all r talking abt indians!!!
i have 2 indians colleagues based out in india. but they are soooooo...DIFFERENT! one of them we nicknamed him as "incredible" just like the country's tourism tagline. really cannot make it one lor...when i am in charge of team, he ask me qn liaoz then still want to double confirm with boss. Then what's the pt of asking me?!?! WASTE MY TIME!
and since our jobs required us to travel to different countries so sometimes its not easy to find indian vegetarian food. BUT he always insist on having that only...will go all the way to find even tho the price is exp!! he is so unlike the other one from south india..the other one can eat anything as long as it is veg lor..he don't insist must be indian veg.
Ya loh.. I agree. Want to explain something to them. Halfway, they will cut in... Then said NoNoNo... Then we give up talking to them. Let them win..
ya devil
that's what happen to me too..then i just stopped talking to him and give him black faced and complained to my boss hahaha
Sun, yupz.. less than 10 wks to go.. wonder when bb will choose to come out.. kekeke.. bb is hyper active lately. He’s always kicking and rolling inside me.. sometimes the action is huge that my whole body will jerk a bit.. liew..

Kome, no need to worry.. as long bb kicks you can liao.. tt’s wat my gynae say too. I was so funnie, I even asked my gynae if it’s normal.. cos bb seems to be very very hyper during certain time of the day. Then gynae assured me that I should be happy tt bb moving. If bb not moving, then start to worry.

Moomooland, wah.. u sound serious leh.. wake up so many times to pee? I don’t wake up these days to pee.. maybe cos I m too tired..

Corene, I saw jtho’s posting too. I actually called and ask on the pricing for PIS. They mentioned it’s $599, not $400 plus.

St, I am more impatience these days.. can’t seems to curb my temper well these days..
Bb is happily kicking in my womb now...tink he having party inside...

nowadays i try to have another sturdy bolster leaned again behind my back when i'm sleeping, such that i'm a bit tilted, not lying too vertical on my left, neither am i lying flat on my back...but when i wake u i always find myself lying flat on my back...gosh

re facebook account, my email is [email protected], u're welcome to add me if u like since i can't access fb now, but do enclose me a note when requesting and let me know yr nick so i won't get confused....hee
re: PIS at First Few Years

the $419 is the PIS Original meaning there they do not have the massage function to help achieve let down. The PIS Advance is going at $599 & $699 but the only difference is the bag.

looked around and seem like First Few Years is the cheapest so far =)
seabreeze. ohhh.. i mistaken for PIS advance.. yup, i called up and PIS advance is 599. quite reasonable priced.
however hor, i am considering to ship from US. the pricing is so much cheaper. only USD$215 for PIS advance if i m not wrong.
tat's consider a lot lei... but mayb some mummies do wake up tat freq to pee?? is there any? did u chk w yr gynae is tat consider norm?
pinksorbet:: added you!!

2 jasmines, also added
Thank you for adding me!

hehe can I ask who is cristina Poh? hoho..
hahaha.. think i am kinda lazy ba.. even i woke up i dun even wanna move to toilet, coz i thought a few more hrs to morning so might as well continue with my sleep.. even if i felt the urge.. =P
moomooland - for me the number of times i have to wake up to pee is lesser than during my 1st tri...now its 1 to 2 times, but tink it may increase again in my 3rd tri...

Cindy - will approve u tonite
wintertime ...

you want to get from US? me want to buy too ler but my only worry is abt the warranty lor ... cos if the difference + shipping is less than $100 then might be more worth it to just buy in Singapore and save the trouble of buying the adaptor and worry abt the warranty issue.
Same here. I wake up at most 3 times too. But each time, I wake up, it takes me 30mins to 1hr before I can fall asleep again. Makes me so tired to wake up for work.
U so poor thing. Me too. I also complained to my manager. I told him I cannot interact with him. We will end up fighting...

Yup. That's my ger.. Thanks! She very naughty one.. Keke.. Most of my photos all her..

You delivering in Late February? Wow.. Really very fast leh... Less than 10 weeks only... Cannot imagine...

PIS Advanced 2008 Version
My friend selling at $650. Free delivery to home... But order from US sure much cheaper. Have to buy convertor also..

Anyone interested in getting the stay put cutlery and bowl set? My sis doing BP.
wah 5 times to wake up & pee quite alot...

I woke up twice already cant tahan liao, dunno where the liquid come frm cos usually after 8pm i dun really drink water...

p3pp3r, I hv to pee if nt bladder feel very uncomfy n scared kana UTI:p
So far I only wake up once to pee. That is the time i wakes up to make milk for my ger.

moomooland, 5 times is alot leh.. Maybe baby pressing on the bladder?
p3pp3r - i'm oso like u very lazy to wake up but then i was thinking if i curb the urge dunno will be bad for bb anot...so force myself to wake up to pee...tink got once or twice i still fell asleep cos too tired liao...
Sunshine, yalor if gt UTI during preggie, no joke manz..:p

Eh facebook I hv but I give u all this fri oki?
I very lazy to PM everyone here,hehe :p
Or Can I add u gals whoever leave ur email here?
<font color="aa00aa">mangogal
tis fri dinner, u can take beef? which soup base u prefer huh? chicken or tom yam?</font>
