(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Morning ladies, I also didnt sleep well as my gal also move alot thruout the nite and I gt to wake up n pee twice...haha but I wont complain la, take it as parctise next time when she born need to wake n attend her

THe buffet i am fine with anything since i am staying for one hr only, but will preapre cash n maybe pass to Sunshine/Missycandy since btoh of u r the organise, oki?

Agnes, so far use the pillow one nite so far ok, at least pillwo is softer than bed so more comfy

can't u stay longer? where u gg aft the dinner?

<font color="0000ff">re: bb movement
anyone start monitoring yr bb's movement by counting how many times he/she moves daily?? is it a must to count??</font>
I did not do any counting for the bb's movement. As long as i can feel that he is kicking i am happy already. Not very sure is there a need to count or not.
u got your 2nd hand/used Ameda Lactaline dual pump already? Can i check how much u got it?tks!
U decide or book catering for confinement meals already?
<font color="0000ff">I did not do any counting too.. just make sure he move everyday only.

he's kicking more at night and midnights also.. make me worry that after birth, he will not want to sleep at night</font>
Re: bb movement/counting
Gynae told me if i noticed any reduce bb movement/kicks during 3rd trimester, gotta inform him. As long more than 10kicks per day, no prob la...sure got more than that cos bb kicks me none stop at nite leh! If u move/walk alot in the day, we are like a yao lan/swing so bb will Zzz instead of active loh!
On baby kicking, there was once he kicked for so long till I couldn't sleep cos worried that i will 'squashed' him if sleep on the side. In the end, I got frustrated and was so tired that I told baby that mummy going to zz, if u r trapped, pls wriggle your way out. Then i dozed off. Nowadays, slightly better, I just tossed and turned until i fall asleep after talking to him.

Jtho,Mangogal, am considering betw the wedge or the snoggle (now i know the name). Saw these in The first few years in Paragon. my hubby told me to get if i need them. I have been considering them for 2mths liao. Still can't decide. Think by the time i decided, bb borned already. sigh...
Agnes, the wedge pillow can also be use as a back support for chair when breastfeeding also sleeping during confinement, so I Will be using till my confinement ends and maybe sell it at ebay or pass to my frens who are preggie next time so still in good use for at least 4 or 5 mths for me
HI mummies!

Regarding bb's kicks, i oso realise he kicks more when i'm lying down on my side...i'm oso wondering if he is feeling squashed cos of that, thats why he kicks....and then sometimes when i fell asleep on my side, end up when i wake up i realised i was lying flat on my back...i tink it seem more comfortable for me...but i always wake up with pains everyday....
My little one has become my alarm clock...kick me in the morning like asking me to wake up when i was still lazing around in bed....then after i woke up he indeed stopped his kicks....
My gynea oso told me the same time. If there is reduced kicking frm 3 tri onwards, gotta inform him immediately. Cos never know what is happening inside.
Yup, i had already get my 2nd hand Ameda pump @$180. Will only book my confinement food in Jan, maybe will book for 2 weeks first and see how later.
u got PM!!!

icic, tat hr will be fully utilised by u to get to noe all of us, eat, talk blah blah blah... ke ke

how do u count 10 times? if bb kicks now, count as 1 time, then continue another kick, we count tat as 2 times?
$180 still left warranty? got someone offered $250 left 9mths warranty...i wonder if can buy anot?? Did u get/buy/standby extra valves?
me too, going to book in Jan for 20days from natal essential.
I don't think my son had kick for more than 10 times........my gynae also never mention about bb need to kick for at least 10 times. Oh dear......need to worry again.
Hi Devil,

I have send u invites. Let mw know if u din receive k it prompt me error sending

Re babykicking,
normally bb kick me when i lay on my sides too but nowadays felt so tired, i just dozed off no matter if he still kicking. so bad hor
tat's cute... yr bb is yr alarm clock to wake u up every morning...

sometimes too engross in doing work so didn't notice whether did bb moves anot, so if realli need to count, i tink i'll lost count...
miracle2me - i know wat u mean...i will feel bad too so i will shift positions...
most of the time i wonder if bb kicks means he likes or hates it...i wish i know....
im having problems sleeping these days...now in my 29th week..

i dread sleeping at night...got to wake up 10,000 times to pee...with the rain and all, still got to turn on aircon then can sleep, coz if leave the windows open, rain will come in...ha!

everyday wake up look like panda....

i much prefer sleeping on my back, but that leaves me quite breathless, 2 pillows too high, 1 pillow too low...sleep on the right, not comfortable, on the left also not comfortable...haiz...

anyone having the same problems? hehe..
i'm also having sleeping problem nowadays. bb is super active these few days throughout the day. he will move and kick after every few hours.

i also realise he moves whenever i change my sleeping positions. i think i suffer from insomia. i only manage to fall asleep at 3 plus am this morning. haiz..finally found out putting extra pillow under my head and sleeping slightly face up helps.
Hi mummies,
Can PM your FACE BOOK address. Since I can't make it for the dinner and would like to know more mummies through face book too.
Me too. Woke up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. My gal don't know why recently have been having nightmare woke up and wanted to sleep with me &amp; hubby. So she squeeze in between us. And kept slapping her hands on my face when she is dreaming away... And worse I can't even turn my back when she is sleeping beside me. This morning when she woke up for her milk I was angry and tell her why she slap mummy face she just smile at me... OMG!!
i rem reading jtho's posting on medela PIS selling at $400 plus at first few years. does anyone know roughly the original selling price in other places? don't know should i get it first or after bb is born..
haha Jasmine aiyo ur gal so daring and bully u:p But she is sleeping and having nitemare..did u ask her what did she dream or can she remember her dream when she woke up?

Sunshine, ya will fully utilise the one hr

Haa think most of us now are in same boat, gt to woke up at least once due to our little ones moving at nite :p
hmm.. i do woke up as early as 4-6am in the morning.. but not by any kicks le.. just started recently only oso.. but manage to got back to sleep fast as well.. as for frequent urination problem, i try to stop having liquid intake an hour before sleep.. so i dun have to wake up so many times in the middle of the night just to go toilet which is so far away sia..
Re: Sleeping

me too think sleeping on my back is better cos i will not be pressing on bb when sleeping side ways but gynae say sleeping side way will not affect bb one. sleeping on the back some pple will have backache becos of the tummy weight.
u got PM!!!

tink yr girl oso dun noe she accidently slapped yr face while sleeping... most probably she's dreaming ba... ke ke
Re: Baby hearing

mummies understand bb can hear the surrounding sound already but if we are on eye phone listening to music will bb able to hear it too? (as it will be filter by us before it enters the bb meh)
u mean using ear phone? tink cannot... must thru speakers lei... then bb can hear the music...

thks for the info!!! i'm reading now...
ya using ear phone when i am taking the MRT lor. even in office too..ops then it has been wasted tot bb can hear

as for the stemcord maybe u wan to call up and talk with them. cos the other time i went to enquiry they asked my gynae name lor. then they gave me $850 cos say my gynae don't know what (can't remember) so mine will be fixed for this amt.
(by the way i am not the mummy who mentioned that stemcord having promo)
dearest mommies, please add me to facebook too!

My email add is [email protected]

I also won't be able to make it for dinner on the 19 cause got xmas gathering but would love to see photos! Thank u loads!
at night b4 u sleep, play some music for yr bb to listen... sometimes i do tat...

thks for yr info...
I having the same problems with you too, plus now having cough wake up quite a few times at night and abit difficulty to get back to sleep. My head is so heavy like that and my eyes closing. Looking like a panda now.
