(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

caca: the animal pants in your spree is very CUTiE! But u have any reference for age instead of by height only? Cos me FTM, don't know how to gauge

Desitin Creamy:
Ladies, juz to check on this diaper cream. Is it used only when there is rash or used to Prevent rash?


Mrs wong would sell from clothes, her books, Avent Baby Body and Hair Wash and Pigeon Laundry detergent at the 3rd or 4th lesson.. cant remmeber which lesson. I just saw an advert.. OG and Kiddy Palace selling Avent Baby Body and Hair Wash at $15.20. There are some other Avent promotions for milk bottles too... You might want to check it out.
Yes.. she will be at Wk38 when I c-sect.

Ya.. my first gal's name is chosen by geomancy master. I changed to another one this time. But need the actual time of birth to confirm the name for #2.
hi Yiyi,

I din know u are in my class? How can i identify you?
I find the class on Fri is real boring
cuz the instructor speak to the screen..hahahha
so tot of changing to Thurs..
Today I will be wearing all black.

The instructor also speak softly and so most of the time, I am distracted by my hubby who keep talking to me.. haha..
sun - i have friendster too but i seldom log into that account...once in a blue moon onli...haha...same email add too...

yiyi - ya my hb likes to talk to me during lesson too..and then the thing is i'm the onli person who can't sit still cos it feels so uncomfortable sitting on floor mats for the 2hrs+...

The advert states 400ml, is that the big bottle or small bottle.. cos advert also indicate 25% discount. until 16 Jan 09.
missycandy, i pm sun my contact last night.. pai say take so long. I just send you a pm.

I am just back from gynae visit 2 days back. starting wk 30. bb this month very guai, did not put on so much as expected.. 1.4kg which is consider average size. Gynae was expecting my bb to be at least 1.6kg looking at my past record.. maybe cos i start swimming a lot. my weight gain last month is less than 2kg.. gd gd.. hope can maintain 2kg every month. but overall, i will put on alot.. total almost 16kg liao..think i m the one who put on so much...
Kome : rest well and drink more water . not good take mc go home rest .

Afcai : why not see another doc maybe GP since your tummy so itchy . sayang sayang ..
My gal this year 3 , went to childcare at abt 27 months , took almost 2 weeks to settle down without crying when send her there and think is easier for me maybe my elder gal also there so she got companion. Yes , when they first go to childcare , they tend to get sick easily but I think also depend on the no. of kids in the childcare , like my elder gal when she entered childcare which had around 60-70kids get sick easily but later we change to another one and when my no.2 go to the new ccc with my elder gal , which have less kids only around 20-30kids , they get sick lesser as compare to the old one which had more kids .
morning mummies!

got wood colour but is the dark brown walnut colour. i find it too dark. only tat and white. yup, tink the bhg sale shd still be on. i went on wed. got a lot of items still

haha thanks, i heard the same too tat bb outgrow very fast. but somehow can't resist whenever i c bb clothes, they are so cute! n buying them makes me so happy hee hee :p
can enlarge the advertisment? too small to see the details... thks for the info!!!

ic, no worries... i'll add u to both tonight...

as long as bb is growing well n gynae didn't mentioned u put on too much weight then should be fine ba... dun worry, more festivals are coming, a lot of nice food to eat wor... hahaha

tot of food... i'm wondering can we eat yu sheng during CNY period?? all r raw veg + fish hor...
pinksorbert, i feel uncomfotable too. When I cross my legs.. my legs tend to get numb easily... then back also aching.. so have to move here and there..
Just incase mummies who don't know where is it. Its actually near SAFRA Tampines, there is a small road beside SAFRA, if walking in will be a distance. Last year I went with my sis taking a taxi from bus interchange as weekend don't have bus service going into that road. It will be better if drive there. Its location quite deep inside the building if I can remember is blue in color right at a corner.

I also hope I can take leave to go but can't lor, as end year, advertising line is busy so can't take leave anymore as I already took leave after christmas till after new year...
sung - me too leh, cannot resist! so cute!! and then i keep looking at bb gal things! my hb said he mus teach me how to focus....haa

sun - ok will approve u tonite as well

yiyi- ya me too....thats why i prefer to sit against those shelves and walls so i can lean against them, if not v uncomfortable....will get pains here and there...
<font color="aa00aa">sung
but hb prefer lighter wood color, tink we hv to look look n see see somemore... thks for yr info
sun, hahaha.. ya manz.. lot of festival upcoming.. but still hope to curb myself on my weight gain..

raw fish:
hees.. actually i took 1-2 pcs of salmon sashimi once in a while..
can take yusheng... gd gd...
i can eat tat during CNY...

i oso wanna control my weight too... scare during festival season put on too much by eating a lot of goodies...
hi yiyi,

me too.. i am fidgeting all the time. wearing pink today
see u there.

Thks for informing the cartier details.


which class are u in? Fri or thurs??
Jasmin ...

can email to me? [email protected]

want see my hubby wan to go tonight or not heehee since its near to his office ... maybe i just take a bus down to meet him

still havent go for the silly fox sale yet cos they close so early!!
Good mmorning Mummies,

did anyone watch the variety show on Buffets on Channel 8 last night at 8.00pm?

i was out on farewell drinks for my colleagues and missed it.. any mummies care to share where was recommended?
第一站/1st Stop:
Marina Square, #03-210
价格/Price: $19.90++ (周日午餐/Weekdays lunch)
(+$2无限量冰淇淋/+$2 unlimited ice-cream)

Write up:
这家位于购物中心内的餐厅,以周日$19.90的午餐价格提供烧烤、火锅两吃的自助餐。Buffet 包括不同腌料的各种肉类,这里的Suki腌酱是餐厅的独家秘法,深受顾客喜爱。此外,19.90的价格还有几种小点和日本寿司!学生只要持学生证就可以以学生价-$17.90享受同样的烧烤自助餐!另外,额外的$2就有无限量的冰淇淋,顾客可以自己亲手用铁板炒冰淇淋。

第二站/2nd Stop:
1018 East Coast Parkway, #02-01

价格/Price: $29++ (午餐/Lunch)

Write up:
位于东海岸的这家传统韩国烧烤店,每日推出价格$29的午餐烤肉自助餐,让热爱韩国烤肉的食客解馋。Buffet 主要包括猪肉和鸡肉,例如原汁原味的三层肉就是每天新鲜供应。29元还吃得到几种韩式小菜,例如薯泥和冷海带汤就是餐厅的特色之一。享用烧烤buffet的食客还可以从六道主食中任选一道,其中的冷面就是师傅手工制作,嚼劲十足,加上冰凉的汤汁,味道道地又特别。

第三站/3rd Stop:
United Square Shopping Mall, #01-14/15
价格/Price: $43++ (周日/Weekdays)

Write up:
Morning ladies
Aiya so bad cant go for caters sale as MIL not in Singapore will be quite trouble to bring my girl along . Sian Mummies who are gg post pic to see gt good buy maybe will ask hubby to go on sat instead haha.

The tights for size 80 if baby not on the tall side than can fit 0-6months. Size90 6-12months. Size 95 12-24months. My sister girl 2 yrs old is wearing 95.

Thans for comment I like it very much to I personally like H the colour very sweet for girls.I will keep some for my #2 cos material quite soft very good for gg out to shopping wear.

I tried the JU SHIN JUNG Korean BBQ restaurant for the west coast branch. Its only so so.. not really fantastic..

as for the other 2 .. i haven't been there yet.
wa...u all really power leh..get all the updated sales so fast until i also blur.

so now where got the best deal in what? anyone knows if isetan still having 20% off for avent products?
Mummies who're going for the Warehouse sales next week, please remember to bring more cash as they stated there by cash. I forgot do they accept Nets already but since they stated there by cash better to buy enough cash incase we'll buying a lot of stuff and to avoid disappointment.
re: festival food
ohoh do u all think we can eat pineapple tarts during CNY?? that's my only fav food leh...wonder if can eat

vernice ...

i think should be ok lar .. i ate pineapple too hahahaha but my MIL who worked in the pineapple plantation before say can ler heehee

but in moderation ba ... cos alot of sugar inside the tart oso
