(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome and yiyi,
you gals are making me anxious, cos the last time i saw my bb was in 6 wks 2 days and my baby is only 5.5mm

i really wonder how my little one is doing now.. i can;t wait to see him/her again on 4th September

Lenny, thanks for the article about cold cuts meat.
just had a dizzy spell and cannot breathe, so i pack up and made my way home. had my liunch now and resting at home.

looks like i will be working from home for these 2 days. haiz...
Lenny, my bb was 2.9mm during my first scan, 13.3mm at 7w6d and 3.1cm at 9w5d.
Doc said bb is growing according to schedule. Just like you, I can't wait to see my bb on the next check up. hehe..
re: MOM law
pls dun rely on it! the maternity leave regulations in Employment Act only covers a small number of women, ie; those who falls under the definition of "employee" under the act. if u dun, then u are only covered by your company's policies and your contract, which means there's no appeal to MOM for unfair dismissal. you can find out whether you are covered by referring here:
Ya I think I went to a more popular clinic. Sat was so crowded that I could not find a place to seat. My next appointment will be 1 month later and I have fixed on a weekday appointment to aviod the crowd.

Oh.. Not sure if my bb will be overweight when delivery... think have to control my diet... just in case.

I understand the anxiousness you have... As I waited patiently till my 8 weeks then I visit my gynae due to busy at work and no avaliable appointment slot on weekends.

Will you gals be going for OSCAR? Not sure I should go...
Hey girls,

Good to hear that everyone is doing well.

I'm sorry that you're still spotting. Hopefully you'll get better care at TMC.

Today I've been feeling out of sorts. Full of anxiety whenever I think of how my baby is doing. I saw my gynae at 9wks and my next appt is only next Monday at 12wks. It's so difficult to wait for 3 weeks for an update. I tried to book at appt with gynae today but she is fully booked. I couldn't take it and started to cry. I guess it's the imbalanced hormones at work. Sigh...

Next Monday is also my FTS test (like the Oscars) and I'm also worried abt that. Trying to keep positive..
it's wierd how other people hv 6th sense abt pregnancies isn't it. when i was only 5 weeks preg, both my part-time helper and neighbour "predicted" tat i m preggy. the helper coz my daughter did this handstand posture and the neighbour coz she just felt it!

do take care, dun worry abt baby size, some grow faster, some slower, n some r just bigger than others. there is no right or wrong size. most impt is that yur baby is growing!

I completely understand your anxiety. I've been feeling the same way too. But don't worry about how fast your baby is growing as compared to other MTBs here cos baby grows at different rates in the different weeks. And there is usually a range of acceptable growth within the week. I've read that the growth spurt starts at wk 9, where the baby starts growing very fast.

Take care

Did a quick check for you on fertilityfriend.com
The range that is given for week 6 is between 2mm-4mm. So you're doing very well, given your baby was 5.5mm at 6wk 2days. Not to worry at all.

I know how u feel. Now very cham... 1 day happy abt the bb, 2 days worried that bb is not healthy. Wish we have the ultrascan machine at home to self-see how bb is like! My visit is tomorrow... am so looking-forward to it that i got not much mood to work today.
if you are in your 8th week like me, best to avoid some horror movies.

Quote: "You may also be having some far out dreams; a particular hormone increase keeps you in a dreamy, light stage of sleep longer. And because you’re not sleeping as deeply, you may remember your dreams more clearly."

My husband was watching 'Doomsday' yesterday and I accidentally caught a scene where they bbq the man! I had a dream about bbq-ing a pig which looked awful like the movie. YUCKS!!!

I am not sure if its last night's durians or what...my stomach is feeling very very tight now and I am feeling very very sleepy.
Haha, I also said the same thing to my hubby.... wishing we can have our own u/s at home so I can check everyday!

Wow, your hormones are kicking up a storm. That's probably why I head into the forum from time to time to keep myself from becoming too anxious. But stay focussed on your own health and wellbeing is more important. Eat well so that you are more certain your bb is doing well.
Lenny, if you are still worried...can try taking some durians. I heard durians make the baby skin very smooth. But do avoid during your last trimester or the baby will grow too big.
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for reassuring me on this. as for the durian, i will give it a miss cos i don't take durian even before i ma pregnant..
to me it smells like gass leak from the stove... kekekek..
haha...lenny, i went to visit a friend once (immediately after durian feasting)...half way through our chat, she rushed to the kitchen to check her gas! hahaha...I kept trying to tell her its me...I had durians!...but she's not convinced...hehehe...
Asura, Babe

Thanks girls. See la, I didn't pop by this thread from Friday to Sunday and I turn all nervy, anxious. It just feels good to get assurance.

Update us on your visit tomoro k. I'll love to read about your baby's progress.
my hubby's Mum took a lot of durians for all her 3 pregnancy, then all the boys gor very bad acne problem cos too heaty. bad scaring actually even till now.. my aunt also same case, her 2 boys also got bad acne problem. so i suggest those who love durians, slow down.
Today one of my fren told me she had a tomato a day and her bb have rosy cheek. Her bb really have rosy cheek and is so cute. I am going to the supermarket later.
Thanks for the warning, Lenny!
I only take durians when its in season...yesterday was a farewell feast. haha...

Yiyi, your friend took those cherry tomatoes or asian tomatoes? If its cherry tomatoes, I wouldn't mind eating at all. Recently there was a recall for American tomatoes...do be careful when you are chosing.
hi girls

nowadays i oso have dreams quite frequently.. and most of the dreams i had is not v good one..
all involves w quarrels, anger, sad..


good to c u nw ok liao. haha..


i read from a website b4 regarding eggs. donno hw many # of eggs there are 1 or 2 got germs de.. so if its happen to be the soft boil egg u r eating dan it wont be so gd alrdy for mtbs.
if i can find the link again i will post here for all to read..

i got a hunch tt baby bonus might not have any amendments.. bcoz PM LEE keep saying marrying n having kids is v personally thingy. hope my hunch is 100% wrong. haha

i only eat honey cherry tomatoes.. they are really yummy.. i normally eat them as snacks when watching TV. I love the feeling of it bursting in my mouth.


About the rally, i am more concerned about how the government protects MTBs like us from unfair dismissal and making our worklife more family and child friendly like giving us the option of working from home a few days a week by implementing this in the labour law.

In Sweden, maternity leave is 12 mths, thought some months are unpaid but i don;t mind. at least you job is there when u go back to work
the amount of money the government can give will also be very limited and I don't think it will be substantial.

so what i hope for is to see Singapore to be more child and family friendly if low birthrate is really a concern
She had those normal big tomatoes. I am not sure which country the tomatoes is from... but choose those with nice red colour and smooth texture skin. I think it will be the same for honey cherry tomatoes bah.. ;)
yah, child friendly especially! I saw those push charts in Japan's airport for babies and toddler and was so touched! The country really cared a lot for their youngs and there were so many products for infants! I kinda wished I had bought a lot of things back when I was in Japan last month but I a bit scared of taboo also...
Thanks for your infor. Will take note of it, coz if my mum insist and i don't take it she will be angry with me and next time i don't expect her to cook for me to eat anymore. :p By than see how lar....maybe my mum not so excited already for my #2 and won't ask me to take this and that already.

Regarding Tomatoes, i don't dare to eat it. Got any other things to substitute?

Me nowadays also have a lot of dreams. Everyday can remember my dreams and every morn feel like i never slept for the whole nite... sian.. bb have not come out already so tired.
ya i can remember my dreams too.. juz dislike it as mostly is negative emotions. i even dreamt of the worst thing in marriage. end up crying non stop..

u r welcome.. u dislike tomatoes? i donno wad are the subsitutes, maybe lenny can suggest? hehe..

welcome devil..

i don realli believe the genderchart coz no preference oso. even have preference we oso cant control it.. leave it to fate lor.
Actually the chart for reference only lar. Cannot 100% trust it, although i do wish the chart is accurate as i hope for a gal. Queenie is right, this is fate for us to have a boy or girl. Haha....can only wait till 4th mth than we will know.

U tried dried cherry tomatoes before? It is quite nice and sweet. Is still tomato but might be more palatable.
i tot norm chill sauce will hv vinegar 1... so if u like hot stuffs, more or less will hv vinegar ba...
hi asura,

i'm also having very vivid dreams. very real life and i could still remember clearly when i woke up.

hi pinkdemoness,

i think take in moderation should be fine. have not heard about not taking vinegar but it's not good to take preserved fruits/food though..

Sometimes i go to raffles place for course. Remember there is a shop that sell dried fruits and nuts in one of the building (the one with an underground foodcourt). The dried honey cherry tomatoesare the best there! So are other dried stuff such as raisins.
Queenie, I believe so too. Leave it to fate.
I also heard there are methods to have a boy or girl. Can check with gynae and must follow the methods given strictly.

where have u been? so long never hear from u. are u ok?

Re: rally
I'm also disappointed with PM lee's speech last night, only briefly talked abt the problem but didn't talk about incentives. Who was the Mummy who speculated what the incentives would be this rally ah? Is the insider's news accurate? Is it from someone working in MCYS? so anxious to hear the rally leh.

Why can't take vinegar? oh...sour sour I like. I just ate kway chap with vinegar chilli, oh dear. I'm amazed that I can chomp down all my lunch today. Hope MS is slowly dying off...
<font color="0000ff">mummies,
did u mean ultrascan now is to scan its on tummy or do a v scan? for me, I'm been doing v scan only.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Kome,</font>
better check loh. anyway, I dun really like half boil eat and seldom eat them. Luv the 'he bao dan" more. now, we needed to eat full cook food or else easily attack by bateria as immune system not strong.

ai-yo, I bleed until so much on 1/8, the senior gynae some more said can go bck after the scan. faintz man...

<font color="0000ff">Wintertime/Promeganate </font>,
just came bck after my third option checkup at TMC woman clinic (first time gg to private clinic). the gynae finally found the root of my problem. he mentioned that there 's a gap behind my placenta in betw the lining of the womb. so it shd close in 1-2 week time. was given a jab too and if the spotting is not stopped by this fri, then came bck for another jab . wow, the whole trip cost me $200++. so was given 7 days of mc.so far, everything ok, bb grew bigger liao. I'm in wk 8, 2 day this week.

<font color="0000ff">pinkdemoness</font>
by right, heard fr old folks that not gd for reno works or moving hse at this period. but hor, that time I also no choice, my office also renovate. now, my office gg to shift in 2 mth time liao.

<font color="0000ff">babe</font>,
spotting made me worries and mood low man.....**()* gynae like hack care....sian. so maybe be go bck to KKH or choose TMC.

so disappointed with NUH. anyway, at least, I knew as today, bb grew well and everything ok inside my tummy except the gap problem.

<font color="0000ff">Oppsgal</font>,
sometimes, ppls ask u to carry this and that mah. yeah, my friend 's bb hor weight 3.8kg still came out naturally. wow, pei fu the mummy got so much stamina to push. my friend only told me she felt like dying after delivered.

<font color="0000ff">Yiyi</font>
I'm also in my wk 8, EDD is 28/3/09.my bb measure 18.5mm. just now paid $207 (consultant fee $70+ $70 scan + $25 jab + $42 duphaston) for my first visit. heart pain wor.heard that if one sign up for package, consultant shd be ard $65 per visit include scan.

for me, I'm did not intending to do any OSCAR test.

<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>,
wow, yr consultant charge ex wor....but yr ultrasound cheaper leh.

haa..so funnie, u compare smell of durian like gas leak. for me, now I 'm very senitive to perfume and hair jar. can't stand it.

<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>,
thks for yr time to 'dig' out the infor at MOM website.

<font color="0000ff">TorayMe</font>,
haa ever since I got preggie with my first one, I scared of horror movies. last time, used to watch horro movies until think that it is not horror but now, a bit horror really scared.

my mum said durian 'pu' but my hubby said that durian got lot of pesticide not gd...cos hubby grew up in kampong days and also see the durian tree grow up too. so there are lot of pesticide.
i tink can eat dished cooked with vinegar. my sis took the pig trotters w vinegar during her pregnancy oso.

haha tink i will hardly go there liao.. nvm i c other shops got sell or nt. if have let u all noe.


i am also sensitive to perfume prior preggy. i will puke if i smell strong perfume.. i just hae if when ppl use perfume to "bathe" in trains or in lifts.. i choke every time
