(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

gingal, aiyoh..serious typo, lost 2kg not 8. if i had lost 8 then i would more skinny than my 1st pre-preg weight lor...i had 7kg on me after my #1, so now i lost 2 which makes me 5kg more than my 1st pre-preg wt. does that make u even more confused?


Haha, got it!
Phew, i tot it's scary to see you lost 8 kg...heng ah, it's typo!
thanks lenny, maybe i ate a bit too much at one go. dun think i can get mylanta here, hope the smaller meals will help!

kome and gingal,
tat's how life is like after having my gal! hv to wake up whenever she's up. oh, i m also in seoul lah, so one hour ahead of sg

tot u lost 8kg, must b so terrible! hehe... heng is typo. it's ok lah, can work hard to lose weight together at one go after this 2nd preg.

eat in moderation for everything even though its good. I just came back from Botak Jones Boon Lay Branch. I had my 200g US Prime Steak cos they have promotion for August, my second steak for this week. kekekeke...

Had my first steak in Blue Mist at Amara Hotel for a farewell lunch. hmm.. not as good as the one i had at the New Harbour cafe if i compare the price range la..

didn't finish my fries and coleslaw but really chow down the steak. Still didn't get to eat my cheese burger... haiz...
princess, wah.. so early detec gender already?? tt's so fas. my gynae told me only 5th month then can confirm..
Princess in dreamland,

according to what i read, by 9 wks 3 day, baby's genitals will still appear the same. and by default, girl and boy have the same shape of 2 lumps and pointed little chick. the pointed part may shrink and tucked in and become a bb girl's clitoris while the lumps may become the outer lips of our vagina. so sometimes parents do get a surprise when baby is born.
wah lenny!! u tempting mee!! * droooLsss * i have craving for satay and steak... havent satisfied both yet... grrr... nw we have to eat the steak well done right??? cant eat medium rare right??? i like mine medium... but i think cannot liao... becos slightly raw... =(

ladies after the rally can u all post here the "good news" ? hehehe i dun really understand chinese la... chinese ultra bad!!! heheheheh thank you very much in advance!!!

feel so sleepy and nauseous... think i will go take a nap hee ... see ya'l later =)
now must eat well done steaks cannot eat medium well.. steak is a good source of iron and protein wor.. kekeke... my favorite..

my mandarin also half bucket of water.. it will be great ifnews is circulated here
I might miss the Rally also, hope someone can help to post the latest news here...Dunno my GUESS will correct boh? keke...

Having dinner at MIL place later, don't know what she cooked...Craving for her Chicken Curry...She asked me the other day if I have any cravings, but I paiseh ask her cook...next round ask HB to tell her..wahahahaha
Hi all MTBs, hee..my EDD is changed from 2 Mar to 28 Feb coz i've put on weight too fast. Gua gua..anyway, decided to join in Mar MTBs coz i was told due date for first bb norm. will delay. BTW, is putting on 2KG within a mth consider alot? I was advised by my gynae to put on only 1kg each mth..haha..have been eating to prevent "MS". wonder when my MS will be over..erm, Lenny, i just had steak last week and i ordered Medium Well, oops...coz i norm. have steak in medium rare. missycandy i also gt craving for satay + steak. have been eating all the meaty stuff no wonder gain weight so fast. haha..so we'll get to know our bb's gender around 5mths ah?

You just recovered wor, u sure u wan take spicy stuffs? Better go moderate on spicy curry...

Anyway, about steaks, i rather give it a miss if I have to have it well done...it's just like pointless to eat Salmon or Oysters cooked! keke
I'm beginning to miss my Sashimi and Oysters...even fresh cockles with sambal chilli!
Lenny, i see..coz my gynae told me prob. nx appointment ard 14weeks can see the gender liao. Maybe nt so accurate then ba.
Anyone here taking up a "package" for check up & delivery? Is $100+ for one time check up consider a average rate? hee..coz first time mtb, dunnoe alot of things wor.
Gingal, i also love sashimi, oysters & cockles...nw try nt to go jap rest. coz can only eat cooked food and stare at the sashimi go passed me. haha

My package is $800 covering scheduled appointments till delivery. the first time i went, i was charged $90 for consultation bt if i take up package, it will be $80 per session for unscheduled appointments

I also first time mum to be so also blur blur.

i know your pain cos i lov raw oysters and can eat 12 at one go.. and my sashimi, 24 slices is not a problem. i am really eating a lot at buffets, just that i don;t eat carbo during buffets.. only eat meat.. so u can imagine how big i am.

as for cockles, i used to pickle them. cooked them, then put them in a glass container with sliced garlic and red chilli. will leave them in the fridge till the next day then i eat them with porridge. yep.. i am a teochew.. so i like all these stuff. kekeke...

now cannot liao...
Agony man!
i frequent Kusihin-bo at Suntec City, now won;t go liao.. cos cannot eat my sashimi and only stare at ppl eat and drool... i want to cry liao..
I can eat as much in buffet too. My HB always say just the Oysters and Sashimi i always take is worth the money liao...keke...I'm also BIG Size wor...

How to pickled cockles? Hmm...sorrie i'm not teochew so really never heard of...but it sure sounds very tasty to me...pickled cockles with my favourite garlic and chilli? Means sour+spicy+garlicky flavour? Yum Yum!!! But if it is well-cooked, we cannot eat also?

PM Lee is speaking now, the dubbing of the mandarin so funny. HB late from work again, so i can watch ...!
Speech ended...Issues are addressed but no solutions leh...I think all will be in the English version...He don't want let out the Cat in the Bag if not no one wants wtach the English speech liao. We shall catch it 8pm tomorrow bah...
now going for dinner ler, hope MIL has telepathy, cooked Curry Chicken...

to pickle the cockles, we wash them clean first then boil water. when water boiled, put them till cooked, some prefer them bloody so count to 10 seconds and drain off the hot water and peel them to get the flesh. i normally cooked them longer.

once you have peel them, drain them off dry. Use a clean, dry glass bottle and pour soya sauce inside, use one that is not too salty. Peel garlic and slice them, wash and dry red chillies and slice them.

All these in the glass container, make sure that the soya sauce is enough to cover your cockles. as for Garlic and chilli, it depends on the intensity of your preference for flavour. if you do this well enough, i will last you a week. the longer you pickle them the better it tastes.

then again.. eat everything in moderation.
This recipe is taught to me by my ex-mother in-law, she dotes on me alot but she passed away before i marry her son.

eat this after u give birth la.. be safe than sorry..ok?
jus had experience of shortness of breath while sleeping... feels like scary... =( difficulty breathing so i got up... before that i actually had a string of weird dreams... !

1. dreamt of my lil bro with his 3 frns who walked pass me to get into a lift... i called him but he totally ignored me... =\

2. there was a huge malay gathering on the 2nd floor... and i mean HUGE

3. i had jus decorated the christmas tree... then one day when i came home, the tree was stark naked! decorations and some branches of the tree were missing... apparently one of my mum's friend whom i dont really like took it away... -_-"

then i woke up! haiii... now sitting in living room tryin to catch my breath... felt like panic attack... or some sort since ive never had panic attack b4.. hehe.. i jus dun like the feeling! i have fear of not being able to breath... i cant stand stuffiness... =( you can freeze me... but you cannot take away my air to breathe... *hai*
lenny. u also first time mummy..hee..me feel so lost when pple started to ask me lots of qns. like which gynae i'm going, whether gt package and who will look after my bb after birth. haha..oh so your package is $800 and u r delivering at TMC. I heard TMC is good. My first two consultations cozts $100+ including calcium + folic acid & ultra sound. I heard from some old pple, having ultra sounds for too many times nt good. wonder hw true is tat...
i guess i also must avoid jap rest. liao then i go in watch pple eat sashimi and i eat soupy stuff. later nt happy..haha..wah, your pickled cockles sounds so tasty! with porridge definitely appetizing lor. Shall try this after birth..haha..
jus wondering if anyone feels the same way i do... i feel crappy most of the time... i feel nauseous but i try to hold it in... then i feel panicky for no reason... now i also feel breathless... wil it get worse??? im tryin to be positive.. i dun wan to feel this way... i tell myself i must be happie.. i mus be positive.. but every morning when i wake up... i jus feel totally... crappy.... i talk to peanut to tell him/her to be good to me... hurhurhur...

And... peak will be starting soon... im into my 7th week... next week will be 8th week... im so not lookin forward to it... =( i feel so ... helpless... hubby will jus help to sayang me...
Lenny, Thanks for the recipe! Sounds easy and great!!!
KK, will try after give birth

GUESS WAT!!! My MIL cooked curry!!! So Qiao..Srike 4d also not so zhun!!! Now i'm feeling so full and satisfied...
So funny,

We informed my PIL just now. Then my MIL told me that so coincidence, yesterday, she just dreamt of me giving birth. They looked happy though. Just not sure what they can do to help in the meantime.
gingal - if possible can ask ur mil hw she cook it? then share recipe here? hehehe... im waitin for my frn to share her mum's recipe with me leh... but still have not gotten back to me... =\
missycandy: i m feeling exactly like you...extremely breathless when night falls... n ms worsen in the night...day time still manageable...ate mentos when i feel pukey...

Re crave for steak:me also craving for steak but the thought of having it WD, i think i'll give it a miss...

btw cant feel my boobs growing leh...but slight sore...normal ma?
pinkdemoness - *HUGS* yeh so far my vomitting is only evening to night time... day time still can keep it in...

soreness in boobs are normal.. i dun tink everyones boobs will grow.. maybe into 5th mth when milk is starting to produce bah... hmmm...

anyone tried to BD yet? hehehehe... i tried today... after that my right boob felt a sharp pain... dunno why... but hubby didnt do anything to it? plus back pain -_-" i think prolly will wait til 2nd tri before doing again... =X
missycandy: i BD-ed last week twice...everything normal just tat hb was more gentls than b4 n ejaculated outside fear of harming bb...think our ms is relatively similar...timing also same...cheers
i was away from hme since fri till nw and i spent 1 hr catching up with all the posts here..

haha i haven try tt aft noeing preg..dr actually advised not to BD during 1st trimester. and aniway i don feel like doin it as well.. hahas..

me too miss steak a great lots. but i oni eat med rare.. so i rather endure w it dan eating well done.. but who noes, maybe due to hormonal
changes, i might not reject well done steak.

all the best to u.. i will miss u man....
hope to hear gd news frm u soon

god bless u!

I'm sorry, i never asked MIL how she cooked her things and guess i will never do it. I would like her to keep to her specialties so that it is special to my HB, her only precious boy. I don't want to ask her and let her feel i am trying to takeover her position.
Hope you understand, that is also how we maintained our relationship til date (more than 17years since i first went up to her house to have lunch).

This way, she will always try to cook for us once/twice a week even if she is busy, cos she knows we will miss her home-cooked food and i can't make it at home for my hb...*wink*
morning gals.

missycandy, hugs to u.. i sometimes feel breatheless too even after a short distance walk. when I was before wk 11, I felt to restless in the mornining. now that i m in my wk 12, morning I m better, but my uncomfortness kicks in during the evening, usually after dinner. ME too, trying to keep my spirits high.. cos bb will be affected by us as well. I wan to have a bubbly bb too..

Re: BD
Me BD also, but reduced the frequency.. once a wk, cos most of the time now i feeling uncomforatble. HB is much careful cos he's afraid to hurt bb.. keke
Morning Wintertime

LAst 2 days not feeling very good. Have ate by lunch and dinner but just don't know why cannot get the full feeling. I just ate till i got no appetite.
So disappointed that they did not annouce anything abt the bb bonus yesterday. i was so excited to hear abt the news, yet no annoucement was make. Don't know today english version will annouce or not.
Kome, me too... actually i m considered lucky cos I din really puke. I kept eating and seems to put on a lot of weight.. getting really low morale and don't even like the see myself in the mirror.

Anyway i think the details will be annouced tonight during the english version. i was expecting to hear something last night.

Usually the freebies and bonuses are announced inthe english version. Would see it tonite at 8 pm. Cant wait!
At least you can eat but for my case i really don't have much appettite just force myself to eat someyhing. Yesterday i never even ate my lunch. Same as you luckily that i din really puke also. Just gt the nausea feeling only.
Heard that english version is 2 hrs long. Think i will only see from internet or hear the chinese news at 10pm ba....

Btw I have not receive my clothes from Taiwan side yet. Hope they will arrive within this few days.
Kome, but i m worried of my weight gain.. i read from books tt too much weight gain is dangerous as well.. haizz.. will try to curb my intake.
haha. i don't think i can stay for 2 hrs to listen.. feeling damm tired now, tonight will sleep early.

asura, I think should be okay too..
Good Morning Ladies,

watched the rally last night, disappointed that he didn;t mentioned much about the baby bonus.
Do you all have to crack your brains on what to eat for breakfast everyday when we are going to work? it seems that we have a lot of restrictions

I know its difficult, try to stay away from deli meats during pregnancy due to high salt content and nitrate. i.e. Sausages, Hams, Bacon

Gingal & Misscandy,
the recipe of pickled cockles is very easy, just don't eat during pregnancy cos u know sometimes when we ear cockles, we happen to eat the rotten ones also. although didn;t swallow but we got a bite of it, this will have bacteria and sometimes cause food poisoning. so Don;t risk it now.
lenny, i certainly wish there will be more bb bonus.. doubled up to 6k best!!! and more maternity leaves pls..
subsidy infant care, child care etc
Try to control the weight after 1st trimester where everything is more stable lor.

I do always crack my head as what to eat for breakfast till i don't have much appettite to eat. But i force myself to buy a bread every morning to eat, so that i can eat my folic acid.
I think will not increase in maternity leave already. I saw yesterday rally in chinese version, he got highlight that guys still do not have the mindset to help out in looking after bb. So high chance that will increase in paternity leave instead. Me too hope got more $$$ and more subsidy infant care, childcare.


my gf told me that our boobs will only feel sore at this stage, they will only grow later part near pour delivery where our glands produces milk.
