(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome,ya i think so too.. increase paternity leaves also not too bad..

Lenny, for me, my boobs are already growing.. up one size already and still feel sore esp in the morning.

I am in my wk 12, but i am still feeling tired. Do you gals feel the same too? I m having my 3rd visit to gynae this sat and I m looking forward to see bb.. ohh will be doing my oscar test too..
<font color="0000ff">mummies</font>
how much do u pay per visit to doc for yr antental check up?

<font color="0000ff">pinkdemoness</font>,
this week shd be wk 7+. still encounter spotting. gg to seek for third option liao. have been taking TCM an tai medicine for 4 days liao, hope it will help in some ways. sian, my schduled 1 mth later....so think since I'm still spotting since 17/7 (massive bleeding on 1/8, even doc also dun seem worry and ask me to go bck when I go A&amp;E. so pissed off. but I insisted to stay in hospital), will go to woman TMC clinic near my plc to seek for third option. sian.....

<font color="0000ff">Oppsgal</font>,
last pregie, got so much watery yellow discharge man....but now, only pink and brown spotting.

<font color="0000ff">Asura79</font>,
re:visit to NB ad mum in hospital. if u are not 'padang' type then it is ok. for me, i will try to avoid wedding and full mth.

<font color="0000ff">kome</font>
goodies only announce in english version of the NDP rally tonight.
haiz.. paternity leave does not bebefit me and my hubby cos he is on the one month on, one month off kinda schedule.

i am so stuck on what to eat for breakie, cos i normally have my sandwich or american breakfast with 2 sunny side up plus bacon, sausage and garlic toast and my caffeine boost in the morning. now cannot eat my sunny side ups and my ah kun kaya toast with half boiled eggs and my teh... argh...
How come cannot eat kaya toast and half boiled eggs. Now i don't care so much what can eat and what cannot. I will just try to eat all in moderate and not everyday eat can already. Coz i so sian that tis don't know can eat or not that can eat or not.

Hope will hear something good today, but don't knoe can tahan for 2 hrs to hear finish or not. Think will only hear from the 10pm chinese news to see or from internet.
cos old folks said it will 'cheong' when one is preggie. unless one is not padang. even my mum and col told me not to give bai jing too.
Kome.. the kaya toast can but not the half boiled eggs.. cos have bacteria that might infect bb

I know the "white" ones cannot go.. but the "red" ones also cannot?
yeah. but hor, even with bb bonus, wondering will it help in the birth rate also cos last 2-3 wk sunday time paper did report that mum who is on Maternity leave or is preggie kana sack. sian...so one of the ppl comment that gov shd resolve the problem with co asking them to be more family pro.

even with the $3000 baby bonus, one can easily use up cos enaging a Confinement lady also take up more than 50% of the cost liao.
Afcai &amp; Lenny
Think this 'apply' only in 1st trimester ba..... I think 'Xi' shi is ok but try not to go for 'bai' shi if possible.
Those company are so bad. How can they sack those mum when they in need of the money for their child. So angry with them.
Kome &amp; afcai,

I was looking forward to give my best friend a surprise on that day. I waited so long for this day to see her happy. It will be really shitty if i can't go.
gals.. for me i will opt to avoid both wedding and wake. unless it's my very gd friend's wedding, else i will avoid too.. anyway save money too.. getting too broke these days.. opps..kekeke

Kome, half boil egg not encourgage to take cos it's not fully cooked. tt's y.

afcai, u having spotting? oh no, have u seen ur gynae yet? your gynae should do something for u... when u mention serious bleeding, it sounded serious leh..
Oppsgal, afcai,

So means can go after 1st trimester right?
OK, think i would avoid the hospital in the 1st trimester. Colleague giving birth next week, was wondering whether i should go visit her.
i am with my gf for 21 years already.. i really don;t want to miss her wedding. i think i will let her know.. cos if her in-laws mind then i won;t go to make things diff for her.
kome, well, there's not much protection for preggies apparently.. i read it somewhere that companies can still sack a preggie as long when she's below wk 20.. haizz..
as for the anything that's "white" i can't even go, preggy or not. i was told that my birth hour is quite"yin" so i should stay away from Hospitals, Graveyards and attending any wakes.

Try tell the boss when 24 wks later that you are pregnant. Hid the stomach. Then they cannot do anything to sack. :p
Ohhh.....ok, so half boiled egg cannot eat during 1st trimester. Last time my mum had been giving me to eat alot of half boiled egg during my 2nd and 3rd trimester, so i did not know that 1st trimester cannot eat.I also heard that before, but not too sure less than how many weeks company still can sack preggy lady.

I thought throughour whole pregnancy cannot eat half boiled eggs wor..

of course our hospital tour is diff. i mean i should avoid hospital visits cos hospital is a very "yin" place where ppl die of sickness everyday
No leh, i ate alot of half boiled eggs during late 2nd and 3rd trimester. Coz my mum said bb came out will have alot of hair. Not sure really is it because of the eggs or what, my son came out really got alot of hair.
morning to all... had macdonalds hotcakes ystdy for bfast...surprisingly, i finished it...n appetite was rather gd till after dinner, felt very naseous...n breathless...

re visits to hospitals etc: heard its best nt to go as 2 happy occasions might 'cheong' if pantang...as for weddings n funerals,my mum also advice nt to go...nt forgetting e 7th mth dinner...my mum v pantang so i listen to her... however i visited one of my frd when she gave birth early tis mth cos i dunno cannot, kana scold by mum...think it depends on individual ba...
Lenny, Kome,

I heard that cannot eat half boil eggs during whole pregnancy. Half boil is as good as raw food... get exposed to semolinia (cant spell), so its a luck thing. Best is eat hard boil eggs. I eat them quite often, sometimes as a snack.
<font color="0000ff">wintertime</font>,
I kind of disappointed by NUH service, even scheduled my next appt next mth (5/9).she did not do anything except 2 weeks ago, given a jab and duphaston. but it seems does not work and still spotting. last time, during my first preggie, I also got this bleeding but not that serious, KKH scheduled me 2 week later for a scan and checkup and admitted me to hospital for 3D2N for observation. the MO even test my HCG level also daily. but NUH did not even do anything, only did a scan last 2 fri on 8/8. can see bb heart beat liao but the &amp;(*&amp; MO asked me to go hm and monitor and if got any amiss then came to A&amp;E. so pissed off, I 've been gg to A&amp;E twice last 2 week. first, polyclinic refer me to A&amp;E cos spotting for 2 weeks. cos the doc there checked checked (duno what did she check, only poke those equipment used for pap smear into my v.) and then gave me 3 days mc. so on the third day, came bck to A&amp;E again bec of massive bleeding suddenly. so scary man that time, I was travelling in MRT and can felt a warm liquid coming out slowly and pray hard anything but not blood. so upon reaching the station, I walked slowly to toilet and nearly scared out of my life, so much blood dripped non-stop man....and stay still. quickly, call hubby and then his col rushed me to A&amp;E (nearest is NUH). sian....senior gyne checked checked and said my womb neck open and then took my blood for test. came bck 2 hr later and told me increasing very slow not to standard (only 15 thousand, suppose to be 20 thousand that time during my week 5), even asked me to go hm. wow piang, my hubby insisted that I stayed at hospital for 3D2N and later was given 15 days of hospitalisation leave (end on 15/8). so today, not gg to work cos still spotting. even chinese physician fr ma kuang advise me to rest. so later gg to seek for third option at TMC woman clinic.

sian....I still have spotting (brown, light brown, pink ).

re: sack preggie. think there a MOM law stating that dunno how many mth cannot sack the preggie woman, one can sue the co.

<font color="0000ff">Ausra79,</font>
preggie woman immune system also very low so tried to avoid hosiptal and clinic as there are so much germs around unless bo bian.

<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>,
sometimes if we dun mind but other party mind. gd that u will check with her. for me, same thinking, thru out preggie cannot eat half boil egg.

<font color="0000ff">Oppsgal</font>,
what if co want u to carry heavy thing and do heavy workload, still need to annouce out right?

<font color="0000ff">Kome</font>
yeah, anything raw and half boiled egg better not to eat. will introduce batercia and tummy upset.
Asura &amp; Afcai
Haha....me only eat half boiled egg and not the hard boiled one. Will check with my gynae again when i go for my next appt.
oppsgal, well, i also read that companies has the option to sack preggies if one hide her preggies news for too long.. so if you only reveal to companies after 24 wks, they have the right to "accuse" you "cheating" n not revealing the truth.. hahaha.. so either way, no protection lah..

afcai, wah, how come NUH like that one? my gynae told me if I ever see red spots or bleeding, go to her immediately.. something needs to be done immediately. it's a life we are talking abt.
NUH service really bad. They shld check thoroughly for you, spotting sometimes is a bad sign. They should do their part to help you. The nurse from my gynae also told me if spotting alot must go down to let them check immediately.
pinkdemoness, i think should be okay. try not to go near it.. u don't have a choice mah.. as long as it's ur not house can already.
Morning All,

Can't wait for the 8pm National Rally speech later tonight. What a cliffhanger! My hubby and I were disappointed with speeches last nite, no solutions. It better be good!!!

Best to seek 3rd opinion or switch gynae if you're not comfortable with your current gynae. 1st trimester spotting is common and not always a cause for concern. It's only during the 2nd or 3rd trimester that may be more of a concern. As long as there's not more increase in blood or flowing type of bleeding, you should be okay. Make sure the gynae check that bb is doing well with a hb. Rest well in the meantime.

Best to have all food well cooked before you eat. I also miss my half boiled &amp; runny eggs over porridge, bibimbap, nasi, with toast etc. haizz.... It's okay, I now ask just the cook to fully cook the eggs for me instead.

I had some prata with curry yesterday and later in the evening had slight diarrhea. So got to be careful.
Lenny, just to chk, subway sandwich can eat? cos got deli cuts like ham n bacon n raw veg? i sort of craving for it but scared cant eat..1st bb so quite paranoid..pardon me...hehe
Hello gals! Last sat I went to visit my gynae and for the 1st time, I saw my bb heartbeat. I was very excited. My bb is now 8 weeks and measured 1.93cm.

My consultation fee and scan cost about $170 (without any medication). Is it expensive?

It's best to avoid deli cuts (unless they are cooked and piping hot when served) as we're never too sure how well these items have been stored in the fridge and how they were handled by the prep staff and although it's safe for adults to consume with little or no problems, the bacteria can be very harmful to bb. This goes for raw veg, too.

Oh... like that sack the boss 1st before they sack you? haha... Prepare a resign letter. When they say they want to sack you, throw the letter at them. At least no bad record of kena sack.


Why need to carry heavy things? Then no choice have to announce early.
Wow.....your bb already measure 1.93cm in 8 wks? Mine measure 1.9cm in 9wks only, think mine is small. My consultation without medicine cost $145
