(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


My boy also will tell me is he wants to ngh ngh..but he still will pee in his diapers..sometimes he will tell us he is peeing "shhhe shhhe".

Did ur PD say anything abt ur boy regarding hasnt started talking?

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jo's mummy
PD referred me to psychologist to assess for autism. My son has not gone for formal assessement as the psychologist suggests to wait for a few months more to see his progress. But I started him on weekly speech therapy and one session of occupational therapy nevertheless. Very expensive, one session is $150. Luckily can use CDA account for the time being.
Hi devil thanks for ur reply ya din manage to see email think gt problem with my mail thanks ya. Btw can check with you hws her cooking like n she does help out like hse work?
Scrumpee, jia you! Hoping your boy will start chattering after his 2nd birthday!! If u get too vexed or worried, just share your tots here k. Big hugs!!

Re. Potty training
My little one now refuses to poo in his diaper but will only do so on the adult toilet bowl. Standing up haha! ;P pee wise he can tell me when he want to goes sometimes by touching his clothes hee. Will train him only later coz tried screw times earlier n it really takes alot of energy n patience.
Caca, her cooking nice and she will help out with the washing of clothes, the kitchen area after she cook, the toilet... U need to let her know what u need her help with... She is very nice... But if you need her to brew tonics at night, u need to let her know... For me, I never coz I dun like... Very heaty I cant sleep...

Hope ur boy will start to talk soon. Maybe on his bday he might suddenly burst out all the words...miracle sometimes do happen..kekekek...

One more suggestion is to put him to those playgroup or childcare..my friend do this to her boy when her boy also not yet talk after 2yrs old..
Jo's mummy
Missy is right. I have put my boy in CC since Jan this year. Has shown improvement in his communications although still no speech.

For example, he has started to point to indicate his interest, hold our hands to bring him to the things he wants, dance to songs and takes instructions much better. He only did all these after he went to CC. Before that, he doesn't really indicate his interest and is emotionless when he hears songs. So, that's why we were very worried that he could be autistic.

Very envious of many mar babies who can already speak especially Fiona's Kayle. So clever, can speak Eng and Chinese so well. Oh..and pinkdemoness's boy. Hiaz, while many of you are trying to help your kids excel, here I am, trying to help my boy be normal. So ironical right? What to do...whatever happens, he is still my son and everyday, I am trying to stay positive but negative thoughts keep coming to my mind.

Slowly im sure he will grow out of this phase..give him some more time..don give up..i know how u feel..im really sad to read ur last paragraph..

thou he might not speak now but who knows he might burst out everything one day and perform+excel better than any of the march babies, right?
jo's mummy
Thanks for encouragment. yes, I am waiting for the day. Two days ago, my boy uttered " mur mur mur". Such a simple sound made us very happy, because this is his first consonant. He doesn't make consonant sound like mur, bo , po, he only make vowels sound like err, eee, ar.
the way you describe Eames in CC, I don think he got Autism leh.. i read a bit on the behaviour for Autism as my boy also speak quite late. Autisim child will not look into your eyes, smile back at you when you smile at them, repeat same action over and over again for 1000++ times... I think Eames is playing with his frens in cc right? So no need to worry so much.
Hi mummies ....

No worries ... I totally enjoyed myself too except that was pretty irritated when they kept chasing us to pack up!!! Already feedback that 2hr is too short if they are fussy about the eating area as well.

Scrumpee ...

My fren send her son for assessment when he was abt 3yr ... she oso noticed that he was v slow in speech development n v reserved. Cant socialise with kids of the same age. The assessment was that the son has IQ of over 130 (which is like super bright) BUT social IQ is abt 70 only. Hence there is a 'gap' which requires intervention. However the good news is that with the correct intervention, the gap can be narrowed so you just do your best and leave the rest to god.

re: CC

SH started his 1st full day CC ... cry whenever he is free but when there are activities, he will happily participate. After I left ... he did cry abit but the teachers assured me that he is coping fine.

Lets see tom how heehee
Yiyi, my boy doesn't really play with his friends. A bit reserve and takes time to warm up. But more friendly with adults. Will go hug the teachers at cc and play catching with them.

Seabreeze, so is your fren's son is confirmed autistic? I sent my boy for a session of occupational therapy. His fine motor skills score is below average so we have to work on that.
Scrumpee ...

Yap so she did alot of home therapy n send him to half day normal child care n half day special school so that he can interact w both grp of kids. Just see wat the expert says n for all u know, he cld just be a case of late developer, just that we dun take risk thats all.
seabreeze, my hubby is very impress abt the bday bash venue on last sunday that he want to bk for my gal personal bday bash...how much does it cost for 2 hours ah? i tried calling them but line engage or covert to voicemail..hmm...i try to cal them again later

scrumpee, ur boy is so sweet hugging teachers n playing wif them liao...dun worry he is improving
be positive n hv faith
thanks for the feedback. But your friend's son's IQ is so high, OMG! at least she doesn't need to worry for his academics.I am very tempted to send my son for full assessment but I'm scared to know the truth..what if he really is? And he will be labeled for life. Hiaz, will make a decision on this again 3 months later, depending on his progress.

BTW, my son also like your boy when he started cc. Will cry when he got nothing to do. On and off feeling emo. But he is much better now. Some of the days, he didn't even cry just bian zui. Or will cry a bit when we said goodbye to him but stop after we are out of his sight
scrumpee, it's normal for them to be emo when gng cc..even till now caroline will throw tantrum or whine n dun feel like gng cc at times
mangogal, thks. Think i will continue to let him sleep in the cot for awhile more.

any of your LO get a fever after 7 days from MMR jab? My boy took it last Mon and this p,m down with fever. Wonder if its due to jab? Cos doc say if fever either within 24 hrs of jab or a wk later. Technically speaking, its been over a wk liao
Devil thanks for ur infomation think I will call her to interview hehe cos I m very particular in food so cooking must be gd must brew tonic for me to bu hehe. Btw I think I saw u in oct 2011 thread u preggy too?
Scrumpee ...

Typically autistic children have VERY VERY high IQ but always lacking in some other aspect (very often its the social part). I would think that if you want to put your heart at ease then send him for assessment so that in the event that there are any area that he needs to work on *touch wood*, you can start now with early intervention.

Mangogal ...

The Little O Zone is $22 per pax with discount for NTUC Union member and OCC member. I used my dad's OCC membership to book so $19 this round.

re: CC

SH will make noise when they take his temperature and stuff, otherwise he is ok. My #1 will tell me whether his didi cry or happy hahaha good to have a spy there cos teacher will just tell you 'happy' news. But I think he doesnt nap well there cos he totally KO last night at 9pm.
My boy also hates taking temperature during the first two weeks. Now ok liao, even want to jump queue.

Actually, I already started intervention on him, i.e speech and occupational therapy so the assessment is mainly to either put my heart at ease (if he isn't) or confirm it ( if he is).
I am here to gossip... kekeke...
A few months ago, OKTO is airing barbie cartoon, and MIL encourage Isaac to watch.. and then certain days, OKTO airing some boys catoon(Donno Ben10 is it?).. with some fighting scene... my MIL immdeiately switch to other channels and say.. don let Isaac watch too much fighting scene cartoon.. not good for him.. later he learn to fight in school...

What's ur view?
Just get it done since u are already taking measures. For all u know he is just a slow developer in terms of speech n u won't feel so stress. Esp if this is always on ur mind 
yiyi - yr mil wan him to learn to dress up ? lol ! right now they still imitating stage. so yr mil also not wrong in the fighting part... for kirs, when someone screams in the cartoon, she will follow suit ... -_-" i let her watch only playhouse disney channel... and Ai... lol!
yiyi, it's good that your mil will 'filter' off violent scene for Issac. I know about the
Barbie the movie. hehe.. It's about having the courage and persistent in pursuing dreams. I wanted Vera to watch it too but she soon lost interest after the theme song part... haha.

missy, you let Kirs watch Ai too? Vera watches it too. Sigh... no choice, mil worships that show. :p Whenever there is fighting scene, if I'm around, I'll tell her they're fighting and it's wrong to fight. I feel that must have some sort of parental guidance somehow. hehe..
actually if they want to learn fighting they can learn it in CC liao..cos other kids might be seeing Ben10 etc.
My MIL let my boy watch lor and his cousin also watch so when he come home he tell my mum to fight with him faint..so good that your MIL filter it away
lizy - hee hee... ya... she loves the song...muahahaha! good to let her learn chinese also la... or at least hear it.. hee hee... i try to watch whenever i remember... now very exciting... kekeke! but once it finishes, i will switch to her disney channel... =P
I agree w my MIL and u all, we should filter these shows.. But i am just curious to know if this means no such shows for them even when they grow up? Same as Lenny, most of the time he is only watching baby tv, Barney and wiggles..

I also filter what she watch. Most of the time, char watches the dvds that i bought for her. I told my MIL that violent scenes are no-no so she will switch off her tv when violent scenes come.

at home... none of us watch tv when bree is awake.. there are some exceptions though.. when i switch on cooking shows.. like Food network etc..
Me too... cannot concentrate.. always will be interupted by them.. So now this TV belongs to my 2 kids officially liaoz...
Mummies, did u bring ur kids to arcade when go shopping malls? Now my boy will scream excitingly & say "yeah" when he saw arcade from very far and run towards the arcade..though we did not let him play he will still wan to stay inside, run here n there, press here n there and ask us for $$ to put into the kiddy ride and will always cry don wan to leave that place...headache...
<font color="ff0000">re. tv</font>
hee also started letting my little boy watch tv, but mainly are the dvds i bot, barney, bob the builder, thomas the train, etc. he's hooked on youtube though, once he gets my iphone, will go look for videos himself lol. must monitor what he watches. no adult shows though, mostly too violent nowadays...

errh mummies with boys, do you let your boys watch girly cartoons e.g. strawberry shortcake, hello kitty? my boy likes hello kitty very much. undecided whether to let him see if have. sigh, hb said too girly, cannot :p

<font color="ff0000">jo's mummy</font>, no, not bringing him to arcade. they get hooked really fast and then very hard to bring them out liao. my boy just like the kiddy ride now, but we never put coins for him, so everytime see 1, let him sit insides for a while, then persuade him out. still easier at this point. i think once put coin for him, he sit inside, sure dun want to come out liao!
erm, we put coin. hehe.. But we limit her to 1 day, 1 coin only. After that 1 coin, if she see another kiddy ride on the same day, she's allow to sit on it but we won't give her another coin to put in. We started this rule eversince she started her very first kiddy ride.
Kiddy ride... i also try to let my tot sit only and sometimes put coin too. But, how do you feel when you kid only sit on the ride and somebody ask you to bring your kid out because their children want to play with coin? I know since we didn't put coin should let other people play but sometimes just don't like their way of "asking"; as if got money must give way. I felt it is just not very nice to ask people to get off. I will wait for awhile or look for another ride. Haiz...
Happy Women's Day!!! to all mummies...
and Happy Birthday to all March babies...

Yesterday we had a small birthday party at my tots playgroup. Although it was just a short event but still spent quite an effort to prepare party gifts, balloons, yakult and cupcakes. Most importantly is everybody enjoyed. But, like that, every year will have to do likewise? HaHaHa...
for kiddyrides, i didnt put coin but he will ask me for the coin (钱), then i hav to tell him mummy no money.

very headache when go fairprice, he don wan to sit in the trolley, he wans to walk himself, take this, take that, touch this n tat..i hav to keep an eye on him in case he break the glasses/bottles..then he also likes to carry the basket to walk around..can u imagine so many ppl in de fairprice, he carry de basket walk ard hurt ppl's leg n i hav to keep saying sorry..if i don let him, he will eh eh eh n cry...everytime i go fairprice, i hav to bring a lot of his foods to keep him in the trolley..
for the rides it's my parents who warn me don't put coins else he will be hooked then in the end what happened..it's them the grandparents put in the coins..faint
Idlecat, so far I haven't met any parent who request impolitely to give way for their kids to play. They usually would wait for their turn. I too will ask Vera to wait for her turn or take another kiddy ride. I thot it's a good opportunity to teach our little ones about the rule of "First come first serve". They're sure gonna have a lot of chance to apply this when they grow up..

jo's mummy, when I told Vera mummy don't have money. She replied: "Papa"
We have no problem getting her to sit in the trolley. To her it's another kiddy ride. :p

st, yes grandparents have no limit. Even when they have run out of coins, they'll make an effort to change..

i see my mood... to date, have only out coin in the sesame street ones at tanglin mall... lol.. the others nothing... jus let her sit... after awhile she will get off n move on to another one.. -_-" i also havent had the issue where parents come n ask me to give way leh... usually il automatically ask kirs to come down or carry her away if another kid comes with coin... hee hee...

she doesnt really like supermarket trolley also... sigh... she loves to play with butter -_-" she wil stack it up n move them ard... arghhhh... then wanna carry bottles ard... grrrrrrrrrrrr...

we also celebrated her bd in sch today... becos nxt 2 days wun be bringing her to school.. hee... going to bring her out to play... =P
