(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Wow..! Missy, can feel your joy from here.
Happy for you and kirs.

missy .. i am sure Kirs will be fine very soon ... once she get use to the classmate & teacher & activities, she will be fine .. muack muack Kirs..
p/s: got exchange sticker meh ? how come i din see the sticker ? haa

i am so happy that M do not cry for the pass few days when i sent her to cc .. *touchwood*.. & hope this stay ...

Lenny, big hugz to Bree ... she'll be recover soon ..
I send Jovin for trial playgroup at AMK hub, it was a 1.5hrs class where 45mins Eng, 45mins Chinese. My boy very shy (which is totally different when he was at home). He stick to me during the whole class. The class is for 18mths n above, n he was the youngest bcos all others r above 24mths, talking her n there already.

The teacher there is very patient but there is 1 indian boy keep crying during the whole class..its screaming n screaming too loud till bb Jo was kinda scared by him and pull my hand to go out of the class.

Furthermore, during the Eng class, Jovin cant understand at all..bcos we speak Chinese to him all the time..haih...

I didnt sign up the playgroup..althou its cheap (abt S$230 for 12classes) but I think the class is not suitable for him as he still cant speak yet...

Any mummy can give me any suggestion? I tot of wan to bring him to YWCA centre just opposite my house..

sunshinebaby..how abt u?? where u sent Bryan boy to?
jo's mummy,

I have signed up bb C for playtime at Learning Horizon (Grassroots CLub). 1.75 hrs, 3 times a week. They do quite a bit of things. U can call them and check it out. C is starting in jan 11.
It's Friday Mummies!

This week I have been down with flu... A tough battle with the flu bugs. Today seems that I'm better but Vera started to have the flu symptoms (Blocked nose, Body temp higher than usual, no fever though). The battle starts again

Mummies do Take Care of yourself and your little ones and of course Have a Wonderful Weekend!
*hugs hugs vera* hope she gets well soon.. u tk care too lizzy!

sinmey - its quite funny one leh... they r holding the strips of stickers... but they dont actually get the peel it off... i think its jus a distraction... wahahahahahahaha! but its so funny n cute... hehehehe...

jennifer - u can try pine garden... actually some of the cake shops will do it for u... if u cn provide the picture... if not ecreative you can try... or just google for barney cakes...
Jenn, thanks! Yes, Doc prescribed Vit C for me too but I think it didn't help much... Am thinking perhaps I should take Vit C on a regular basis...

Missy, thanks. I will.
But gonna be tough during this weekend... Her body temp went up to 37.9 just now. Have been giving her water and keeping her cool. Past experience is once hit 38, it will keep going up until Paracetamol is given. I hope this is not happening though... You take care too ya! The weather these days have been extremely Hot..
haiyo... poor bree... *sayang*

anyway brought kirs back frm sch yesterday, teacher said she having runny nose n cough... sigh... plus she felt a bit warm when i carried her.. the good thing is that she was still super active.. -_-" gave her meds last night... put her to bed... she woke up, vomited everywhere... arghhhx.... coughed on n off thru the night... this morning 6am whine n whine n whine.. gave her milk... carried her, vomited on me... -_-" now supposed to be nap time but refused to sleep... zzz

Argh.. poor Kirs and Poor you.. i know what u are going through.. haiz..

when our little ones fall sick.. its also us who suffer...

*hugs* Kirs & Missy..

actually i kinda want to *pinch* Kirs' Cheeks.. so chubby.. heheh.. but now cannot cos she not well.
Oh yeah long time no post, just updating Kee went thru an episode of Roseolla 2 week'a back. It's 3-4 nights of super high 39-40 fever then sudden drop back to normal w outbreak of rashes, starting from head then body hen down to feet. PD say most kids before 2 years are prone and like once they have gotten it, they won't get it from hoer kids again, transmission is by secretions like other kids saliva etc. No idea where he got it from, maybe playground. Those few nights was scary I gave panadol in the day and suppository at night. And sponging to bring down the temp. But it's nothing dangerous. Coz normally he doesn't fever, even MMRV he had no fever, so his episode was scary at that time.

Thinking of sending him to montisorri next year, hope he won't cry too much, like Kirsten adapt well w her friends, but knowing him, sigh, I think I may have to sit in for a while longer, very superglue type.

think now the virus is everywhere, bb Jo also cough n running nose since last Fri. Sat night bring him to see normal GP bcos SBCC @ AMK only open till 12.30pm.

since last Fri nite, frequent cough n wake up at night but yesterday was most terrible. he wake up at 1.45am cough n cough n cry non stop n whine whine whine also till 3.30am only sleep. althou he is still active but he seems don hav appetite to eat porridge/rice. tonight going to bring him to PD again bcos his cough seems getting serious n this morning his temp is 36.9
sadly and irritatingly(if there is such a word), the cough worsens at night... day time fine n dandy.. its the night when they r supposed to be sleeping.. thats when all hell breaks loose!!! but i guess its the position that they are in as well... sigh... back flow, post nasal drip, unability to swallow phglem... sigh sigh sigh... cant wait for her to turn 2... so can give chewables!!!

*sayang bb jo & kee*

star - got 1 more episode .. when he was sprouting the 1st 4 teeth... ehehehehhe
thanks missy, sayang to Kirs too..me also feels like wan to "cubit" Kirs cheeks..she's really adorable..

yes ther is such a word..really irritatingly..hahah..agree the cough worsens at night.. GP say they dunno how to control the cough n once they cough, they will induce it n they will cough more seriously..

i think i didnt sleep at all last nite..like dreaming lor..heard his breath is coming from de mouth (althou i've apply some baby vicks on his chest but it doesnt help),the nose is stuck at night but flowing like pipe water in de day time..
Starflowe ...

Must have been a tough time for both Kee and yourself!! But glad that he has recovered and hopefully back to his bubbly self =)

SH is going to CC next yr too ... cant imagine his reaction but so far when he goes with us to the cc to pick up his brother ... he is happy walking around and exploring the place.

Jo's mummy & Missy ...

I totally hate fever and cough!! Fever always shoot up in the middle of the night and they cant zzz well with cough + block nose. So should I say that TOTALLY hate it when they fall sick lar!! Hope that both your little ones recover soon!!
Last night bring bb Jo to SBCC, the PD is Dr. Goh. He is a very nice doc!

The bill come out also very swee...S$123 (after 10% discount using the baby bonus card)

Total 5 types of medicine + 1 iliadin!!!! faintz..
Last nite bb can sleep better, mayb too many medicine n cause drowsiness..hahah..

and this morning can see he looks better!
jo's mummy,

as long as bb Jo is getting better, how much also worth to pay lor ... beside the heartpain when pay lar ..

hugz to bb Jo .. & u of course .. mummy is always the one who suffer whenever our toddlers are sicks ..
Hey mummies, how's your little ones going? My girl's coughing worsen. Last night, she talked like Donald Duck. As if it's Donald Duck calling me mummy...
Hey Lizy, my boy's cough has recovered. No more hearing his cough since last night. only 2 or 3 times cough a day. the PD's med is really effective!
Wow, Good boy jo!
Vera's cough and flu still the same. Her nose keeps drip drip drip.. and she likes to rub her nose and then spread the mucus all over her face... sigh... Kind of feeling guilty last night since I was the one who passed the virus to her... :p Not sure if she can recover by this weekend. Sis' wedding on this Sat.. There will be children at mom's place. Not sure if I should bring her there if she's still not fully recovered by then....
My #1 had a bad day on mon evening. Stomach pain and vomitted for 4 times. Midnight brought him to see doctor and doctor said that it was stomach flu. Now feeling better already.
Kome, good to hear that your boy is ok now. Let him drink more water to prevent dehydration. Btw, stomach flu is contagious. Watch out, in case anyone in the family get it, especially for Anver? You Take care too, Kome!
oops... lol... wrong... hee its katflutez... LOL! so blur. hee hee.

donald duck sound is cute... few wks ago kirs also had major cough n sore throat.. her voice become so hoarse and low... was quite funny... i think she also found the voice funny.. so she keep whining and blabbering with the different voice... LOLOL!

maybe you can try prospan? or u go guardian to ask what they can recommend...

oh yes, those keen to give their bubs chewable vitamins, can try this brand CHAMPS (recommended by vicky) hee.. i bought it from JB... its for 1 yr onwards... i bought the multivits one.. they have a few available... also have strawberry, fruitty, orange and pineapple flavour... they have Vit C alone... then with lysine (duno for wad) lol...
Thanks. Trying to get him to drink more water but he really don't like to drink. Everytime must asked him to drink water if not he can go without water for few hours.

Yesterday #1 vomitted again yesterday evening after his milk. Think still not fully recover yet. Letting him stay at my mother's house today. Hope by today he will be alright.
Thanks Lizy. Not so fast recover de esp cough n running nose.. if her condition is not so worse, its still ok to bring her along unless ur MIL can help to take care for a while. Sis wedding must attend ya!

Kome, PD told me if ur LO don like to drink water esp now they r sick n need more water, u can give him some blackcurrant drink mix to the water, a bit of sweet taste maybe they like.

Also now only I knoe there is lip balm for baby. bb Jo's lips was very dry n cracked. doc ask us to buy lip balm to apply is better. now everytime we saw his lips r dry, we will apply. he will let us apply..looks so funny n cute..lol...
Missy, haha, knew the date is meant not for me... lol :p
Ya, they are cute with the funny voices but hope they'll recover speedy fast. And hopefully the stupid haze will go away fast fast. Raining god, where are you??

Kome, when I had stomach flu, doc told me can drink 100+ but that's an advise for adults.... I'm not sure if it's ok for your #1 or not..

Jo, mil works in the weekend.. and I know my parents will definitely want all of us to be there.. Maybe make her wear mask..? Ya right, provided she doesn't pull it off few secs later... :p
Jo's mummy
Hb tried blueberry before and he drank abit than pass me back. What i scare is that later he addicted to blackcurrent instead of plain water. Than i don't know how already.

My mum gave him 100+ before but don't think it is good to give him too much too. Will let tae his medication for today and monitor to see how first.
Kome, hmm its true also..later addicted also not good.. u give him water in bottle? how abt try using a cup? nowadays i always play "cheers" with bb Jo n let him hold his lil cup n drink from there. he can drink a lot. u can try try lar..heheh
jo's mummy
He will drink for the cup provided i pass to him anad stand there watching him finish drinking. There are few times i forgot to gave him water, he never asked for it also. Haiz....must kept on reminding myself to ask both my boys to drink water.
Mummies, seabreeze has delivered!
Her 3rd labour super fast, was updated in her FB, let us wait for her birth story

bb gal weigh 2.835kg!!
Wow!!!! Thanks Mongogal for sharing!!!

Do send my regards to her?
2.835 is perfect N good number too! hehehe...
lizy - hee hee u wan i cn also date u la.. lolxxx but next week im starting wrk le... =P

yeh congrats to seabreeze! cnt wait for birth story! hee

anymore baby dust to go ard? quite a number of mummies pregs n due next yr... wahahahax! so happeninG!

wah, so many has delivered agn...and it seems like ystdy tat we were all sharing our pregnancy and birth stories, breastfeeding etc...now some mummies are going thru again and all our 2009 babies are toddlers and talking now...time flies..
