(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Will the confirmed 24 names pls do a bank transfer to me at

DBS Savings Plus

pls drop me a pte msg (do not leave msg here) with the transfer details. Thanks.


Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette (Paid $12)
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) lizy + hb + bb Vera (paid $20)
(5) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (paid $20)
(6) Sharlin + hb + bb ---------------> Sharlin, pls note
(7) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir
(8) starflower + bb Keenan + manny
(9) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(10) Lenny, Hubby & BB Bree (Paid $20)
(11) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(12) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(13) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(14) idlecat + hubby + BB
(15) Strawberrys79 + BB
(16) wintertime + hb + BB
(17) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan
(18) P.seed + bb Alaia
(19) meebaby + bb + hubby
(20) Meerkat + bb (paid $20)
(21) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin
(22) Jtho + small oli + big oli
(23) fatfish + bb (paid $20)
(24) Sportyger + bb M --------------> pls note

Jacqueline, Pinkdemoness. In hindsight, best if you could tt in advance as it is very hard for me to keep track of so many different people's payment as it is. Jac, possible to get hubby to tt instead? Thanks!

Daphne C, Jtho, Pseed, Star, will collect from you seperately. The rest, kindly TT soonest.

Many thanks!
Hi all,

Shall give the gymboree a miss as well cos realise its too rush for me as i preparing Elixir's bday deco in the morning.. enjoy yourselves!

alfafa: sorry for any inconvenience caused..
Hi All Mummies,

Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you.
<font color="119911">Re: 15% ecreative cake discount

1. Kris - 27/3
2. Bean (10/4 or 17/4)
3. Powerball - 27/3 or 28/3 or 2/4 (to be confirmed)
4. Ida (28/3)
5. Ida (28/3)
6. Ida (28/3)
7. dodos 10/4
9. juxta (17/4 or 24/4)
9. ipanpan (10/4)
10. HappyLittleWoman (17/4)
11. B512A (15/5)
12. Seabreeze (14/3)
13. moomoo2 (7/3)

You may email to [email protected], attn Florence and quote ur nick.</font>
thanks! i'll chk out the sensitive wash

my deepest condolences, pls take care. bree is so sweet and her action must hv bot so much warmth to your grandma at that moment. what a wonderful gal, bbs are really from heaven

ooh bday present, i got a big blocks for my bb's 1 year present, hopes he can play with it for a long time :p

re. sterilising bottles
haha i'm still sterilising 3-4 times a day, somehow can't bring myself to stop doing so haha :p
Re: Sterilising bottles.

I have stopped doing it when Bree is 6mths old.. she kept putting things into her mouth..

Yep.. share the same view with Alfalfa.. to me, no point doing it already. ;)

that aside, when i was in Indonesia.. i Do sterilise cos i don't trust the water source and i rinse again with mineral water.
Those who still haven't paid, let's do each other a favour by paying on time. Which brings me to another point ... from THIS point onwards (3 weeks to the evnt liao), please practise Social Responsibility by sticking to it (at least pay for it pls) once you have signed up yah. Of course, sometimes shit happens. In which case we can always try asking Gymboree to give you a make up gym session. This will be at their discretion of course.


Will the confirmed 24 names pls do a bank transfer to me at

DBS Savings Plus

pls drop me a pte msg (do not leave msg here) with the transfer details. Thanks.


Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette (Paid $12)
(3) jo's mummy + bb
(4) lizy + hb + bb Vera (paid $20)
(5) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (paid $20)
(6) Sharlin + hb + bb (paid)
(7) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (done)
(8) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(9) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Paid $20)
(10) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(11) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(12) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(13) idlecat + hubby + BB
(14) Strawberrys79 + BB
(15) wintertime + hb + BB
(16) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (paid $20)
(17) P.seed + bb Alaia (done)
(18) meebaby + bb + hubby
(19) Meerkat + bb (paid $20)
(20) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin (done)
(21) Jtho + small oli + big oli (done)
(22) fatfish + bb (paid $20)
(23) Sportyger + bb M --------------> pls note
Alfafa: sorry once agn as i do feel guilty wrt yr statement...had really wanted to bring elixir to play on his bday cos i rarely bring him out..however i decided to deco my hm abit first plus i really have problems to tt funds so very sorry tat i have to let go due to these reasons..paiseh..
<font color="aa00aa">alfafa, sorry I need to give the gymboree a miss too..really wanted to attend but my friend is not free to go with me n bb as dh need to work too..i CAN'T bring bb out alone..cos i dunno how to handle the bulky stroller..useless me..</font>

Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette (Paid $12)
(3) lizy + hb + bb Vera (paid $20)
(4) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (paid $20)
(5) Sharlin + hb + bb (paid)
(6) starflower + bb Keenan + manny (done)
(7) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB
(8) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (Paid $20)
(9) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker
(10) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(11) teddybaby + hubby + BB
(12) idlecat + hubby + BB
(13) Strawberrys79 + BB
(14) wintertime + hb + BB
(15) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (paid $20)
(16) P.seed + bb Alaia (done)
(17) meebaby + bb + hubby
(18) Meerkat + bb (paid $20)
(19) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin (done)
(20) Jtho + small oli + big oli (done)
(21) fatfish + bb (paid $20)
(22) Sportyger + bb M --------------> pls note

Where to find tat ' gate'? i tot of getting one also.


My mil fed my BB Marmite (mixed in plain porridge)when she was 4+mth old but not now cos got alot of ingredients in it liao.
missy, i also havnt tried but when i was young &amp; taking care of my nephews..i always feed them with the bovril &amp; marmaid..thinking of trying to add some to bb's porridge too..cos he seems bored with the everyday same porridge..now hardly can finish 3/4 bowl..
nope, hven't tried..but my mum said she used to feed us with marmite n porridge haha jux tat i dun want to add yet :p

sunshine n gin,
i got the lindam bb safety gate from KP. got 2 sets earlier and sold one off hee coz too many. aiyo, i place at entrance to kitchen area 2 mths ago but am so clumsy, stubbed my toe on the gate and remove it. haha not used to obstruction leh, and when bb is crying, in rush to move around, it's quite ley chey. haha not sure when will put it up again. now i move bb's playpen to block the area when necessary hee hee easier :p can go KP check out, a lot of other brands too.
i remember eating bovril when i was younger. hee.

safety gate - i bought frm KP. brand is babylove. its made of hard plastic. $89. its higher than the lindam gate. so far so good.
Hi Kris,

Still can add on mine ?

Re: 15% ecreative cake discount

1. Kris - 27/3
2. Bean (10/4 or 17/4)
3. Powerball - 27/3 or 28/3 or 2/4 (to be confirmed)
4. Ida (28/3)
5. Ida (28/3)
6. Ida (28/3)
7. dodos 10/4
9. juxta (17/4 or 24/4)
9. ipanpan (10/4)
10. HappyLittleWoman (17/4)
11. B512A (15/5)
12. Seabreeze (14/3)
13. moomoo2 (7/3)
14. Piggysg (14/3)

You may email to [email protected], attn Florence and quote ur nick.
halo mummies, many of our topic here are baby physical development,food and safety

eh any of you start parenting and even teach or discipline? My gal is no longer as a baby who just eat sleep poo and play, her personality start to show more obvious and display her like and dislike,how much she has grow!

Eh our thread here nt very active like before but i hope mummies can share more pareting topic heres cos i seldom see u gals and babies realise no fix grp gathering leh and if mummies on msn online, we can discuss more as a group,hehe knowing that msn online is more active at night

parenting is challenging and exciting!
Mummies, thanks for the input.

My mil mentioned to me that she wants to feed my girls marmite but i told her that it's full of salt, wait till they're older lah.
pinkdemoness, you got me wrong. You notified me early, and for that I appreciate. What I am saying is for othert mommies who are still signed up as at yesterday, which is slightly less than 3 weeks out already. Nothing to do with you alright?

ok lah. We still have a buffer of 3 before your drop out this morning so it's still ok. No sweat. Appreciate your notice.

The point is, I'm just reminding everyone to practise a little social responsibility since obviously we need a minimum no for the class to go ahead. Not directed at anyone in particular.

I trust that this is a fair request.
sound os official hor.

hahah I know. This is me in my "work mode" so don't mind me. In my private mode I am very long winded as you all know.
mangogal, I am also having the same issue. How to discipline baby when they smiles melt our heart so easily! Now I wish I had been more conscientious in baby signing...
alfafa: sure sure...got me a lil scared though..haha...hope to catch up with everyone real soon...

n also for those mummies who paid me a visit n knew abt my situation, i have settled all legal papers with elixir's dad...thus i m now an 'official' single mum...haiz but no worries, i m still getting on with life well for the sake of elixir...tks for all e encouragements n support esp from starflower, daphne, jtho, queenie, p3pp3r,nancy, p.seeed n many others...tks so much..at least now everyone in my family knows n has gave me the support i needed so not tat bad like those few months..

btw mummies: i have recently joined the real estate company due to its flexibilty in working hours so i can still look after elixir yet have a source of income at the same time...really hope if anyone of u, yr friends or relatives are buying/selling house or even renting, can feel free to call me anytime for my service...tks in advance..
pinkdemoness, glad things are working out for you. We're here for you!! I'm sure many of us have had our share of sh**ty times and can empathise.

Er with the rental, I will need your services in a few months time, keep a lookout for me in the meantime ok? Can e-mail me for details
pink dmoness,glad that u hv found a new career path! Will look for u if i need this area of service=) sad that i cant see u and elixir on 20th, hope to meetup with u soon!

Hey pseed, ya so hard to discipline when they give the innocent n heart melting look and smile right? But when get on my nerve need to be firm and scold if no choice,hmm.. Hiya kids nowadays are so smart! Hope to catch up with u soon,miss baby A,hope u hv a great bday celebration =)

haha Alfafa,i prefer ur long winded mood:p
i got the lucky baby brand last wkend @ robinson... i get the hard plastic one... cost $99.00 w 25% off...

thks... got 1 last sat... ^_^

happy for u ^_^ u not coming on 20 mar?

agreed w u... sometime i oso cannot ta han esp my boi keep on putting his finger into his mouth when feeding him... i smack him on his palm or raised my voice and stare at him but he like no scare... he purposely do somemore tat i really dun noe wat to do... mayb he still dun noe rights n wrongs ba... sighz
u've stopped sterilising bottles... so aft wash, u leave it to dry or immediately cap it n put at a side? same goes to their spoon, bowl etc?
tis still ongoing right??

Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb &amp; kayle
2. daphnecrosailo &amp; ugin
3. starflower, hb &amp; keenan
4. jtho, hb &amp; oli
5. asura, hb &amp; charlene
6. missycandy, hb &amp; kirsten
7. cindy, hb, travis &amp; trishelle
8. cfchangdee, hb, philson &amp; philston
9. lizy, hb &amp; vera
10. lingmama, hb(tbc) &amp; destinee
11. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan
12. babe kazooie, hb &amp; bb shayna
13. minnie24, hb &amp; andrique
14. mangogal, hb and bb caroline
15. piggysg, hb &amp; bb ryker
16. P.seed &amp; baby A
17. alfafa and baby Grace
18. lemon_tea &amp; bb Mik
19. meebaby, hb &amp; bb Chyng Shiuan
20. fatfish &amp; bb Cadence
21. jacqueline, hb and bb Jovan
22. Kris &amp; Kerryn
23. p3pp3r &amp; Ziv

1. Queenie n Tristan
2. Serene &amp; hb &amp; bb Charlene
3. Pigpig &amp; hb + BB Shermaine.

ya my boy the same, altho not with the fingers in the mouth but with touching things he shdn't be touching/going to areas where he shdn't be going. We been teaching/disciplining him for a few mths liao by saying very seriously 'NONO' and if he carries on, to smack his hand, so he knows when he shdn't be doing something but more recently he started becoming more daring and smart-alecky by pretending to touch the things with toys/one finger etc. Was amusing initially but wah lau can only say NO that many times with an angry face. SIGH.

Think maybe the more attention we give them the more they try their luck, but then cannot ignore when he is trying to pull down the dvd player/amplifier/laptop etc. *faint*
kris ...

Thanks!! Will proceed to order through the contact =)

re: Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Will try to be there just to meet up with you ppl cos Sat is a mad day for me ... send #1 to art class then now need to send SH for gymboree and late afternoon another round of lesson for my #1 =p

Or wan consider 2 April heehee ... its a PH!!!
Fireangel, so cute ur boy..hehe..

mine very stubborn..when i say no, he still will touch the things, when i beat his hand, he will cry but still will touch it and this repeat for several times..but he is not scared at all, he will touch more frequently when I say no and beat his hand..very sad..
agreed w u... my boi oso very daring now...
he put almost everything he has on hand into his mouth... say NO to him, he still do it...
as for those things he knew he shouldnt touch, he'll look at u first n if u said NO in advance to him, he'll smile n grab it...

cannot ignore him lor, i'm blocking watever he's able to reach... he's learning to open the drawers, oh gosh... tsk tsk tsk

at least yr boi will cry when u beat him... my boi like no response when i smack him... sometimes my mum will tell me, dun beat him la, he so young wouldn't know anything one... sighz
hi mummies,

MIA for v long cos shuttling back and forth between SIN and China, where hubby is working. Would love to join in the baby bashes, but till now, travel schedule have not been confirmed...sigh.

anyway, to add some comments on discipline...think nothing can beat Ariel...She loves to pull tissue out of the tissue box and she will laugh and laugh when we scold her. Once my mom was watching TV and did not notice that she was pulling tissue out, then Ariel realised that my mom was not looking at her and turned to my mom and use her 2 hands to hold my mom's face to try to turn her face to look at her...as if wondering "why never scold me...?" Sigh..

wahaha champion. but ya it just shows that they want attention, so best is to totally ignore if they keep doing that, altho it is super almost impossible when they are trying to do something dangerous!
<font color="119911">piggysg,
will add in your order.

Re: 15% ecreative cake discount

1. Kris - 27/3
2. Bean (10/4 or 17/4)
3. Powerball - 27/3 or 28/3 or 2/4 (to be confirmed)
4. Ida (28/3)
5. Ida (28/3)
6. Ida (28/3)
7. dodos 10/4
9. juxta (17/4 or 24/4)
9. ipanpan (10/4)
10. HappyLittleWoman (17/4)
11. B512A (15/5)
12. Seabreeze (14/3)
13. moomoo2 (7/3)
14. Piggysg (14/3)

You may email to [email protected], attn Florence and quote ur nick.</font>
Hi Northvirgo,
I have fed my boy with Bovril since he is 8mths. But I dont put too much as its salty just for taste. I add quarter of teaspoon to his 1 full bowl of porridge, he loves it till now, but he only like the chicken flavor only, he will finish almost full bowl just left with 2-3 spoons if he is really full already.
my boy also like to put fingers in mouth when feeding. SOmeimtes scold &amp; beat his hand he can still smile &amp; clap his hand, aiyo, don know to laugh or be angry.

My boy also likes pulling tissues out and sometimes eating them. Once he managed to reach the box from his cot and pulled ALL the tissues out, his cot filled with tissue and I only realised it much later.

hmm.. with regards to disciplining.. i am still trying to figure out what method to use..

trying to find alternative to teach Bree without spanking...

now i only told her "don't do that" and show her the sign of saying "no"

apparently, its up to individual parents and family values on how they want to bring up their child.

read an article about disciplining, i know many of us here may disagree.. Its avoid not spanking our child and the effects on them if we do..


Any mummies face this problem: Every nite i bring my girl home and bring to MIL place the nxt am. But when I pick her up after work,she dun want daddy/mummy, she just want my MIL; and when we 'die die' carry her over fm MIL, she cry n turn back n want MIL to carry her. But when we are in the lift(where MIL is no longer ard),she is okie liao.

If we leave her at MIL's hse that nite,she totally dun want daddy/mummy,unless MIL is not ard(hiding in her own rm). Sometimes she even needs warm-up wif us,then we can carry her.

Finds it a bit funny leh.
