(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

sun, i am not really weekend mummy lah. i carry her back sometimes during weekday but will stay at my mil place with baby during weekday. only bring her back home at weekend. sounds confusing hor.

oic... not confusing la... i oso stay at my mum's place when i'm on leave... rest of the wk, bring him back to AMK...
so most of the times, u'll stay at mil's place during wkday la...

long time din go kuishinbo... u organise at suntec then can go makan?? kekeke
<font color="ff0000">lenny</font>, haha i am going raja inn tonite. eversince our last gathering there, i went there 4 times.

<font color="ff0000">cindy</font>, will see u next time ok. miss pretty trishelle too.
sun, i stay at my mil place will much depend on my hb working schedule. if he next day work late then we will go over to stay the nite be4, so that next morning he can send my bb back to my mum place. if he work very early, then we will stay at our own house(cannot see bb liao)
mummies, wanna do lunch at pasta de waraku next friday? ( we stil have a unused $40 voucher to be used by end Sept!)

Friday 25th Sept 12.15pm. The Heeren. ( this time is the pasta plc, not the dining plc!)
1) Ivy
2) babe (yvonne)

I also start work at 8am.. but not bad lah.. u leave house at 7 am... i leave house at 630am.. so tired... actually sometimes i thinking of stopping bfing so that i can rest more... but in the end still continue. heh..
prosper:: can. we organise again. Any time we can go JP or IMM. haha! trishelle misses kayle too!

lenny:: HAHAH!!! i reallydon't know how to enjoy myself with 2 monsters.

Rajah Inn!!! steamboat with my fav beef? and fried durian.. ARGH.... *Drool* big time

Cindy &amp; Prosper &amp; west side mummies..
count me in for Jurong point . kekek

i have been oragnising to go down suntec for makan but before preggie la.. now got bb and so many.. i dun know how they can accomodate man!
wow... So early talk abt food?! I like!!

West side mommies!!
Count me in for JP too!

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Happy Bday IVY!!</font></font>

Happy Birthday to <font color="ff0000">SeaBreeze</font> Little boy YC too!

Must be hard on you. Currently i cant imagine not seeing baby for more than 1 day. I quite enjoy working cos no need to look after her but i wanna bring her home so that i can see her every nite... cutest at nite when she is sleeping... hahaha.. But trying to wean this off, cos plan to go on pak tor trip with hb. Need to leave her with my MIL for a few days. Can only plan when she is one year old.. cos MIL currently not alright with the idea.. heh..
yr next fri is 18 sep...
25th sep is next next fri... so which one??
i'm on leave lei on 25th sep... so can join... keke
but bringing bb along??

Friday 25th Sept 12.15pm. The Heeren. ( this time is the pasta plc, not the dining plc!)
1) Ivy
2) babe (yvonne)
3) sunshinebaby
enjoy yr day n stay pretty n happy always!!!

btw, any news on the wetsuit??

ya hor... mummies + babies + daddies...
wow... so crowded... LOLx
sure very noisy one... hahaha

The suntec one. very small as in not much space to walk around to get food even for adults. i can't imagine having babies there. it scares me when others are crrying their paper steamboat with kids running aroung or babies in strollers.

Space is an issue. hubby's friend had to fold up stroller and leave it outside restaurant.

Happy Birthday!!
Asura, i oso same same wit u.. i enjoyed workin lor.. coz i fully trust my bb wit my mum.. &amp; i dun nid to take care of her whole dae.. nt dat i dun wan take care of her.. but i surely go insane der if im gg to face her whole dae wit my pil stayin juz bside mee.. nw even i take leave, i oso cannot stay at my own hse.. coz i sure disturb by my PIL &amp; i wun get ani rest.. so normalli i took leave &amp; go my mum hse.. but didnt tell PIL dat im takin leave..

actualli i feel so stressed up recently.. my boss is nt helpin us at all.. wafter my ML back, my ex boss resign &amp; im stuck wit a no chemistry boss.. feel lik changin job but im stuck wit studies bond by company..
then make it on the 25th bah..more can join!
shld have good news for you, update tonite.

dear all,
thanks for the well wishes! a very easy to rem date! Later going The Line for yummy lunch with old man...
you sound so much like my younger sis...dun like the co but struck due to bond. But she is allowed to change job if another co willing to take up her bond leh...maybe you wanna check your bond contract?
minnie ...

Thanks for the well wishes ...

this morning we gave him a Thomas &amp; Friend set saying that its from Didi =) YC was so happy to see the set but when he opened the box and realise that 'Thomas' was not in the box (Thomas is with the baker cos she is putting the train on his bday cake later) ... he say he dun wan liao *faint*

hope that today weather is good cos we will be bringing him to marina barrage to fly kite and santa fe at the marina south pier for dinner

now in office .. lazing hahahahahah
yes ivy.. but i nid to pay the whole sch course fee.. if i were to resign.. actuali i lik my co but ever since my ex boss left..
ling ...

yar changed my hairstyle ... finally found my 'beloved' stylist ... my earlier haircut was a disaster hahahaha

yap i rem your fenugreek but forgot joyce's hahahaha now v absent minded ... rem 1 thing forget 2 things hahahahahha

you got chance for internal transfer??
<font color="119911">Re: Breakfast at McDonald
Date: 13 Sept (Sunday)
Time: 0930am
Venue: AMK Ave 6

1. Kris
2. Vernice.
3. Pei
4. sassybaby
5. Sportyger</font>
i did considered internal tfs.. seabreeze.. but presently al for manager post or director post.. im stil nt up to iz.. wahhahahahahaa.....

ops.. u forgot joyce der.. heee... actualli i oso beri beri absent minded nw.. my coli bb juz 1 mth stil gt the jaundice &amp; she wanna get from mee the fluroscent light &amp; i actualli can forget to brin since las mon.. feel so bad toward her bb.. im gg to brin to her hse tml..
<font color="ff0000">wintertime n sun</font> - hmm..join us next tm lor. sure got chance cos kris is a mac queen

<font color="ff0000">seabreeze</font> - <font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ur lil boy!</font>. eh he is too smart liaoz lah...then u got explain where thomas went?
Pray for u good weather tho now amk like going to rain

<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - i also weekend parents heehee. Travelling to/fro is too tiring
u intend to BF for how long??

bbstarlet, lenny, wintertime
see ya on sun =)

bryan wanna see bree too... kekeke
but kind of worry whether bryan will get used to so many mummies/babies in a room...
u know him one la... when 'strangers' call him, he will
... at times...
hope he'll smile to all mummies on sun n enjoy the class on sun...

u r earlier than me lei... me same tot as u...
fast right? soon will be 6 mths benchmark for me... mayb gg to wean him off liao...
u oso wkend parent? yr mum taking care of joel right?? i agreed is tiring but no choice coz my mum need to rest...

happy birthday to yr boi... kuai gao zhang da !!!
Thanks for starting the list for inspirebaby aqua.

Sure. I'm checking with them what's the max. class size.

My boy just came back from his 6-in-1 &amp; rotarix. He's 7.7kg and 72cm at 6mths 4 days. He sure is tall.
re:photography session
I am interested! if anyone wan to organise let me know. so we can exchange some shooting skill, i still not v good in it so hope to get some knowledge from other mommies. Ha ha i dun mind organise one also!

yup i can get one camera n one len at staff price per year. camera abit diff to help u buy cos normally alot of staffs will buy camera but buying lens shd be easier.

i shall try to do until she is 1 yr old... but i got to start reducing my pump session in the office soon... work is starting to pour in... getting difficult to pump 3 times in the office and still leave work on time. The good news is that bb recently reduce milk intake cos of the increase in solids... so i predict that by end sep, i can happily start to reduce 1 pump session in office and still get enough for her..
that's not too bad. My colleague say that they would soon be taking only 2 bottles a day, 1 before sleep and 1 in the morning..
Happy Birthday Ivy !!! Enjoy your day with your little ones ...

Friday 25th Sept 12.15pm. The Heeren. ( this time is the pasta plc, not the dining plc!)
1) Ivy
2) babe (yvonne)
3) sunshinebaby
4) sinmey
<font color="ff0000">jaszho</font> - ur boy is really tall leh! but u also quite tall if i don't remember wrongly

<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - heehee ya lor..my mum knows that its my hb who attend to joel at night so she thinks that no good for him so she take care lor..anyway daytime can rest when joel is sleeping plus she don need to cook n do hsework now mah cos got maid

<font color="ff0000">wintertime</font> - i realise a lot of women after having children and faces problems at work would want to be SAHMs. Now got alternative not to work right?

But hor from so many discussions on work, realise most not happy with work environment one. Who is happy and like their work now huh?

OK, great. How much usually is the staff discount for len? I'm looking for a len for Potrait, any recommendation ? Let me search around 1st .. haha

Ivy, ok. But must include all softcopy(simple edited) hor.. So sad that I can't even have a family photo, to enter the photo contest in the 6mth bash..
haha..of cos, must take back all softcopy one..cos i wanna do photobook on my own.

me me, i like my new job, new colleagues, new office..haha...
ur boy so cute n smart! Wonder wat his reaction when he sees Thomas the Train on his Bday cake...

Javen sure is tall coz he has tall mommy n daddy! =D
<font color="ff0000">jaszho</font> - ya lor u so tall! boy tall good!

<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - alamak u also change job mah
Happy Birthday Ivy!

Happy 6 months to Nancy's boi, Dylan!

Missycandy/ Alfafa
Sorry didn't come online yesterday. Thanks for the 1/2 birthday wishes! Happie belated 6 months to super bb Kirsten &amp; Moiiesha!

Okay, gonna step out for lunch. Hope the rain stops soon! Happy Friday to y'all.


Yalor, that's why i'm thinking to take the Platinum package($388), which the soft copy is high resolution one.. But all Images are simple touched up.. U faster let us know if got lobang, coz Bambini promotion ends in Sept..
